List of elemental skills that benifit from other elemental skills[edit]
- Any
Minion Master JQ[edit]
- 16 Death Magic
- 10 Soul Reaping
- 9 Healing Prayers
- Optionals
Symbiosis Bonder JQ[edit]
- 11 Beast Mastery
- 11 Healing Prayers
- 11 Divine Favor
- Summary
- Rofl, Scribes Insight could actually work for this build. Maintain Watchful Spirit and Mending on and one of the quarry NPCs, spam signets, and keep Symbiosis up.
JQ Necromancer Build[edit]
- Summary
- The 4 first skills are sufficient to capture shrines, which opens up plenty of opportunities for other strategies. Word of Healing? Zealous Benediction with Vital Blessing? Second Wind?
Grenth's Grasp Ranger[edit]
- Summary
- Good damage.
- Immunity to blindness and constant cripple as long as Grenth's Grasp is up.
- If Expert Focus is interrupted, Rapid Fire can be used instead.
Keystone Signet mesmer[edit]
- Optionals
Signet of Disenchantment (Good synergy with this build. The 15s CD means that it can be used twice every 15s when combined with KS, it has good synergy with Ether Signet, and the build needs a better counter to caster professions [it is already good vs melee]).
Frustration (Makes rupting easier, and helps to deal more damage.)
Leech Signet
Signet of Twilight(Might be useful for this build, but at least 2 hexes are needed then. Signet of Humility must be dropped in this case.)
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- Strengths
- Conjure Nightmare and Distortion can be spammed because they are the only energy consuming skills and because of Leech Signet/Ether Signet combined with Keystone Signet.
- Resistant to rupts due to high fast casting and 5 seconds of Distortion every 5s.
- The long Distortion combined with Signet of Clumsiness makes the build good against melee.
- Good damage with Conjure nightmare (15s with 8 health degen, with only 5s cooldown!).
- Weaknesses
- While Conjure Nightmare does good damage, the damage is dealt over a long time and can be removed.
- The build heavily relies on rupts. If they rupts fail, the build is significantly weaker.
Symbolic Strike Dervish[edit]
- Summary
- Symbolic Strike deals +70 damage and can be used very frequently due to Onslaught.
- This is especially useful when used with a scythe, as multiple targets can be hit, therefore multiplying Symbolic Strike's damage and causes it to build adrenaline even faster.
- Lacks strong defensive skills.
- Has only 1 enchantment, which makes it impossible to use Windwalker Insignia.
PvE Ranger[edit]
- Optionals
- Summary
- Ignite Arrows has great synergy with Incendiary Arrows, Tripple Shot and Ebon Battle Standard.
- Dwarven Stability allows Lightning Reflexes to be up for much longer.
- Hexbreaker aria is a great party-wide support skill that can be used frequently due to high attack speed, Triple SHot and Incendiary Arrows.
PvE adrenaline spam warrior[edit]
- Optionals
- Summary
- With multiple adrenaline-granting skills, Lion's Comfort, "Save yourselves" and Brawling Headbutt (and, if used, Whirlwind Attack) can be spammed very frequently, providing good self heal, crowd control, and single target damage. (Also easy to use.)
Prince Dervish[edit]
- Optionals
Mystic Regeneration (Defensive. Great synergy with all enchantments and covers the build's weakness that it lacks Healing.)
- Advantage: The build already has a ton of damage even without Heart of Fury. 20 Health per second would probably be more benificial overall, even though the healing won't be necessary in all situations.
Heart of Fury (Offensive. Good synergy with Sand Shards, VoS, "Save Yourselves" and Whirlwind Strike.)
- Advantage: Due to Zealous Scythe, Heart of Fury grants more total energy. Also, it costs much less energy (none) than MR (also feeds Save Yourselves and Whirlwind Strike, VoS and is easily maintainable.)
- Summary
- Sand Shards can really shine in some situations, but at the end of the day it's only good when encountering a mass of units, which doesn't always happen.
- Even in these scenarios, I think Ebon Battle Standard shines even brighter. This is especially true when fighting with several minion masters (as the minion's damage are increased) and when stacking VoS with Heart of Fury. Due to Zealous Scythe, Heart of Fury will greatly help with energy management which allows for Ebon Battle Standard to be used.
- While Air of Superiority is a good skill, the build doesn't really benefit that much from it since the skills are either Adrenaline skills or long-lasting enchantments (so it doesn't benefit that much from AoS's instant-recharge ability, which Air of Superiority really is all about).
Channel Rit Spammer[edit]
- Summary
- Fun build because you can spam the skills constantly (never need to wait for mana), provided that you are not interrupted. Since each skill deals/heals for 75 points on average, you can make a significant difference when it comes to your team's and the enemy team's health bars.
Lord of the Beetles - Enraged Lunge (PvP) spam[edit]
- 12-14Expertise
- 12-15 Beast Mastery
- Optionals
Predator's Pounce (Good damage, low energy cost, and an extra heal. Spamming this and EL might take too much on the energy though, but a Zealous Spear might fix this.)
Savage Pounce (Definitely enough energy. Even if the energy is enough to spam Predator's Pounce, any extra energy is useful because it heals the pet. NOTE: Predator's Pounce heals for 50 and costs half the energy of Comfort Animal. In other words, both skills heal equally much in terms of energy cost. As such, the only reason to use Savage Pounce is for the knockdown.)
Grapple (probably won't work for this build, but i just realized that this skill should be really useful for other similar builds as the pet does all damage.)
Hexbreaker Aria (Same as grapple; this skill would allow the user to be more useful while the pet deals the damage, although this skill would be beter suited when using RaO.)
- File:.jpg [[]] (No other useful Beast Mastery or No Attirbute skills found.)
Lord of the Beetles: Caster Attributes[edit]
RaO + Brutal Weapon[edit]
- Optionals
- Summary
- The Lord of the Beetles: Brutal Weapon build (which uses Ferocious Strike) is very similar, but has good energy management and space for Otyugh's Cry and Resurrection Signet. However, this build could still be of use, since the caster benefits from the brutal weapon / RaO combination. It may be worth using a greater Beast Mastery rune for this build, as this increases the energy gain from Scavenger Strike.
- Strengths
- Good damage.
- Smite Hex is great for protecting the beetle and causing extra damage for spikes. It is better than Smite Condition in this case because the monk can remove all conditions on the beetle simply by using Draw Conditions, and because smite hex deals more damage at the cost of a longer cooldown (this extended cd is not a problem, as the build can't afford using this very frequently anyways).
- Weaknesses
- Poor energy management
Smiting Prayers: Rampage as One version[edit]
- 11+1 Expertise (major rune SHOULD be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Smiting Prayers
- Optionals
Judge's Insight (not sure if this is a very good idea, although it might be useful for the Chain Combo flux)
Otyugh's Cry (awesome skill, even though it is less useful for the build now that Enraged Lunge (PvP) is not used)
Brutal Strike (also a great skill, but since Enraged Lunge (PvP) is not used, Brutal Strike is a lot less likely to make a successful spike, is also quite energy heavy)
Smite Condition (if brutal strike isn't used, there are not alot of damage skills left. Then Smite Condition might as well be used, as it supports the team, can help with spikes, and is relatively cheap - but it is not affected by expertise!!!)
Bestial Pounce (less damage than smite condition, but is affected by expertise and is more likely to cause KD than usual due to the extremely high attack speed of the beetles)
Pounce (both duplicate skills could actually work. There is enough energy for it and, again, it is likely to cause kd, BUT it will take up the slot for Otyugh's Cry!)
Spear of Light (great damage for spikes, but requires the target to attack and also has a fairly long CD, although the CD can be reduced with the 40/40 set)
Smite Hex (causes damage, removes hexes on self and supports other team members)
- Strengths
- Rampage as One effectively replaces: Enraged Lunge (PvP), Feral Aggression, and Run as One - thus freeing up alot of space.
- In a way, it also replaces Brutal Weapon, as the increased attack speed will also increase the damage from the wand.
- Similar to the Brutal Weapon version, the user himself can do some damage due to the 10 Smiting Prayers as well as the IAS from RaO.
- Smite Hex helps causing damage, removing hexes on self and supporting other team members.
- Pounce causes KD frequently.
- Weaknesses
- Is the damage good enough? Must be tested...
Drunken Blow version[edit]
- 11+2 Expertise (major rune SHOULD be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Swordsmanship
- 1 Tactics
Dagger Version[edit]
- 11+1 Expertise (major rune could be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Dagger Mastery
- ZEALOUS DAGGERS (due to the very high attack speed)
- Summary
- Despite RaO's massive energy cost, the build should have a pretty good energy management due to Zealous daggers (+ a high attack speed) and Lotus Strike (- energy cost, reduced by expertise).
- The extra energy could be used to spam Comfort Animal (useful against Wastrel spam).
- Unlike the pure Lord of the Beetles build, the attacks here are not unblockable, forcing target switching.
- Unlike the caster Lord of the Beetles builds, this one has no ranged attacks. If the user runs together with the bettle then instead of an own target, he will be very vulnerable to Wastrel's.
- Optionals
Poisonous Bite (together with Jagged Strike, it creates a perma -7 health degen, also has a very cheap energy cost)
Falling Spider (Probably more useful due to the ability to knock down and the bonus damage.)
Melandru's Assault (PvP) (depends on how much extra energy is avalible - the more energy avalible, the more reason to use this skill)
Brutal Strike (same as Melandru's Assault)
Repeating Strike (I am not sure if this works for this build, but maybe a different verision of the RaO/Dagger builds.)
Horns of the Ox (powerful dual attack. The long CD fits perfectly with Lotus Strike.)
Scavenger Strike (together with Jagged Strike and Lotus strike, this will give infinite energy - likely too much for this build, but perhaps it would work for another).
Exhausting Assault (Cheap rupt with only 8s cooldown.)
Wild Strike (Useful to remove stances like Bonetti's Defense.)
Desperate Strike (Can be useful for the massive bonus damage, inability to heal self, and lack of chaining)
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Inspiration Magic version[edit]
- 11+1 Expertise (major rune could be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Inspiration Magic
- 40/40 inspiration Set
- Optionals
Ether Signet (probably a bad idea; it is vulnerable to rupts and unaffected by the 40/40 set.)
Scavenger Strike (a really good skill, only problem is that the skill is not strong enough to keep the energy management up without support from Power Drain, and if Power Drain is used, there is no skill slot left to cause conditions.)
Revealed Hex (can remove hexes and help with the energy management, but has a long CD and only gives 3 energy - also unaffeted by 40/40)
Waste Not, Want Not (gives more energy than Revealed Hex and is affected by 40/40, but can be difficult to constantly execute properly.)
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Spear Mastery version[edit]
- 11+1 Expertise (major rune could be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Spear Mastery
- Summary
- Should have good damage due to good energy management and RaO, but all attacks are blockable, there is not much energy left for Comfort Animal, and unlike the standard Lord of the Beetles build, the user is alot less mobile because he is forced to stand and fight.
Domination Magic[edit]
- 11+1 Expertise (major rune SHOULD be used, Rampage as One and because it comes to a breakpoint)
- 11+2 Beast Mastery (major rune could be used, due to the speed boost from Rampage as One)
- 10 Domination Magic
- Optionals
- Summary
- The reason why blackout is used is because:
- Cost is reduced by expertise.
- The Build can still do alot of damage even when the skills are disabled.
- The 10 Domination Magic allows damage with wand (boosted by RaO).
Ritual Lord Channeling Magic[edit]
- 16 Channeling Magic
- 15 Spawning Power
Jack of All Trades Rit (Jade Quarry)[edit]
- All four ritualist attributes (+1 attribute rank in each from armor).
- Your skills deal 15% additional damage, activate 25% faster, and cost 20% less Energy to activate.
- Strengths
- Wanderlust and Bloodsong have good synergy with Spiritleech Aura.
- Good damage with Painful Bond and Agony.
- Good self heal with Spirit Light.
Flourish Hammer Mastery[edit]
- Strengths
- 3 KD attacks that can be spammed frequently due to Protector's Strike, Flourish and Mokele Smash.
- Protector's Strike deals good damage and works well with Rush and Flourish.
- Weaknesses
- Can't remove snares / blindness from self.
- Can't inflict daze or deep wound.
- Flourish can be interrupted.
- Lacks IAS.
Flourish Pet Master[edit]
- Summary
- Uuh.. just .. no.
- Is pounce affected by the Stonefist Insignia?
Meek Shall Inherit Shortbow sin[edit]
- Optionals
- Focused Shot - Good damage, high affordable energy cost and the build is unaffected by the disabled attack skills since it will be the only attack skill used. - Drop Heket's Rampage if used.
- Way of perfection - Additional cover for Way of the Master.
- Strengths
- Very frequent rupts (hopefully) due to high marksmanship and critical strikes.
- The high critical strikes provides good energy management.
- Can remove conditions from self
- Weaknesses
- Low, blockable damage.
- Vulnerable to ench removals.
- Disrupting Accuracy is vulnerable to rupts.
Hidden Talanet - Balanced Domination Magic[edit]
- Inspiration Magic
- Domination Magic
- Fast Casting
- Summary
- + Good shutdown and energy management due to Hidden Talent. Can rupt. Can remove enchantments. Can spike with Power spike + Shatter Enchantment.
- - Little damage. Only 1 Rupt. Only 1 enchantment removal.
- Ether Phantom isn't used. Use Diversion to cover Ether Lord (Swap from energy hide inspiration set to 40/40 Domination set).
- Optionals
- Arcane Larceny - Comon, this skill has to work, it is so strong!
- Aneurysm - Cheap skill that can finish spikes.
- Blackout - Another great skill.
- Shatter Hex - Nice support with good damage.
- Wastrel's Demise - To add more pressure for Power Spike and Diversion
Golden Falling Skull Spider Fang of the Black Wild Rending Jagged Critical Lotus Blossom[edit]
Elite Dual Attack. Must strike a hexed knocked-down foe and follow an off-hand attack. If you are not under the effects of an enchantment, this skill misses. If it hits, target foe is poisoned, crippled, dazed and suffers from deep wound and bleeding for 3...23...28 seconds. You gain 1...8...10 energy, any stance being used by target foe ends and target foe loses 1...3...3 enchantment(s). This attack cannot be blocked and will always result in a critical hit. Also affects adjacent foes.
- Concise description
Elite dual attack. Inflicts bleeding, poison, cripple, deep wound and daze (5...17...20 seconds). Automatic critical hit. You gain 1...6...7 Energy. This skill cannot be blocked, removes target foe's stance and
1...3...3 enchantment(s). Also strikes adjacent foes.
Must strike a hexed knocked-down foe and follow an off-hand attack. Fails if you are not enchanted.
Special Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support[edit]
Spell. Summon a level 10...18...20 Special Ebon Vanguard Assassin at target foe's location that has that has Iron Palm, Fox Fangs, Nine Tail Strike, Mirrored Stance, Aura of Restoration, Shock, Special Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support, and Golden Falling Skull Spider Fang of the Black Wild Rending Jagged Critical Lotus Blossom. The Assassin lives for 12...14...15 seconds.
- Concise description
Spell. Summon a Special Ebon Vanguard Assassin that posesses devastating dagger attacks and replicates itself extremely quickly. The Special Ebon Vanguard Assassin is usually fatal to any enemy, but it has a weakness: If the first assassin summoned is killed quickly, before it can replicate itself, it will not cause significant damage.
Hidden Talent Ranger[edit]
- Strengths
- Constant increased attack speed and 75% block chance.
- Decent damage with Lightning Reflexes combined with PBS and ZS.
- 2 interrupts.
- Increased attributes and energy regeneration with hidden talent.
- Weaknesses
- Can't remove conditions from self (but can interrupt them before they are applied).
- Reduced range with Point Blank Shot and Zojun's Shot.
- Damage isn't outstanding and attacks can be blocked.
Hidden Talent Toucher[edit]
- Optionals
Demonic Flesh (Cheap skill that synergies well with this build. Is however vulnerable to enchantment removals.)
Blood Ritual (This is a pretty good skill. I wonder why it is never used. The only weakness i see is its touch range.)
Plague Touch (Great condition removal. Rank 4 curses is achievable due to Hidden talent, causing this skill to transferer 2 conditions.)
- Strengths
- 18 Expertise provides great energy management (in addition to the +1 Energy Regeneration). It also causes Dodge and Zojun's Haste to last 12s, making them almost maintainable. This greatly reduces the chances of being kited AND being interrupted by other rangers (which can be devastating if Vampiric Touch/Bite is rupted and disabled.)
- 14 Blood Magic makes the necromancer skills just as powerful as if a necromancer had used them.
- Strip Enchantment is a powerful enchantment removal skill.
- Can deal good, unblockable, damage.
- Good survivability as long as the Vampiric skills aren't rupted.
- Weaknesses
- I guess there are better ways to deal damage than this (although the build's survivability and shutdown might make up for this).
- Cant remove conditions from self (unless Plague Touch is used, and that skill is touch range), so Cripple can be devastating if no teammate can remove it.
- Might be difficult to handle energy denials.
- Reduced health due to Superior Expertise Rune.
- Cannot block melee attacks (but can retreat from them using the speed boosts).
Version 2[edit]
- Strengths
- Strip Enchantment is very expensive since it isnt reduced by expertise. At the same time, signet of agony is free (no energy cost), the sacrifice cost isn't a problem, and the bleeding condition can be transfered.
- Weaknesses
- Can't remove enchantments, although the increased damage should make up for this.
- Whirling Defense has a HUGE cooldown and doesn't increase movement speed, although the very long duration (22 seconds at 18 expertise) and ability to block melee attacks should make up for this.
- Also, a speed boost might not actually be necessary, since the player can camp melee players with Vampiric Bite/Touch (melee players can't kite when they are attacking). This forces balling with the own team, but that shouldn't be a problem either, due to the massive self heal with Vampiric Bite/Touch, and since rangers have a high armor against elemental damage.
Warrior Scythe[edit]
Melandru's Resilience Ranger Healer (troll build - can't remove hexes)[edit]
Bot's Bane Spirit Spammer JQ[edit]
- Useage
- Use skills 7 and 8 for survivability and to run between the enemy portals.
- Surround the portals with the spirit skills 2-5 and boost them with Ritual Lord.
- The portals are not the only thing that can be used to block bots with. Chocke-points and stairs can also work.
- If the spirits are placed correctly, this should render the bots useless, since they will be stuck (body blocked) by the spirits at the portal. Just make sure to maintain the spirits for as long as possible on all portals/Choke-points.
- Optionals
- This build has very limited self-healing. Maybe it would be good to swap Displacement (PvP) for Feigned Neutrality.
- Strengths
- Brutal Weapon stacks with the beetles increased attack speed from Feral Aggression, resulting in good constant, unblockable/uninterruptable damage.
- Unlike previous Lord of the Beetles builds, this one gives the ranger the ability to do some damage himself with the wand, due to 10 Communing! :)
- Brutal Weapon has a long duration, can be used on self for even more damage, and can be used to boos allies.
- Weaknesses
- No great spike damage.
- Brutal Weapon is useless if having monks with skills such as Vigorous Spirit.
- Little space for Resurrection Signet.
No Expertise Version[edit]
- Optionals
JQ Spirit Spammer[edit]
FA / JQ Rit healer[edit]
- Optionals (Jade Quarry)
- Optionals (Fort Aspenwood)
Restoration Magic Focus[edit]
- Strengths
- Soothing Memories and Signet of Rejuvenation are basically free heals.
- Vital Weapon and Generous Was Tsungari can be used to increase the health significantly (+261 health!).
- Can remove both Hexes and Conditions (although not very frequently).
Restoration Magic Focus[edit]
- Strengths
- All 3 attributes are Ritualist ones, so runes can be used to boost them.
- Weapon of Quickening becomes a very powerful team-support due to the high Spawning Power
- Ether Signet provides even greater energy management
- Weaknesses
- Inspired Hex can only be used every 20s, and doesn't heal like Cure Hex does.
- No space for Spawning Power skills, so it only serves to prolong the Weapon Spells.
Smiting Mesmer[edit]
- Strengths
- Judge's Insight is actually a good skill (unlike most other Smiting Prayers skills)
- Scourge Healing and Scourge Enchantment have very long durations.
- The build does not heavily depend on Power Drain (so it can be a good build to practice-use it).
- Weaknesses
- No direct damage.
- Useless against parties that rely on health regeneration or life steal to regenerate health.
Pure Smiting Prayers version[edit]
Longbow Jade Quarry ranger[edit]
Grenth's Finger Martyr[edit]
Vow of Silence + Frenzied Stance derv (For FA or trolling in RA) Don't forget Windwalker Insignia[edit]
- Strengths
- Can't be blinded, hexed, E-surged, etc. due to Vow of Silence, thus removing pressure on the monk in the own team.
- Blocks most non-spells with Frenzied Defense.
- Radiant scythe (Fed by "To the Limit!" and Thrill of Victory) provides good energy management if constantly attacking.
- Greatly boosted by Jack of All Trades.
- Weaknesses
- Can't remove stances.
- Has no speed boost or snare to prevent kiting
- Healing signet + Frenzied Defense increases damage taken by 300% on self.
- Devastated by unblockable attacks, but who uses that anyway?
Pure Derv version[edit]
- Optionals
- Strengths over previous build
- Without healing signet, the build is less vulnerable to interrupts from skills like Magebane Shot.
- Vow of Piety will constantly be reapplied due to Vow of Silence, resulting in higher armor, which should reduce the damage taken significantly.
- Weaknesses
- When Mystic vigor needs to be reapplied, it creates a window where Vow of Silence isn't active.
- Mystic Vigor is the only healing skill (unless Victorious Sweep takes effect).
Wind Prayers Version[edit]
- Strengths over previous build
- Vow of Piety causes 1 more health regeneration now that the wind prayers attribute is higher.
- Grenth's Aura is a good self heal (great synergy with Banishing Strike?)
- Grenth's Aura, being a flash enchantment, removes the window during which WoS would be down, allowing it to be active (almost) permanently.
- Weaknesses
- Still no reliable main heal such as healing signet.
- Optionals
Protector's Strike - much more useful than banishing strike if banishing strike doesn't work with Grenth's Aura.
Mystic Sweep - Might be more useful that Protector's Strike, as it does more damage for the same energy, BUT: it has longer cooldown and activation time, so it triggers Grenth's Aura less frequently. Also, energy management might be problematic with Protector's Strike.
Sprint - Over Lyssa's Assault, in order to rush into combat when the match starts, prevent kiting, and cancel Frenzied Defense if needed.
"I Will Avenge You!" - Excellent skill for this purpose; 1. Lasts 30s because all allies are dead. 2. The increased attack speed feeds Grenth's Aura and results in more damage dealt. 3. Causes desperately needed healing that doesn't depend on attacking with the scythe (+3 health regeneration). 4. This isn't a stance or enchantment spell, so it works well with WoS and FD. 5. No attribute investment is needed. 6. Very low energy investment needed.
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Ranger Runner build (PvE)[edit]
Standard Mo/W ra build[edit]
Wounding Strike Wind Prayers[edit]
Hidden Talent Dervish=[edit]
Attempt to make use of Scavenger's Focus[edit]
Best Arcane Languor Builds[edit]
- Optionals
- Weaknesses
- Unless Empathy is used, the build is completely useless against any non-caster.
- The 15 Fast casting is a big investment, which results in low Domination Magic.
- Very little damage.
- Unless the Power Drain/Drain Enchantment build is used, this build lacks rupts and can therefore not protect the team against spikes or skills like Empathy or Diversion.
- Strengths
- Due to Ignorance and Arcane Languor, Monks will not have access to any healing whatsoever unless they use spells and as soon as they start using spells, they will quickly become overcast.
- Arcane Languor can only be removed by Holy Veil (which can be removed by Shatter Enchantment), or Peace and Harmony. Contemplation of Purity could also work to remove the hex, but it relies on enchantments (which also can be removed by Shatter Enchantment).
- Other hex-removals are useless, due to Mirrored Stance being an excellent cover hex.
- Unlike any other shutdown, the overcast from Arcane Languor will remain even if the monk dies and is resurrected.
- Most skills in the build have short casting times. This combined with 15 Fast Casting makes the build quite resistant to interrupts.
Ether Lord version[edit]
- Optionals
Web of Disruption (PvP) - cover hex for Ether Lord
Shrinking Armor - cover hex for Arcane Languor (if this skill is used, use Ether Phantom to cover Ether Lord!)
Feedback - - to ensure that Holy Veil isn't covered with Vigorous Spirit.
- This is a very uncommon enchantment removal, but it could work in this case because 1. The build has very high Inspiration Magic and Fast casting. 2. This build needs two enchantment removals. 3. The long cooldown isn't a big drawback because once the enemy monk is overexhausted, the build's job is complete.
Revealed Enchantment - to ensure that Holy Veil isn't covered with Vigorous Spirit
Power Return - This build has no rupts
- Advantages over previous build
- Ether Lord is less likely to be interrupted than usual due to high fast casting.
- Ether Lord + Ether Phantom can disable an additional target aside from the monk.
- Signet of Humility can counter the best counter to this build: Peace and Harmony. Can also, unlike the previous build, use to counter melee.
- Ether Lord, Ether Phantom and (if used) Feedback can cause energy loss.
- Disadvantage
- No fucking damage whatsoever :).
- Can't disable monk's signets using Ignorance.
- Relies on Ether Lord for energy management; it is dangerous if it is removed!
Pressure Mesmer without Ether Lord[edit]
- Strengths
- At 13 Illusion Magic, using Mantra of Persistence, Conjure Nightmare lasts 14*1,32 seconds. Since it deals 16 damage per second, the total damage of the skill is: 14*1,32*16 ≈ 295 damage. This is of course easy to catch by a monk before the target dies, but keep in mind that the cooldown is only 5 seconds.
- Can remove enchantments and cause extra pressure on the monk with Energy Drain.
- Weaknesses
- Auspicious Incantation can be interrupted or removed, ruining the energy management of the build.
- No ability to do spike damage.
Stone Daggers Spam[edit]
- 14(+2) Earth Magic
- 10 Energy Storage
- 9 Earth Prayers
- 20% chance for half Earth Magic Casting time wep. 10% chance for half spell recharge time time wep.
Hidden Talent Master of Magic[edit]
Diversion Mesmer[edit]
- Strengths
- Glyph of Essence allows for instant diversion, meaning that there is no way to prevent the skill from being disabled if used properly.
- Arcane Lancery can be used to disable a second skill. It is guaranteed not to disable the same skill as diversion if used first.
Inspiration Drainer[edit]
- Optional Elites
- Optional Skills
Build 2[edit]
- Optional Mesmer elites (unaffected by Signet of Humility)
- Optional other elites (affected by Signet of Humility)
Balthazar's Pendulum Advantage: Brutal vs Elementalists, Assassins and KD warriors.
Empathic Removal Advantage: removes conditions and heals. Disadvantage: Useless against cover hexes and unaffected by fast casting.
Weapon of Quickening Advantage: Supports team and self. Affected by Fast Casting. High Energy Cost is not a problem due to high Inspiration Magic. Affected by Hidden Talent.
Glimmer of Light Advantages: Great Healing. High Energy Cost is not a problem due to high Inspiration Magic. Affected by Hidden Talent. Disadvantage: Takes up Attribute Points
- File:.jpg [[]]
Best Paragon build ever made[edit]
- Strengths
- Since half of these skills are interrupts, this build INTERRUPTS YOUR TARGET TWICE EVERY 3S.
- Can remove stances and prevent kiting using Wild Blow + Axe Rake.
- Weaknesses
- Paragons have less armor than warriors, making it harder to play as a melee character.
- Can't remove hexes/blindness/cripple from self.
- Low damage.
- Non-stances that block (such as Guardian or Weapon of Warding) are not affected by Wild Blow, thereby making this build ineffective.
Vow of Silence Derv[edit]
- Strengths
- Can't be targeted by spells (=no blind/Empathy/Insidious Parasite/Spirit Shackles, etc).
- Attacker's Insight counters melee.
Smiting Derv[edit]
- Strengths
- Holy/Stonesoul strike can't miss, and the 3s knockdown allows them both to attack on the same knockdown.
- They also do 104 damage each to monks when the Amateur Hour flux is active, allowing for a total of 208 damage in addition to the kd.
Reaper's Sweep spam[edit]
- Strengths
- Has 4 Adrenaline-giving skills in addition to an attack speed boost, allowing very frequent use of Reaper's Sweep.
- Has good self-defense with Defensive stance and Mystic Vigor.
- Good Energy Management.
- Weaknesses
- Can't support own team.
- Can't remove hexes or conditions from self.
- No great damage, although the knockdowns should make up for this.
- The build has two stances that collide with each other, it might be good to change this.
- Strengths
- Can remove stances.
- Intimidating Aura increases the chance to gain benefit from Thrill of Victory.
- Can now support team with Watchful Intervention.
- Watchful Intervention is also a great feeder to Irresistible Sweep.
- Weaknesses
- No attack speed boost (although this is hard to accomplish when spamming Defensive Stance).
- The previous build has better energy management.
Reaper's Sweep Awe[edit]
Grenth's Balance Fuse[edit]
- Use Grenth's Balance as often as possible, keep health low using Fuse.
- Maitain energy with Castigation Signet, Angorodon's Gaze and Foul Feast.
- Use Balthazhar's Spirit on yourself and maintain it, since you will most likely be the main target.
- Judge's Intervention is a great cover enchantment to this, so use it even if you are not close to dying.
- Use Judge's Intervention to surprise Frenzy Warriors.
- Smite Hex, Spirit Bond (PvP) or Gaze of Contempt instead of res, because if someone dies before you, you must be doing something wrong.
Spike Warrior[edit]
Second Best JQ Build[edit]
- 16 Fire Magic
- 10 Energy Storage
- 9 Earth Prayers
- The first 3 skills alone can do some insane capping at 16+2 Fire Magic (140 damage and burn 12 seconds with only 5s cooldown, as well as a permanent 50% speed boost!).
- Fleeting Stability is used when hexed with Lightning Surge, to allow healing with Vital Boon and Signet of Pious Light.
- Mirage Cloak is used when capping Guard Posts.
- If energy gets too low, it may be worth dying, since Mind Burn isn't very good once your energy gets low.
Very offensive healer[edit]
Pious Renewal Feeder[edit]
- Optionals
Pious Renewal Super Energy Management[edit]
- Optionals
- Strengths
- Can remove enchantments, heal allies, heal self, knock down foes and deal damage.
Upkeep Mesmer[edit]
- Optionals
Signet of Clumsiness (PvP) (Pretty good free damage. Also synergizes with Keystone Signet. Also good because the build lacks counter to
Resurrection Signet
Divine Boon (While the actual effect of this isn't needed at all, Divine Boon is great for covering Symbolic Celerity since it has a short cooldown and only 1/4s activation time. Also it stacks with Blessed Signet. )
Balthazar's Spirit (Helps with energy management on self. )
Castigation Signet (Is probably much better than Balthazar's Spirit, due to keystone signet.)
Signet of Devotion (normally a bad skill due to the long casting time, but perhaps it could work with 13 Fast Casting?)
- Strengths
- High Fast Casting (spells casts 50% faster).
- Great energy management with Blessed Signet, Keystone Signet and Symbolic Celerity,
- This allows Conjure Nightmare to be spammed.
- Great Support with Holy Veil maintained on all party members.
- Long-lasting Self-defense with Distortion.
- Weaknesses
- Vulnerable to rupts, as the build is forced to use Blessed Signet frequently.
- This is however countered by distortion, as it lasts 5 seconds with (only a 8s cooldown!). Also, Blessed Signet is not a spell, so most spells will be unable to interrupt it.
- The entire build is ruined if Symbolic Celerity is removed.
- However, it can be covered, and most enchantment removals in random arenas can only remove 1 enchantment at a time. Also, it has a very long duration (that can be extended with enchanting mod) and 30 sec cooldown isn't that much, especially when it can be reduced using the staff/wand.
- No Resurrection.
Elite Spammer[edit]
Avatar of Grenth derv[edit]