ArenaNet:In-game talk
This article serves as a repository for the player recorded logs of Gaile Gray's and more recently Regina Buenaobra visits to various locations in-game. Logs may also include comments by the enigmatic Frog and the Monastery Scribe as well as other ArenaNet staff. These logs are not official ArenaNet announcements. Additionally, unintended editing and OCR errors may have been introduced during the conversion of these logs from the original in-game screenshots.
Linsey Murdock, Martin Kerstein & Regina Buenaobra
Linsey and the Community Coordinators appeared in the Great Temple of Balthazar International District 1 on April 10th 2009 to talk about the Fourth Anniversary content update.
- Hall of Monuments will go account-wide with the Fourth Anniversary content update
- In account-wide mode, the "Resilience" monument will display the armors for the visiting character if possible, otherwise a generic statue in the same style as the pet and hero statues is displayed representing the armor that are not available in-game for the visiting profession
- Zaishen Challenge Quests consist of three types: Mission, Bounty and PvP quests
- all quest rewards consist of Zaishen Coins and a combination of experience, gold, faction and/or titlepoints
- all Zaishen quests send you out to do exisiting content, for example a Mission quest could make you repeat Blood Washes Blood
- Zquests are meant to "reinforce existing content by pointing Critical mass at certain specific things each day, and give additional rewards for doing things in the game that might not be very rewarding right now"
- PvP Zaishen quests are for all types of PvP, including Heroes Ascent, GvG, Random Arena, Team Arena, Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry, Hero Battles and Alliance Battles
- Zaishen Menagerie
- Tier 1: Any pet from level 1-11
- Tier 2: Any unevolved or Elder pet from level 12-14
- Tier 3: Any Aggressive or Playful pet from level 12-14
- Tier 4: Any unevolved or Elder pet from level 15-19
- Tier 5: Any evolved pet from level 15-19
- Tier 6: Any unevolved or Elder pet from level 20
- Tier 7: Any evolved pet from level 20
- A pet will unlock all of the same or lower tiers, so for example a level 20 Elder pet will unlock Tier 6 and all lower tiers but not Tier 7; or a lvl 20 Dire Black Widow will unlock a level 12 Aggressive Black Widow too
- no retroactivity, you will need to unlock all pets once it is released
- Only you and your heroes have access to the Menagerie collection, and unlocks are pet type specific and account-wide
- The Menagerie allows you to switch pets you have unlocked whenever you want.
Complete log: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], courtesy of Fae from GWO and her guild.
Martin Kerstein, Regina Buenaobra & Peter Verhelst
Community Coordinators appeared as team in Kamadan International District 1 on Nov 12th 2008.
Summary (paraphrased)
- Regina: Sunspear, Lightbringer, Luxon, Kurzick, Wisdom, Treasure Hunter and four GW:EN titles will be changed in the next update.
- Martin: Wisdom/Treasure Hunt title will be made account wide.
- Regina: Changes to the other titles are mostly number changes, and new ways to get points.
- Regina: No skill balance changes in the next update.
- Regina: No new titles.
- Regina: Yes, ArenaNet will be increasing the cap for Luxon/Kurzick.
- Martin: No new weapon skins and no new areas will be introduced any time soon.
- All: There will be a new French Community Coordinator soon.
- All: The update will more likely happen on Friday 14th than on Thursday 13th. The Community team is going to receive confirmation later.
- Regina: They are not looking at adding new emotes right now.
- Regina: They are not considering doing a more difficult mode than the current Hard Mode.
- Regina: Yes, there will be a GW2.
- Regina: ArenaNet is not going bankrupt. You shouldn't believe unsubstantiated rumours.
- Regina: I play LOTRO and Rock Band, Martin plays EVE and WAR, and Peter plays WAR too.
Regina Talk Friday July 4, 2008
- Regina will be at Penny Arcade Expo & GC in Leipzig in August.
Shadow Form - was altered to affect farming, and may be looked at again.
Ursan Blessing - is being looked at now and is a priority.
- Skill balances from last month's tournament will come next week
- The concept art she mentioned on blogspot has not only GW1 but GW2 concept art as well.
Gaile Gray and Andrew Patrick Talk Friday March 28, 2008
- Introduction of the Rawr Cup.
- Guild Wars already has a high Windows Vista compatibility.
- Gaile said she would ask about the Guild size cap of 100.
- Izzy is watching assassins
- The second batch of weapons from the Design-a-Weapon contest will be in game soon.
Gaile Gray and The Frog Talks Tuesday March 18, 2008
Gaile dropped by Lion's Arch before the scheduled update.
- The Rank 15 emote will not be a Gerbil.
- No changes to be made to Raptor farming.
- There are no plans for Easter festival hats.
- There are no plans for closing any districts.
- The designers would like to have the Miniature Polar Bear available at Wintersday.
- There may be a chocolate treat coming soon.
- There are no plans for a barber or hairdresser in Guild Wars. However, it may be a possible feature of GW2.
- Gaile will ask about the "Gender Changing" Possibility. (Remember April Fools 2007)
- There will be video trailers for GW2.
- There are no planned changes to the Heroes' Ascent maps.
- There will be a lot more customization options in GW2, possibly including cape trims.
- You can earn new titles in GW2, and the existing titles will remain on GW1.
Gaile Gray and The Frog Talks Saturday March 8, 2008
- As far as Gaile is aware Jeremy Soule will also compose the music for GW2.
Gaile Gray and The Frog Talks Saturday February 9, 2008
- Future Collector Editions may eventually be made available through the in-game store.
- The old Collector Editions most likely will never be available again.
- The Bonus Mission Pack is only available online.
- As Miniature Celestial Rats and the standard Miniature Pigs are different, we won't need to collect Rats for future use.
BAMPH! is not a skill on the live server.
- Gaile reads the Gear Trick comic.
- There won't be a quest completion title in the near future, according to the designers.
- Something of Guild Wars 2 will be very likely to be shown at PAX in Seattle and GC in Leipzig.
- Gaile will ask about adding Party items to the merchant or making them available by other means.
- Confirms that the Chronomancer was a most likely new profession of a cancelled Guild Wars Campaign
Gaile Gray and The Frog Talks Wednesday February 6, 2008
- Canthan New Year 2008:
- will include Nine Rings and the Dragon Nest minigames.
- the Lion Mask will be available again this year.
- you will be able to trade in dedicated Miniature Pigs.
- the only way to get this years miniature is from Lunar Fortunes.
- there will be a top 100 again for Rollerbeetle Racing.
- the Chefs may ask for the same ingredients as last year.
- Everlasting Beetle Juice Tonic does not add to the Party Animal title.
- no one is "banned" for having an unacceptable name, they are given a "time out".
- There's something new coming in the future concerning the "Party Animal" title.
Gaile Gray Talks Tuesday January 1, 2008
- Several districts did not have the event which may be caused by the districts being formed after the event was supposed to start.
- Does not know if there will be a Canthan New Year this year.