Ascalon Foothills

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Ascalon Foothills
Ascalon Foothills.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Ascalon
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Diessa Lowlands
Traveler's Vale
Ascalon Foothills map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive maps

The Ascalon Foothills slopes up to the west to meet the cold sides of the Shiverpeaks. It is a small area populated by elementals and hydra, one of the most dangerous foes in the Ascalon region to the ill-prepared.

Getting there[edit]

Leave from Yak's Bend southeast through Traveler's Vale or from Nolani Academy or Grendich Courthouse and travel north/west (respectively) through Diessa Lowlands.


Resurrection shrines
Statue of Grenth
  • North, along the edge where the terrain turns to snow.









  • According to a list on Guild Wars Guru, which seems to list various beta locations, this zone was previously called Hillclimb.[1] There was also another map called Ascalon Foothills, but it connected to Regent Valley, Pockmark Flats, and Eastern Frontier (called The Shift), which doesn't have a correlating location in the final version.[2]


  1. ^ List of Ascalon locations, Guild Wars Guru (archived)
  2. ^ Ascalon Foothills, Guild Wars Guru (archived)

Explorable areas in Ascalon
Ascalon Foothills Diessa Lowlands Dragon's Gullet Eastern Frontier Flame Temple Corridor Old Ascalon Pockmark Flats Regent Valley The Breach
Towns and outpostsMissionsArenasLandmarks