List of ranger collector weapons
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Items listed on this page are all maximum damage bows.
Weapon | Inherent Modifier | Collectibles | Location | Collector |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Mummy Wrappings | Joko's Domain | Rahvu |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Frozen Wurm Husks | Frostmaw's Burrows | Pathfinder Alon |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Fungal Roots | Bloodstone Caves | Pekk |
Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Plague Idols | The Undercity | Ohtah |
Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Dredge Incisors | Saint Anjeka's Shrine | Guard Captain Mirkoz |
Flatbow | Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%) | 5 Kraken Eyes | Zos Shivros Channel | Elder Pomona |
Ascalon Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Minotaur Horns | Diviner's Ascent | Luven Underwood |
Ascalon Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Intricate Grawl Necklaces | Witman's Folly | Mag Ironwall |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Gold Doubloons | Barbarous Shore | Pehtigam |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Mountain Roots | Ice Cliff Chasms | Varr the Unlovable |
Feathered Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Superb Charr Carvings | Doomlore Shrine | Swift Fiercejustice |
Flatbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Warden Horns | Morostav Trail | Dmitri Scharkoff |
Flatbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Soul Stones | Imperial Sanctum | Yiwong |
Flatbow | Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes) | 5 Warden Horns | Altrumm Ruins | Artor Bobani Kiroz |
Flatbow | Damage +20% (while Hexed) | 2 Keen Oni Talons | Cavalon | Dauv Merishahl |
Weapon | Inherent Modifier | Collectibles | Location | Collector |
Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Naga Skins | Breaker Hollow | Maddison |
Stoneshard Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Giant Tusks | The Ruptured Heart | Charmamani |
Stoneshard Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Stone Summit Emblems | Drakkar Lake | Marduc Snakeslayer |
Hornbow | Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%) | 5 Jade Bracelets | Xaquang Skyway | Claw Tallfeather |
Ascalon Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Massive Jawbones | Vulture Drifts | Karl Jakobs |
Ascalon Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Azure Remains | Snake Dance | Hoknil the Lesser |
Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Ancient Kappa Shells | Shenzun Tunnels | Leijo |
Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Kraken Eyes | Unwaking Waters | Elder Ezio |
Stoneshard Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Gold Doubloons | Barbarous Shore | Nihanu |
Hornbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Blood Drinker Pelts | Altrumm Ruins | Peltsman Jiri |
Hornbow | Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes) | 2 Keen Oni Claws | House zu Heltzer | Andru Pitrak |
Hornbow | Damage +20% (while Hexed) | 5 Black Pearls | Gyala Hatchery (explorable area) | Pietro |
Stoneshard Hornbow | Energy +5 | 2 Bull Trainer Giant Jawbones | Wilderness of Bahdza | Behruseh |
Stoneshard Hornbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Berserker Horns | Varajar Fells | Helming Baldbrow |
Weapon | Inherent Modifier | Collectibles | Location | Collector |
Ascalon Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Dune Burrower Jaws | The Arid Sea | Sir Pohl Sanbert |
Ascalon Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 2 Frozen Shells | Lornar's Pass | Nord Stonegrimm |
Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Plague Idols | Shenzun Tunnels | Kiishen |
Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Stone Carvings | House zu Heltzer | Master Architect Wright |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Mandragor Husks | Crystal Overlook | Juba |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Piles of Elemental Dust | Catacombs of Kathandrax | Sark |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Jotun Pelts | Darkrime Delves | Dobb |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Lavastrider Appendages | Arachni's Haunt | Dagnor Grubeater |
Longbow | Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%) | 5 Dredge Incisors | Brauer Academy | Kristoffir Roi |
Longbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Naga Skins | Bai Paasu Reach | Amina |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Vaettir Essences | Raven's Point | Pathfinder Nolan |
Longbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Vermin Hides | Xaquang Skyway | Yu Lae |
Longbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Kirin Horns | Silent Surf | Tarena |
Wooden Longbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Skelk Fangs | Vloxen Excavations | Kilgor Rageheart |
Longbow | Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes) | 5 Stolen Provisions | Mount Qinkai | Leon |
Longbow | Damage +20% (while Hexed) | 5 Plague Idols | Wajjun Bazaar | Kegai |
Wooden Longbow | Energy +5 | 5 Geodes | Resplendent Makuun | Kurmauzeh |
Recurve Bow[edit]
Weapon | Inherent Modifier | Collectibles | Location | Collector |
Ascalon Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Topaz Crests | Skyward Reach | John Verado |
Ascalon Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Alpine Seeds | Mineral Springs | Bariel Darkroot |
Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Pulsating Growths | Maatu Keep | Dye Master Franjek |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Inscribed Shards | Crystal Overlook | Dayoesh |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Piles of Elemental Dust | Sepulchre of Dragrimmar | Pathfinder Mia |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Fleshreaver Morsels | Rragar's Menagerie | Cait |
Recurve Bow | Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%) | 4 Vampiric Fangs | House zu Heltzer | Jaun Stumi |
Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Azure Crests | Seafarer's Rest | Farrer |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Heket Tongues | Dejarin Estate | Dalzbeh |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Dryder Webs | Sepulchre of Dragrimmar | Jovial Pete |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Beetle Eggs | Bogroot Growths | Onkk |
Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Soul Stones | Zin Ku Corridor | Adept Bishu |
Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Jade Bracelets | Shenzun Tunnels | Jung Zeng |
Recurve Bow | Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes) | 5 Archaic Kappa Shells | Archipelagos | Axton |
Recurve Bow | Damage +20% (while Hexed) | 5 Stone Horns | Morostav Trail | Jonn Tertehl |
Sturdy Recurve Bow | Energy +5 | 5 Skree Wings | Resplendent Makuun | Nuwisha |
Weapon | Inherent Modifier | Collectibles | Location | Collector |
Ascalon Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Dessicated Hydra Claws | Skyward Reach | Mourn Drakespur |
Ascalon Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Mountain Troll Tusks | Mineral Springs | Trego Stonebreaker |
Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Putrid Cysts | The Marketplace | Attendant Nashu |
Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Dragon Roots | Vasburg Armory | Healer Silja |
Composite Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Dusty Insect Carapaces | The Shattered Ravines | Chinwe |
Composite Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%) | 5 Amphibian Tongues | Magus Stones | Kaplack |
Composite Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Sentient Lodestones | Kodonur Crossroads | Ajambo |
Composite Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Golem Runestones | Oola's Lab | Vixx |
Shortbow | Damage +15% (while Enchanted) | 5 Moon Shells | Zos Shivros Channel | Kristo Trilios |
Shortbow | Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%) | 5 Rot Wallow Tusks | Boreas Seabed (explorable area) | Catrine Embolom |
Shortbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Truffles | Ferndale | Chef Armand |
Composite Shortbow | Damage +15% (while in a Stance) | 5 Piles of Elemental Dust | Norrhart Domains | Mitigan Backbreaker |
Shortbow | Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes) | 2 Guardian Moss | Pongmei Valley | Luci |
Shortbow | Damage +20% (while Hexed) | 5 Celestial Essences | Senji's Corner | Sakai |
Composite Shortbow | Energy +5 | 5 Skree Wings | Wilderness of Bahdza | Endah |
Collector weapons |
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