User:Close Impact

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A full set of Warrior armor consists of a helm, hauberk or cuirass, gauntlets, leggings and boots.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic warrior armor provides up to a maximum of 80 armor and 20 extra armor against physical damage.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Ascalon Krytan (collector) Tyrian
Warrior Ascalon armor f.jpg Warrior Ascalon armor m.jpg Warrior Krytan armor f.jpg Warrior Krytan armor m.jpg Warrior Tyrian armor f.jpg Warrior Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Charr Hide Gladiator Wyvern Platemail Templar
Warrior Charr Hide armor f.jpg Warrior Charr Hide armor m.jpg Warrior Gladiator armor f.jpg Warrior Gladiator armor m.jpg Warrior Wyvern armor f.jpg Warrior Wyvern armor m.jpg Warrior Platemail armor f.jpg Warrior Platemail armor m.jpg Warrior Templar armor f.jpg Warrior Templar armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Charr Hide Elite Gladiator Elite Dragon Elite Platemail Elite Templar
Warrior Elite Charr Hide armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Charr Hide armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Gladiator armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Gladiator armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Dragon armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Dragon armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Platemail armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Platemail armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Templar armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Templar armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan Tyrian
Warrior Shing Jea armor f.jpg Warrior Shing Jea armor m.jpg Warrior Ascalon armor f.jpg Warrior Ascalon armor m.jpg Warrior Krytan armor f.jpg Warrior Krytan armor m.jpg Warrior Tyrian armor f.jpg Warrior Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Warrior Canthan armor f.jpg Warrior Canthan armor m.jpg Warrior Kurzick armor f.jpg Warrior Kurzick armor m.jpg Warrior Luxon armor f.jpg Warrior Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Warrior Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Warrior Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Warrior Istani armor f.jpg Warrior Istani armor m.jpg Warrior Sunspear armor f.jpg Warrior Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Warrior Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Warrior Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Warrior Vabbian armor f.jpg Warrior Vabbian armor m.jpg Warrior Ancient armor f.jpg Warrior Ancient armor m.jpg Warrior Primeval armor f.jpg Warrior Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Monument Asuran Silver Eagle
Warrior Norn armor f.jpg Warrior Norn armor m.jpg Warrior Monument armor f.jpg Warrior Monument armor m.jpg Warrior Asuran armor f.jpg Warrior Asuran armor m.jpg Warrior Silver Eagle armor f.jpg Warrior Silver Eagle armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Heavy Breastplate Ironfist Gauntlets Stalwart Leggings Sturdy Boots
Warrior Heavy Breastplate f.jpg Warrior Heavy Breastplate m.jpg Warrior Ironfist Gauntlets f.jpg Warrior Ironfist Gauntlets m.jpg Warrior Stalwart Leggings f.jpg Warrior Stalwart Leggings m.jpg Warrior Sturdy Boots f.jpg Warrior Sturdy Boots m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Warrior Deldrimor armor f.jpg Warrior Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Warrior Obsidian armor f.jpg Warrior Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Sunspear1 Elite Sunspear Primeval
Koss Sunspear armor.jpg Koss Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Koss Primeval armor.jpg
Vabbian1 Mysterious Primeval
Goren Vabbian armor.jpg Goren Mysterious armor.jpg Goren Primeval armor.jpg
Norn1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Jora.jpg Jora Brotherhood armor.jpg Jora Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an armor rating of 80.

Name Campaign Total cost
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s)
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s)
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Elite Charr Hide Prophecies 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Fur Square(s)
Elite Dragon Prophecies 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Scale(s)
Elite Gladiator Prophecies 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 128 Tanned Hide Square(s)
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s), 80 Amber Chunk(s)
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Scale(s), 400 Chitin Fragment(s), 80 Jadeite Shard(s)
Elite Platemail Prophecies 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s)
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Elite Templar Prophecies 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s), 5 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s)
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Chitin Fragment(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 24 Monstrous Fang(s), 16 Monstrous Claw(s)
Obsidian Core 75 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s), 120 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 120 Obsidian Shard(s)
Primeval Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Bone(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Silver Eagle Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Feather(s), 40 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s)
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 200 Iron Ingot(s), 32 Bolt(s) of Linen, 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s)
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 4 pieces: Heavy Breastplate, Ironfist Gauntlets, Stalwart Leggings and Sturdy Boots.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

Concept art by Jason Juan.

A full set of Ranger armor consists of a mask, vest, gloves, leggings and boots.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic ranger armor provides up to a maximum of 70 armor, 5 extra energy, 1 extra energy recovery and 30 extra armor against elemental damage. Other armor bonuses are available on top of these through an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Rawhide Krytan (collector) Tyrian/Leather
Ranger Ascalon armor f.jpg Ranger Ascalon armor m.jpg Ranger Krytan armor f.jpg Ranger Krytan armor m.jpg Ranger Tyrian armor f.jpg Ranger Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Fur-Lined Drakescale Druid Studded Leather
Ranger Fur-Lined armor f.jpg Ranger Fur-Lined armor m.jpg Ranger Drakescale armor f.jpg Ranger Drakescale armor m.jpg Ranger Druid armor f.jpg Ranger Druid armor m.jpg Ranger Studded Leather armor f.jpg Ranger Studded Leather armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Fur-Lined Elite Drakescale Elite Druid Elite Studded Leather
Ranger Elite Fur-Lined armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Fur-Lined armor m.jpg Ranger Elite Drakescale armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Drakescale armor m.jpg Ranger Elite Druid armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Druid armor m.jpg Ranger Elite Studded Leather armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Studded Leather armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan Tyrian
Ranger Shing Jea armor f.jpg Ranger Shing Jea armor m.jpg Ranger Ascalon armor f.jpg Ranger Ascalon armor m.jpg Ranger Krytan armor f.jpg Ranger Krytan armor m.jpg Ranger Tyrian armor f.jpg Ranger Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Ranger Canthan armor f.jpg Ranger Canthan armor m.jpg Ranger Kurzick armor f.jpg Ranger Kurzick armor m.jpg Ranger Luxon armor f.jpg Ranger Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Ranger Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Ranger Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Ranger Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Ranger Istani armor f.jpg Ranger Istani armor m.jpg Ranger Sunspear armor f.jpg Ranger Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Ranger Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Ranger Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Ranger Vabbian armor f.jpg Ranger Vabbian armor m.jpg Ranger Ancient armor f.jpg Ranger Ancient armor m.jpg Ranger Primeval armor f.jpg Ranger Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Monument Asuran
Ranger Norn armor f.jpg Ranger Norn armor m.jpg Ranger Monument armor f.jpg Ranger Monument armor m.jpg Ranger Asuran armor f.jpg Ranger Asuran armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Leather Long Coat Sterling Leggings Embroidered Boots
Ranger Leather Long Coat f.jpg Ranger Leather Long Coat m.jpg Ranger Sterling Leggings f.jpg Ranger Sterling Leggings m.jpg Ranger Embroidered Boots f.jpg Ranger Embroidered Boots m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Ranger Deldrimor armor f.jpg Ranger Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Ranger Obsidian armor f.jpg Ranger Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Acolyte Jin
Zaishen1 Elite Sunspear Primeval
Acolyte Jin Zaishen armor.jpg Acolyte Jin Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Acolyte Jin Primeval armor.jpg
Margrid the Sly
Corsair1 Ancient Primeval
Margrid the Sly Corsair armor.jpg Margrid the Sly Ancient armor.jpg Margrid the Sly Primeval armor.jpg
Pyre Fierceshot
Charr1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Pyre Fierceshot.jpg Pyre Fierceshot brotherhood armor.jpg Pyre Fierceshot Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an Armor Rating of 70.

Name Campaign Total cost Headgear
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 30 Platinum, 300 Tanned Hide Square(s), 20 Leather Square(s), 10 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Scale(s), 40 Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Elite Drakescale Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Scale(s) 0 No
Elite Druid Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 350 Wood Plank(s) 0 No
Elite Fur-Lined Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Fur Square(s) 0 No
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Bolt(s) of Linen, 80 Amber Chunk(s) 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Scale(s), 400 Chitin Fragment(s), 80 Jadeite Shard(s) 1 Yes
Elite Studded Leather Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Elonian Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Fur Square(s), 105 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 105 Obsidian Shard(s) 0 No
Primeval Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Bone(s), 40 Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 200 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 32 Elonian Leather Square(s), 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 3 pieces: Leather Long Coat, Sterling Leggings, and Embroidered Boots.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Monk armor consists of a scalp design, vestments (or raiment), handwraps, pants and sandals. A set of tattoo armor contains a scalp design, chest design, arm design, leg design and foot design.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Monk armor provides up to a maximum of 60 armor, 10 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery. Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Roughspun Krytan (Silk) Monk/Tyrian
Monk Ascalon armor f.jpg Monk Ascalon armor m.jpg Monk Krytan armor f.jpg Monk Krytan armor m.jpg Monk Tyrian armor f.jpg Monk Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Woven Censor Sacred Dragon Star
Monk Woven armor f.jpg Monk Woven armor m.jpg Monk Censor armor f.jpg Monk Censor armor m.jpg Monk Sacred armor f.jpg Monk Sacred armor m.jpg Monk Dragon armor f.jpg Monk Dragon armor m.jpg Monk Star armor f.jpg Monk Star armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Woven Elite Judge Elite Saintly Flowing Labyrinthine
Monk Elite Woven armor f.jpg Monk Elite Woven armor m.jpg Monk Elite Judge armor f.jpg Monk Elite Judge armor m.jpg Monk Elite Saintly armor f.jpg Monk Elite Saintly armor m.jpg Monk Flowing armor f.jpg Monk Flowing armor m.jpg Monk Labyrinthine armor f.jpg Monk Labyrinthine armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan (Silk) Tyrian
Monk Shing Jea armor f.jpg Monk Shing Jea armor m.jpg Monk Ascalon armor f.jpg Monk Ascalon armor m.jpg Monk Krytan armor f.jpg Monk Krytan armor m.jpg Monk Tyrian armor f.jpg Monk Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Monk Canthan armor f.jpg Monk Canthan armor m.jpg Monk Kurzick armor f.jpg Monk Kurzick armor m.jpg Monk Luxon armor f.jpg Monk Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Monk Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Monk Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Monk Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Monk Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Monk Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Monk Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Monk Istani armor f.jpg Monk Istani armor m.jpg Monk Sunspear armor f.jpg Monk Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Monk Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Monk Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Monk Vabbian armor f.jpg Monk Vabbian armor m.jpg Monk Ancient armor f.jpg Monk Ancient armor m.jpg Monk Primeval armor f.jpg Monk Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Monk Norn armor f.jpg Monk Norn armor m.jpg Monk Asuran armor f.jpg Monk Asuran armor m.jpg Monk Monument armor f.jpg Monk Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Gilded Vestments Adorned Handwraps Aureate Pants Ocher Sandals
Monk Gilded Vestments f.jpg Monk Gilded Vestments m.jpg Monk Adorned Handwraps f.jpg Monk Adorned Handwraps m.jpg Monk Aureate Pants f.jpg Monk Aureate Pants m.jpg Monk Ocher Sandals f.jpg Monk Ocher Sandals m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Monk Deldrimor armor f.jpg Monk Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Monk Obsidian armor f.jpg Monk Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Sunspear1 Elite Sunspear Primeval
Dunkoro Sunspear armor.jpg Dunkoro Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Dunkoro Primeval armor.jpg
Istani1 Ancient Primeval
Tahlkora Istani armor.jpg Tahlkora Ancient armor.jpg Tahlkora Primeval armor.jpg
Ogden Stonehealer
Dwarven1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Ogden Stonehealer.jpg Ogden Stonehealer brotherhood armor.jpg Ogden Stonehealer Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an armor rating of 60.

Name Campaign Total cost Head
Ancient armor Nightfall 50 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Asuran armor Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Leather Square(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Judge Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink, 80 Amber Chunk(s) 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Vial(s) of Ink, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment 80 Jadeite Shard(s) 1 Yes
Elite Saintly Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Woven Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Tanned Hide Square(s) 0 No
Flowing Prophecies 32 Platinum, 350 Roll(s) of Vellum, 35 Feather(s) 0 No
Labyrinthine Prophecies 40 Platinum, 400 Roll(s) of Vellum, 40 Feather(s) 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Fur Square(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Tanned Hide Square(s), 105 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 105 Obsidian Shard(s) 0 No
Primeval Nightfall 75 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink, 14 Monstrous Fang(s), 14 Monstrous Claw(s) 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 175 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 28 Bolt(s) of Linen, 5 Roll(s) of Parchment, 3 Vial(s) of Ink, 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 4 pieces: Gilded Vestments, Adorned Handwraps, Aureate Pants and Ocher Sandals

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

Vabbian armor concept art by Jason Juan

A full set of Necromancer armor consists of a (face) scar pattern, tunic, gloves, leggings and boots.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Necromancer armor provides up to a maximum of 60 armor, 10 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery. Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Initiate's (Ascalon) Krytan (Pagan) Tyrian
Necromancer Ascalon armor f.jpg Necromancer Ascalon armor m.jpg Necromancer Krytan armor f.jpg Necromancer Krytan armor m.jpg Necromancer Tyrian armor f.jpg Necromancer Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Cabal Fanatic Necrotic Scar Pattern Profane
Necromancer Cabal armor f.jpg Necromancer Cabal armor m.jpg Necromancer Fanatic armor f.jpg Necromancer Fanatic armor m.jpg Necromancer Necrotic armor f.jpg Necromancer Necrotic armor m.jpg Necromancer Scar Pattern armor f.jpg Necromancer Scar Pattern armor m.jpg Necromancer Profane armor f.jpg Necromancer Profane armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Cabal Elite Cultist Elite Necrotic Elite Scar Pattern Elite Profane
Necromancer Elite Cabal armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Cabal armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Cultist armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Cultist armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Necrotic armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Necrotic armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Scar Pattern armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Scar Pattern armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Profane armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Profane armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan (Pagan) Tyrian
Necromancer Shing Jea armor f.jpg Necromancer Shing Jea armor m.jpg Necromancer Ascalon armor f.jpg Necromancer Ascalon armor m.jpg Necromancer Krytan armor f.jpg Necromancer Krytan armor m.jpg Necromancer Tyrian armor f.jpg Necromancer Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Necromancer Canthan armor f.jpg Necromancer Canthan armor m.jpg Necromancer Kurzick armor f.jpg Necromancer Kurzick armor m.jpg Necromancer Luxon armor f.jpg Necromancer Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Necromancer Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Necromancer Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Necromancer Istani armor f.jpg Necromancer Istani armor m.jpg Necromancer Sunspear armor f.jpg Necromancer Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Necromancer Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Necromancer Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Necromancer Vabbian armor f.jpg Necromancer Vabbian armor m.jpg Necromancer Ancient armor f.jpg Necromancer Ancient armor m.jpg Necromancer Primeval armor f.jpg Necromancer Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Necromancer Norn armor f.jpg Necromancer Norn armor m.jpg Necromancer Asuran armor f.jpg Necromancer Asuran armor m.jpg Necromancer Monument armor f.jpg Necromancer Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Gloomcrest Tunic Grim Gloves Deathlace Leggings Demonhorn Boots
Necromancer Gloomcrest Tunic f.jpg Necromancer Gloomcrest Tunic m.jpg Necromancer Grim Gloves f.jpg Necromancer Grim Gloves m.jpg Necromancer Deathlace Leggings f.jpg Necromancer Deathlace Leggings m.jpg Necromancer Demonhorn Boots f.jpg Necromancer Demonhorn Boots m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Necromancer Deldrimor armor f.jpg Necromancer Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Necromancer Obsidian armor f.jpg Necromancer Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Krytan 1 Mysterious Primeval
Olias Krytan armor.jpg Olias Mysterious armor.jpg Olias Primeval armor.jpg
Master of Whispers
Mysterious 1 Ancient Primeval
Master of Whispers Mysterious armor.jpg Master of Whispers Ancient armor.jpg Master of Whispers Primeval armor.jpg
Shining Blade1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Livia.jpg Livia brotherhood armor.jpg Livia Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an Armor Rating of 60.

Name Campaign Total cost Head
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 350Tanned Hide Square(s), 14 Monstrous Fang(s), 14 Monstrous Claw(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Scale(s), 21 Monstrous Fang(s), 14 Monstrous Claw(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Deldrimor Pieces1 Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 300 Tanned Hide Square(s), 50 Bone(s), 25 Leather Square(s), 10 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Cabal Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 350 Bone(s) 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Bone(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 7 Monstrous Fang(s), 7 Monstrous Claw(s), 7 Monstrous Eye(s), 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Cultist Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s) 0 No
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 80 Amber Chunk(s), 35 Steel Ingot(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 350 Scale(s), 80 Jadeite Shard(s), 35 Monstrous Fang(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Necrotic Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Chitin Fragment(s) 0 No
Elite Profane Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Elite Scar Pattern Prophecies 32 Platinum, 350 Roll(s) of Vellum, 35 Feather(s) 0 No
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Steel Ingot(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 21 Fur Square(s), 14 Monstrous Fang(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 60 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 105 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 105 Obsidian Shard(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s) 0 No
Primeval Nightfall 75 Platinum, 350 Scale(s), 175 Chitin Fragment(s), 10 Roll(s) of Parchment, 5 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 175 Tanned Hide Square(s), 28 Bolt(s) of Linen, 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s), 5 Roll(s) of Parchment, 3 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 4 pieces: Gloomcrest Tunic, Grim Gloves, Deathlace Leggings and Demonhorn Boots.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Elementalist armor consists of an eye or aura, robes, gloves, leggings and shoes.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Elementalist armor provides up to a maximum of 60 armor, 10 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Apprentice's Krytan (collector) Elementalist/Tyrian
Elementalist Ascalon armor f.jpg Elementalist Ascalon armor m.jpg Elementalist Krytan armor f.jpg Elementalist Krytan armor m.jpg Elementalist Tyrian armor f.jpg Elementalist Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Flameforged Iceforged Stoneforged Stormforged
Elementalist Flameforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Flameforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Iceforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Iceforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Stoneforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Stoneforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Stormforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Stormforged armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Flameforged Elite Iceforged Elite Stoneforged Elite Stormforged
Elementalist Elite Flameforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Flameforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Elite Iceforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Iceforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Elite Stoneforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Stoneforged armor m.jpg Elementalist Elite Stormforged armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Stormforged armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan Tyrian
Elementalist Shing Jea armor f.jpg Elementalist Shing Jea armor m.jpg Elementalist Ascalon armor f.jpg Elementalist Ascalon armor m.jpg Elementalist Krytan armor f.jpg Elementalist Krytan armor m.jpg Elementalist Tyrian armor f.jpg Elementalist Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Elementalist Canthan armor f.jpg Elementalist Canthan armor m.jpg Elementalist Kurzick armor f.jpg Elementalist Kurzick armor m.jpg Elementalist Luxon armor f.jpg Elementalist Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Elementalist Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Elementalist Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Elementalist Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Elementalist Istani armor f.jpg Elementalist Istani armor m.jpg Elementalist Sunspear armor f.jpg Elementalist Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Elementalist Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Elementalist Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Elementalist Vabbian armor f.jpg Elementalist Vabbian armor m.jpg Elementalist Ancient armor f.jpg Elementalist Ancient armor m.jpg Elementalist Primeval armor f.jpg Elementalist Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Elementalist Norn armor f.jpg Elementalist Norn armor m.jpg Elementalist Asuran armor f.jpg Elementalist Asuran armor m.jpg Elementalist Monument armor f.jpg Elementalist Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Thaumaturgic Robes Yeoryios Gloves Exquisite Leggings Majestic Shoes
Elementalist Thaumaturgic Robes f.jpg Elementalist Thaumaturgic Robes m.jpg Elementalist Yeoryios Gloves f.jpg Elementalist Yeoryios Gloves m.jpg Elementalist Exquisite Leggings f.jpg Elementalist Exquisite Leggings m.jpg Elementalist Majestic Shoes f.jpg Elementalist Majestic Shoes m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Elementalist Deldrimor armor f.jpg Elementalist Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Elementalist Obsidian armor f.jpg Elementalist Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Acolyte Sousuke
Zaishen 1 Elite Sunspear Primeval
Acolyte Sousuke Zaishen armor.jpg Acolyte Sousuke Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Acolyte Sousuke Primeval armor.jpg
Zhed Shadowhoof
Veldrunner 1 Ancient Primeval
Zhed Shadowhoof Veldrunner armor.jpg Zhed Shadowhoof Ancient armor.jpg Zhed Shadowhoof Primeval armor.jpg
Asuran 1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Vekk.jpg Vekk brotherhood armor.jpg Vekk Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an Armor Rating of 60.

Name Campaign Total cost Head
Ancient Nightfall 40 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Asuran Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Flameforged Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Scale(s) 0 No
Elite Iceforged Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Chitin Fragment(s) 0 No
Elite Kurzick Factions 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 70 Amber Chunk(s), 35 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Luxon Factions 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 70 Jadeite Shard(s), 35 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Stoneforged Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Granite Slab(s) 0 No
Elite Stormforged Prophecies 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Monument Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35 Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Norn Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Fur Square(s) 0 No
Obsidian Core 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 105 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 105 Obsidian Shard(s), 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Primeval Nightfall 60 Platinum, 350 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 175 Wood Plank(s) 0 No
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 175 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 28 Bolt(s) of Linen, 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust, 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 4 pieces:Thaumaturgic Robes, Yeoryios Gloves, Exquisite Leggings and Majestic Shoes.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Mesmer armor consists of a mask, attire, gloves, hose and footwear.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Mesmer armor provides up to a maximum of 60 armor, 10 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery. Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Prophecies armor art[edit]

Dilettante's Krytan (Regal) Tyrian (Stylish)
Mesmer Ascalon armor f.jpg Mesmer Ascalon armor m.jpg Mesmer Krytan armor f.jpg Mesmer Krytan armor m.jpg Mesmer Tyrian armor f.jpg Mesmer Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Rogue Courtly Performer Enchanter
Mesmer Rogue armor f.jpg Mesmer Rogue armor m.jpg Mesmer Courtly armor f.jpg Mesmer Courtly armor m.jpg Mesmer Performer armor f.jpg Mesmer Performer armor m.jpg Mesmer Enchanter armor f.jpg Mesmer Enchanter armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Prophecies prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Rogue Elite Noble Elite Elegant Elite Enchanter
Mesmer Elite Rogue armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Rogue armor m.jpg Mesmer Elite Noble armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Noble armor m.jpg Mesmer Elite Elegant armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Elegant armor m.jpg Mesmer Elite Enchanter armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Enchanter armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Ascalon Krytan (Regal) Tyrian (Stylish)
Mesmer Shing Jea armor f.jpg Mesmer Shing Jea armor m.jpg Mesmer Ascalon armor f.jpg Mesmer Ascalon armor m.jpg Mesmer Krytan armor f.jpg Mesmer Krytan armor m.jpg Mesmer Tyrian armor f.jpg Mesmer Tyrian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canthan Kurzick Luxon
Mesmer Canthan armor f.jpg Mesmer Canthan armor m.jpg Mesmer Kurzick armor f.jpg Mesmer Kurzick armor m.jpg Mesmer Luxon armor f.jpg Mesmer Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Mesmer Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Mesmer Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Mesmer Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear
Mesmer Istani armor f.jpg Mesmer Istani armor m.jpg Mesmer Sunspear armor f.jpg Mesmer Sunspear armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Mesmer Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Mesmer Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Mesmer Vabbian armor f.jpg Mesmer Vabbian armor m.jpg Mesmer Ancient armor f.jpg Mesmer Ancient armor m.jpg Mesmer Primeval armor f.jpg Mesmer Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Mesmer Norn armor f.jpg Mesmer Norn armor m.jpg Mesmer Asuran armor f.jpg Mesmer Asuran armor m.jpg Mesmer Monument armor f.jpg Mesmer Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Elegant Long Coat Studded Hose Silken Footwear
Mesmer Elegant Long Coat f.jpg Mesmer Elegant Long Coat m.jpg Mesmer Studded Hose f.jpg Mesmer Studded Hose m.jpg Mesmer Silken Footwear f.jpg Mesmer Silken Footwear m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Mesmer Deldrimor armor f.jpg Mesmer Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Mesmer Obsidian armor f.jpg Mesmer Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Thespian1 Mysterious Primeval
Norgu Thespian armor.jpg Norgu Mysterious armor.jpg Norgu Primeval armor.jpg
Ebon Vanguard1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Gwen (Eye of the North).jpg Gwen brotherhood armor.jpg Gwen Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an Armor Rating of 60.

Name Campaign Total cost Mask
Ancient Nightfall 50Platinum, 400Tanned Hide Square(s), 40Elonian Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Asuran Eye of the North 50Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 30Platinum, 300Bolt(s) of Cloth, 30Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Elite Elegant Prophecies 60Platinum, 350Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35Bolt(s) of Silk 0 No
Elite Enchanter Prophecies 60Platinum, 350Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35Pile(s) of Glittering Dust 0 No
Elite Kurzick Factions 75Platinum, 400Tanned Hide Square(s), 80Amber Chunk(s), 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 80Jadeite Shard(s), 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Elite Noble Prophecies 60Platinum, 350Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35Bolt(s) of Damask 0 No
Elite Rogue Prophecies 60Platinum, 350Bolt(s) of Cloth, 35Elonian Leather Square(s) 0 No
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 60Platinum, 350Bolt(s) of Cloth, 105Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 105Obsidian Shard(s), 35Elonian Leather Square(s) 0 No
Primeval Nightfall 75Platinum, 400Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25Platinum, 200Bolt(s) of Cloth, 32Elonian Leather Square(s), 16Ruby(s), 16Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 3 pieces: Elegant Long Coat, Studded Hose and Silken Footwear.


Bug Bug.The texture for male mesmers' attire (chest armor) replaces the character model's actual skin texture. Due to this, any hose (leg armor) cannot properly connect to the waist, often sticking out awkwardly during animations.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Dervish armor consists of a hood, robes, vambraces, leggings and shoes.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Dervish armor provides up to a maximum of 70 armor, 5 extra energy, 25 extra health and 2 extra energy recovery.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear Elonian
Dervish Istani armor f.jpg Dervish Istani armor m.jpg Dervish Sunspear armor f.jpg Dervish Sunspear armor m.jpg Dervish Elonian armor f.jpg Dervish Elonian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Dervish Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Dervish Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Dervish Vabbian armor f.jpg Dervish Vabbian armor m.jpg Dervish Ancient armor f.jpg Dervish Ancient armor m.jpg Dervish Primeval armor f.jpg Dervish Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Dervish Norn armor f.jpg Dervish Norn armor m.jpg Dervish Asuran armor f.jpg Dervish Asuran armor m.jpg Dervish Monument armor f.jpg Dervish Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Light Breastplate Hooked Leggings Padded Sandals
Dervish Light Breastplate f.jpg Dervish Light Breastplate m.jpg Dervish Hooked Leggings f.jpg Dervish Hooked Leggings m.jpg Dervish Padded Sandals f.jpg Dervish Padded Sandals m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Dervish Deldrimor armor f.jpg Dervish Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Dervish Obsidian armor f.jpg Dervish Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Sunspear1 Elite Sunspear Primeval
Melonni Sunspear armor.jpg Melonni Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Melonni Primeval armor.jpg
Vabbian1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Kahmu.jpg Kahmu brotherhood armor.jpg Kahmu Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an armor rating of 70.

Name Campaign Total cost
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s)
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Leather Square(s)
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 30 Platinum, 150Iron Ingot(s), 150Tanned Hide Square(s), 15Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s), 15Leather Square(s)
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Steel Ingot(s)
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Fur Square(s)
Obsidian Core 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s), 120 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 120 Obsidian Shard(s)
Primeval Nightfall 75 Platinum, 400 Bone(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s)
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 200 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 32 Elonian Leather Square(s), 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s)
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 3 pieces: Light Breastplate, Hooked Leggings and Padded Sandals.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Assassin armor consists of a mask, guise, gloves, leggings and shoes.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Assassin armor provides up to a maximum of 70 armor, 5 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Seitung Canthan
Assassin Shing Jea armor f.jpg Assassin Shing Jea armor m.jpg Assassin Seitung armor f.jpg Assassin Seitung armor m.jpg Assassin Canthan armor f.jpg Assassin Canthan armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Exotic Imperial Kurzick Luxon
Assassin Exotic armor f.jpg Assassin Exotic armor m.jpg Assassin Imperial armor f.jpg Assassin Imperial armor m.jpg Assassin Kurzick armor f.jpg Assassin Kurzick armor m.jpg Assassin Luxon armor f.jpg Assassin Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Exotic Elite Imperial Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Assassin Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Assassin Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Assassin Elite Exotic armor f.jpg Assassin Elite Exotic armor m.jpg Assassin Elite Imperial armor f.jpg Assassin Elite Imperial armor m.jpg Assassin Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Assassin Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Assassin Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Assassin Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Vabbian Ancient
Assassin Vabbian armor f.jpg Assassin Vabbian armor m.jpg Assassin Ancient armor f.jpg Assassin Ancient armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Assassin Norn armor f.jpg Assassin Norn armor m.jpg Assassin Asuran armor f.jpg Assassin Asuran armor m.jpg Assassin Monument armor f.jpg Assassin Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Spiked Guise Bladed Gloves Oni Leggings Winged Shoes
Assassin Spiked Guise f.jpg Assassin Spiked Guise m.jpg Assassin Bladed Gloves f.jpg Assassin Bladed Gloves m.jpg Assassin Oni Leggings f.jpg Assassin Oni Leggings m.jpg Assassin Winged Shoes f.jpg Assassin Winged Shoes m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Assassin Deldrimor armor f.jpg Assassin Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Assassin Obsidian armor f.jpg Assassin Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Am Fah1 Mysterious Primeval
Zenmai Am Fah armor.jpg Zenmai Mysterious armor.jpg Zenmai Primeval armor.jpg
Ebon Vanguard1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Anton.jpg Anton brotherhood armor.jpg Anton Deldrimor armor.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an Armor Rating of 70.

Name Campaign Total cost Head
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 400 Iron Ingot(s), 40 Elonian Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350Tanned Hide Square(s), 15Monstrous Claw(s), 10Leather Square(s), 10Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Elite Exotic Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Chitin Fragment(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Elite Imperial Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 80 Amber Chunk(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 80 Jadeite Shard(s), 40 Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Scale(s), 40 Leather Square(s) 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 120 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 120 Obsidian Shard(s), 40 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s) 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 200 Tanned Hide Square(s), 32 Elonian Leather Square(s), 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 4 pieces: Spiked Guise, Bladed Gloves, Oni Leggings and Winged Shoes.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Paragon armor consists of a crest, raiment, armguards, leggings and sandals.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Paragon armor provides up to a maximum of 80 armor and 10 extra energy.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Nightfall armor art[edit]

Istani Sunspear Elonian
Paragon Istani armor f.jpg Paragon Istani armor m.jpg Paragon Sunspear armor f.jpg Paragon Sunspear armor m.jpg Paragon Elonian armor f.jpg Paragon Elonian armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Sunspear Vabbian Ancient Primeval
Paragon Elite Sunspear armor f.jpg Paragon Elite Sunspear armor m.jpg Paragon Vabbian armor f.jpg Paragon Vabbian armor m.jpg Paragon Ancient armor f.jpg Paragon Ancient armor m.jpg Paragon Primeval armor f.jpg Paragon Primeval armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Paragon Norn armor f.jpg Paragon Norn armor m.jpg Paragon Asuran armor f.jpg Paragon Asuran armor m.jpg Paragon Monument armor f.jpg Paragon Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Winged Raiment Sashed Leggings Banded Sandals
Paragon Winged Raiment f.jpg Paragon Winged Raiment m.jpg Paragon Sashed Leggings f.jpg Paragon Sashed Leggings m.jpg Paragon Banded Sandals f.jpg Paragon Banded Sandals m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Paragon Deldrimor armor f.jpg Paragon Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Paragon Obsidian armor f.jpg Paragon Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

General Morgahn
Kournan1 Mysterious Primeval
General Morgahn Kournan armor.jpg General Morgahn Mysterious armor.jpg General Morgahn Primeval armor.jpg
Shining Blade1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Hayda.jpg Hayda brotherhood armor.jpg Hayda Deldrimor armor.jpg
Keiran Thackeray
Ebon Vanguard1
Keiran Thackeray.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an armor rating of 80.

Name Campaign Total cost
Ancient Nightfall 40 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s)
Asuran Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Leather Square(s)
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 30 Platinum, 300Tanned Hide Square(s), 30Leather Square(s)
Elite Sunspear Nightfall 60 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Elonian Leather Square(s)
Monument Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Leather Square(s)
Norn Eye of the North 40 Platinum, 350 Tanned Hide Square(s), 35 Fur Square(s)
Obsidian Core 75 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 50 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust, 35 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s), 5 Granite Slab(s), 120 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 120 Obsidian Shard(s)
Primeval Nightfall 60 Platinum, 350 Iron Ingot(s), 35 Steel Ingot(s)
Vabbian Nightfall 21 Platinum, 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust, 175 Iron Ingot(s), 28 Elonian Leather Square(s), 14 Ruby(s), 14 Sapphire(s)
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 3 pieces: Winged Raiment, Sashed Leggings and Banded Sandals.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

A full set of Ritualist armor consists of a headwrap, raiment, bangles, leggings and shoes.

Armor bonuses[edit]

Basic Ritualist armor provides up to a maximum of 60 armor, 10 extra energy and 2 extra energy recovery.

Other armor bonuses are available on top of these basic stats either as an attribute bonus, an insignia, or a rune.

Armor art[edit]


Factions armor art[edit]

Shing Jea Canthan Seitung
Ritualist Shing Jea armor f.jpg Ritualist Shing Jea armor m.jpg Ritualist Canthan armor f.jpg Ritualist Canthan armor m.jpg Ritualist Seitung armor f.jpg Ritualist Seitung armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Exotic Imperial Kurzick Luxon
Ritualist Exotic armor f.jpg Ritualist Exotic armor m.jpg Ritualist Imperial armor f.jpg Ritualist Imperial armor m.jpg Ritualist Kurzick armor f.jpg Ritualist Kurzick armor m.jpg Ritualist Luxon armor f.jpg Ritualist Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Factions prestige armor art[edit]

Elite Canthan Elite Exotic Elite Imperial Elite Kurzick Elite Luxon
Ritualist Elite Canthan armor f.jpg Ritualist Elite Canthan armor m.jpg Ritualist Elite Exotic armor f.jpg Ritualist Elite Exotic armor m.jpg Ritualist Elite Imperial armor f.jpg Ritualist Elite Imperial armor m.jpg Ritualist Elite Kurzick armor f.jpg Ritualist Elite Kurzick armor m.jpg Ritualist Elite Luxon armor f.jpg Ritualist Elite Luxon armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

Nightfall prestige armor art[edit]

Vabbian Ancient
Ritualist Vabbian armor f.jpg Ritualist Vabbian armor m.jpg Ritualist Ancient armor f.jpg Ritualist Ancient armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male

Eye of the North prestige armor art[edit]

Norn Asuran Monument
Ritualist Norn armor f.jpg Ritualist Norn armor m.jpg Ritualist Asuran armor f.jpg Ritualist Asuran armor m.jpg Ritualist Monument armor f.jpg Ritualist Monument armor m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male

Deldrimor armor pieces[edit]

Opulent Raiment Scale Leggings Beaded Shoes
Ritualist Opulent Raiment f.jpg Ritualist Opulent Raiment m.jpg Ritualist Scale Leggings f.jpg Ritualist Scale Leggings m.jpg Ritualist Beaded Shoes f.jpg Ritualist Beaded Shoes m.jpg
Female Male Female Male Female Male
All pieces
Ritualist Deldrimor armor f.jpg Ritualist Deldrimor armor m.jpg
Female Male

Core prestige armor art[edit]

Ritualist Obsidian armor f.jpg Ritualist Obsidian armor m.jpg
Female Male

Hero armor art[edit]

Mysterious1 Ancient Primeval
Razah Mysterious armor.jpg Razah Ancient armor.jpg Razah Primeval armor.jpg
Turtle Clan1 Brotherhood Deldrimor
Xandra.jpg Xandra brotherhood armor.jpg Xandra Deldrimor armor.jpg
Zei Ri
Aegis of Unity1
Initiate Zei Ri.jpg
1. Default armor

Prestige armor summary[edit]

All have an armor rating of 60.

Name Campaign Total cost Head
Ancient Nightfall 50 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Bolt(s) of Linen 1 Yes
Asuran Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Deldrimor pieces1 Eye of the North 30 Platinum, 150Bolt(s) of Cloth, 100Scale(s), 50Tanned Hide Square(s), 15Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s), 10Fur Square(s), 5Leather Square(s) 0 No
Elite Canthan Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Exotic Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 40 Bolt(s) of Silk 1 Yes
Elite Imperial Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 400 Bone(s) 1 Yes
Elite Kurzick Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 80 Amber Chunk(s), 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Elite Luxon Factions 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 80 Jadeite Shard(s), 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Monument Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Norn Eye of the North 50 Platinum, 400 Tanned Hide Square(s), 40 Fur Square(s) 1 Yes
Obsidian Core 75 Platinum, 400 Bolt(s) of Cloth, 120 Glob(s) of Ectoplasm, 120 Obsidian Shard(s), 40 Vial(s) of Ink 1 Yes
Vabbian Nightfall 25 Platinum, 200 Tanned Hide Square(s), 32 Bolt(s) of Silk, 16 Ruby(s), 16 Sapphire(s) 1 Yes
  1. The Deldrimor armor consists of 3 pieces: Opulent Raiment, Scale Leggings and Beaded Shoes.

See also[edit]

Armor indexes
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishAny CommonAny Hero

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