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Affiliation Summoned creatures
Type Charr
Profession Warrior Warrior
Level(s) 20
Campaign Core

The Legionnaire is a Warrior which can be summoned using the Legionnaire Summoning Crystal.


15 Swordsmanship, 13 Strength, 7 Tactics


  • Lacks a defensive skill.
  • Against non-fleshy targets he cannot apply Deep Wound as Gash requires a bleeding foe.


Upon spawning:

"Report in."

Battle quotes[edit]

"As you can see, I'm a soldier."
"Blood for the Blood Legion!"
"Break them!"
"On my mark!"
"Shake it off!"
"Stay out of my way."
"This move always impresses my warband!"
"Was that your best attack?"


Anomaly Anomaly.The different weapons are purely cosmetic, as inherent modifiers of some weapons are not active[verification requested]: He does not deal fire damage while wielding a Fiery Dragon Sword, cold damage while wielding an Icy Dragon Sword, and there is no life draining nor health degeneration effect while he wields a Vampiric Dragon Sword.


  • He is the only summoning stone ally that has more than one elite skill.
  • He has the same appearance as Rytlock Brimstone from Guild Wars 2.
  • His "Shake it off!" and "On my mark!" battle quotes reference Guild Wars 2 warrior shouts by those same names.
  • His "This move always impresses my warband!" quote references a similar quote by Koss, "This move always impresses Melonni"
  • His use of both warrior skills that reference big cats (Tiger Stance and Lion's Comfort) is likely a reference to the fact that he himself is a big cat.
  • His "Blood for the Blood Legion" battle quote might be a reference to Warhammer 40k's World Eaters battle cry: "Blood for the Blood God!"
  • Introduced in Wayfarer's Reverie 2013.

Allies from summoning stones
Core Warrior Champion of BalthazarFootmanLegionnaireMerchantRestless Corpse WarriorRanger Guild LordGhostly Hero Ranger ArcherSwarm of Bees

Monk Priest of Balthazar Mesmer Crystal SpiderDream Rider Elementalist Crystal GuardianFire ImpSaltspray DragonSmoke Phantom
AssassinWhite Rabbit Dervish Avatar of BalthazarBlack Beast of AaaaarrrrrrggghhhGolem

Factions Warrior JuggernautCelestial Dog WarriorAssassin Celestial Ox WarriorRanger Celestial Tiger Ranger Siege Turtle Monk Celestial Horse Necromancer Celestial PigCelestial Rat

Mesmer Celestial Rooster Elementalist Celestial Dragon Assassin Celestial RabbitOni AssassinRanger Celestial Snake Ritualist Gaki Paragon Celestial Monkey Dervish Celestial Sheep

Eye of the North Warrior Kveldulf Ranger Devourer Elementalist Ooze Assassin Raptor Monk Snowman Necromancer Grentch
Beyond Any Shining Blade AllyImperial Guard AllyAngchu Tengu Ally