Black Moa Chick

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Black Moa Chick
Black Moa Chick.png
Rarity Unique
Type Miniature
Stackable No
Campaign Core
Black Moa Chick.jpg

The Black Moa Chick is a green miniature.


This miniature can only be obtained after completing a cross-campaign scavenger hunt; the character must have access to all campaigns, including the Eye of the North expansion. In brief, you must:

  1. Get a copy of Zho's Journal (requires EotN);
  2. Bring it to Katharine to craft an Incubator Kit (requires Factions);
  3. Fill the kit with 6 items from across the 3 continents (requires the three primary campaigns);
  4. Take the filled kit to Sorrow's Furnace and allow yourself to be zapped by the Iron Forgeman (requires Prophecies).

Scavenger details[edit]

Incubator kit operation[edit]

To place the items in the incubator, double-click on the incubator to open a small window and drag the item into it. Doing this will remove the item from your inventory. The incubator window will show translucent icons as place holders for the six items, which will be replaced with the opaque icon when each item is added.

Incubation details[edit]

Once all six items are placed in the incubator, travel to Sorrow's Furnace with the quest The Final Assault and The Forge Heart active. Fight your way to the central furnace and allow yourself to be hit by Sorrow's Flame, which will hatch the Black Moa Chick (consuming the incubator and its contents). If you are having trouble hatching the chick: check that you were actually hit by Sorrow's Flame and that all items are inside the incubator (and not just in your inventory).

Although the nearby giant furnace (near the Rage Binders) uses a similar skill, the Black Moa Chick hatches only if you are covered by the liquid metal poured down by the Iron Forgeman.


  • Zho's Journal becomes redundant once you have acquired the Incubator Kit; you can safely discard it after.
  • The Black Moa Chick can only be acquired once per character.
  • Most of the scavenger hunt activities can be performed by anyone. However,
    • As noted above, only your character can buy the Incubator Kit.
    • Your character must bring the fully loaded kit into Sorrow's Furnace.
    • In addition, the Nesting Material must be gathered by one of the characters on your account (it need not be the one who is scavenging for supplies).
  • This miniature is slightly smaller than a character in Black Moa Chick Form.
  • You do not need the quest The Final Assault to hatch the miniature. If any member of your party has this quest active, you may take the quest The Forge Heart when you enter Sorrow's Furnace. The Black Moa Chick will hatch when you are hit by Sorrow's Flame.
  • The Black Moa Chick model does not have any eyes.



The Black Moa Chick...

  • ...looking to the left...

    ...looking to the left...

  • the right... the right...

  • ...towards the player...

    ...towards the player...

  • ...striding sideways...

    ...striding sideways...

  • ...and away.

    ...and away.

  • Maps[edit]

    Katharine Moa Nests Mourning Veil Falls Nuwisha Volcanic Rocks Gruhn Chuno
    Katherine Location.jpg Moa Egg Map.jpg Hardened Moa Egg mapK.jpg Nuwisha map.jpg Volcanic Rock Map.jpg Gruhn the Fisher map.jpg Toma location.jpg
    (0) Incubator Kit
    (From Leviathan Pits)
    (1a) Moa Egg
    (In Regent Valley)
    (1b) Moa Egg hardening
    (At Mourning Veil Falls)
    (2) Nesting Material
    (From Yahnur Market)
    (3) Volcanic Rock
    (From Perdition Rock)
    (4) Herring
    (From Riverside Province)
    (5) Branch of Juni Berries
    (Marga Coast)
    (With Insatiable Appetite active)

    Miniatures (edit)
    Miniatures by rarityGallery of miniatures
    Fungal WallowHydraJade ArmorJungle TrollNecrid HorsemanSiege TurtleTemple GuardianWhiptail Devourer
    Burning TitanCharr ShamanKirinPrince RurikShiroBone Dragon
    AatxeFire ImpHeket WarriorJuggernautMandragor ImpHarpy RangerThorn WolfWind Rider
    ElfKossPalawa JokoLichWater DjinnGwen
    AbyssalCave SpiderCloudtouched SimianForest MinotaurIrukandjiMursaatRaptorRoaring Ether
    FreezieNornbearOozeBlack Beast of AaaaarrrrrrggghhhWhite RabbitMad King Thorn
    AbominationDesert GriffonDredge BruteKrait NeossKveldulfQuetzal SlyTerrorweb DryderWord of Madness
    Flowstone ElementalJoraNianDagnar StonepateFlame DjinnEye of Janthir
    Cobalt ScabaraFire DrakeOphil NahualliScourge MantaSeerShard WolfSiege DevourerSummit Giant Herder
    Candysmith MarleyOolaVentariKing AdelbernZhu HanukuM.O.X.
    Naga RaincallerOniShiro'ken AssassinZhed ShadowhoofVizu
    In-game Reward
    Core Reward Black Moa ChickBrown RabbitDhuumGwen DollMallyxSmite CrawlerYakkington
    Beyond Reward Confessor DorianConfessor IsaiahEcclesiate Xun RaoEvenniaLiviaPeacekeeper EnforcerPrincess SalmaMinister Reiko
    Event Reward Celestial DogCelestial DragonCelestial HorseCelestial MonkeyCelestial OxCelestial PigCelestial RabbitCelestial RatCelestial RoosterCelestial SheepCelestial SnakeCelestial TigerLegionnairePolar BearWorld-Famous Racing Beetle
    PvP Reward Guild LordGhostly HeroGhostly PriestHigh Priest ZhangRift Warden
    Limited Release
    Historical Event Greased LightningPig
    Promotional AsuraCeratadonDestroyer of FleshGrawlGray GiantIsland GuardianKanaxaiKuunavangLonghair YetiMad King's GuardPandaVaresh
    Unobtainable The Frog (Halloween | Wintersday)