General Information
- Handle: Anima Umbra (main character), also known as dehcbad25 anywhere else.
- Location: Delaware, USA
- Realm: North America
- Age: 31, until I get to my birthday ;p
- Gender:
I started playing in March 2008 when I bought Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition. I played WoW about 2 years ago for a couple of months with a Friends account, but I could not get accustom to the party system (I don't have a set schedule to play), and since then I have been reluctant to play any MMO. I also played Diablo II in the past, but it got boring when everyone was hacked and maxed (I build my characters thru hard work and time). I am mainly a single player game, so it has been quite difficult to find a good MMO.
I gathered some strength and I installed the game, and that was the last time my family saw my face. Since then I have been playing quite a lot. I am proud to own all Campaigns.
More info
I am originally from Argentina, however my family is from Iowa (and I ended up in Delaware :p) As I came to USA when I was 20, I still have quite an accent. I am a IT Manager, that enjoys games and I try to make time to play. I have a huge collection since I also like to collect games (PC mainly).
I am happily married and I am lucky enough that although my wife does not play video games she gives me some free time so I can play.
Campaing progression
I am tracking the campaing progression only on my main character, otherwise I will never finish.
Prophecies's Missions
Faction's Missions
Nightfall's Missions
Eye Of The North's Missions
This user has spent 407 hours in Guild Wars in 40 months (0.3 h/day).
This user is new to Guild Wars Wiki
This user is nocturnal.
This user is working towards the title Charmed and has won 8100 tickets in games of chance.
This user has a character that is working towards the title Sweet Tooth and has 109 points.
This user is Hard-Headed
This user is a member of the Kurzick alliance but doesn't care about the Alliances.
This user is a Windows gamer.
This user's favorite game is Guild Wars.
All of this user's wiki skills were captured from dead wiki bosses