User:Nae Lussia Taani
Who am I? French casual player, currently in LGiT Alliance. As my free/playing time is way too erratic and low, I'm used to play solo a lot - or come with me if you stand some 1 h surprise break while vanquishing! However, I rather play in full human team when I am able (was able?) to. I went almost everywhere in PvE, and I play all professions (pref order in characters menu). I am not fond of speed clears and all stuff requiring consets: I love the build thing, when you have to think about your strategy with restricted skills before going in an area, let's say "the normal way". I barely play PvP. Am I still active? If I'm still editing, I'm not so far ;)
Today: 52 Zephyr 1093 AE - 21 Zhoyo 1515 CC
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