I am the official scribe and historian of the old world coven, family members from the; "Les grandes maisons des femmes fatales", who are currently, and commonly known throughout the better part of the world of Tyria as, "Lefem" (Le fem, or Les femmes mortelles to be more precise). ~ Andreas Tanis-Lefem
This is their story...
- The matriarch, family, nonfamily members and friends: Primarily hailing from the vast reaches throughout the world of Tyria; with many of their kinfolk from the main continents of Cantha, Elona, including the continent of Tyria, comprising a unique mix of ethnicities with eclectic abilities of combat, tactics,and survival skills. Plus, let's face it, they enjoy hosting / participating in festive gatherings and parties on occasion.
- Guild: House Of Lefem [HoL]
- Founders: Mysta Myou and Mysti Lefem
- Founded in the year: 1070 AE (2008)
- Guild Hall: Isle of Meditation in the locale / region of Shing Jea Island
- Allegiance: House zu Heltzer
- Guild Alliance group: Astral Travellers [OBE]
- Empire of the Dragon - Faction support of the: Kurzicks & Luxon Armada
Today is:
52 Zephyr 1093 AE
21 Zhoyo 1515 CC
52 Zephyr 1293 DR
The Heroines of Tyria
Lady Xena
- "Rock, Stick, Club, Axe, Sword, Shield, Hammer - They all hurt you, right?"
- "Oh, yeah!... How does this feel?"
- "Be sure to give my regards to Grenth."
Taskmistress Tikka
- "Whoops! Missed me. My turn!"
- "BOOM! Head shot... BOOM! Head Shot!"
- "Now, I've seen knights in armor panic at the first hint of battle. and I've even seen the lowliest, unarmed squire pull a spear from his own body, to defend a dying horse. Nobility is not a birthright. It's defined by one's actions."'
Lady Holli
- "Ah, the sounds of agony. Music to my ears."
- "He dodges left, he dodges right, and...BOOM goes the Balthazate!"
- "That... was AWESOME!"
Taskmistress Selene
- "For those like me, a Death Dealer, this signaled the end of an era... Like the weapons of the previous century, we too would become obsolete. Pity, because I lived for it."
Andreas Tanis-Lefem
- "I knew it was you, Selene. The stench of Viktor's blood still lingers in your veins."
- "I've done what's necessary to survive. My decision was made easy the day your precious Viktor betrayed me."
Lady Sonja
- "Have you nothing better to do, Blacksmith, than play with weapons of war? At least make yourself useful."
Lady Mysti Q
- "I make this look good. Heh, I make everything look good."
- "How about I give you a makeover?"
- "Lights! Camera! Action -
Poof! Zap! -- You're DEAD!"
- "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who is the fairest in all the land? (The answer is me, in case you're wondering.)"
Governess Mysti
- "Earth, Air, Fire, Water - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - Earth, Air, Fire... Now where was I? Oh, yeah; Water. KABOOM!"
- "As they say in the business... It EXPLODED!"
- "Burn... Baby... BURN!"
- "I am so not in the mood for this right now."
- "Big Boom!"
- "Big, Bada BOOM!"
Ms. Nikita
- "Pizza dude's got 30 seconds.
Hmm, ...Times up, 3 Bucks Off!"
- "Wise man; Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza!"
- "Man... I feel like I’m at an ugly convention."
- "Dude; Did you see his face?
Mother-fracker looks like Predator!"
Mistress Mandy
- "Mistress Mandy, thinks that you have been a bad boy!...
...Mistress Mandy, wants to, punish you!!"
- "Whoa! I've never seen blood do that before!"
- "You hit me! Not even Abaddon would strike such a beautiful face."
It's...Britney, Bitch!
- "You want a hot body? You want a Elite spear? You want a Elite shield?
You better work, bitch!... You want Elite armor? Sip 'Krytan Brandy'? Look hot in a bikini? You better work, bitch!... You wanna live fancy? Live in a big Guild Hall? Party in Tyria? You better work, bitch!... You better work, bitch!... You better work, bitch!... Now get to work, Bitch!"
- ''...Oops, I did it again. I played with your heart. Got lost in the game. Oh, baby baby...
Oops, you think I'm in love. That I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent."
Ms. Stevie
- "On the edge... of... Seventeen!"
- "Just like the white winged dove Sings a song, sounds like she's singing.. Ooh baby, ooh said, ooh."
- "And this one time, at bandit camp..."
Mistress Sin
- "Say the magic words, Say the magic words - Fat Gandalf!"
- "Does my outfit look, sinful?
That's why they call me Mistress Sin!"
- "I'm hot blooded!.. Check it and see!..
Got a fever of a... Hundred and three!"
Mistress Robyn
- "Oh Yeah! I'd like to see you pull a spirit out of your arse,.. It isn't easy you know!"
- "Such hideous creatures should banish themselves from my sight."
- "Let's hurry this up, I've got a date scheduled for this afternoon."
Mistress Staci
- "Hello Infidels!"
- "SILENCE!...
...I Keel YOU!"
- "As they say in the business... It EXPLODED!"
- "But, what happened to the ammo cart?
Oh,.. it's over there, over there and... up there."
Mistress Jewell
- "Sit Boo-Boo Sit - Good boy"
- "Kiss my boots!"
- "Do you like pie? I like pie.."
- "Bubble Bubbles.. Toil and Troubles."
- Agents of S.H.A.D.O. - Tyria Branch:
- Valhalla and Fólkvangr:
Memorial of Fallen Comrades
- HoL Guild and OBE Alliance Information:
Guild Hall News and Information
Alliance Roster
Zaishen Events
- Daily (changes at 16:00 UTC - other days)
- Weekly (changes Monday at 15:00 UTC - other weeks)
Nicholas' Drop rate research. • Nicholas' item's.
Looking Glass:
Special Events:
Birthday Celebrations:
Mysti January, 1st (-51 days) Pig
Sinthia January, 13th (-39 days) Pig
Mandy January, 27th (-25 days) Pig
Selene February, 12th (-9 days) Rat
Tikka March, 4th (11 days) Ox
Mystique March, 28th (35 days) Ox
Robyn June, 6th (105 days) Dragon
Nikita June, 16th (115 days) Dragon
Holli July, 6th (135 days) Snake
Britney July, 16th (145 days) Horse
Stevie August, 16th (176 days) Horse
Jewell October, 19th (240 days) Rooster
Xena October, 30th (251 days) Rooster
Staci November, 22nd (274 days) Rooster
- PvP Members
Drop Rate Research, Items, Rarity and Salvage Researched:
- Lefem Labs - Associated Page's
Books, Evolutions and the Hall of Monuments:
- Story Books and the
"Best Bang for the Buck":
- Zaishen Publishing LLC
- Hall of Monuments:
- HoM Guide
- Reward Info - HoM
- HoM Calculator
- Best Suited:
- Armor Gallery Comparison
- Elite Green Weapons:
- Non-Replicated Green Weapons
Game Evolutions:
Account, Campaigns & Missions
- Accomplishment - Titles
- Armor Collection
- Apothecary
- Coffres du trésor
- Glint - Vision Quests
- Great Hall of Monuments
- Menagerie Collection
- Miniature Collection
- Hero Recruitment-Guide
- Hero Upgrades
Harrods and Selfridges - Haberdashery:
- Millinery
- Vogue
- Costume Supervisor
- Weapon Components Inventory
- Weapon Inscriptions Inventory
The Campaign Missions:
- Core
- Prophecies campaign
- Factions campaign
- Nightfall campaign
- Eye of the North expansion
- Bonus Mission Pack
The Quest Listings:
- Core
- Prophecies
- Factions
- NiteFall
- Beyond
The Challenge Missions:
- Z-Challenge Balthazar Faction
- Z-Elite Balthazar Faction
- Dragon's Throat
- Altrumm Ruins Kurzick Faction
- Amatz Basin Kurzick Faction
- Zos Shivros Channel Luxon Faction
- The Aurios Mines Luxon Faction
- Dajkah Inlet *Stolen Sunspear Armor*
- Remains of Sahlahja *Ancient Armor Remnants*
- The Shadow Nexus *Mysterious Armor Pieces*
- Glint's Challenge *Cloth of the Brotherhood*
- Scarred_Psyche ToT Bags, Gold and Gamer Points
The Elite Missions:
- The Underworld Dhuum
- The Fissure of Woe Priest of Menzies
- Sorrow's Furnace Iron Forgeman
- Tomb of the Primeval Kings (4) Zones of Combat
- The Deep Kanaxai
- Urgoz's Warren Urgoz
- The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx Mallyx the Unyielding / *Primeval Armor Remnants*
- Slaver's Exile (4) Bosses + Duncan the Black / *Deldrimor Armor Remnants*
War & Peace, Love and Beyond...
The Prelude to Krytan Civil War:
- Blue vs. Grey
- Blue vs. Grey II
The War in Kryta:
- Shining Blade Camp
- WiK Walkthrough
- Dialogue: WiK
- Dismantle the Mantle - Boss's
- Mantle - Bounty Map
Courtship, Love and a Wedding:
- Scavenger Hunt
- Melting a Cold, Cold Heart
- Dialogue: HoN
The Winds of Change:
- 1382 cc - 1590 CC Future for Cantha
- 1589CC - A Changed Wind Blows
- Quest Chains
- Encounters
- Suggested builds for WoC
Gold and Platinum - Market Exchange:
- Ascalon Exchange
- Kamadan Exchange
"I hid my flute earlier, but I can't remember where I put it." ~ Gwen
- Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves..
General Information and News:
- Armor Design Comparisons by Ms. Thrax
- Helpful Video Guides
- GWAMM Guide
- Sandy Shore Realtors
- All the pretty colours
- Henchy_Bars
- Synergy - Activate it; Radio, Video - Boogie with a Suitcase.
- Options
- Developer Updates
- Gwen Quotes
- The Frog and The Rabbit - Dialogue
- What GW Profession, I Scored In
- Conversion of TimeZones
- User Boxes
Unique / Unofficial Terms:
- 15^50 Weapon Enhancement
- 20/20 Weapon
- 40/20/20 Weapon
- 40/40 Weapon
- 55 - Monk
- See [Monk]
- 600 - Monk
- Smiter Monk
Weapon Information:
- Weapon Information
- Vampiric - Life sucking like a mother-in-law
- Vampiric Strength - Damage with a Caveat
- Zealous Strength with a headache
- Inherent Modifier Information
- Inscription Information
- Weapon Upgrade List
- Perfect
- PvP Rewards
- Requirements
- Upgrade Components
- Weapon smiths
Builds / Team Work:
- Team Roles - Get in line there...
- Team Builds - Tank, Healer, Nukes, etc.
- Out of the Box - Team Builds
- Synergy - Activate it; Radio, Video - Boogie with a Suitcase.
- Compressed Bar
Hero Control and Information:
- A Guide to Heroes
- Basics and Optimization
- Behavior of Heroes
- Unexpected Behavior of Heroes
- See here for hero usage of individual skills.
- Control Panel and Combat Modes
- See here for other hero information.
- Guide to Equipping and Setting up your Heroes
Chuck Wagon - Consume':
- Con-Set
- Consumables
- Cantha Cuisine
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Everlasting Tonics
Skill Hunts:
- ELITES by Locality
- G.W.E.N. Skills
- PVE Elite Skills
- Elite PvE Skill Cap
- Vogue
- Modifications Inventories'
PvX Guides and Information:
- PvX Decode
- PvE Equipment
- Shield Info
- Wand-Focus Info
- Guides
- Hero Guides
- Strategy Guides
Links of Helpful Knowledge:
- Guildwars Online Store
- Snapshot Henchman
- Magic Words
- Parser Functions
- Pre-Searing Character
- Reddit-Guild Wars
- Money and Farming
- GW Legacy Forum
- Armor vs. HP
- Péter Kádár
- Wayback Machine
Some user boxes:
This user wanted seven Hero teams and got it!
This user is a member of the Cynn's Thong Fan Club.
This user is a member of the Livia's Cleavage Fan Club.
This user is a member of the Jora Fan Club.
This user is a member of the Gwen Fan Club.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Rangers.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Warriors.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Ritualists.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Mesmers.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Monks.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Assassins.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Paragons.
This user has an unhealthy addiction to creating and playing Dervishes.
This user has spent 12478 hours in Guild Wars in 204 months (2 h/day).
In your head, in your head. Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
They say I'm crazy...I really don't care - That's my...PREROGATIVE!
You wanna G.W.A.M.M.. Sip Kytan Brandy. Look hot in Obsidian armor. You better work, Bitch!
Give me a sign... Hit me, baby, one more time!
Oops, I did it again, played with your heart... Got lost in this game, oh, baby, baby..
You are now, now rocking with - it's Lefem and Britney, bitch!
I wanna get in the zone. If you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythm. Tryna hit it chic-a-tah. In a minute, I'mma take you on.