This page lists non-elite skills which can be found on a boss's skill bar and acquired using a Signet of Capture before they become available from skill trainers, hero skill trainers, or quest rewards in a particular campaign. Because of the mechanics of unlocking skills, this guide is most useful to new accounts on their first play of each campaign. If you decide to target any of these bosses for early access to the listed skills, remember that most will also carry an elite skill which can only be learned by this method, so it may be worth bringing an additional Signet of Capture.
Several skills will appear multiple times in each campaign's list since the first or most easily available location to capture a skill is sometimes unclear or different for different characters. This is particularly true in Eye of the North, given the nonlinear nature of the campaign.
Meteor from Vrek Qwek Spek in Dragon's Gullet.
- Meteor becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Maguuma Jungle.
Vampiric Touch from Riine Windrot in Traveler's Vale, Borlis Pass, or Anvil Rock, or the necromancer Frostfire Dryder boss in Iron Horse Mine, for foreign characters backtracking from Lion's Arch.
- Riine is most readily and easily found in Anvil Rock for foreign characters, but the Frostfire Dryder spawns more reliably.
Barbed Trap, Choking Gas, and Energizing Wind from Cella the Hooded in North Kryta Province or Melp the Harpooner on the Watchtower Coast.
- Cella is more readily available from Lion's Arch, but Melp spawns more reliably.
- Barbed Trap becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Maguuma Jungle.
Point Blank Shot, Read the Wind, and Tiger's Fury from Squaw Nimblecrest in North Kryta Province.
- Read the Wind is only useful to capture for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks, Point Blank Shot is useful to all foreign characters, and Tiger's Fury is worth capturing for all characters.
- Phy Deftcrest in Stingray Strand has the same skills and spawns more reliably, but is significantly further from the main story path.
Concussion Shot and Edge of Extinction from Dahr the Diseased in Nebo Terrace.
- This boss spawns very irregularly, but is the closest option to an outpost and the easiest to find by rezoning repeatedly before the Crystal Desert.
- Both skills are available for free as a quest reward in Fishermen's Haven.
Favorable Winds and Penetrating Attack from Dyv Cloudclaw on the Divinity Coast, for foreign characters who have not visited Yak's Bend.
Dust Trap and Nature's Renewal from the Tree of Autumn in Talmark Wilderness.
- Dust Trap becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Crystal Desert.
Antidote Signet and Dryder's Defenses from Kathryn the Cold in Twin Serpent Lakes.
- Traveling this far south before entering the Maguuma Jungle could be considered sequence breaking.
- Antidote Signet becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Maguuma Jungle.
Primal Echoes from Ruinwing in Riverside Province.
- If you have Nightfall but not Factions, consider capturing
Scavenger Strike in Elona.
Scourge Healing, Smite Hex, and Vengeance from Ijan the Cursed at the Gates of Kryta.
- All become available for free as quest rewards, in Fishermen's Haven, the Maguuma Jungle, and the Crystal Desert respectively.
Blessed Signet, Guardian, Protective Bond, and Restore Life from Leaps Thunderclap in North Kryta Province.
- Blessed Signet is available for free as a quest reward in the Temple of the Ages.
- Guardian is only useful to capture here for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks.
Purge Conditions and Smite from Swoop Needlegrip in North Kryta Province or Wyng Soothingclaw in Nebo Terrace
- Purge Conditions is only useful to capture for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks or visited Yak's Bend.
Infuse Health, Smite Hex, and Symbol of Wrath from Boulad the Perverse in Nebo Terrace.
- Infuse Health is only useful to capture here for Nightfall characters who have not visited Yak's Bend. Symbol of Wrath is only useful for foreign characters who have not visited Ascalon City.
- Smite Hex becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Maguuma Jungle.
Heal Party, Life Attunement, and Protective Spirit from Muga Riptide on the D'Alessio Seaboard or in the Talmark Wilderness.
- Heal Party is only useful to capture here for Nightfall characters who have not visited Yak's Bend.
- Protective Spirit becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Maguuma Jungle.
Balthazar's Aura and Scourge Healing from the Tree of Judgment in the Black Curtain.
- Both skills are available for free as a quest reward in Fishermen's Haven.
Divine Healing, Light of Dwayna, and Purge Signet from Liam Shanglui at Kessex Peak.
- Purge Signet can also be purchased directly at Fishermen's Haven.
Convert Hexes, Divine Intervention, Judge's Insight, and Shielding Hands from Abbot Ramoth during The False Gods or Gilroy the Stoic in the Twin Serpent Lakes.
- Judge's Insight is useful to capture only for Nightfall characters who have not visited Yak's Bend. Shielding Hands is only useful for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks or visited Ascalon City.
- Confronting Gilroy the Stoic before entering the Maguuma Jungle could be considered sequence breaking.
Draw Conditions from Dracul Cadava in Riverside Province, for Nightfall characters who have not visited Ascalon.
Heal Area from Selwin the Fervent in Sanctum Cay, for foreign characters who have not visited Yak's Bend.
Animate Bone Fiend, Barbs, and Desecrate Enchantments from Lord Timot during Reversing the Skales or from Damis the Malignant in Riverside Province.
- Animate Bone Fiend becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Crystal Desert.
Animate Bone Minions, Dark Bond, and Death Nova from Bakkir the Forsaken at the Gates of Kryta or from Amir the Overripe in Nebo Terrace.
- Animate Bone Minions and Death Nova are available for free as quest rewards in Fishermen's Haven and the Maguuma Jungle respectively.
Demonic Flesh, Price of Failure, and Soul Barbs from Geck the Coldblooded in North Kryta Province or Gambol the Headrainer in Nebo Terrace.
- Demonic Flesh and Price of Failure are available for free as quest rewards, at the Temple of the Ages and Fishermen's Haven respectively.
- Soul Barbs is useful to capture here for foreign characters who would otherwise have to backtrack to Ascalon City.
Soul Feast from Rawr Wildeye in North Kryta Province or Ryn Cursewing in Nebo Terrace, for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks or visited Yak's Bend.
Verata's Aura, Verata's Gaze, and Verata's Sacrifice from Verata at Kessex Peak.
Well of the Profane from Brogan the Punisher in the Twin Serpent Lakes.
- Well of the Profane becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Crystal Desert.
- Traveling this far south before entering the Maguuma Jungle could be considered sequence breaking.
- If you have Nightfall but not Factions, consider capturing
Chilblains in Elona.
- Chilblains becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Crystal Desert.
Guilt from Nyle the Compassionate in Bloodstone Fen or Lars the Obeisant in Aurora Glade.
- Nyle becomes available first, but Lars spawns more reliably and far closer to the start of his mission.
- Guilt becomes available for free as a quest reward in the Crystal Desert.
Eruption from Sand Elemental bosses on Prophet's Path or in the Vulture Drifts, for foreign characters who have not visited Yak's Bend.
Fireball from Sheg Zamn Mada in various maps, for Nightfall characters who have not visited Yak's Bend.
Light of Dwayna from Zhu Hanuku during the Boreas Seabed mission.
- Zhu Hanuku's death triggers the end of the mission, making the skill difficult to capture; however, it cannot otherwise be obtained outside Prophecies.
Unholy Feast and Well of Darkness from Moa'vu'Kaal during Moa'vu'Kaal, Awakened, available only to native Nightfall characters.
- This is the only way to get Well of Darkness before the Desolation, so consider reserving this quest until Signet of Capture is available.
Defile Flesh, Envenom Enchantments, and Poisoned Heart from Commander Werishakul in the Mehtani Keys.
Chilblains and Signet of Agony from Najab Lifedrinker in Lahtenda Bog.
- Unless capturing before Consulate Docks using a signet from Lion's Arch or Eye of the North, consider capturing from Shelboh the Ravenous to acquire
Ravenous Gaze as well.
Rotting Flesh and Vile Touch from Boklon Blackwater in the Blacktide Den mission.
- Unless capturing before Consulate Docks using signets from Lion's Arch or Eye of the North, consider capturing from Jerneh Nightbringer to acquire
Tainted Flesh as well.
Unholy Feast and Well of the Profane from Erulai the Inimical during All for One and One for Justice.
- Erulai's death may trigger the end of the quest instance, making capture difficult.
Shadow Strike is also available, but is unlocked by Olias on completing the quest anyway.
- If you have Prophecies but not Factions, consider capturing
Barbs, Dark Bond, and Demonic Flesh in Tyria.
Armor of Sanctity, Aura of Thorns, Mystic Corruption, Reap Impurities, and Veil of Thorns from Taameh the Frigid in the Bjora Marches.
Mystic Sweep, Mystic Vigor, and Rending Sweep from Myish, Lady of the Lake at Drakkar Lake.
Harrier's Grasp, Harrier's Haste, Mystic Vigor, Victorious Sweep, and Zealous Renewal from Asterius the Mighty in the Varajar Fells.
Mantra of Persistence from Fureyst Sharpsight in Sacnoth Valley.
- Requires a player carrying a Proof of Triumph, which can be acquired during the Anniversary Celebration after completing missions in five regions. Alternatively, party with another player who has a Proof of Triumph.
Death Nova, Defile Enchantments, and Reckless Haste from Bredyss Longstride in Magus Stones.
Lifebane Strike, Price of Failure, and Shadow Strike from the Facet of Death during The Cipher of Grenth.
- This is the only place where Lifebane Strike and Price of Failure can be acquired outside their respective campaigns.
Defile Enchantments, Desecrate Enchantments, Shadow of Fear, Suffering, and Ulcerous Lungs from the Inscribed Guardian during Finding the Bloodstone.
- The Inscribed Guardian's death triggers the end of the mission, making skill capture difficult.
- This is the only place where Desecrate Enchantments, Shadow of Fear, and Ulcerous Lungs can be acquired outside their respective campaigns.
Staggering Blow from Taskmaster Durgon in the Vloxen Excavations, for Nightfall characters.
Belly Smash, Counter Blow, Crude Swing, and Yeti Smash from the First Inscribed in the Bloodstone Caves.
- Counter Blow and Crude Swing can also be captured from the other bosses in the same dungeon.
- Counter Blow is only useful to Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks.
Desperation Blow, Drunken Blow, Flail, and Signet of Strength from the Malfunctioning Shield Golem in Oola's Lab.
- This is the only place where these skills can be acquired outside their respective campaigns.
Balanced Stance, Counter Blow, Crushing Blow, and Defensive Stance from Ancient Oozes in the Ooze Pit.
- Balanced Stance and Counter Blow are only useful to Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks.
- This is the only place for a Nightfall-only account to acquire Defensive Stance before completing Gate of Desolation.
"To the Limit!" from the Flame Djinn in the Catacombs of Kathandrax.
- This is the only place where an account without Prophecies can acquire this skill.
Renewing Smash, Tiger Stance, and Warrior's Cunning from the Hand of Destruction during Glint's Challenge.
- Warrior's Cunning is only useful here to Prophecies characters.
- This is the only place where an account without Factions can acquire Renewing Smash year-round.
Animate Bone Minions, Animate Shambling Horror, Death Nova, and Signet of Lost Souls from Taskmaster Bellok in the Vloxen Excavations.
- Animate Bone Minions and Death Nova are only useful to capture for Prophecies characters, who can instead acquire the skills for free as quest rewards in Fishermen's Haven and the Maguuma Jungle.
Signet of Lost Souls and Vampiric Swarm from the Keeper in the Cathedral of Flames.
Animate Bone Minions, Animate Shambling Horror, Barbs, and Death Nova from the Master in the Cathedral of Flames.
- Animate Bone Minions and Death Nova are only useful to capture for Prophecies characters, who can instead acquire the skills for free as quest rewards in Fishermen's Haven and the Maguuma Jungle.
Blood of the Aggressor and Shadow Strike from Murakai's Steward in the Cathedral of Flames.
Deathly Chill, Putrid Explosion, Rising Bile, and Soul Feast from the Flesheaters in Rragar's Menagerie.
- Putrid Explosion and Soul Feast are only useful to capture here for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks.
- This is the only place where an account without Prophecies can acquire Deathly Chill.
Putrid Explosion, Signet of Lost Souls, and Vile Miasma from Jacado the Putrid in the Heart of the Shiverpeaks.
- Putrid Explosion is only useful to capture here for Nightfall characters who have not completed Consulate Docks.
Mark of Fury, Mark of Subversion, and Signet of Lost Souls from the Flesh of Destruction during Glint's Challenge.
- This is the only place where an account without Prophecies can acquire Mark of Subversion.
"Go for the Eyes!", "Make Your Time!", and Disrupting Throw from Sotanaht the Tomb Guardian in the Vloxen Excavations.
Aggressive Refrain, Anthem of Envy, Vicious Attack, and Wild Throw from the Spider Matriarchs in Arachni's Haunt.
"Find Their Weakness!", "Go for the Eyes!", "Never Surrender!", and Signet of Return from Vraxx the Condemned in the Cathedral of Flames.
"Go for the Eyes!" and Mighty Throw from the Elder Nephilim in Rragar's Menagerie.
Aria of Zeal, Ballad of Restoration, and Song of Concentration from Erasklion the Prolific in the Heart of the Shiverpeaks.