User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team
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Other Documents[edit]
Other documents[edit]
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Project Summary
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/How Energy Management is affected by Heroic Refrain
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Quickening Zephyr Team
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/General Team Suggestions
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Main Team - Rework
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Extreme Gimmick Team (Requires 8 Players)
- Professions
- Prophecies
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Warrior Builds
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Ranger Builds - Deserves its own page because many build suggestions and skills are discussed in this doc
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Monk Builds
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Necromancer Builds
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Mesmer Builds - Easily deserves its own page, since all skills are disproportionally empowered by HR, so there is much to discuss.
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Elementalist Builds
- Factions:
- Nightfall
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Dervish Builds - Deserves its own page because there is lots of room for discussions around e.g upkeep enchantments, and what to do with the extreme energy management.
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Paragon Builds
- Less important
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Initial Attempt (Terrible) - This was the first attempt i made at this strategy [building a team around HR] (EXTREMELY bad and simplistic compared to this new project; I only keep it for fun).
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/General Builds
- User:Gelbrekt/Heroic Refrain Team/Unsuccessful Brainstorms - Brainstormed builds that likely are not as effective as other similar builds.
Document Idea/Overview[edit]
- Purpose of this document: Create a party based around the Heroic Refrain skill. Obviously many people have already done this, but I thought it could be fun to experiment with some ideas here. Heroic Refrain obviously empowers all skills that scale with attribute ranks, but the aim with this document is to identify skills that are DISPOROPRTIONALLY empowered by this increase, and make builds built around them, see examples below.
- The phrase "DISPROP" refers to: "The skill or attribute is disproportionally empowered by Heroic Refrain.", which is a phrase often used here. (Much of the discussion also includes explaination on WHY it is disprop.)
General assumptions[edit]
- It can be safely assumed that if HR is used, the max attribute level (i.e level 20) can EASILY be achieved in 2-3 attributes, considering:
- 1. [Total: +4 in all attributes] Heroic Refrain grants 4 levels in all attributes.
- 2.[Total: +5 in all attributes] Minor runes grant 1 level in all attributes.
- 3. [Total: +7 in all attributes] Golden Eggs and Candy Corn are cheap nowadays, bringing it up by 2 more.
- 4. [Total: +9 in all attributes] Using Superior Runes can bring up the attributes by an additional 2, which is affordable for players since Birthday Cupcakes and Candy Apples grant 200 max health (and are also very cheap nowadays), which covers for the lost health from superior runes.
- 5. [Total: +11 in all attributes] Some slightly more expensive but still entirely affordable consumables are Lunar Blessings and Grails of Might, bringing in 2 more levels.
- Also remember that you get +1 from the headgear piece. As such, it is NOT impossible or impractical to max 20 in two (or even 3) attributes!
- It is also worth mentioning that another opportunity that opens (which normally would be out of question) is to boost MORE than 3 attributes to high ranks. For example, a player could set FOUR attributes to around 9, and then boost those attributes up to around 17-20 using the boosts above. This opens up MANY differeny combos which otherwise would be unthinkable.
How to effectively CATEGORIZE information in the doc[edit]
- A general problem with this entire [Heroic Refrain] project is that there are many different things that need to be categorized, and they overlap to a large degree. For example, the following 3 categories overlap. See below how they can be categorized.
- List of skills that are disprop
- Suggestions of general skills that are good from a particular profession (e.g due to being disprop OR having good synergy with Disprop skills)
- Skills from a specific profession that is particularly viable to use for OTHER professions
- 1. List of skills that are disprop
- These skills are listed HERE inside the MAIN DOCUMENT. If any description is included here, it should only be related to WHY it is interesting as a dispropr skill.
- 2. Suggestions of general skills that are good from a particular profession (e.g due to being disprop OR having good synergy with Disprop skills)
- Unless these skills are attached to a particular build, as many of these skills as possible should be desribe in the INITIAL section of each profession page under "generally useful skills".
- 3. Skills from a specific profession that is particularly viable to use for OTHER professions
- For example:
- Consume Corpse is good for energy management for non-necros, since they are missing soul reaping.
- Protection Prayers has many skills that are great due to disprop, but these can be better used by Elementalists (Ether Renewal) or Necromancers (Soul Reaping)
- These skills should also (like in section 2) be included under a separate section in the INITIAL section of each profession prage under "useful skills specifically for OTHER professions".
- Continue going through the professions
- (R) User:Gelbrekt/Interesting_facts
- (R) The other builds on my wiki pages.
- List of professions (Add completed professions here) :
- (R) Warrior
- (R) Ranger
- (R) Necromancer
- (R) Monk
- (R) Elementalist
- (R) Mesmer
- (R) Assassin
- Ritualist
- (R) Dervish
- Paragon
- Regarding energy management skills
- FUNDAMENTALLY IMPORTANT: All energy management is DISPROP, and below is a TABLE that LISTS ALL ENERGY-MANAGEMENT SKILLS; Use this table instead of listing everything yourself!
- Bonus - Go through interesting attributes that are "unlocked" due to possibility of having 3 maxed attributes
- In the todo-list I have already looked through the profession pages for skills, but then I have only looked at skills that are particularly affected by HR. This section studies skills that are not necessarily disprop, but more viable due to much more available attribute points.
- There is already a section in this document where i have BEGUN to list these skills.
- Warrior: Tactics
- Ranger:
- Monk: Smiting Prayers (Can be viable on a character who is normally heal or prot)
- Assassin: Deadly Arts
- Paragon: Motivation.
Examples of SKILLS that are disproportionally empowered by Heroic Refrain[edit]
Smiter's Boon - Technically no particular reason to use this due to BR, however it feels worth pointing out that it causes Smiting Prayer skills to now heal for 128 heath, opening up for powerful heals even for a fully dedicated smiter.
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Skills that have Percentage Effects that scale with the attribute[edit]
- These skills (and attributes - see the attribute section below) are clearly disproportionally affected, because as you approach 100%, you can potentially get crazy results.
- Example: Suppose that we have two skills that are empowered to be 3 times stronger (in terms of the values written on the skill). Skill 1 reduces incoming damage by 34%, Skill 2 deals 100 damage. When boosting attributes to tripple their strength, Skill 2 now has a 100% damage reduction, while skill 2 deals 300 damage. This should of course be taken with a grain of salt; for example most skills do not approach 100%, but this example helps to show how percentage-skills are disproportionally affected (since the damage-reduction skill in the example obviously would be more than 3 times stronger).
Mirage Cloak is an almost spot-on example of this, since it goes from 1 second of 40% block at rank 1 (Not maintainable), to a 9 second of 93% block chance at rank 20 (Entirely maintainable with an enchanting mod).
- Using Fast Casting as an example (even though it is not a skill): a theoretical 100% decrease in recharge time would mean that many energy management skills such as Power Drain would be completely broken, as they would provide practically infinite energy.
- Example: Suppose that we have two skills that are empowered to be 3 times stronger (in terms of the values written on the skill). Skill 1 reduces incoming damage by 34%, Skill 2 deals 100 damage. When boosting attributes to tripple their strength, Skill 2 now has a 100% damage reduction, while skill 2 deals 300 damage. This should of course be taken with a grain of salt; for example most skills do not approach 100%, but this example helps to show how percentage-skills are disproportionally affected (since the damage-reduction skill in the example obviously would be more than 3 times stronger).
Mirage Cloak
Veil of Thorns
Tranquility - With an increase in Beast Mastery, this can massively reduce the duration of enchantments (60%) which is BENEFICIAL for many enchantments that have end effects, in particular Dervish Enchantments. Recent testings have indicated to me that Avatar of Dwayna can be very effective for AoE heals when using together with enchantments that don't need teardowns, and Tranquility could enable multiple additional enchantments to be used in this way.
- Don't forget to use Lyssa's Haste to reduce the CD of the skills.
Life Barrier - 60% damage reduction at rank 20
Mantra of Earth
Mantra of Flame
Mantra of Frost
Mantra of Lightning - 58% damage reduction from the source. Obvious Synergy with Winter and Stone Striker.
Mark of Insecurity - Makes Stances and enchantments expire 97% faster, for just 5 energy every 10s.
"They're on Fire!"
Desperate Strike - At 20 Dagger Mastery, the threshold for the damage increase is 90%, which is a fairly easy condition to meet, and at this point it deals +75 damage.
"We Shall Return!" - 58% hp, 25% health
Skills reducing Recharge time[edit]
- This is a COMPLETE LIST of all skills that reduce recharge time where the reduction scales with attribute rank Recharge time.
- All skills:
Time Ward - While appearing to be Inferior to Ebon Wisdom Ward in terms of elite status and recharge time, it DOES get very close to the activation cap reduction it reduces activation time by 22% while the max value is 25% (see Effect stacking). Note that this is cool because it STACKS with both the FC cooldown reduciton AND casting reduction!
Over the Limit
- Signets:
Symbolic Posture - The next signet recharges 100% faster. This has potentially GREAT synergy with Keystone Signet (obvious reasons) and "On Your Knees"; All it takes here is for someone to KD the target.
Mantra of Inscriptions - EPIC synergy with Keystone Signet, and could potentially work well with other builds, such as Blessed Signet (since that skill is also empowered by HR).
Ritual Lord - Binding Rituals
Deadly Haste - Half-range spells. I have tried to make this viable for a long time, but at this point I don't see any hope really.
- Skills that reduce their own recharge time (again, scaling with the attribute)
Skills that have multiple features that scale with the attribute and SIMULTANIOUSLY scale with each other[edit]
- Skills where both the duration increases (of a skill not maintainable without the use of other skill) and the power of the effect increases as well.
Ether Renewal is perhaps the greatest example of a skill that is exponentially empowered by HR:
- Increased attributes mean that it becomes easier for you, as well as other party members, to use energy management skills to improve energy management. This increases the amount of spells you can cast, which in turn triggers Ether Renewal more.
- Increased attributes increases the amount of health and energy gained every time this skill triggers.
- The duration of the skill is also increased, making it easier to maintain; At level 20, you don't even need any additional skill to maintain it; It lasts for 30 seconds with an enchant mod, and it has a recharge time of 30 seconds (so it is only off for 1 second during its casting time).
Sliver Armor - HIGH PRIO - This skill is powerful for several reasons (1) Duration Increased (and cannot be maintained). (2) Duration increased increase the amount of triggers (3) Percentage block chance is also increased.
- For more skills, see the section "Skills that are normally not possible to maintain..."
- Skills that both increases in the amount of triggers as well as the effectiveness of those triggers
Keystone Signet
Holy Wrath (Increases the maximum allowed damage in addition to hits).
Shield Guardian - Because its duration increases, it becomes more likely to trigger its effect on each ally.
Seeping Wound - Both the damage and duration is increased. Also synergizes with Deadly Haste which is another skill disproportionally affected by HR.
Glyph of Energy - lasts for 4 spells when maxed, reducing them by 30 energy each.
Glyph of Swiftness - Affects SIX spells at 20 Air magic, with just a 10 sec recharge time. However, not useful if using QZ.
Animate Vampiric Horror - Being higher level, it deals more damage with its attacks. It has a certain synergy with Animate Shambling Horror, since together they can potentially be sufficient to create a minion army, while being insufficient on their own. It also synergizes with Splinter Weapon, which is positively affected by the high attribute ranks.
Unholy Feast - Hits 5 targets when maxed.
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- Many binding rituals. For example Wanderlust and Shelter are simultaniously affected in multiple ways
- Increased Communing increases the spirits' level and thereby health.
- Increased Communing decreases the damage that the spirits take when they trigger their effect.
- Increased spawning power increases the spirits' health.
Some sort of disadvantage that is reduced the higher attribute rank[edit]
- Similarly to the mechanics in binding rituals, many skills that causes health loss or energy loss when triggered are empowered here, examples below
- Skills that have reduced health loss or damage on self
Rend Enchantments
Signet of Binding
Order of Apostasy
Mantra of Resolve
Protective Bond
Shivers of Dread /
Spinal Shivers - Does fit the description, however it only affects a single target and has a 15s CD. It could be useful vs bosses, but i suspect Psychic instability likely is much better.
Dark Apostasy - Only loses 2 energy per enchantment removed, which is COVERED by the 4 energy you gain automatically upon crits.
Armor of Earth - The speed reduction is entirely REMOVED at max attributes, in addition to granting MASSIVE armor.
Contagion - The percentage sacrifice is reduced to just THREE percent, which is very effective for triggering Dark Aura.
Expunge Enchantments - Has its disabiling effect removed, BUT this is clearly inferior to Rend Enchantments, Signet of Twilight (if used on keystone mesmer), Shatter Enchantment / Drain Enchantment (due to their CD being reduced by Extreme Fast Casting)
Withdraw Hexes - Normally complete TRASH, but here at 20 divine favor, it has NO increase in recharge time, allowing it to remove all hexes from target and adjacent allies.
Gift of Health - Only disables healing skills by 3 seconds when maxed (unlike 10 seconds for rank 0).
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Skills that are normally not possible to maintain, or requires other skills to become possible to maintain[edit]
- General comments
- The reason why these skills are interesting to include is because they become more interesting when they can be kept up for a longer period of time. For Example,
Aegis benefits significantly more from its duration increase than
Protective Spirit or
Spirit Bond, since the latter 2 can easily be maintained even without an increase, while Aegis can't.
- A very large amount of skills could likely be included here, but I will include the ones i suspect is most important.
- Even if the skills are impossible to maintain even with Heroic Refrain, they may still be included here if HR makes a big difference in their utility.
- Skills
Weapon of Warding - While it technically is possible to maintain without BR, its increased duration (especially if Spawning Power is also high) makes it possible to be used on many targets simultaniously; If both Resto and Spawning Power are maxed, it lasts for 18 seconds!
Lightning Touch - Potentially STRONG Candidate, especially if using QZ, as it in this case deals 100 dmg + Maintaining Blindness & Cracked armor every 5 seconds for just 7e & 5s recharge.
Whirling Defense - High prio, since it is one of the skills that are stronger than it first appears; The Damage is physical and triggers Mark of Pain! When the skill is maxed and with Dwarven Stability, it lasts for 46 seconds!
Psychic Instability - Fast casting both lowers the CD, and increases the duration. At 20 FC, the knockdown is 5 sec, while the recharge is also 5 seconds, allowing it to be maintained WITHOUT Quickening Zephyr as the wiki implies.
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- Less interesting skills
Vengeful Was Khanhei - Requires the target to be attacked and is relatively slow compared to many other skills that can cause massive damage to grouped enemies.
Armor of Mist - Grants 50 armor and becomes basically fully maintainable.
Skills that become potentially interesting because their durations can be increased by specific skills[edit]
- MAIN ARTICLE: Duration -> All skills there have been checked.
- Stances
Dwarven Stability > NOTE: A substitute for this is if we are using the QZ team build, since this also doubles the maintainability.
Dark Escape - Potentially great if used on a tank, since it becomes maintainable.
Whirling Defense - Already discussed elsewere in this doc.
Serpent's Quickness - Already mentioned elsewhere.
Soldier's Defense - The condition will always be met since "They're On Fire" will always be active here. However it could be especially useful for the DERVISH TANK since it grants massive adrenaline, allowing for an adrenaline teardown to be spammed, triggering Avatar of Dwayna more Frequently (This might however NOT work due to flash enchantments ultimately being restricted to 1 cast per sec).
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- Illusion Magic
Mantra of Persistence
Illusion of Pain
- There are many Illusion Magic elites that are decent, however these skills already have a duration of over 20 seconds here, so the mantra will be largely wasted.
- Shouts
Enduring Harmony .
Vocal Was Sogolon can also extend them, but this skill totally inferior even though it increases the duration by 65%
"Don't Trip!" - With Quickening Zephyr, this would be completely maintainable by 2 players even without Enduring Harmony, or alternatively to 75% if used by 1 player with Enduring Harmony.
- I found no other impressive shouts to combine this with; Going through the list of shouts, the rest are either very weak, or already possible to maintain without this skill.
- Monk skills
Blessed Aura; This skill is convenient since it could make multiple monk skills more viable, such as Aura of Faith.
- NOTE: Based on my PREVIOUS knowledge (from the Archer's Signet page), if this skill is used together with an enchantment mod on a skill that normally lasts for 3 secinds, the ench mod would first activate and be rounded up (+1 second) and then the remaining 4 seconds whould be increased by 40%, landing at 5.6, resulting in 6 seconds total.
Shield of Absorption - [VERY POWERFUL]: From my calculation, with Blessed Aura and Ench mod with 20 prot, the duration becomes: 8*1.2 -> 10. 10*1.45 > 14 or 15 seconds of MASSIVE damage reduction.
Divine Spirit - EPIC since it lasts for 27 seconds when maxed!
Peace and Harmony - At high attributes, the base duration is 4 seconds. This goes up to 5 with an enchantment mod, and to 7 seconds with blessed aura.
Aura of Faith since it reduces damage by a percentage. It also synergizes nicely with Blessed Aura. Based on the logic above, it should (if used with an enchantment mod) result in a total of six seconds of 65% damage reduction plus 117% healing increase from apparently all sources.
Shield of Judgment - While the long CD is a big minus, it IS very close to be maintainable if using BA and ench mod; 42 second duration versus a 45 sec CD.
Spotless Mind
Spotless Soul - Great condition and hex removals that become possible to maintain on multiple targets through BR, BA and ench mod.
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- Less interesting:
Spell Shield - Becomes much easier to maintain with the mentioned skills, while also having its self-disabling effect reduced. However, the skill still feels very situational.
Skills where the recharge time[edit]
- Many skill, such as
Energy Surge or
Chaos Storm, are clearly more limited by their recharge time than by their energy cost; These skills are indirectly disprop because they are more interesting to combine with skills that reduce recharge time.
- This is primarily relevant for the mesmer professions, so I think it is best to include this info directly on the profession pages, instead of here.
- Based on the list of skills affecting recharge time (see here : Recharge time), the interesting skills to look at are:
- Elementalist skills (Over the Limit)
- Mesmer skills (Fast Casting)
- Signets (Mantra of Inscriptions and Symbolic Posture, requires fast casting, i.e primary mesmers only)
- Binding Rituals (Ritual Lord)
- Half-range spells (Critical Haste, though these most likely suck based on my testing)
Skills that become useful due to increased viability of using multiple attributes[edit]
- General brainstorm
- Demonic Flesh for assasins
- Mark of Fury on Martial professions.
- Elementalist skills that affect skills of other attributes
Chilling Winds
Elemental Flame - NOT SURE if it works for AoE skills, but presumably it does. See the SKILL'S PAGE for a list of ell elemental enchantments. Rust appears to be a great candidate since it has a CD of 8s.
Teinai's Crystals - Could potentially be good; when maxed it deals 96 damage + maintains Cracked Armor assuming that its condition is met, for just 5 energy and 8s recharge.
Teinai's Wind - Powerful; It deals 143 AoE damage for just 5 energy & 8s cd. However even with this damage, i still suspect that Wastrel Mesmers are going to win on DPS by a long shot.
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- Lower Prio:
Iron Mist - Even though it affects ALL spells, the overcast makes it questionable since the skills are likely to be spammed.
Slippery Ground - While this is a very cheap AoE knockdown if the foes are blinded (which is relatively easy to accomplish for a team comp like this), the skill itself is not too impressive due to its casting time and recarge time, especially when compared to Psychic Instabiliy (Basically Maintainable KD even without QZ).
Teinai's Heat,
Teinai's Prison
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Quick sources of adrenaline, allowing key adrenal skills to be spammed[edit]
Key adrenal skills to spam[edit]
"Go for the Eyes!" - To boost minion damage, if using lots of minions.
Anthem of Envy - Potentially interesting to complement with "Go for the eyes" since they are of the same attribute.
- Scythe Mastery
- Any combination of
Crippling Victory /
Reap Impurities /
Chilling Victory could be good, although if all 3 are used, adrenaline boosters are not needed since they can be used repeatedly.
- Any combination of
"On Your Knees!" - Since it allows to spam
Symbolic Posture, which in turn reduces signet CD by 100%, resulting in epic Synergy with Keystone Signet, which in turn is one of the skills that is disporportionally affected by HR.
- I found no other stance that seemed interesting for "On your knees" spam, aside from potentially
Unseen Fury
- I found no other stance that seemed interesting for "On your knees" spam, aside from potentially
Interesting sources of adrenaline[edit]
- Assassins spamming dagger attacks -> This is likely a great way to spam "Go For the Eyes", since it does not interrupt the attacks (no casting time or aftercast).
- Adrenal skills that grant additional adrenaline
Whirlwind Attack - Grants extra adrenaline due to hitting many targets
Dragon Slash
Steelfang Slash
Knee Cutter - [LESS interesting] These are less interesting because there are simply better ways of dealing high single target damage
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- LESS interesting
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Examples of things OTHER THAN SKILLS that are disproportionally empowered by Heroic Refrain[edit]
Enabling the use of 3-4 Attributes[edit]
- Previously in guild wars, it was often not considered best to just invest in 2, maybe 3 attributes, but here, it is entirely reasonable to invest in 4 attributes. Some advantages i see here is that:
- It allows for otherwise completely crazy combos for example Seeping Wound + Deadly Haste + Healing Wiper (while gaining energy from dagger attacks)
- Certain support attributes that would otherwise not have been picked, become more vialble, for example:
- Shadow Arts, Deadly Arts, Motivation, Tactics.
- Certain skills that affect otherwise uncommon attributes, e.g:
- Mantra of Persistence
- Teinai's four elemental skills.
Various Attributes[edit]
- Dagger Mastery - Dagger mastery is technically disproportionally affected by Heroic Refrain, since you deal more damage in addition to having increased chance to double strike. However this is less likely to be relevant due to the fact that assassins with high critical strikes will be more likely to use attack skills, which cant doulbe strike.
- For more info, see the Locust Fury build below.
- Death Magic - Increases the amount of minions the user can have, in addition to increasing the minion's health and damage.
- Fast Casting - Since it reduces cooldown (Percentage effect, see the section above). Also remember that Fast Casting isn't taken into account in the 50% recharge time reduction cap, so it can and SHOULD be combined with skills that cause your skills to recharge even faster!
List of the current MOST VIABLE CANDIDATES[edit]
- TODO HERE: Just list the most important candidates that are described in MORE DEPTH on their respective pages; This is just to have an OVERVIEW of the most interesting candidates for a team; then it will be easy to put the team together.
- Note that some of these can be used by more than 1 player.
Main List[edit]
- Main Character: Heroic Refrain Paragon support.
- TWO Ritualist AwS minion master healers (+80% hp). Strongly consider using Malign Intervention (as described elsewhere)
- Avatar of Dwayna AoE healer (likely also bonder due to infinite energy from Meditation)
- WARNING: This build is NOT COMPLETE yet, since it is supposed to include bond enchantments.
- One or Two Mesmer(s) Psychic Instability (5s cd) Psycic Instability, Wastrel Spam & Shatter Hex.
- Mesmer Illusion Magic DPS (Clumsiness skills, Arcane Conondrum, Drain Delusions)
- NOTE: This build is somewhat INCONVENIENT since Psycic Instability has Poor synergy with the "clumsiness" skills. However, Arcane Conondrum and Fragility are still very nice to have.
- [No finished build, but looks very promising] Super Expertise Ranger -> Many interesting options are available here.
- [NO-BRAINER] Contagion Saccer --> Inflicts AoE damage and AoE conditions (which TRIGGERS Fragility), while removing conditions from allies, having strong self-heals, summoning minions, and potentially more stuff.
- Warning: While this SORT OF works with Tranquility (as only 2 enchantments are used, whith long duration) it is likely best to avoid this skill initially.
- Interesting candidates that are INCOMPATIBLE with each other - Category 1
- Bringing Tranquility on the Super Expertise Ranger (Significantly improving the dervish, while potentially significantly shutting down enemies)
- Ether Renewal Healer - Epic for many reasons, such as:
- Ether Renewal is an epic skill for this build (discussed earlier).
- At the time of writing, the team lacks a really dedicated healer (although the ritualists can cover this role to some extent).
- The team has no Protector, even though there are many cool Protection Prayer's Combos.
- Blessed Aura Monk -> Thes seems interesting (as discussed earlier, using super-buffed skills like Shield of Absorption), but I have no concrete build here at the moment.
- Interesting candidates that are INCOMPATIBLE with each other - Category 2
- Soul Twisting Rit - Two STRONG reasons to use this (but it is NOT compatible with mass minion masters!)
- (1) Soul Twisting protectors are (allegedly) by default very powerful.
- (2) Both soul Twisting and several skills such as Shelter are disprop!
Other interesting candidates[edit]
- DPS Assassin that spams "Go for The Eyes"! (This synergizes with minions, on top of triggering a whole bunch of Paragon Echoes, such as Energizing Finale or Finale of Restoration.
- HOWEVER this is questionable since heroes are NOT good at spamming skills, and this build would require extreme spamming (due to extreme energy management, and frequent use of GFtE).