Attack speed

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Attack speed depends on the type of weapon wielded or on a creature's type (for pets, minions, spirits, and foes that don't wield weapons).

Some skills increase ("IAS") or decrease ("DAS") a character's attack speed. These skills actually modify the duration of each attack, not the rate of attacks per second, two inversely proportional values.

Calculating the attack rate[edit]

A skill which states that a creature "attacks X% faster" reduces the duration of each of that creature's attacks by that percentage. For example, your attack rate with a scythe is usually one attack every 1.5 seconds, or two attacks every three seconds. If you "attack 33% faster", that 1.5 second duration is reduced by 33%. You now attack at a rate of one attack every 1.005 seconds, or three attacks every 3.015 seconds—an actual increase of almost 50%.

Increases in attack speed are more effective than the percentage stated in the skill description; decreases in attack speed are less effective than stated. The table below illustrates this for common increases and decreases, rounded to whole percentages:

Increased attack speed (IAS) Decreased attack speed (DAS)
Stated % +25% +33% -30% -50%
Actual % +33% +49% -23% -33%

To calculate the impact on a character's DPS, use the actual percentage, not the stated percentage. For instance, Frenzy will increase DPS from auto attacks by about 49%, while Faintheartedness reduces DPS by about 33%.

Attack durations and effect of IAS and DAS[edit]

All values are listed as seconds between attacks. These are the exact values used by the game.

  Increased attack speed (IAS) Decreased attack speed (DAS)
Weapon/creature Normal attack
+25% +33% -30% -50%
Axe, Daggers [1], Sword, Racing Beetle 1.33 0.9975 0.8911 1.729 1.995
Scythe, Spear 1.5 1.125 1.005 1.95 2.25
Hammer, Staff, Wand 1.75 1.3125 1.1725 2.275 2.625
Bone Fiend 1.86 1.395 1.2462 2.418 2.79
Attack spirit, Pet [2] 2 1.5 1.34 2.6 3
Flatbow, Shortbow 2.025 1.51875 1.35675 2.6325 3.0375
Longbow, Recurve Bow 2.475 1.85625 1.65825 3.2175 3.7125
Hornbow 2.7 2.025 1.809 3.51 4.05
Melee minion 3.1 2.325 2.077 4.03 4.65
  1. ^ Daggers end up with a faster effective attack speed due to double strikes. See below.
  2. ^ All pets except the Racing Beetle.

IAS and DAS are capped at +33% and -50% of the normal attack speed respectively.

Overview of attack speed influences[edit]

Skills that affect attack speed[edit]

On allies[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
"I Will Avenge You!".jpg "I Will Avenge You!" Shout. You have +3...6...7 Health regeneration and attack 25% faster (10 seconds for each dead ally). 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 04545 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Prophecies
Aggressive Refrain.jpg Aggressive Refrain Echo. (5...21...25 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. Renewal: whenever a chant or shout ends on you. You have -20 armor. 0 2525 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Berserker Stance.jpg Berserker Stance Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and gain 50% more adrenaline. Ends if you use a skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Core
Bestial Fury.jpg Bestial Fury Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. Your non-attack skills are disabled (5 seconds). 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Factions
Burst of Aggression.jpg Burst of Aggression Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. End effect: lose all adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Call of Haste.jpg Call of Haste Shout. (30 seconds.) Your pet moves and attacks 33% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 02525 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngrangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Core
Critical Agility.jpg Critical Agility Enchantment Spell. (4 seconds plus 1 second for each rank of Critical Strikes.) You attack 33% faster and gain +15...25 armor. Renewal: every time you land a critical hit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png assassinaAssassinSunspear rankZ Nightfall
Drunken Master.jpg Drunken Master Stance. (72...90 seconds.) You move and attack 10...15% faster if you are not drunk. You move and attack 25...33% faster if you are drunk. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 06060 Tango-recharge-darker.png aAnyDeldrimor rankZ Eye of the North
Dwarven Battle Stance.jpg Dwarven Battle Stance Elite Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster, you gain +40 armor, and your attack skills interrupt actions. No effect unless you have a hammer equipped. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Prophecies
Expert's Dexterity.jpg Expert's Dexterity Elite Stance. (1...16...20 second[s].) You attack 33% faster and you gain +2 to your Marksmanship attribute. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerExpertiseZ Nightfall
Expert's Dexterity (PvP).jpg Expert's Dexterity (PvP) Elite Stance. (1...16...20 second[s].) You attack 15% faster and you gain +1 to your Marksmanship attribute. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerExpertiseZ Nightfall
Feral Aggression.jpg Feral Aggression Skill. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your pet attacks 33% faster and deals +3...9...10 damage. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Eye of the North
Flail.jpg Flail Stance. (1...12...15 second[s].) You attack 33% faster. You move 33% slower. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Flurry.jpg Flurry Stance. (5 seconds). You attack 33% faster. You do 25% less damage. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorZ Prophecies
Frenzy.jpg Frenzy Stance. (8 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. You take double damage. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0044 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorZ Core
Heart of Fury.jpg Heart of Fury Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Heart of Fury (PvP).jpg Heart of Fury (PvP) Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Heket's Rampage.jpg Heket's Rampage Stance. (5...10...11 seconds). You attack 33% faster. Ends if you use an attack skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Nightfall
Lightning Reflexes.jpg Lightning Reflexes Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and have 75% chance to block. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngrangeraRangerExpertiseZ Core
Lightning Reflexes (PvP).jpg Lightning Reflexes (PvP) Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and have 75% chance to block. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 04545 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerExpertiseZ Core
Never Rampage Alone.jpg Never Rampage Alone Skill. (18...25 seconds.) You and your pet attack 25% faster and have +1...3 Health regeneration. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerSunspear rankZ Nightfall
Onslaught.jpg Onslaught Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) You attack, move and gain adrenaline 25% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishWind PrayersZ Nightfall
Onslaught (PvP).jpg Onslaught (PvP) Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (2...7...8 seconds.) You attack and gain adrenaline 25% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishWind PrayersZ Nightfall
Pious Fury.jpg Pious Fury Stance. (1...6...7 second[s].)You [sic] attack 25% faster and remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: this stance lasts twice as long. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Eye of the North
Pious Fury (PvP).jpg Pious Fury (PvP) Stance. (1...4...5 second[s].)You [sic] attack 25% faster and remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: this stance lasts twice as long. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Eye of the North
Predatory Bond.jpg Predatory Bond Shout. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your pet attacks 25% faster and you gain 1...25...31 Health whenever your pet makes a successful attack. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Factions
Primal Rage.jpg Primal Rage Elite Stance. (1...12...15 second[s].) You attack 33% faster and move 25% faster. You take double damage. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Factions
Rampage as One.jpg Rampage as One Elite Skill. (3...13...15 seconds.) You and your pet attack 33% faster and move 25% faster. No effect unless your pet is alive. 0 2525 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Nightfall
Rapid Fire.jpg Rapid Fire Preparation. (5...21...25 seconds.) You attack 33% faster while wielding a bow. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerMarksmanshipZ Eye of the North
Seven Weapons Stance.jpg Seven Weapons Stance Elite Stance. (3...17...20 seconds.) Weapon attributes are increased by +1...12...15. You attack 33% faster. PvE Skill 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Core
Signet of Ghostly Might.jpg Signet of Ghostly Might Elite Signet. (5...17...20 seconds.) All spirits you control within earshot attack 33% faster and deal +5...9...10 damage. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistCommuningZ Nightfall
Soldier's Fury.jpg Soldier's Fury Elite Echo. (10...30...35 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and gain 33% more adrenaline if under the effects of a shout or chant. You have -20 armor. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Soldier's Stance.jpg Soldier's Stance Elite Stance. (5...13...15 seconds.) You have a 75% chance to block. You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a chant or shout. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Nightfall
Soldier's Stance (PvP).jpg Soldier's Stance (PvP) Elite Stance. (4...9...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a shout or chant. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Nightfall
Tiger Stance.jpg Tiger Stance Stance. (4...9...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. Ends if you fail to hit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Factions
Tiger's Fury.jpg Tiger's Fury Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. Disables your non-attack skills (5 seconds). 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngrangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Prophecies
Volfen Bloodlust.jpg Volfen Bloodlust Shout. (2...7 seconds.) You and nearby allies attack 33% faster. 0 0 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png aAnyNorn rankZ Eye of the North
Way of the Assassin.jpg Way of the Assassin Elite Stance. (20 seconds.) While wielding daggers, you attack 5...17...20% faster and have +5...29...35% chance to land a critical hit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png assassinaAssassinCritical StrikesZ Nightfall
Weapon of Aggression.jpg Weapon of Aggression Weapon Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Eye of the North

On foes[edit]

IconNameDescriptionSacrificeEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
Crippling Anguish.jpg Crippling Anguish Elite Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Target foe moves and attacks 50% slower and has -1...7...8 Health degeneration. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Core
Faintheartedness.jpg Faintheartedness Hex Spell. (3...13...16 seconds.) Target foe attacks 50% slower and has -0...2...3 Health degeneration. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngnecromanceraNecromancerCursesZ Core
Meekness.jpg Meekness Hex Spell. Also hexes foes in the area of target (5...25...30 seconds). These foes attack 50% slower. Sacrifice}17% Tango-sacrifice.png 1515 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png necromanceraNecromancerCursesZ Nightfall
Reckless Haste.jpg Reckless Haste Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to your target (6...11...12 seconds). These foes have 50% chance to miss, but attack 25% faster. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png necromanceraNecromancerCursesZ Factions
Shadow of Fear.jpg Shadow of Fear Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to target (5...25...30 seconds). They attack 50% slower. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngnecromanceraNecromancerCursesZ Prophecies
Shared Burden.jpg Shared Burden Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). These foes attack, cast spells, and move 50% slower. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Factions
Shared Burden (PvP).jpg Shared Burden (PvP) Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). These foes attack, cast spells, and move 33% slower. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Factions
Sum of All Fears.jpg Sum of All Fears Hex Spell. (1...8...10 second[s].) Target foe moves, attacks, and casts spells 33% slower. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Eye of the North
Teinai's Heat.jpg Teinai's Heat Ward Spell. (10...14...15 seconds.) Causes -2...4...5 health [sic] degeneration. Weakened foes in the ward attack 33% slower. Disabled for 20 seconds. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png elementalistaElementalistFire MagicZ Factions
Tryptophan Signet.jpg Tryptophan Signet Signet. (14...20 seconds.) Target and adjacent foes move and attack 23...40% slower. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png aAnyEbon Vanguard rankZ Eye of the North


IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeAttributeCampaign
"Tango Down!".jpg "Tango Down!" Elite Shout. You lose all hexes and conditions. For each dead foe within earshot, you gain 5 seconds of +6 Health regeneration, 5 seconds of +1 Energy regeneration, and 5 seconds of +25% attack speed. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Z Core
"There's not enough time!!".jpg "There's not enough time!!" Shout. (20 seconds.) Creatures in earshot attack, move, and activate skills 100% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Z Prophecies
Shadowy Soul Explosion.jpg Shadowy Soul Explosion When an Afflicted Assassin dies, all enemies in the area are struck for 25...57...65 damage, and all Afflicted in the area move and attack 25% faster (10...13...14 seconds). 0 0 0 0 Z Winds of Change
Spectral Agony.jpg Spectral Agony Skill. (5 seconds.) Target foe has -1...30 Health degeneration; moves, attacks, and uses skills 80% slower; and loses 3...81 Health each second. 0 0 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Z Prophecies


  • Monks have no skills that increase or decrease attack speed. However, they are the only profession with skills that prevent foes from attacking (outside PvE-only skills).