April Fools' Day

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TGlzdGVuLC Bhbm Qgd W5kZXJz dG FuZC4g VG hhd CBBbm5 paG lsYXRv c iBnb 2xlbSBp cyBvdXQ gd Ghlcm UuIEl0 IGN hb id0IG JlIGJ h cmdh aW5lZ CB3 aX RoL iBJdCBj YW4n d CBiZ SByZWF zb25lZ C B3aX RoLi BJd C Bkb2 Vzbid0I GZlZWwgcGl 0eS wgb3 I gcmVtb3Jz ZSwg b3I gZmV hci4g QW5 kIGl 0IGFi c2 9s dXRl bHk gd2lsbC Bub 3Qgc 3RvcC wgZX Zlc iwg dW50aW w gU2Fy YWggY W5kIE d3Z W4 gYXJ lIGRl YWQu

Login screen announcements

April Fools' Day is a special event that occurs annually from April 1, 07:01, to April 2, 07:01 UTC (source), in which ArenaNet creates an elaborate practical joke. Since April Fools' Day 2013, the two Annihilator quests are available and no prank developer update notes are published.

Quests available[edit]


  • There are two Corporal Banes in Embark Beach that can be distinguished by selecting one of them and viewing your target display. One is identified by "Lvl 20" and the other "W20".
  • The login screen announcement is Base64 encoded text and can be decoded to "Listen, and understand. That Annihilator golem is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until Sarah and Gwen are dead." This is based on Kyle Reese dialogue in The Terminator.

Year Celebrated in... Prank
2007 Lion's Arch, Shing Jea Monastery, and Kamadan Gender reversal of player characters
2008 Everywhere Level 20 player characters changed into stick figures; prank developer update notes published.
2009 Non-PvP outposts Level 2 and above player characters changed to Gwen-chan; prank developer update notes published.
2010 Outposts Player characters changed to miniature size; miniatures changed to player size; prank developer update notes published.
2011 Embark Beach Annihilator, a prank quest; prank developer update notes published.
2012 Embark Beach Annihilator and Annihilator 2: Searing Day quests; prank developer update notes published.
2013 onward Embark Beach Annihilator and Annihilator 2: Searing Day quests; on the login screen announcements there is a "*CLASSIFIED INFORMATION*" message.

Special events
Canthan New Year 20072008200920102011201220132014 onward
April Fools' Day 20072008200920102011201220132014 onward
Anniversary Celebration 2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th-14th15th onward
Dragon Festival 20062007 (Redux) • 2008200920102011201220132014 onward
Wintersday in July 2008200920102011201220132014 onward
Halloween 2005200620072008 (Redux) • 200920102011201220132014 onward
Wintersday 20052006200720082009 (Redux) • 2010201120122013 onward
Other annual events Breast Cancer Awareness MonthLucky Treats WeekPirate Week
Special Treats WeekSweet Treats WeekWayfarer's Reverie
One-time only events Day of the TenguFarewell to Gaile