Devora Kindheart (June 30th, 2009)
- Dervish/Monk
- Level 20, Elonan
- Female

- Height: Maximum
- Age: Created November 6, 2006
- Experience: 274,095
- Deaths: 70
- Skill Points: 48/54
- Armor:
- Elonian (radiant)
/ Devora Kindheart is my creation in Nightfall. She's resting at the Sunspear Sanctuary at the moment, while Devoraz Windcatcher is finishing Nightfall first. Her first upcoming mission is Dasha Vestibule. Since Nightfall introduced two new professions, I just had to try this Dervish out. We'll see what's in store for her. No doubt she will finish Nightfall one day, and maybe even the other campaigns.
- Tyria Protector track (0 missions)
- Cantha Protector track (0 missions)
- Elona Protector track (7 missions)
- Tyria Guardian track (0 missions)
- Cantha Guardian track (0 missions)
- Elona Guardian track (0 missions)
- Tyrian Vanquisher track (0 areas)
- Canthan Vanquisher track (0 areas)
- Elonian Vanquisher track (0 areas)
- Tyrian Exploration track (0.6%)
- Canthan Exploration track (9.6%)
- Elonian Exploration track (40.2%)
- 0 Tyrian Elite skills
- 0 Canthan Elite skills
- 1 Elonian Elite skill
- Sunspear General (4771 points)
- Lightbringer track (16 points)
- Asura track (0 points)
- Deldrimor track (0 points)
- Ebon Vanguard track (0 points)
- Slayer of Imps (2295 points)
- Charmed (62196 tickets won)
- Adept Treasure Hunter (345 chests)
- Collector of Wisdom (380 items)
- Master of the North track (17 points)
Devoraz's user page is based on: BramStoker