List of elite skills by Prophecies capture location
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This is a list of elite skills available in Guild Wars Prophecies organized by their capture location. Guild Wars Beyond-related locations and quests are listed separately at the bottom of this page. For a detailed list of elite skills, see: List of elite skills.
Dragon's Gullet[edit]
Eviscerate, from Phlog the Indomitable (during quest)
Melandru's Resilience, from Gigas Expii (during quest)
Greater Conflagration, from Staggh the Fervid (during quest)
Wither, from Ludo Ossidi (during quest)
Life Transfer, from Lugg the Malignant (during quest)
Panic, from Mallus Funo (during quest)
Energy Drain, from Druul the Untamed (during quest)
Kessex Peak[edit]
Hundred Blades, from Galrath (during quest)
North Kryta Province[edit]
Wither, from Mentanl Arobo (during quest)
Maguuma Jungle[edit]
Tangle Root[edit]
Wither, from Desnas Hubor (during quest)
Crystal Desert[edit]
Dunes of Despair[edit]
Warrior's Endurance, from Custodian Fidius
Marksman's Wager, from Custodian Kora
Word of Healing, from Dassk Arossyss
Order of the Vampire, from Byssha Hisst
Mantra of Recovery, from Ayassah Hess and Goss Aleessh
Ether Renewal, from Cyss Gresshla
Elona Reach[edit]
Warrior's Endurance, from Custodian Dellus
Marksman's Wager, from Custodian Jenus
Word of Healing, from Wissper Inssani
Order of the Vampire, from Uussh Visshta
Mantra of Recovery, from Tiss Danssir
Ether Renewal, from Vassa Ssiss
Prophet's Path[edit]
Salt Flats[edit]
Crippling Anguish, from Yxthoshth (during quest)
Thirsty River[edit]
Warrior's Endurance, from Custodian Hulgar
Marksman's Wager, from Custodian Phebus
Word of Healing, from Josso Essher
Order of the Vampire, from Hessper Sasso
Mantra of Recovery, from Goss Aleessh
Ether Renewal, from Issah Sshay
The Dragon's Lair[edit]
Gladiator's Defense, from Facet of Strength
Melandru's Resilience, from Facet of Nature
Shield of Regeneration, from Facet of Light
Grenth's Balance, from Facet of Darkness
Mantra of Recall, from Facet of Chaos
Lightning Surge, from Facet of Elements
The Hall of Heroes (explorable area)[edit]
Shiverpeak Mountains[edit]
Dreadnought's Drift[edit]
Frozen Forest[edit]
Cleave, from Linka Goldensteel
Defy Pain, from Obrhit Barkwood
Melandru's Arrows, from Rensar Mountainsight
Life Barrier, from Esnhal Hardwood
Mark of Protection, from Mesqul Ironhealer
Grenth's Balance, from Mragga (during quest)
Offering of Blood, from Jollen Steelblight
Virulence, from Unthet Rotwood
Crippling Anguish, from Barl Stormsiege
Ward Against Harm, from Arkhel Havenwood
Water Trident, from Boreal Kubeclaw
Grenth's Footprint[edit]
Dwarven Battle Stance, from Thorgall Bludgeonhammer
Melandru's Arrows, from Gargash Thornbeard
Mark of Protection, from Wroth Yakslapper
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Offering of Blood, from Morgriff Shadestone
Crippling Anguish, from Gorrel Rockmolder
Water Trident, from Flint Fleshcleaver
Ice Caves of Sorrow[edit]
Cleave, from Arlak Stoneleaf and Virag Bladestone
Mark of Protection, from Darda Goldenchief
Offering of Blood, from Hormak Ironcurse
Crippling Anguish, from Jonar Stonebender
Water Trident, from Berg Frozenfist
Ice Floe[edit]
Devastating Hammer, from Jade Armor (boss)
Oath Shot, from Jade Bow (boss)
Aura of Faith, from Mursaat Monk (boss)
Signet of Judgment, from Frostbite
Life Transfer, from Mursaat Necromancer (boss)
Energy Drain, from Gambol Headrainer
Energy Surge, from Mursaat Mesmer (boss)
Mind Freeze, from Skitt Skizzle
Thunderclap, from Mursaat Elementalist (boss)
Iron Mines of Moladune[edit]
Cleave, from Marika Granitehand
Devastating Hammer, from Martigris the Stalwart
Dwarven Battle Stance, from Slonak Copperbark
Barrage, from Markis
Oath Shot, from Hilios the Dutiful
Mark of Protection, from Lokar Icemender
Signet of Judgment, from Balt Duskstrider
Life Transfer, from Feodor the Baneful
Spiteful Spirit, from Ceru Gloomrunner
Energy Surge, from Balasi the Arcane
Illusionary Weaponry, from Digo Murkstalker
Mist Form, from Eidolon
Thunderclap, from Kratos the Foul and The Inquisitor
Lornar's Pass[edit]
Defy Pain, from Clobberhusk
Life Barrier, from Quickroot
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Offering of Blood, from Tonfor Copperblood
Crippling Anguish, from Erzek Runebreaker
Water Trident, from Chunk Clumpfoot
Mineral Springs[edit]
Flourish, from Syr Honorcrest
Practiced Stance, from Ryk Arrowwing
Shield of Judgment, from Myd Springclaw
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Well of Power, from Nhy Darkclaw
Wither, from Evirso Sectus (during quest)
Ineptitude, from Wyt Sharpfeather
Glyph of Energy, from Hyl Thunderwing
Mist Form, from Ice Beast
Snake Dance[edit]
Earth Shaker, from Kor Stonewrath
Battle Rage, from Smukk Foombool
Escape, from Whuup Buumbuul
Punishing Shot, from Thul Boulderrain
Peace and Harmony, from Marnta Doomspeaker
Spell Breaker, from Raptorhawk
Signet of Judgment, from Fawl Driftstalker
Blood is Power, from Cry Darkday
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Spiteful Spirit, from Sapph Blacktracker
Illusionary Weaponry, from Didn Hopestealer
Mantra of Recall, from Featherclaw
Mind Shock, from Old Red Claw
Mist Form, from Sala Chillbringer
Spearhead Peak[edit]
"Victory Is Mine!", from Jono Yawpyawl
Skull Crack, from Hail Blackice
Ferocious Strike, from Thul The Bull
Poison Arrow, from Kekona Pippip
Unyielding Aura, from Kaia Wupwup
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Plague Signet, from Allobo Dimdim
Keystone Signet, from Rune Ethercrash
Energy Drain, from Sniik Hungrymind
Glimmering Mark, from Edibbo Kepkep
Mind Freeze, from Maak Frostfriend
Talus Chute[edit]
"Victory Is Mine!", from Jono Yawpyawl
Battle Rage, from Krogg Shmush (Shiverpeak Mountains)
Escape, from Whuup Buumbuul
Poison Arrow, from Kekona Pippip
Signet of Judgment, from Frostbite
Unyielding Aura, from Kaia Wupwup
Feast of Corruption, from Maw the Mountain Heart
Spiteful Spirit, from Nighh SpineChill
Plague Signet, from Allobo Dimdim
Illusionary Weaponry, from Seear Windlash
Mist Form, from Brrrr Windburn
Glimmering Mark, from Edibbo Kepkep
Thunderhead Keep[edit]
Cleave, from Gornar Bellybreaker
Devastating Hammer, from Perfected Armor
Melandru's Arrows, from Ulhar Stonehound
Oath Shot, from Perfected Cloak
Aura of Faith, from Demetrios the Enduring
Mark of Protection, from Bolis Hillshaker
Life Transfer, from Argyris the Scoundrel
Offering of Blood, from Riine Windrot
Crippling Anguish, from Fuury Stonewrath
Energy Surge, from Pantheras The Deceiver
Thunderclap, from Chrysos the Magnetic
Water Trident, from The Judge
Witman's Folly[edit]
"Victory Is Mine!", from Sakalo Yawpyawl
Poison Arrow, from Salani Pippip
Unyielding Aura, from Ipillo Wupwup
Plague Signet, from Karobo Dimdim
Energy Drain, from Sniik Hungrymind
Glimmering Mark, from Alana Kepkep
Mind Freeze, from Maak Frostfriend
Sorrow's Furnace[edit]
Bull's Charge, from Grognard Gravelhead
Dwarven Battle Stance, from Malinon Threshammer
Eviscerate, from Tanzit Razorstone
Melandru's Arrows, from Drago Stoneherder, Graygore Boulderbeard, and Tarnok Forgerunner
Mark of Protection, from Brohn Stoneheart, Gardock Stonesoul, Gulnar Irontoe, and Ivor Helmhewer
Crippling Anguish, from Garbok Handsmasher, Hierophant Morlog, Korvald Willcrusher, and Vokur Grimshackles
Ring of Fire Islands[edit]
Abaddon's Mouth[edit]
Devastating Hammer, from Cairn the Destroyer
Barrage, from Snyk the Hundred Tongue
Oath Shot, from Cairn the Relentless
Aura of Faith, from Willa the Unpleasant
Restore Condition, from Spindle Agonyvein
Life Transfer, from Sarlic the Judge
Soul Leech, from Goss Darkweb
Energy Surge, from Mercia the Smug
Fevered Dreams, from Plexus Shadowhook
Mist Form, from Eidolon
Thunderclap, from Optimus Caliph
Hell's Precipice[edit]
Eviscerate, from Tortitudo Probo
Hundred Blades, from Undead Prince Rurik
Greater Conflagration, from Valetudo Rubor
Aura of the Lich, from Maligo Libens
Panic, from Moles Quibus
Mind Burn, from Scelus Prosum
Perdition Rock[edit]
"Charge!", from Balthazar's Cursed
Bull's Charge, from Skintekaru Manshredder
Backbreaker, from Ingenious Ettin (during quest)
Quick Shot, from Maxine Coldstone
Crippling Shot, from Melandru's Cursed
Amity, from Pravus Obsideo
Healing Hands, from Rull Browbeater
Martyr, from Dwayna's Cursed
Lingering Curse, from Grenth's Cursed
Tainted Flesh, from Dosakaru Fevertouch
Soul Taker, from Abaddon's Cursed (requires a party member to be carrying a Proof of Triumph)
Wither, from Ignis Effigia
Echo, from Rwek Khawl Mawl
Power Block, from Lyssa's Cursed
Signet of Midnight, from Malus Phasmatis
Glyph of Renewal, from Nayl Klaw Tuthan
Elemental Attunement, from Geckokaru Earthwind
Obsidian Flesh, from Harn Coldstone
Over the Limit, from Abaddon's Cursed (requires a party member to be carrying a Proof of Triumph)
Ring of Fire[edit]
Backbreaker, from Ferk Mallet
Devastating Hammer, from Cairn the Smug
Incendiary Arrows, from Casses Flameweb
Oath Shot, from Cairn the Troubling
Spike Trap, from Vulg Painbrain
Aura of Faith, from Coventina the Matron
Shield of Deflection, from Grun Galesurge
Life Transfer, from Odelyn the Displeased
Energy Surge, from Melek the Virtuous
Migraine, from Pytt Spitespew
Ether Prodigy, from Jyth Sprayburst
Mist Form, from Eidolon
Thunderclap, from Maida the Ill Tempered
War in Kryta[edit]
Cursed Lands (War in Kryta)[edit]
D'Alessio Seaboard (explorable area)[edit]
Backbreaker, from Cairn the Grave
Spiteful Spirit, from Zaln the Jaded
Life Transfer, from Koril the Malignant
Zealous Vow, from Justiciar Kasandra
Divinity Coast (explorable area)[edit]
Forceful Blow, from Cairn the Berserker
Aura of Faith, from Aily the Innocent
Power Block, from Justiciar Sevaan
Elemental Attunement, from Vess the Disputant
Kessex Peak (War in Kryta)[edit]
"You're All Alone!", from Justiciar Amilyn
Magebane Shot, from Teral the Punisher
Toxic Chill, from Justiciar Marron
Spirit's Strength, from Destor the Truth Seeker
Lion's Arch (War in Kryta)[edit]
Eviscerate, from High Inquisitor Toriimo
Devastating Hammer, from Perfected Armor
Expert's Dexterity, from Confessor Isaiah
Incendiary Arrows, from Confessor Isaiah
Prepared Shot, from Cairn the Vengeful
Oath Shot, from Perfected Cloak
Magebane Shot, from Cairn the Malignant
Glimmer of Light, from Ambrillus the Guardian
Corrupt Enchantment, from Oizys the Miserable
Crippling Anguish, from Lucent the Spectral
Thunderclap, from Talios the Resplendent
Nebo Terrace (War in Kryta)[edit]
Whirling Axe, from Imuk the Pungent
Aura of the Lich, from Cerris
Energy Surge, from Maximilian the Meticulous
Migraine, from Lerita the Lewd
North Kryta Province (War in Kryta)[edit]
Burning Arrow, from Inquisitor Lashona (during quest)
Temple Strike, from Sarnia the Red-Handed
Soldier's Fury, from Insatiable Vakar
Onslaught, from Lev the Condemned
Riverside Province (explorable area)[edit]
Barrage, from Cairn the Cunning
Ravenous Gaze, from Degaz the Cynical
Tease, from Justiciar Kimii
Migraine, from Ven the Conservator
Energy Surge, from Willem the Demeaning (during quest)
Scoundrel's Rise (War in Kryta)[edit]
"Coward!", from Joh the Hostile
Weaken Knees, from Inquisitor Bauer (during quest)
The Black Curtain (War in Kryta)[edit]
Shove, from Greves the Overbearing
Earth Shaker, from Carnak the Hungry
Twin Serpent Lakes (War in Kryta)[edit]
Watchtower Coast (War in Kryta)[edit]
Blessed Light, from Amalek the Unmerciful
Energy Surge, from Minea the Obscene
Savannah Heat, from Inquisitor Lovisa (during quest)
Destructive Was Glaive, from Calamitous
Elite skill lists (edit) |
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Warrior • Ranger • Monk • Necromancer • Mesmer |
Elementalist • Assassin • Ritualist • Paragon • Dervish |