Bukdek Byway

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for an explorable area during Winds of Change and a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Bukdek Byway
Bukdek Byway.jpg
Campaign Factions
Region Kaineng City
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Kaineng Center
Shadow's Passage
The Marketplace
The Undercity
Tunnels Below Cantha
Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter)
Xaquang Skyway
Bukdek Byway map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive maps
Urban 1.jpg
In-game screenshot

Bukdek Byway is a densely populated area of Kaineng City, with several levels of housing and confusing passages to navigate. The southeastern corner is controlled by the Am Fah of the Undercity while the Jade Brotherhood holds sway towards the northeast. The Afflicted have some presence in the center of the area.

Getting there[edit]

Factions characters will travel north from the Marketplace through here on their way to Kaineng Center for the first time. Non-Factions characters will be required to leave Kaineng Center and travel through this area as part of the primary quest Welcome to Cantha. Many secondary quests take place here.



Resurrection shrines with a statue

Quests available[edit]




Other allies[edit]



Humans (Am Fah)

Humans (Jade Brotherhood)


Humans (Jade Brotherhood; none of these will spawn during Chasing Zenmai)



  • There are at least two ambient animals in the area:
    • A napping cat, curled up near the shrine of Balthazar (southeast exit to the Undercity) that will occasionally flick its tail or stretch itself; it was modeled after Linsey Murdock's pet.
    • A dog, resembling a pug, in a trough up the left staircase after exiting Kaineng Center.
  • The Naked Man could be found here during early beta.

Explorable areas in Kaineng City
Bejunkan Pier Bukdek Byway Divine Path Kaineng Docks Nahpui Quarter Pongmei Valley Raisu Palace Raisu Pavilion Shadow's Passage Shenzun Tunnels Sunjiang District Tahnnakai Temple The Undercity Wajjun Bazaar Xaquang Skyway
Towns and outpostsMissionsLandmarks