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Mesmer-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Mesmer by nature.
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 1st Guild Wars campaign: Prophecies.
User Lensor CanthaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 2nd Guild Wars campaign: Factions.
User Lensor ElonaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 3rd Guild Wars campaign: Nightfall.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user is a Tyrian at heart!
North America 70x40.png This user plays in the
North American territory.
Simple Thievery.jpg This user steals userboxes that he thinks are cool.
AI This user has a maximum of 2 other human players in his party.
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
Backpack.png This user is a packrat with never enough storage space!
Guild Lore School Loreba10.jpg This user is a member of the Lore School[GWen] guild!
Cracked Armor.jpg This user is frustrated with the quality and quantity of EotN armor.
Mursaat caster.jpg This user participated in the 2007 Mursaat rally!
"Mur not Fur!"
Faction (Kurzick).jpg But this user is in a Kurzick guild anyways
Freezie Crown.png This user is a friend of the Snowman
User Livia fan2.jpg This user is a member of the Livia's Cleavage Fan Club.
Male.png This user is Male.
User That Sounds Risky MursaatIcon.png This user, for one, welcomes our new Unseen Overlords.
Zehtuka's Great Horn.png This user reads The Horn.
User Cynn fan2.jpg This user is a member of the Cynn's Thong Fan Club.
"Dervish Lyssa Avatar" concept art.jpg This user's matron goddess is Lyssa.
User Amantis BlobluatorsMadKingIcon.jpg This user admires Mad King Thorn for his hilarious games and jokes.
User Quiz Lollipop.png This user is a fan of DJ Quiz.
The Legend of Zelda Triforce.png This user is a fan of placeholderThe Legend of Zelda.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
User Tesla TeslaFan.jpg This user is a Dj Tesla Fan.
User Zerpha The Improver uber ugly Err7 Bond replacement.jpg Error 007
From Anet with love.
Vista-icon.png This user is a Windows gamer.
Prepared Shot.jpg This user likes girls who play Guild Wars.
User Andal Herta.jpg This user is a member of the Herta's Cleavage Fan Club and thinks it's better than Livia's.
Glob of Ectoplasm.png This user is saving up for Obsidian Armor and has 0 Ectos and 0 Shards.
This user dislikes all mini pets.
Vampirism.jpg This user's mind is in the gutter.
User Kaisha Aionwings.gif This User has Aion Wings.