Cursed Lands

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for an explorable area during the War in Kryta and a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Cursed Lands
Cursed Lands.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Kryta
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Nebo Terrace
The Black Curtain
Cursed Lands map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive map

The Cursed Lands is a small area between Nebo Terrace and The Black Curtain.


Resurrection shrines



Ghosts (Undead)

Phantoms (Undead)


Skeletons (Undead)

Zombies (Undead)


  • Complete exploration of this area contributes approximately 0.4% to the Tyrian Cartographer title
  • This explorable area is on the only direct route from Lion's Arch to the Temple of the Ages and between the outpost Bergen Hot Springs and the Temple.
  • Vanquisher runs of this area without active quests require defeating around 76 foes. Including quest influences, it has been reported to range from 72 to 83 foes.
    • There are a lot of hidden Grasping Ghouls.
    • Consider starting from Temple of the Ages to get a party size of 8. Also, the path through the Black Curtain has fewer foes than the one through Nebo Terrace if you start from Bergen Hot Springs. With your party of 8, you can also consider caravan vanquishing by continuing with your party of 8 into Nebo Terrace and beyond.
    • Beware of the central area on this map where two groups of Skeleton Mesmers and Damned Clerics are packed together with Zombie Warlocks. The warlocks stand on a slope where they can comfortably spawn bone minions each time you kill a foe. If you are coming from one of the exits to the Black Curtain, it is advisable to run past this mob and approach it from the other side, where you can engage the warlocks alone and retain a height advantage over the mesmers and clerics. Note that if your party is wiped when you are a bit further from the group, you will resurrect at the shrine close to the exit to Nebo Terrace - which is not an altogether unwise strategy if you can spare the death penalty.


Explorable areas in Kryta
Cursed Lands Kessex Peak Lion's Gate Majesty's Rest Nebo Terrace North Kryta Province Scoundrel's Rise Stingray Strand Talmark Wilderness Tears of the Fallen The Black Curtain Twin Serpent Lakes Watchtower Coast
Towns and outpostsMissionsLandmarks