User:Will Aka Reaper/Arrows From Reaper
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- Users who play all Guild Wars games
- Users who play the Prophecies campaign
- Users who play the Factions campaign
- Users who play the Nightfall campaign
- Users who play the Eye of the North expansion
- Users who play with an Animal Companion
- Users who love to leave marks on kurzicks in AB
- Users who are on the Dark Side
- Users who play Presearing
- Users who have the Spirit of the Wolf
- Users who have the Spirit of the Raven
- Users who have the Spirit of the Bear
- Searing Survivors
- Users who want to save the rainforest
- Users who support the Shining Blade
- Users who will be a Norn in Guild Wars 2
- Users who will be a Human in Guild Wars 2
- Natives of Ascalon
- Users who are Protectors of Elona
- Users who are Protectors of Cantha
- Users who are Protectors of Tyria
- Users who want full Hero teams
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- Users in a Kurzick alliance
- Users who favor Melandru
- Users who favor rangers
- Users who like to play melee
- Users who are nocturnal