Ring of Fire (outpost)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an outpost. This name is also used for a mission and a Zaishen mission quest.
Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Ring of Fire Islands
Type Mission outpost
Party size 8
Exit(s) None

The large volcano at the center of this ring is where the gods reportedly dropped the legendary Bloodstones before leaving Tyria for good. Of the volcanic island that surround this one, many are still active. Ships that pass by the Ring report hearing the tell-tale hiss of scalding hot lava hitting the ocean, instantly vaporizing the saltwater into steam.

— in-game description

Ring of Fire is a mission outpost. This outpost has no exit portals.

Getting There[edit]






Other allies[edit]

Towns and outposts in the Ring of Fire Islands
Abaddon's Mouth Ember Light Camp Hell's Precipice Ring of Fire
MissionsExplorable areasLandmarks