Kurzick faction

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Kurzick faction is a representation of the efforts you have made in support of the Kurzicks, and by extent your reputation with the Kurzicks. Your current amount of Kurzick faction can be seen on the faction tab of the Hero panel.


There are seven main ways to gain Kurzick faction:

  1. Completing quests in the Echovald Forest region of Cantha, where the Kurzicks live.
  2. Completing the Arborstone, Eternal Grove, and Unwaking Waters missions the first time per character.
  3. Playing in the Kurzick challenge missions (Altrumm Ruins and Amatz Basin).
  4. Killing foes in Urgoz's Warren.
  5. Obtaining Blessing of the Kurzicks from a Kurzick Priest outside of most cities or outposts controlled by Kurzick, and then killing foes while in the explorable area the blessing was obtained. Price is 100Gold if you are Kurzick, and 150Gold if you are Luxon (50Gold for a bribe, 100Gold for the blessing; you also gain Kurzick faction for the bribe), and the blessing will disappear if you change zones.
  6. Vanquishing explorable areas in the Echovald Forest.
  7. Trading in Imperial faction.

The table below provides a summary of quests in and around House zu Heltzer that can be performed to obtain enough faction points to complete Befriending the Kurzicks.

Quest Faction Experience Gold Type Given by Location
Artistic Endeavors 750 3000 250 - Jun House zu Heltzer
The Beak of Darkness 750 3500 275 - Rutger zu Heltzer House zu Heltzer
The Ancient Forest 750 3000 250 - Scholar Andrej House zu Heltzer
The Experimental Weaponsmith 750 3000 250 - Scholar Andrej House zu Heltzer
Melodic Gaki Flute 750 3000 250 - Vasili Lutgardis House zu Heltzer
Discord Wallow Lyre 750 3000 250 - Vasili Lutgardis House zu Heltzer
Rhythm Drinker Drum 750 3000 250 - Vasili Lutgardis House zu Heltzer
Song and Stone 1000 5000 350 - Count zu Heltzer House zu Heltzer
Wardens On the March 750 3000 250 - Rutger zu Heltzer House zu Heltzer
Envoy of the Dredge 750 3000 250 - Moleneaux Ferndale
Temple of the Dredge 750 3000 250 - Moleneaux Ferndale
Revolt of the Dredge 750 3000 250 - Moleneaux Ferndale
Kurzick Supply Lines 400 2000 150 Repeatable quest Supplymaster Konrad Ferndale
Scouting Ferndale 400 2000 150 Repeatable quest Forestmaster Vasha Ferndale
Total 10050 47500 3625

Faction rewards[edit]

Kurzick faction can be traded to a Kurzick Bureaucrat for the following:

Method Faction spent Title points gained Notes
Donate faction points to your guild ("Raise Alliance reputation") 5,000 10,000 You must belong to a Kurzick-allied guild. A character can create their own guild for this purpose.
Exchange faction points for Amber Chunks 5,000 5,000
Exchange faction points for Passage Scrolls to Urgoz's Warren 1,000 1,000
Exchange faction points for Kurzick skills 3,000 6,000 Your character must be a level 20 roleplaying character that is a Kurzick Supporter (rank 1)
Spending both faction types

Spending points for one faction causes an equal number of points to be deducted from both factions.

  • There is no way to simultaneously farm both titles.
  • Although sometimes you have little choice, it is always inefficient to simultaneously collect both types of faction.
  • Some players will collect 10,000 points in both types in order for a character to complete both Befriending the Kurzicks and Befriending the Luxons quickly.

Faction cap[edit]

The faction cap is initially 10,000, and can be raised as high as 70,000 by completing various achievements. A Kurzick Bureaucrat will list the missing achievements when asked about "Raising Kurzick Faction cap".

Achievement Faction cap increase
Complete Befriending the Kurzicks for the first time 10,000
Complete Unwaking Waters from the Kurzick side for the first time1 7,000
Defeat Urgoz for the first time 10,000
Score 100 points in Altrumm Ruins for the first time 1,000
Score 100 points in Amatz Basin for the first time 1,000
Win a match for the Kurzicks in Fort Aspenwood for the first time 5,000
Win a match for the Kurzicks in Jade Quarry for the first time 5,000
Win an Alliance Battle for the Kurzicks for the first time 5,000
Achieve rank 1 in the Friend of the Kurzicks title track 5,000
Each additional rank in the Friend of the Kurzicks title track 1,000
  1.  One needs to also complete Arborstone and Eternal Grove.


To finish the Protector of Cantha title, you must do both:

  1. Get 10,000 Luxon faction to complete Befriending the Luxons to open the Gyala Hatchery mission
  2. Get 10,000 Kurzick faction to complete Befriending the Kurzicks to open the The Eternal Grove mission.

See also[edit]