Bull's Strike
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Melee Attack. If this attack hits a moving foe, you strike for +5...25...30 damage, and your target is knocked down.
- Concise description
Progression | |
+ Damage
0 5
1 7
2 8
3 10
4 12
5 13
6 15
7 17
8 18
9 20
10 22
11 23
12 25
13 27
14 28
15 30
16 32
17 33
18 35
19 37
20 38
21 40
- Nightfall
- Eye of the North
- Gedrel of Ascalon (Eye of the North)
- Kodan (Gunnar's Hold)
- Tyr the Skaald (Gunnar's Hold)
- Lexx (Rata Sum)
- Prophecies
- Toris Stonehammer (Traveler's Vale)
- Ore Darkwhip (Iron Horse Mine, only during Minaar's Worry)
- Thorgrim Beastlasher (Iron Horse Mine, only during Stone Summit Beastmasters)
- Minotaur (Anvil Rock, The Frost Gate)
- Muu Swifthorn (Talmark Wilderness)
- Greves the Overbearing (Talmark Wilderness (War in Kryta))
- Nightfall
- Eye of the North
Related skills[edit]
"Coward!" (elite)
"None Shall Pass!"
Bull's Charge (elite)
Enraged Smash (elite)
Water Trident (elite)
- The bull on the skill icon appears to be modeled after the Charging Bull sculpture.
- The functionality of this skill has changed since its introduction; see its skill history for details.