Elementalist collector armor

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Collectors offer armor pieces in exchange for trophies. Click on the name of the trophy to find out the collector's location.

Note that only pieces with less than 60 armor rating will provide an empty insignia slot.


Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR All-Seeing Eye
Energy Storage +1
Northern Shiverpeaks 27 5 Shiverpeak Manes
Kryta 39 5 Spiked Crests
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Behemoth Jaws
Crystal Desert 60 2 Bleached Shells
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Flame Eye
Fire Magic +1
Kryta 39 5 Gargantuan Jawbones
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Tangled Seeds
Crystal Desert 60 5 Shriveled Eyes
Southern Shiverpeaks 60 5 Mountain Troll Tusks
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Glacial Eye
Water Magic +1
Northern Shiverpeaks 27 5 Frostfire Fangs
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Jungle Skale Fins
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Stone Eye
Earth Magic +1
Northern Shiverpeaks 27 5 Shiverpeak Manes
Kryta 39 5 Feathered Caromi Scalps
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Tangled Seeds
Crystal Desert 60 5 Forgotten Seals
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Storm Eye
Air Magic +1
Northern Shiverpeaks 27 5 Frostfire Fangs
Kryta 39 5 Abnormal Seeds
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Ancient Eyes
Crystal Desert 60 5 Jade Mandibles
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Third Eye
Item's Attribute +1
Ascalon (pre-Searing) 7 50 Red Iris Flowers
Trading - Prophecies [edit]
Region AR Krytan Robes Krytan Gloves Krytan Leggings Krytan Footwear
Ascalon (pre-Searing) 7 5 Unnatural Seeds 3 Icy Lodestones
3 Enchanted Lodestones
3 Spider Legs 5 Gargoyle Skulls
Ascalon (post-Searing) 21 4 Leathery Claws 3 Fetid Carapaces 4 Ornate Grawl Necklaces 4 Fetid Carapaces
Northern Shiverpeaks 27 5 Curved Minotaur Horns 5 Stone Summit Badges none 5 Alpine Seeds
Kryta 39 5 Forest Minotaur Horns 5 Mergoyle Skulls 5 Shadowy Remnants 5 Glowing Hearts
5 Shadowy Remnants 5 Bog Skale Fins 5 Glowing Hearts 5 Mergoyle Skulls
Maguuma Jungle 51 5 Thorny Carapaces 5 Ebon Spider Legs 5 Jungle Troll Tusks 5 Ancient Eyes
5 White Mantle Emblems 5 Ebon Spider Legs 5 Maguuma Manes
Crystal Desert 60 5 Losaru Manes 5 Minotaur Horns 5 Losaru Manes 5 Dune Burrower Jaws
5 Bleached Carapaces 5 Shriveled Eyes 5 Dune Burrower Jaws 5 Massive Jawbones
Southern Shiverpeaks 60 7 Huge Jawbones 7 Alpine Seeds 7 Frigid Hearts 7 Azure Remains


Trading [edit]
Region AR Elementalist's Aura
Shing Jea 15 3 Forgotten Trinket Boxes
35 3 Copper Crimson Skull Coins
45 3 Enchanted Vines
Kaineng City 60 5 Venerable Mantid Pincers
Trading [edit]
Region AR Shing Jea Robes Shing Jea Gloves Shing Jea Leggings Shing Jea Footwear
Shing Jea 15 3 Copper Crimson Skull Coins 3 Naga Hides 3 Augmented Fleshes 3 Mantid Pincers
35 3 Stolen Supplies 3 Feathered Crests 3 Silver Crimson Skull Coins 1 Oni Claw
45 1 Gold Crimson Skull Coin 3 Naga Pelts 3 Elder Kappa Shells 2 Bonesnap Shells
Trading [edit]
Region AR Canthan Robes Canthan Gloves Canthan Leggings Canthan Footwear
Kaineng City 60 5 Jade Bracelets 5 Putrid Cysts 5 Plague Idols 5 Venerable Mantid Pincers


Trading - Nightfall [edit]
Region AR All-Seeing Eye
Energy Storage +1
Zehlon Reach 30 1 Mandragor Swamproot
Lahtenda Bog 45 3 Copper Shillings
Trading [edit]
Region AR All-Seeing Eye Istani Robes Istani Gloves Istani Leggings Istani Shoes
Energy Storage +1
Zehlon Reach 30 1 Mandragor Swamproot
Cliffs of Dohjok 30 3 Copper Shillings 1 Rinkhal Talon 3 Fledgling Skree Wings
The Astralarium 30 3 Skale Teeth
Lahtenda Bog 45 3 Copper Shillings 3 Silver Bullion Coins 3 Insect Appendages 2 Mandragor Swamproots 3 Fledgling Skree Wings