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Spirit from an attacking binding ritual.

Spirits are creatures summoned forth by Rangers and Ritualists. These spirits cause certain effects, either directly to foes or across large areas. Two of the same type of spirit cannot be summoned within the same area; if a second spirit is summoned, it will destroy and replace the first spirit. The effects of different kinds of spirits, however, will stack together. If an enemy has summoned a spirit, you can destroy that spirit and remove its effects by attacking it like any normal foe. Additionally, spirits die away after a period of time, dependent on the caster's skill. But be warned: some spirits cause effects when they die or are destroyed.

Tablet of Wisdom

Spirits are a type of summoned creature that are created by Rituals, certain monster skills, or that appear as a hostile creature during particular missions, quests, or in the Depths of Tyria. In addition, the PvE version of Signet of Spirits creates 3 spirits.

Only two professions have skills that can summon these NPCs: Rangers (through Nature rituals) and Ritualists (through Binding rituals). The only other ritual available to players is the Ebon Vanguard skill, Winds. A small number of foes have specific skills for summoning spirits, such as Kuunavang's Corrupted Dragon Scales.

Although ghosts also have translucent green, blue, or purple skins, they belong to a different creature type and have very different characteristics, regardless of their name.

List of hostile NPCs[edit]

Region1 Affiliation2 Name Trophy3
Shing Jea Island Question Mark.png Unknown 5 (?) Unbound Spirit
Ritualist 5 (?) Shackled Spirit
Kaineng City Shiro's army Unknown 24 (26) Spirit of Portals
Ritualist 24 (26) Spirit of The Mists
Realm of Torment Realm of Torment army Monk 24 (26) Binding Guardian None
Eye of the North
Depths of Tyria Depths of Tyria army Ritualist 22 (26) Spirit of Disenchantment
Ritualist 22 (26) Spirit of Pain
Ritualist 22 (26) Spirit of Recuperation
Ritualist 22 (26) Spirit of Shadowsong
  1. Spirits only appear as hostile NPCs in the Depths of Tyria or during certain missions or quests.
  2. Spirit affiliation cannot be directly determined; it is deduced from the context of the spirit's appearance.
  3. Spirits do not drop any items.

Game Mechanics[edit]

Spirit properties[edit]

Core properties
  • Are especially immune to:
Skills properties
User Interface properties
Environment properties

Spirit range[edit]

  • Unless specified in its description, the effective radius of passive spirits is roughly 2.7 Danger Zone radii (approximate to Soul Reaping).
  • All attack spirit attacks are ranged attacks with no costs or recharge time, an activation time of 2 seconds, and a range of 1.35 Danger Zone radii (the same range as Longbows).
  • Two allied spirits of the same type cannot exist within each other's (passive spirit) range; if a second spirit is summoned by any ally within the spirit's range, it will destroy and replace the first spirit, triggering any end effects of those spirits.
  • Spirits created outside of the player's range (e.g. created by a distant Hero) will not attack until they are viewed — this can be done by entering radar range or by viewing from the point-of-view of a hero or henchman within its range (while the player's character is dead, clicking on a party member shows the game from their viewpoint).
    • Spirits "activated" in this manner will continue to attack regardless of whether or not the player is still viewing that spirit.


All spirits created by rituals have 31 energy (hostile spirits in Hard mode have 41 energy), independent of level and Spawning Power rank, and have four pips of energy regeneration. However, none of their attacks actually use energy.

Health and armor[edit]

This info is a temporary placemarker in place of official information. Use at your own discretion. Caveat lector.

In Normal mode, spirits have approximately level*20 health and approximately 2 + level*6 armor rating. In Hard mode, hostile spirits have 100 armor, and the armor of friendly spirits is unknown.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Armor 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92 98 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 152 158
Base Health 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520
Health Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Spawning Power 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520
1 21 42 62 83 104 125 146 166 187 208 229 250 270 291 312 333 354 374 395 416 437 458 478 499 520 541
2 22 43 65 86 108 130 152 173 194 216 238 259 281 302 324 346 367 389 410 416 436 475 497 518 540 562
3 22 45 67 90 112 134 157 179 202 224 246 269 291 314 336 358 381 403 426 448 470 493 515 538 560 582
4 23 46 70 93 116 139 162 186 209 232 255 278 302 325 348 371 394 418 441 464 487 503 534 557 580 603
5 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456 480 504 528 552 576 600 624
6 25 50 74 99 124 150 174 198 223 248 273 298 322 347 372 397 422 446 471 496 521 546 570 595 620 645
7 26 51 77 102 128 154 179 205 230 256 282 307 333 358 384 410 435 461 486 512 538 563 589 614 640 666
8 26 53 79 106 132 158 185 211 238 264 290 317 343 370 396 422 449 475 502 528 554 581 607 634 660 686
9 27 54 82 109 136 163 190 218 245 272 299 326 354 381 408 435 462 490 517 544 571 598 626 653 680 707
10 28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 392 420 448 476 504 532 560 588 616 644 672 700 728
11 29 58 86 115 144 173 202 230 259 288 317 346 374 403 432 461 490 518 547 576 605 634 662 691 720 749
12 30 59 89 118 148 178 207 237 266 296 326 355 385 414 444 474 503 533 562 592 622 651 681 710 740 770
13 30 61 91 122 152 182 213 243 274 304 334 365 395 426 456 486 517 547 578 608 638 669 699 730 760 790
14 31 62 94 125 156 187 218 250 281 312 343 374 406 437 468 499 530 562 593 624 655 686 718 749 780 811
15 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480 512 533 576 608 640 672 704 736 768 800 832
16 33 66 98 131 164 197 230 262 295 328 361 394 426 459 492 525 558 590 623 656 689 722 754 782 820 852
17 34 67 101 134 168 202 235 269 302 336 370 403 437 470 504 538 571 605 638 672 706 739 773 806 840 873
18 34 69 103 138 172 206 241 275 310 344 378 413 447 482 516 550 585 619 654 688 722 757 791 826 860 894
19 35 70 106 141 176 211 246 282 317 352 387 422 458 493 528 563 598 634 669 704 739 774 810 845 880 915
20 36 72 108 144 180 216 252 288 324 360 396 432 468 504 540 576 612 648 684 720 756 792 828 864 900 936

Skills that specifically interact with spirits[edit]

See also: Skills that specifically interact with binding rituals and with summoned creatures
IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
Armor of Unfeeling.jpg Armor of Unfeeling Skill. (10...30...35 seconds.) Your spirits within earshot take 50% less damage and are immune to critical attacks. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistCommuningZ Factions
Draw Spirit.jpg Draw Spirit Spell. Teleports target allied spirit to your location. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistZ Factions
Essence Strike.jpg Essence Strike Spell. Deals 15...51...60 lightning damage. You gain 1...7...9 Energy if any spirits are within earshot. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Feast of Souls.jpg Feast of Souls Spell. Heals all party members for 50...90...100 for each nearby allied spirit. All nearby allied spirits are destroyed. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Factions
Gaze from Beyond.jpg Gaze from Beyond Spell. Deals 20...56...65 lightning damage. Inflicts Blindness condition for 2...5...6 seconds if you are within earshot of a spirit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Gaze of Fury.jpg Gaze of Fury Binding Ritual. Destroys a spirit. Creates a level 1...11...14 spirit (30...54...60 second lifespan). Its attacks deal 5...17...20 damage. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Nightfall
Gaze of Fury (PvP).jpg Gaze of Fury (PvP) Binding Ritual. Destroys an allied spirit. Creates a level 1...8...10 spirit (30...54...60 second lifespan). Its attacks deal 5...17...20 damage. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Nightfall
Ghostly Haste.jpg Ghostly Haste Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Spells you cast recharge 25% faster. No effect unless you are within earshot of a spirit. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Factions
Ghostmirror Light.jpg Ghostmirror Light Spell. Heals for 15...75...90. You gain 15...75...90 Health if you are within earshot of a spirit. Cannot self-target. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Nightfall
Lamentation.jpg Lamentation Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). Causes -0...2...3 Health degeneration. Initial effect: Deals 10...42...50 damage to these foes if you are within earshot of a spirit or corpse. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Mend Body and Soul.jpg Mend Body and Soul Spell. Heals for 20...96...115. Removes one condition for each spirit within earshot. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Factions
Offering of Spirit.jpg Offering of Spirit Elite Spell. You gain 8...15...17 Energy. You do not sacrifice Health if any spirits are within earshot. Sacrifice}17% Tango-sacrifice.png 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Nightfall
Painful Bond.jpg Painful Bond Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (10...18...20 seconds). Spirits do 8...18...20 more damage against these foes. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Purify Soul.jpg Purify Soul Spell. All friendly spirits within earshot gain +1 health regeneration for 3 seconds. All enemy spirits within earshot burn for 3 seconds. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02525 Tango-recharge-darker.png monsteraMonsterZ Winds of Change
Reclaim Essence.jpg Reclaim Essence Elite Spell. All of your Spirits die. If a Spirit dies in this way, you gain 5...17...20 Energy and all of your Binding Rituals are recharged. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Nightfall
Rupture Soul.jpg Rupture Soul Spell. Destroys target allied spirit. Deals 50...122...140 lightning damage and inflicts Blindness condition (3...10...12 seconds) to nearby foes. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Factions
Signet of Binding.jpg Signet of Binding Signet. You lose 200...80...50 Health. Gain control of target enemy-controlled spirit. 50% failure chance unless Spawning Power 5 or more. 0 0 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Nightfall
Signet of Ghostly Might.jpg Signet of Ghostly Might Elite Signet. (5...17...20 seconds.) All spirits you control within earshot attack 33% faster and deal +5...9...10 damage. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistCommuningZ Nightfall
Signet of Spirits (PvP).jpg Signet of Spirits (PvP) Elite Signet. You gain 3...10...12 Energy. No effect unless you are within earshot of a spirit. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Spirit Boon Strike.jpg Spirit Boon Strike Spell. Deals 20...56...65 lightning damage. Spirits you control within earshot gain 20...56...65 Health. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Spirit Burn.jpg Spirit Burn Spell. Deals 5...41...50 lightning damage. Inflicts Burning condition (1...4...5 second[s]) if you are within earshot of a spirit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Spirit Channeling.jpg Spirit Channeling Elite Enchantment Spell. (12 seconds.) You have +1...5...6 Energy regeneration. Initial effect: you gain 3...10...12 Energy if you are within earshot of a spirit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Factions
Spirit Light.jpg Spirit Light Spell. Heals for 60...156...180. You don't sacrifice Health if you are within earshot of any spirits. Sacrifice}17% Tango-sacrifice.png 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0044 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Factions
Spirit Light Weapon.jpg Spirit Light Weapon Elite Weapon Spell. (10 seconds.) Target ally gains 1...12...15 Health each second. 1...12...15 more healing per second while within earshot of a spirit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Factions
Spirit Siphon.jpg Spirit Siphon Spell. The spirit nearest you loses all Energy. You gain 15...43...50% of that Energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Factions
Spirit Siphon (Master Riyo).jpg Spirit Siphon (Master Riyo) Spell. Target spirit loses all Energy. You gain 15...27...30% of that Energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png monsteraMonsterChanneling MagicZ Bonus Mission Pack
Spirit Transfer.jpg Spirit Transfer Spell. The spirit nearest you loses 5...41...50 Health. Heals target ally for 5 for each point of Health lost. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Factions
Spirit Walk.jpg Spirit Walk Spell. Shadow Step to target Spirit. [sic] 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png assassinaAssassinZ Factions
Spirit to Flesh.jpg Spirit to Flesh Touch Spell. Destroys target touched allied spirit. Heals nearby allies for 30...198...240. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistSpawning PowerZ Factions
Spiritleech Aura.jpg Spiritleech Aura Skill. (5...17...20 seconds.) All of your spirits within earshot deal 5...17...20 less damage and steal 5...17...20 Health when they attack. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistRestoration MagicZ Eye of the North
Summon Spirits.jpg Summon Spirits Spell. Spirits you control Shadow Step to your location and gain 60...100 Health. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistAllegiance rankZ Factions


  • Spirits that appear without being summoned by a player skill can be identified because they can be targeted with skills that affect only spirits. For example, Druids, Binding Guardians, and Banshees can be removed using Gaze of Fury.
  • When a player casts a spell to which spirits are immune, it will fail with the message, "Spell failed. Spirits are not affected by this spell."
  • Jack Frost is a unique spirit in that it is fleshy, vulnerable to hexes, has more health than a typical level 5 spirit, and has a different naming convention.
  • Before spirits die in PvP, they become green triangles on the compass.
  • Spirits (including Binding rituals) receive +30% damage only from primary Rangers under the effects of There Can Be Only One and they also receive +30% damage only from Ranger skills used by secondary Rangers under the effects of Amateur Hour, which suggests that the game mechanics regards them as primary Rangers.
Bug Bug.Heroes in Guard Mode will target non-attacking spirits; both heroes and henchmen will go out of their way to attack spirits.
Anomaly Anomaly.Foes are able to discover the current location of spirit creator, who is out of their aggro area but within spirit range, and often run directly to them after spirit dies.
Anomaly Anomaly.Spirits will sometimes lose aggro if they or the one who summoned them aren’t attacked. This usually happens with melee when the spirits kill an enemy and there are no ranged attackers to maintain aggro but can happen other times. The easy solution is to simply attack the enemy to regain aggro and/or move into aggro distance.


  • When a spirit is first summoned, they always face east.

Ranger Ranger
Spirit of BramblesSpirit of ConflagrationSpirit of Energizing WindSpirit of EquinoxSpirit of ExtinctionSpirit of FamineSpirit of Favorable WindsSpirit of Fertile SeasonSpirit of Frozen SoilSpirit of Greater ConflagrationSpirit of Infuriating HeatSpirit of LacerationSpirit of Muddy TerrainSpirit of Nature's RenewalSpirit of PestilenceSpirit of Predatory SeasonSpirit of Primal EchoesSpirit of Quickening ZephyrSpirit of QuicksandSpirit of Roaring WindsSpirit of SymbiosisSpirit of ToxicitySpirit of TranquilitySpirit of WinnowingSpirit of Winter
Ritualist Ritualist
Active Spirit of AngerSpirit of AnguishSpirit of Blood SongSpirit of DisenchantmentSpirit of DissonanceSpirit of FurySpirit of HateSpirit of PainSpirit of ShadowsongSpirit of SufferingSpirit of VampirismSpirit of Wanderlust
Passive Spirit of AgonySpirit of DisplacementSpirit of EarthbindSpirit of EmpowermentSpirit of PreservationSpirit of RecoverySpirit of RecuperationSpirit of RejuvenationSpirit of ShelterSpirit of SoothingSpirit of Union
End effect Spirit of DestructionSpirit of LifeSpirit of Restoration
Any Common
Spirit of High Winds