Wintersday 2009 Redux

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Wintersday returns! Due to technical issues with the Festival Hat distribution during the Wintersday finale, the event will return for one week with all the usual activities.

Login screen announcement

The Wintersday 2009 Redux was a re-run of Wintersday 2009 that started 29 January 2010, with the finale on 7 February 2010.


PST UTC Description
Noon, Friday 29 January 2010 20:00, Friday 29 January 2010 Start of the event.
12:01 am, Sunday 7 February 2010 until
12:01 am, Monday 8 February 2010
08:01, Sunday 7 February 2010 until
08:01, Monday 8 February 2010
Finales every 3 hours.
(See accompanying chart.)
11:59 pm, Sunday 7 February 2010 07:59, Monday 8 February 2010 End of the event.
Last update
Saturday, 02:44 UTC
(24 hr format)
12:01 am 08:01
3:01 am 11:01
6:01 am 14:01
9:01 am 17:01
12:01 pm 20:01
3:01 pm 23:01
6:01 pm 02:01
February 8
9:01 pm 05:01
February 8
12:01 am
February 8
February 8

Festival hats[edit]

Wintersday Hat Givers collect 125 Candy Cane Shards in exchange for each Wintersday 2009 festival hat.

Snow Crystal Crest
(Dwayna victory)
Ice Shard Crest
(Grenth victory)
Snow Crystal Crest.png Ice Shard Crest.png


According to Gaile, there will be a rolling start, in which the NPCs shall appear throughout the Redux event week, and not right from the start. (Source)

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

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