Feedback:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes

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Mental Block.jpg Brain Fart
This material needs all the help it can get.
(I'm sure I meant something mo' better.)
Supportive Spirit.jpg OK to edit
You have permission to edit this page as long as you respect its intent. (I reserve the right to revert.)

Kaolai - After Raisu Palace
"I foresaw Togo's death. My time here is at an end. Togo will soon release me of my duties here. Go now to the final battle with Shiro and defeat him."

Whatever happend to Kaolai now that Master Togo occupies his shrine? Whatever the backstory, it would be really awesome to have ghostly ritualist that speaks a language older then the Exodus (and a challenge for wiki-translaters to transcribe his dialogue). ^_^


Heroes of Cantha[edit]

For Winds of Change and other Guild Wars Beyond content.




Quests given:

Quests involved in:

  • Kaineng City
    • Help Canthan Heroes with Task
      • Jaizhanju's quest (Jaizhanju must be in the party)
      • Zojun's quest (Zojun must be in the party)
      • Karei's quest (Karei must be in the party)
      • Karei's quest (Jaizhanju must be in the party)
      • Naku's quest (Naku must be in the party)
      • Kitah's quest (Kitah must be in the party)
      • Teinai's quest (Teinai must be in the party)
      • Vizu's quest (Vizu must be in the party)

Recruit: Hero quest information[edit]

Return to Tahnnakai Temple: convince the Canthan Heroes to join your noble cause.


  • Speak with the Canthan Heroes.
    • Speak with Jaizhanju to recruit her.
    • Speak with Zojun to recruit him.
    • Speak with Karei to recruit him.
    • Speak with Naku to recruit him.
    • Speak with Kitah to recruit her.
    • Speak with Teinai to recruit her.
    • Speak with Vizu to recruit her.
    • Speak with Kaolai to recruit him.
  • See Emperor's Voice for your reward.


  • 10,000 Experience
  • Canthan Heroes spoken with are recruited.




Most normal spawns are removed.* As with Chasing Zenmai and Seek out Brother Tosai secondary quests, this partially intended as an optional quest for Vanquishing and/or quests useful for farming; because A Meeting With The Emperor is a primary quest, it can cause some newly-created characters to delay completion of Factions.


Canthan Heroes joins your party upon completion of "Recruit: Hero" quest.


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Warrior Warrior
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Jaizhanju was an exceptionally tall and very strong young Warrior who lived over three hundred years ago. Orphaned at birth and self-trained, Jaizhanju traveled Cantha and single-handedly defeated bands of monsters that threatened villages all over the countryside. When the emperor invited her to visit him in the Forbidden City so he could reward her, she arrived days late, having stopped to defend an orphanage from a skale invasion. Standing before the emperor's throne, she refused his proffered reward, and instead offered her sword and her life in exchange for the insult of tardiness. The bemused emperor refused her offer, and Jaizhanju continued to defend the weak until her death five years later, by which time legends numbered her kills in the tens of thousands. The emperor himself petitioned the Oracle to give her a place in the Tahnnakai Temple, and so it was.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Auspicious Parry.jpg
Auspicious Parry
Healing Signet.jpg
Healing Signet
Jaizhenju Strike.jpg
Jaizhenju Strike
Sever Artery.jpg
Sever Artery
Sun and Moon Slash.jpg
Sun and Moon Slash


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Ranger Ranger
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Five hundred years ago, Canthan forests began, one-by-one, to shrivel and turn black, all life within them sucked dry. Zojun, a legendary Ranger even then, sought to discover the cause of the forests' destruction and eventually discovered that an evil wizard, Magadore, was sucking life from Cantha's forests and converting it to magical energy, which he planned to use to power a great magical war against the Canthan emperor. Zojun called upon his fellow Rangers, and together they swept through Cantha's remaining forests, charming every beast of any size that crossed their path. Legends tell of a great bestial army that thundered across the land and grew in size until every creature in Cantha had joined its ranks. When the Rangers and their allies arrived at the entrance to Magadore's lair, the sheer weight of their numbers collapsed the earth and Magadore was crushed beneath them. The life he had stolen rose up out of the ground and returned to the forests, which instantly flourished once again.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Debilitating Shot.jpg
Debilitating Shot
Savage Shot.jpg
Savage Shot
Troll Unguent.jpg
Troll Unguent
Zojun's Haste.jpg
Zojun's Haste
Zojun's Shot.jpg
Zojun's Shot


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Monk Monk
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Karei was a powerful healer who lived seven hundred years ago. For most of his life, he tended a small village in northern Cantha, curing ills and setting broken bones, refusing pay and accepting only food and basic supplies from the community. One day a wealthy Canthan noble and his small entourage passed by Karei's village and were attacked by bandits in the nearby woods. The noble suffered a grievous wound, and after killing the bandits, his guards brought him to Karei, who healed him easily. When the wealthy man attempted to pay him in gold, the Monk refused. Next the noble offered Karei employment on his lavish estate; again the Monk refused. Finally, the noble offered to give the Monk great powers that would make him a god among men, but Karei would not be moved. Smiling, the noble stood and let his cloak fall away, and as he did, he was transformed into a beautiful woman. The goddess Dwayna herself stood before Karei and placed a hand upon his head. "Thrice I have tempted you and thrice you have resisted. I choose you." Called by his goddess, Karei could not refuse his new appointment as Master of the Kaziin Monastery, where he lived out his days training young Monks and healing any sick or broken who came his way. Upon his death, Dwayna herself inducted him into Tahnnakai.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Spell Breaker.jpg
Spell Breaker
Divine Intervention.jpg
Divine Intervention
Ethereal Light.jpg
Ethereal Light
Karei's Healing Circle.jpg
Karei's Healing Circle
Reverse Hex.jpg
Reverse Hex
Shield Guardian.jpg
Shield Guardian


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Necromancer Necromancer
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Brash and impulsive in his youth, Naku was a known criminal in his home village in eastern Cantha. When the Tengu Wars began, Naku joined the Canthan army in an effort to protect his family and his shady business interests. Years of war gave him a new perspective on the nature of life and death, and eventually, Naku became a respected general, using his now considerable Necromancer powers against the Tengu who resisted Canthan rule. When Kahnmaatu, the village of his birth, was destroyed, Naku returned home and raised a vast army of minions from the corpses of his relatives and childhood playmates, then sacrificed his life to drive them directly into the enemy. This action shattered enemy lines and pushed the Tengu back far enough that the Canthan army was able to overcome them.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Wail of Doom.jpg
Wail of Doom
Enfeebling Touch.jpg
Enfeebling Touch
Rotting Flesh.jpg
Rotting Flesh
Taste of Pain.jpg
Taste of Pain
Well of Weariness.jpg
Well of Weariness


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Mesmer Mesmer
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Three hundred years ago, when the thriving Canthan port of Dinfang was invaded by the people then known only as "naitahlen" or "pirates," the Canthan Army sent a small force stationed at nearby Fort Fu to put down what they saw as nothing more than a pack of rabid dogs. When young Kitah arrived with her troops, she discovered that an organized invasion was underway, led by the naitahlen admiral, Appollonia. Severely outnumbered and out-gunned, the Mesmer created a cloud of illusion that made her squadron appear to double in size, then redouble, then redouble again until her force appeared a great army. As she ordered the charge, the naitahlen scattered in terror, many running into the sea and drowning themselves. In the midst of the chaos, Kitah found Appollonia, a Warrior, and the two fought until both fell down dead on the battlefield. Dinfang was ultimately saved, and Kitah inducted into Tahnnakai Temple.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Arcane Languor.jpg
Arcane Languor
Ether Feast.jpg
Ether Feast
Kitah's Burden.jpg
Kitah's Burden
Shatter Hex.jpg
Shatter Hex
Signet of Disruption.jpg
Signet of Disruption


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Elementalist Elementalist
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

One hundred years ago, a demon came to Cantha. He was called Mang, and he found himself flesh after a foolish young Necromancer named Juedo attempted a forbidden ritual and succeeded against all odds. For years Mang terrorized the countryside despite the best efforts Cantha's premiere mages to outsmart him. One winter day, Teinai, then a young bold student, approached her headmaster with a plan. The next day, Teinai herself lured Mang to the shore of a great lake, the surface of which was frozen solid. She walked out onto the ice, and Mang followed, eventually reaching the center while Teinai continued to the other shore. As he did, Teinai raised her hand, and fire rained down upon Mang, melting the ice beneath him. He plunged into the icy lake, and Teinai shrieked a command; the lake froze solid around Mang's thrashing form, and he was trapped. Now lightning and boulders finished the job only Teinai had known how to begin, and Mang was returned to the Underworld. Teinai, after a long and successful life as an Elementalist, was ensconced in Tahnnakai Temple

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Star Burst.jpg
Star Burst
Aura of Restoration.jpg
Aura of Restoration
Teinai's Crystals.jpg
Teinai's Crystals
Teinai's Heat.jpg
Teinai's Heat
Teinai's Prison.jpg
Teinai's Prison
Teinai's Wind.jpg
Teinai's Wind


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Assassin Assassin
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Two hundred years ago, a young but talented Assassin known as Vizu gave her life protecting the emperor. While attending to the Harvest Festival, Vizu chanced to lock eyes with the emperor's main bodyguard, and what she saw there chilled her to the bone. Acting on a premonition, she began to make her way through the tightly packed crowds and closer to the temple. Before she could reach it, however, an alarm was sounded and she heard the sounds of a fight from the tower where emperor Angsiyan was to have made his blessing to Dwayna. Using the tools of her profession, she shadow stepped to the tower, where she saw Shiro standing over the emperor's body, feeding off of his life force. She called to him and then, using the last reserves of her energy, shadow stepped behind him, digging her daggers into his shoulders. Vizu's brave move provided the Kurzick and Luxon champions the time they needed to get to the tower, and they finished off the Betrayer using his own blades, which he had dropped when Vizu attacked. Unfortunately, Vizu was killed when Shiro's death wail washed over the lands in what has since become known as the Jade Wind.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Shroud of Silence.jpg
Shroud of Silence
Death's Charge.jpg
Death's Charge
Exhausting Assault.jpg
Exhausting Assault
Jagged Strike.jpg
Jagged Strike
Twisting Fangs.jpg
Twisting Fangs
Wild Strike.jpg
Wild Strike


File:User/Falconeye/Heroes of Cantha as Recruitment Heroes.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Ghost
Profession Ritualist Ritualist
Service Hero
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

When the gods walked Tyria a thousand years ago, the Ritualist Kaolai, an old man even then, challenged Balthazar to a game of Nui in exchange for sparing a village that had offended the god through some long-forgotten breach of etiquette. Balthazar laughingly accepted and the game began. Seven days later it ended with Kaolai the winner; the villagers were spared. But in a fit of anger, Balthazar slew Kaolai. Afterward, in a rare gesture of sportsmanship, the god ordered Kaolai inducted into Tahnnakai Temple.

Tahnnakai Temple plaque


Defiant Was Xinrae.jpg
Defiant Was Xinrae
Mend Body and Soul.jpg
Mend Body and Soul
Protective Was Kaolai.jpg
Protective Was Kaolai


Heroes (edit)
Guide to: Basics, Control, Behavior, Beginner's Guide
Equipment: ArmorerSkill pointSkill Trainer
Nightfall Warrior GorenKoss Ranger Acolyte JinMargrid the Sly Monk DunkoroTahlkora Necromancer Master of Whispers Mesmer Norgu Elementalist Acolyte SousukeZhed Shadowhoof Paragon General Morgahn Dervish Melonni Any Razah
Eye of the North Warrior Jora Ranger Pyre Fierceshot Monk Ogden Stonehealer Necromancer Livia Mesmer Gwen Elementalist Vekk Assassin Anton Ritualist Xandra Paragon Hayda Dervish Kahmu
& Other
Necromancer Olias Assassin MikuZenmai Ritualist Zei Ri Paragon Keiran Thackeray Dervish M.O.X. Any Mercenaries