The Shattered Ravines

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for a Zaishen vanquish quest.
The Shattered Ravines
The Shattered Ravines.jpg
Campaign Nightfall
Region The Desolation
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Joko's Domain
Lair of the Forgotten
The Alkali Pan
The Ruptured Heart
The Shattered Ravines map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive maps
The Shattered Ravines view.jpg
A view of the area

The Shattered Ravines is a formation of ridges and trenches that seems to be comprised of both natural rock formations and destroyed ruins. The ruins could well be a remnant of the ancient civilization of the Forgotten, possibly centered at the spot where the Lair of the Forgotten now stands.

Getting there[edit]

While doing the quest Horde of Darkness, players will most likely enter from Joko's Domain to the south. Lair of the Forgotten (towards the north) provides the most convenient outpost for future travel to this area.


Resurrection shrines with bounties
Resurrection shrines with a statue
  • Avatar of Dwayna
    • A short distance north by northwest from the exit into Joko's Domain.
  • Champion of Balthazar
    • Near the exit into the Ruptured Heart.
    • On the southern sandy path heading towards the rocky southeastern corner.
  • Lyssa's Muse
    • At the exit into Joko's Domain.
    • On the northeastern sandy area near Chinwe the collector.
  • Melandru's Watcher
    • At the exit into the Alkali Pan.
    • At the southeastern corner.
  • Voice of Grenth
    • At the exit into the Lair of the Forgotten.

Quests available[edit]







Demons (Margonites)

Demons (Torment creatures)


Elementals (Undead)



Mummies (Undead)



Demons (Margonites)



Mummies (Undead)


Gw2logo.png The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on The Shattered Ravines.
  • There are three ranger bosses in this area, all of them can be attacked while inside a Junundu. It may be a good idea to bring three Signets of Capture and get them all. Take note to put those signets in skill slots that do not prevent the most important Junundu skills.
  • These quests affect the spawns in this area:
  • Vanquisher runs of this area without active quests require defeating around 310 foes. Including quest influences, it has been reported to range from 278 to 341 foes.
    • With quests you can reach just over 400 foes.
    • With the exception of the rocky areas to the northwest and southeast, most of the area can be vanquished while inside a Junundu.
    • Watch out for hidden insect groups in the eastern portions and be careful of getting swarmed by two or more groups.
    • Active quests in this area increases the number of Margonite groups.

Explorable areas in the Desolation
Crystal Overlook Dynastic Tombs Joko's Domain Poisoned Outcrops The Alkali Pan The Ruptured Heart The Shattered Ravines The Sulfurous Wastes
Towns and outpostsMissionsLandmarks