List of Ascalon (pre-Searing) skills

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These skills are available from quests obtained in pre-Searing Ascalon. Certain skills (as noted) can only be obtained via quest by characters of the corresponding primary profession; other characters may purchase them from Halbrik after reaching level 10.


Tango-adrenaline.png Adrenaline cost
Tango-sacrifice.png Sacrifice cost
Tango-overcast.png Overcast cost
Tango-upkeep.png Upkeep cost
Tango-energy.png Energy cost
Tango-activation-darker.png Activation time
Tango-recharge-darker.png Recharge time

Warrior skills[edit]

IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Cyclone Axe.jpg Cyclone Axe Axe Attack. Deals +4...10...12 damage to all foes adjacent to you. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0044 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngAxe MasteryZ
Executioner's Strike.jpg Executioner's Strike Axe Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngAxe MasteryZ
Frenzy.jpg Frenzy Stance. (8 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. You take double damage. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0044 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngZ
Gash.jpg Gash Sword Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage and inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds) if your target is Bleeding. 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngSwordsmanshipZ
Hammer Bash.jpg Hammer Bash Hammer Attack. Causes knock-down. Lose all adrenaline. 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngHammer MasteryZ
Healing Signet.jpg Healing Signet Signet. You gain 82...154...172 Health. You have -40 armor while using this skill. 0 0 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0044 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngTacticsZ
Sever Artery.jpg Sever Artery Sword Attack. Inflicts Bleeding condition (5...21...25 seconds). 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngSwordsmanshipZ

Ranger skills[edit]

  • Ranger primaries can learn Power Shot via quest; all characters can purchase it from Halbrik upon reaching level 10.
IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Charm Animal.jpg Charm Animal Skill. Charm target animal. Once charmed, your animal companion will travel with you whenever you have Charm Animal equipped. You cannot charm an animal that is more than 4 levels above you. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 1010 Tango-activation-darker.png 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngBeast MasteryZ
Comfort Animal.jpg Comfort Animal Skill. Your pet gains 20...87...104 Health. Resurrects your pet (10...48...58% Health.) If you have Comfort Animal equipped, your animal companion will travel with you. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0011 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngBeast MasteryZ
Dual Shot.jpg Dual Shot Bow Attack. You shoot two arrows simultaneously at target foe. These arrows deal 25% less damage 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngZ
Ignite Arrows.jpg Ignite Arrows Preparation. (24 seconds.) Your arrows deal 3...15...18 fire damage to target and foes adjacent to target. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngWilderness SurvivalZ
Point Blank Shot.jpg Point Blank Shot Half Range Bow Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngExpertiseZ
Power Shot.jpg Power Shot Bow Attack. Target foe takes 25...45...50 damage. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngMarksmanshipZ
Read the Wind.jpg Read the Wind Preparation. (24 seconds). +3...9...10 damage. Your arrows move twice as fast. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngMarksmanshipZ
Troll Unguent.jpg Troll Unguent Skill. (13 seconds.) You have +3...9...10 Health regeneration. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 03.003 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngWilderness SurvivalZ

Monk skills[edit]

IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Bane Signet.jpg Bane Signet Signet. Deals 26...50...56 holy damage. Causes knock-down if target foe is attacking. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngSmiting PrayersZ
Banish.jpg Banish Spell. Deals 20...49...56 holy damage. Deals double damage to summoned creatures. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngSmiting PrayersZ
Healing Breeze.jpg Healing Breeze Enchantment Spell. (15 seconds.) +4...8...9 Health regeneration. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngHealing PrayersZ
Orison of Healing.jpg Orison of Healing Spell. Heals for 20...60...70. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngHealing PrayersZ
Retribution.jpg Retribution Enchantment Spell. Deals 33% of each attack's damage (maximum 5...17...20) back to the source. -1 Tango-upkeep.png 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngSmiting PrayersZ
Reversal of Fortune.jpg Reversal of Fortune Enchantment Spell. (8 seconds.) Converts the next incoming damage or life steal (maximum 15...67...80) to healing. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngProtection PrayersZ
Shielding Hands.jpg Shielding Hands Enchantment Spell. (8 seconds.) Reduces incoming damage and life steal by 3...15...18. End effect: heals for 5...41...50 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngProtection PrayersZ
Symbol of Wrath.jpg Symbol of Wrath Spell. Deals 8...27...32 holy damage each second (5 seconds). Hits foes adjacent to your initial location. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngSmiting PrayersZ

Necromancer skills[edit]

  • Necromancer primaries can learn Vampiric Gaze via quest; all characters can purchase it from Halbrik after reaching level 10.
IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Animate Bone Horror.jpg Animate Bone Horror Spell. Creates a level 1...14...17 bone horror. Exploits a fresh corpse. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 03.003 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngDeath MagicZ
Blood Renewal.jpg Blood Renewal Enchantment Spell. (7 seconds.) You have +3...5...6 Health regeneration. End effect: heals you for 40...160...190. Sacrifice}15% Tango-sacrifice.png 011 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0077 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngBlood MagicZ
Deathly Swarm.jpg Deathly Swarm Spell. Deathly Swarm flies out slowly and deals 30...78...90 cold damage. Hits two additional foes in the area. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngDeath MagicZ
Faintheartedness.jpg Faintheartedness Hex Spell. (3...13...16 seconds.) Target foe attacks 50% slower and has -0...2...3 Health degeneration. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngCursesZ
Life Siphon.jpg Life Siphon Hex Spell. (12...22...24 seconds.) Target foe has -1...3...3 Health degeneration. You have +1...3...3 Health regeneration. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngBlood MagicZ
Soul Barbs.jpg Soul Barbs Hex Spell. (30 seconds.) Deals 15...27...30 damage when an enchantment or hex is cast on target foe. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngCursesZ
Vampiric Gaze.jpg Vampiric Gaze Spell. Steals 18...52...60 Health. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngBlood MagicZ
Vampiric Touch.jpg Vampiric Touch Touch Skill. Steals 29...65...74 Health. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngBlood MagicZ

Mesmer skills[edit]

  • Mesmer primaries can learn Empathy via quest; all characters can purchase it from Halbrik after reaching level 10.
IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Backfire.jpg Backfire Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Target foe takes 35...119...140 damage whenever it casts a spell. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 03.003 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngDomination MagicZ
Conjure Phantasm.jpg Conjure Phantasm Hex Spell. (2...13...16 seconds.) Causes -5 Health degeneration. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngIllusion MagicZ
Empathy.jpg Empathy Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Target foe's attacks deal 1...12...15 less damage, and that foe takes 10...46...55 damage with each attack. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngDomination MagicZ
Ether Feast.jpg Ether Feast Spell. Causes 3 Energy loss. You gain 20...56...65 Health for each point of Energy lost. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngInspiration MagicZ
Imagined Burden.jpg Imagined Burden Hex Spell. (8...18...20 seconds.) Target foe moves 50% slower. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngIllusion MagicZ
Shatter Delusions.jpg Shatter Delusions Spell. Removes a Mesmer hex from target foe. Removal effect: 15...63...75 damage to target and all adjacent foes. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngDomination MagicZ

Elementalist skills[edit]

  • Elementalist primaries can learn Flare via quest; all characters can purchase it from Halbrik after reaching level 10.
IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttribute
Aura of Restoration.jpg Aura of Restoration Enchantment Spell. (60 seconds.) You gain 0...1...1 Energy and are healed for 200...440...500% of the Energy cost each time you cast a spell. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngEnergy StorageZ
Blinding Flash.jpg Blinding Flash Spell. Inflicts Blindness condition (3...7...8 seconds). 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngAir MagicZ
Fire Storm.jpg Fire Storm Spell. Deals 5...29...35 fire damage each second (10 seconds). Hits foes adjacent to target's initial location. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngFire MagicZ
Flare.jpg Flare Spell. Projectile: deals 20...56...65 fire damage. If Overcast, strikes adjacent. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngFire MagicZ
Glyph of Lesser Energy.jpg Glyph of Lesser Energy Glyph. (15 seconds.) Your next 2 spells cost 10...16...18 less Energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngEnergy StorageZ
Lightning Javelin.jpg Lightning Javelin Spell. Projectile: Deals 15...43...50 lightning damage. Interrupts if your target is attacking. 25% armor penetration. Strikes all foes between you and your target. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngAir MagicZ

Common skills[edit]

IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge time
Resurrection Signet.jpg Resurrection Signet Signet. Resurrects target party member (100% Health, 25% Energy). This signet only recharges when you gain a morale boost. 0 0 03.003 Tango-activation-darker.png morale boostmorale boost Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.png

See also[edit]

Any All skill lists by other categories (edit)
Core commonBlessingDuplicateEnvironmentMonsterNo attributeTemporaryTitle (skill)

TypeUnlockingCostPvE-onlyPvE versionsPvP versionsPvE/PvP versionsFunctionalityRemoved

Core (codexelite) • Prophecies (pre-elite) • Factions (elite) • Nightfall (hero trainerelite) • Eye of the North (hero trainerelite)

Tango-adrenaline.png AdrenalineTango-upkeep.png UpkeepTango-sacrifice.png SacrificeTango-overcast.png Overcast
Tango-energy.png EnergyTango-activation-darker.png Activation timeTango-recharge-darker.png Recharge timeTango-quest-icon.png Skill rewards