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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Campaign Prophecies
Region Southern Shiverpeaks
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Frozen Forest
Talus Chute
Icedome map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive map

The Icedome is a small area between Talus Chute and the Frozen Forest. The Stone Summit maintain a heavy presence here.



Dwarves (Stone Summit)



  • Complete exploration of this area contributes approximately 0.44% to the Tyrian Cartographer title.
  • Vanquisher runs of this area without active quests require defeating around 130 foes. Including quest influences, it has been reported to range from 120 to 141 foes.
    • Many enemy groups are close together, so pull carefully to avoid taking on more than one mob at the same time.
    • Some players find it better to enter from Talus Chute, because your party will get aggroed immediately when arriving from the Frozen Forest.
    • There is a group of two Stone Summit that roam around the eastern portion of the map counter-clockwise that can be missed if not encountered with other foes, which may require you to trace your path.


Explorable areas in the Southern Shiverpeaks
Dreadnought's Drift Droknar's Forge Frozen Forest Grenth's Footprint Ice Floe Icedome Lornar's Pass Mineral Springs Snake Dance Sorrow's Furnace Spearhead Peak Talus Chute Tasca's Demise Witman's Folly
Towns and outpostsMissionsLandmarks