User:Rambutaan/Ming Horsfield

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Ming Horsfield[edit]




Ming Horsfield was Mark's third Guild Wars character. He was created when Mark realised that good monks were always in high demand and hence he decided to create one.

Campaigns progress[edit]

Campaign Monk skills captured/purchased[edit]

  • Core: Y
  • Prophecies: Y
  • Factions: Y
  • Nightfall: N

Heroes gained[edit]

Current Objective[edit]



When the Guild Wars first broke out, Ming's grandfather, Morris, and grandmother, Elsa, fled to Shing Jea Island as refugees. Ming's grandfather was a carpenter and he set up a furniture store in Seitung Harbour. Ming's father, William was never as keen on hard work and never acquired the skill of his grandfather. He always looked for ways of getting a quick buck as opposed to his elder brother, Raleigh, who decided to continue in his father's footsteps and continue the carpentry business. Morris would eventually pass the business onto his sons with Raleigh and William getting a 50% share in the business each. Raleigh decided to continue making furniture although Raleigh had grander ideas. He thought a killing could be made on smuggled Tyrian goods, which were considered very rare in Cantha. Consequently he decided that he would return to Tyria to coordinate the transportation of goods to the shop in Seitung Harbour. Shortly before Ming's father left, he was born to his Canthan mother, Mei Rong, who argued with William, demanding he should remain back with Ming on Shing Jea Island where he and his son would be safe from the Guild Wars. William, against the better advice of his wife, decided that too much money was at stake and continued with his plan, leaving Ming and Mei Rong with the rest of the family on Shing Jea Island.

Mei Rong was a devout follower of Dwayna and would regularly pray to this patron goddess of monks. Ming developed a deep respect for his mother and her pious nature, contributing to his final decision on becoming a monk. The monks of Shing Jea Monastery were renown across the world for being extremely pious, strong-willed and wise, qualities that Ming would strive to acquire. Ming was an exceptional student and by the time he was eighteen was recognised as a very wise for a man his age.

During his years at the Monastery, Ming's father would continue to write to his family and send smuggled Tyrian goods to the store. The Tyrian goods demanded high prices and William's associate in Seitung Harbour said they were making a huge profit, just as William predicted. When Ming turned 18 years old though, the letters and goods stopped coming through. Ming's family started to get worried after a few months and eventually Ming volunteered to go looking for him. His mother begged him to stay, fearing for his life, but Ming was determined to find his father, even if he couldn't remember what his face looked like. His family gave him a painting of his father and his last known address in Tyria. Ming packed his bags, bid farewell to his family and set off for Lion's Arch.

He would eventually make his way to a new Ascalon, an Ascalon ravaged by the Searing and the Charr invasion. The Guild Wars had ended and in its place, something much worse had come to pass. Ming arrived at where his father's home used to be in Ascalon City, but all he could find was a burnt-down house and some charred bones. He had no way of determining whether his father had truly died or not but he expected the worse. Weary from his journey and depressed at not knowing the true fate of his father, Ming collapsed in front of the house.

Ming was awakened shortly after by a man in platemail armour, wearing a cape with a hand as its insignia. He introduced himself as Mykros Wielder and queried Ming on what he was doing there. Ming told him his story and Mykros said that he was sympathetic for his plight and mentioned he was not alone - many Ascalons had lost their families thanks to the Searing. At that time, a GOC footsoldier hollered to Mykros to inform he'd found an injured man lying in rubble nearby. Mykros and Ming quickly rushed to the scene to find a badly burnt man, close to death, although he was still faintly breathing. Ming with his healing prayers tried his best to bring the man back to his former self, but all he could do was ease the suffering temporarily. The man, now not distracted by the pain, opened his eyes and saw Ming. After a puzzling look, it soon turned to a look of recognition. The man was Ming's long last father, William and he had not much time to live. He told Ming he was happy his son could make it to meet his father one last time before his soul finally entered The Mists. Mykros offered to console the young Ming but in the end he didn't need to. When his father passed away Ming somehow managed to maintain his composure. He vowed that he would do his best to see as many lives were saved from this atrocious Charr invasion and that if the GOC was there to save lives, he would want to be a part of it.