Vault box
The Vault box (colloquial: Xunlai Storage Account) is the inventory repository service offered by the Xunlai Guild. The vault is shared by all characters on the account. Unlimited access to storage costs 50 for roleplaying characters and is free for PvP-only characters (once the vault is unlocked for the account).
You can open the box by speaking with a Xunlai Agent or directly with a Xunlai Chest. There is no access in pre-Searing Ascalon, since neither of these NPCs appear in that part of Prophecies.
Storage details[edit]
Anything that can be stored in the inventory can also be stored in the Vault box. It can be used to store three types of things:
- Currency: the vault can hold up to 1000
- Items: by default, the vault comes with 2 storage panes (50 slots) for any item that you can carry, much like a character's backpack.
- Materials: after paying an additional 50
fee, you can store up to one stack (250) by default of each type of rare and common crafting material.
The total amount of gold and platinum currently in the Vault box is shown at the top of the window. Right below it are the buttons used to deposit and withdraw money. Any character may deposit and withdraw money.
The Vault box contains up to fourteen tabs (or panes) of storage space, each with 25 slots for items. As with your backpack, items that cannot be stacked will take up one slot each.
You can expand your item storage as follows:
- Every account comes with one free pane. Every campaign added to the account adds one additional pane. Thus, an account with all three campaigns will have four panes.
- You can purchase up to nine additional panes through the Guild Wars Online Store.
- An additional pane labeled "Anniversary Storage" can be unlocked with the Xunlai Anniversary Storage Voucher.
Material storage is an optional in-game upgrade to the Vault box; each PvE character must pay the 50 fee to be able to use it. As noted above, by default, the material pane holds up to 250 of each type of crafting material; any surplus will take up a separate slot in the ordinary storage (or the character's inventory).
As with ordinary storage, PvP characters do not have to pay a fee, but cannot gain access unless that tab is unlocked by a PvE character.
Material storage can be expanded up to a maximum of 2500 of each type by purchasing Xunlai Material Storage Expansions in the Guild Wars Online Store.
- Moving away from the Xunlai Chest while the Vault box window is open does not prevent you from using it.
- Trial accounts are not allowed to purchase the material pane upgrade.
- The Anniversary Storage pane is always displayed as the last unlocked item pane.
- Unlike other panes, this pane uses a gift box icon. Hovering over the icon displays its name.

- There was a Guild Vault planned after the release of Factions but never implemented due to technical reasons.
- The July 13, 2006 update introduced the material pane upgrade, reducing the need for mule characters. It was originally made available only to accounts with access to Guild Wars Factions, but after Guild Wars Nightfall was released, all accounts were able to access this upgrade. When the material pane upgrade was first released, it was purchasable from a Xunlai Representative, but they have since been removed from the game.
- Prior to the April 5, 2007 update, there was only one item storage tab available for the Vault box.
- Prior to the Fourth Anniversary Update on April 23, 2009, players could only have four panes of storage.
- The Anniversary Storage pane was originally introduced during the Fourth Year Anniversary Celebration and was only available during the promotion from April 23rd through June 30th, 2009.
- The Tenth Anniversary Update on April 22, 2015 made the Anniversary Storage available again with the introduction of the Xunlai Anniversary Storage Voucher. Prior to this update, the Anniversary Storage pane was labeled "4th Anniversary Storage".
- The February 5, 2019 update introduced the material storage expansions and increased the number of item slots per storage tab from 20 to 25.
External links[edit]
- Information about storage (archived)