Ian Sturmme

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Ian Sturmme
Krytan m.jpg
Affiliation Krytans
Type Human
Service Collector
Level(s) 10 (20)
Campaign Prophecies
Ian Sturmme map.jpg
Location in Watchtower Coast
Watchtower Coast collectors map.jpg

Ian Sturmme is a collector, a type of NPC that exchanges trophies for armor.



"I'm searching for 5 Feathered Caromi Scalps. I can offer you one of the following items in exchange. Can you help me?"

If this collector does not carry armor for your character's profession:

"Hello! I've been collecting Feathered Caromi Scalps, but I have nothing left to trade for them. Why don't you try selling to an outfitter instead?"

Collector items[edit]

Ian Sturmme[edit]

Location: Watchtower Coast
Collecting: 5 Feathered Caromi Scalps

Profession Item AR Armor bonus Value
Warrior Warrior Krytan Helm 59 Hammer Mastery +1 (Stacking)
Armor +20 (vs. physical damage)
48 Gold
Ranger Ranger Hunter Mask 49 Marksmanship +1 (Stacking)
Armor +30 (vs. elemental damage)
48 Gold
Monk Monk Dragon Scalp Design 39 Healing Prayers +1 (Stacking) 48 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer Ragged Scar Pattern 39 Curses +1 (Stacking) 48 Gold
Mesmer Mesmer Sleek Mask 39 Fast Casting +1 (Stacking) 48 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist Stone Eye 39 Earth Magic +1 (Stacking) 48 Gold
