List of bugs

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Game bugs that have been reported on a wiki page using {{bug}}.


Page Bug description
Assassin Asuran armor

Parts of the armor retain a slight reddish tint when dyed with some colors.

Assassin Kurzick armor

The mask does not dye properly on the back, leaving blue on the rear despite the color dye applied.

The blades on the gloves clip through some shields.

Assassin Obsidian armor

The female mask clips through the character's face if the camera is zoomed out far enough.


There are clipping issues with the Bandana and three different male armors: warrior monument, necromancer asuran, and mesmer norn. In addition, there are stretching errors with the necromancer dance emote.

Chaos Gloves

When Chaos Gloves are viewed through a semi-transparent surface, such as in water or under an Ooze, they disappear, making your character appear to not have hands.

If a character cycles between their chaos gloves and another pair of gloves at a semi-fast rate, the chaos gloves will appear with an orange shaded-in box around them for a few milliseconds.

Charr Hat

Has clipping issues with the warrior /dance emote.

Squash Serums do not cover the mask when used.

Does not show on characters wearing it on the Character selection screen.

Dervish Ancient armor

The blades on the elbows clip with capes.

Dervish Elite Sunspear armor

The "tags" on the leggings will disappear if you are underwater.

Dragon Mask

While wearing Eye of the North non-set gloves players have noticed a black line above the back left side of the helm. See the talk page.

Dread Mask

The mask vanishes when it is underwater.

Elementalist Asuran armor

A red mark is visible near the steel parts when a contrasting dye is applied. It is not visible if graphic quality settings are increased to maximum or near maximum.

The male armor clips down at the hem of the jacket when running.

Furious Pumpkin Crown

The back of the crown becomes transparent when moving through tall grass, allowing a view of the face from behind.

Glacial Gauntlets

These gloves disappear when underwater.

Imperial Dragon Mask

Has a slight clipping issue with Ancient Armor for the Assassin.

Has a rather drastic clipping issue with the coat of Norn Armor for the male Mesmer.

When removing the dyes from the mask in the Dye Preview window, the mask will stay the color you removed from the Dye Preview window last rather than reverting to its original appearance.

In all others languages, the mask is always named its English translation.

Mask of the Mo Zing

The mask has several clipping issues, since it sticks to one's face. In particular, beards and earrings clip through the headgear.

Mesmer Ascalon armor

The texture for the male's attire (chest armor) replaces the character model's actual skin texture. When sitting down, there will be a transparent gap between the attire and the hose (leg armor).

Mesmer Elite Rogue armor

There is a small red splotch on the male hose, just below the belt.

Mesmer Elite Sunspear armor

The female armor glitches with every pair of hose, including Elite Sunspear.

Mesmer Enchanter armor

This armor has clipping issues at the female footwear.

Mesmer Luxon armor

Male version clips through the bottom of cape when moving and at the top where the cape is attached.

Mesmer Monument armor

The female variation of the armor has clipping issues on the back of the skirt during the walking animation, and sometimes in stationary standing positions depending on camera views, similar to the female Obsidian Armor.

This armor is unaffected by outside lighting, it will always seem to "glow" even when in dark light.

Mesmer Norn armor

For male mesmers with long hair, hair tends to "bleed" through the collar.

For female mesmers, the coat glitches with all mesmer hoses, including the Norn hose.

Mesmer Obsidian armor

The female variation of the armor has clipping issues on the back of the skirt & boots during the walking animation, and sometimes in stationary standing positions depending on camera views.

Mesmer armor

The texture for male mesmers' attire (chest armor) replaces the character model's actual skin texture. Due to this, any hose (leg armor) cannot properly connect to the waist, often sticking out awkwardly during animations.

Monk Ascalon armor

This armor (female) has clipping issues during the walking animation.

Monk Aureate Pants

These pants have clipping issues on male monks while wielding some types of shields and focuses.

Monk Elite Luxon armor

Guild capes, if displayed, have a clipping issue with the pants. The tip of the cape clips through and "flaps" while in the bugged clipping

Monk Luxon armor

The back of the male chestpiece clips through guild capes.

Ranger Ancient armor

On the male armor, the pants clip through the back of the coat on either side of the waist while running diagonally or while using the /dance emote.

Ranger Asuran armor

There is a clipping error on the male model's left thigh. Especially when the character is running, you can notice the error and it will occur on both sides. There is also an issue with the bone on the females shoulder; it will disappear if you use Splinter Shot.

Ranger Drakescale armor

A scale on the upper arm part of the male armor constantly flickers.

Ranger Elite Druid armor

Clipping issues with the male armor, while running sideways.

Ranger Elite Kurzick armor

The female version has serious issues with the hands during the /violin emote. Your hand will become skeleton like.

On the male version, the skirt is not visible from behind, between his legs.

On the female version, the fins on the gloves have a light coloured box around them - invisible without a cape.

Ranger Krytan armor

The male version of the armor has clipping issues when in various animations.

Has clipping issues with capes.

Ranger Leather Long Coat

In some types of gloves the left hand seems to pierce through the coat.

When equipped with Primeval Boots, the Horns stick through the long coat.

When equipped with Primeval Leggings, the back piece sticks through the long coat.

Ranger Monument armor

There are clipping errors on the mask with several female faces.

There is a clipping error on the female version's right shoulder.

The hands on female characters become distorted during many emotes like /sit, /flute, /violin, etc. Even without any movements, the hands do not look quite normal.

Ranger Norn armor

If the armor is dyed red, the inventory icons appear brown.

The fur trim has clipping issues with displayed guild capes.

The female mask disappears when zoomed out enough.

Ranger Vabbian armor

The material holding the front-most dagger on the pants does not dye properly, staying its original color while the material holding the other daggers changes to the color you dyed the pants.

A large section of the skirt portion of the leg armor will clip through the left leg while walking.

Ritualist Elite Kurzick armor

The sides of the male version of armor disappear when the point of view is zoomed out.

Ritualist Norn armor

There may be some graphical errors when viewing Ritualist Norn armor as some polygons may render exposed in the character model. This seems to only occur from certain viewing angles.

Ritualist Seitung armor

The inventory icon for the male shoes does not change when dyed.

Ritualist Vabbian armor

The skirt on the female armor clips with the legs while carrying out certain emotes or movements, such as fighting or strafing.

Skeleton Face Paint

Has clipping issues with certain heads (bald male Warrior). The mask may also appear off-center on some character faces resulting in a distorted appearance.

The mask appears completely gray on the character selection screen.

Warrior Elite Dragon armor

The neck appears twisted for the female model

Warrior Elite Platemail armor

The male version of this armor has clipping issues with guild capes.

Warrior Krytan armor

The Male version of this Armor sometimes has clipping issues with the right leg while standing.

The Krytan Helm does not dye properly. Default color can be restored with brown dye.

Warrior Monument armor

The male armor has clipping issues with the bandana.

Zombie Face Paint

The mask appears completely gray on the character selection screen.


Page Bug description
5 Tarnished Platinum Coins

A stack of two or more 5 Tarnished Platinum Coins prepends the quantity in its description, e.g. 2 5 Tarnished Platinum Coins.

Animal Hide

No one has ever seen an Animal Hide drop, although, according to developers, they should.

Anniversary Shield "Curtain"

The -8 AR modifier belongs to the group "Bonus armor" described at Armor calculation and suffers the same bug as Cracked Armor and several armor penalty skills: The penalty has no effect when the total "Bonus armor" (penalties and bonuses combined) is +26 or more.

Aureate Lamp

The lamp often has clipping issues with male Monk armor.

Banana Scythe

No damage type is specified in the Banana Scythe's tooltip, even though it deals blunt damage and not typeless damage.

Battle Isle Iced Tea

A stack of two or more Battle Isle Iced Teas appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Battle Isle Iced Tea.

Birthday Present

A stack of two or more Birthday Presents or Surprise Boxes appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Seventh Birthday Surprise Box.

Surprise Boxes do not have the usual "This item can not be traded or sold" text in their description even though they can not be traded.

Birthday Present Voucher

Birthday Present Vouchers do not have the usual "This item can not be traded or sold" text in their description even though they can not be traded.

Blessing of War

Blessings of War obtained from opening the Zaishen Chest or acquired from Palora do not stack with the ones obtained by exchanging Proofs of Legend.

Bottle Rocket

The animation of the exploding rocket won't show up if you are under the effects of the Eye of Janthir Form.


The blade does not connect to the hilt.

Celestial Sigil

Celestial Sigils (acquired after the 2013 update) cannot be stacked, unlike all other trophies that have a fixed value, can be salvaged, can be sold to a merchant, and cannot be identified.

Cell Key

This item cannot be picked up by a player with a full inventory, even though it is carried, rather than placed there.

Chaos Axe

Applying brown or gray dye causes a graphical glitch in the item transparency.

Charr Hat

Has clipping issues with the warrior /dance emote.

Squash Serums do not cover the mask when used.

Does not show on characters wearing it on the Character selection screen.

Confessor's Orders

If you double click on the Confessor's Orders, a message will appear saying it has no uses remaining.


In the character selection screen, costumes will not show unless the character has been played in that session, and you are returning to the character select screen, even when "Always Show" is turned on.

Some characters may have "see through" parts during some animations.

If both the costume and cape are set to "Always Show", they will both appear in the Inventory window, causing an evident clipping issue; however, this will never be visible to other players.

Crate of Fireworks

Crates obtained from a Gift of the Traveler will be added to an empty inventory slot even if the character is already holding some.

Daedal Shield

This shield has bad clipping issues on female and male monk characters, as the shield sinks into their left shoulders.

Decade Axes "Rival Skies"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Bow "Falling Star"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Daggers "High Noon"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Hammer "Roaring Earth"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Scythe "Funeral Fang"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Spear "Mist Piercer"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade Sword "Distant Horizon"

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Decade weapon

The inherent bonus damage during events for the martial weapons is not the stated 20% increase. Rather, it is a flat 20 armor penetration which is approximately a 41% increase.

Delicious Cake

A stack of two or more Delicious Cakes appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Delicious Cake".

Demonic Aegis

This shield is held at an awkward angle by characters of most professions, both male and female.

Demonic Horns

If you equip the Demonic Horns while in a disguise or form, the red aura from the horns remain.

Destroyer Bow

The bows have clipping issues with female Ranger Sterling Leggings.

Divine Halo

If dropped on the ground, a white box will be present

Unlike most hats, if you equip the Divine Halo while in a disguise or form, the Halo will appear over the head of the disguise or form. The Halo's visual appearance will disappear when a form ends on you. To get it back, re-equip the Halo.

If you are zoomed in close enough that you are in first person view but not zoomed in all the way, you will be able to see the Halo when running forwards.

Draconic Scythe

Both male and female dervishes hold this scythe angled incorrectly.

Dragon Mask

While wearing Eye of the North non-set gloves players have noticed a black line above the back left side of the helm. See the talk page.

Drake Kabob

Drake Kabob only provides an armor bonus versus physical damage, not versus all armor-respecting damage, as the description implies.


If you use only one dye it will completely overwrite the item's base color. However, with some armors, if you use multiple dyes then the item's base color may also be included in the mix.

Some items' inventory icons dye differently than their models, so the equipped item will look different than the icon; either one may look dyed even though its counterpart doesn't.

Some items accept dyes but have no colorable areas; any dye used on them will be wasted. For example, most bonus items behave like this.

Ebonhand Aegis

This shield has clipping issues with several classes: male Mesmers, male Monk Obsidian armor, as well as female Elementalist Elite Iceforged armor. Also it has clipping issues with Dragon Gauntlets.

Envoy Scythe

This scythe has clipping issues with female Dervishes: it is held by the wrist rather than in the hand.

Experimental Elixir (item)

A stack of two or more Experimental Elixirs appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Experimental Elixir".

Family Crest

A stack of two or more Family Crests appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Family Crest".


The staff seems to float below the player's hand.

Fires in the North

Once the quest is completed, the compass marker will point towards Captain Arne in Ascalon City, instead of Duke Barradin in Piken Square.

Forgotten Fan

This item has serious clipping issues on female monks, female necromancers and female mesmers.

Forgotten Shield

The +10 armor vs. Elemental damage is considered a skill armor bonus by game mechanics. It will not stack past +25 armor in combination with armor boosting skills (e.g. the Strength variant's +10 armor vs. Earth damage in combination with Ward Against Elements will only grant +25 armor vs Earth damage, not +34). This bug does not affect the base armor rating of the shields.

Frontier Gate Fugitives

Footman Tate will continue to spawn in the Eastern Frontier even after you lead him back to the Frontier Gate.

Frozen Fan

This item has clipping issues on female caster-classes.

Furious Pumpkin Crown

The back of the crown becomes transparent when moving through tall grass, allowing a view of the face from behind.

Garfazz Bloodfang (quest)

Sometimes, after you accept the reward from Duke Barradin on completion of The Siege of Piken Square (the prerequisite quest for Garfazz Bloodfang), Viggo won't gain the expected green exclamation point above his head until you click on him.

Gingerbread Focus

Some gloves like the Dragon Gauntlets will clip through this focus.

Gold Zaishen Coin

If you use an Expert or Superior Salvage Kit on a stack of more than one Gold Zaishen Coin, the game will freeze (after salvaging one Gold Zaishen Coin into one Silver Zaishen Coin).

Golden Phoenix Feather

A stack of two or more Golden Phoenix Feathers appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Golden Phoenix Feather".

Hammer of Kathandrax

A stack of two or more Hammers of Kathandrax appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Hammer of Kathandrax".

Hand of the Forgotten

This weapon has a clipping error with Dervish Primeval Armor.

Hero's Handbook

Entry #11 (Oola's Laboratory) is misleading: the handbook requires you to complete the quest the Elusive Golemancer, not the dungeon with the similar name (Oola's Lab); these are completely different tasks.

During Northern Support weekly bonus, upon handing in the books the text in the chat window will claim you have gained half the reputation points of what you would have gotten according to the above table. In reality you are actually granted the proper amount of reputation.

Holy Staff

Some enemies wielding this staff will have the glimmer of the staff slightly higher than normal, making a little glow appear above it.

Hunter's Horn

A stack of two or more Hunter's Horns appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Hunter's Horn.

Imperial Dragon Mask

Has a slight clipping issue with Ancient Armor for the Assassin.

Has a rather drastic clipping issue with the coat of Norn Armor for the male Mesmer.

When removing the dyes from the mask in the Dye Preview window, the mask will stay the color you removed from the Dye Preview window last rather than reverting to its original appearance.

In all others languages, the mask is always named its English translation.

Insectoid Scythe

This scythe is held at a peculiar angle by the male dervish model, with the blade of the scythe tilted at an angle to face towards the wielder's back rather than slightly towards their front.

Jade Brotherhood Guild Cape

A stack of two or more Jade Brotherhood Guild Capes appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Jade Brotherhood Guild Cape".

Jester's Cap

When removing the dyes from the mask in the Dye Preview window, the mask will stay the color you removed from the Dye Preview window last rather than reverting to its original appearance.

Keen Oni Claw

The model of this item moves erratically when on the ground.

Krytan Brandy

A stack of two or more Krytan Brandies appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Krytan Brandy".

Legionnaire Summoning Crystal

A stack of two or more Legionnaire Summoning Crystals appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Legionnaire Summoning Crystal".

Legionnaire Summoning Crystals do not have the usual "This item can not be traded or sold" text in their description even though they can not be traded.

Lord Onrah's Sword

When wielded by a character, the sword is rendered black. When Dread Lord Onrah is seen wielding this sword, it is rendered similar to the inventory icon.

Mallyx's Faith

Sometimes this weapon shows up as a construction hat in the Trade Window.

Map piece

A stack of two or more map pieces appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Top Left Map Piece".

Marking Web

A stack of two or more Marking Webs appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Marking Web".

Minotaur Hide

A stack of two or more Minotaur Hides appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Minotaur Hide".

Mossy Rock

A stack of two or more Mossy Rocks appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Mossy Rock.

Mysterious Message (Prophecies item)

A stack of two or more Mysterious Messages appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Mysterious Message".

Nicanor Gannel

Sometimes he does not appear even though the collector icon is on the Mission Map. When this happens, Nicholas the Traveler also does not appear (as per Weekly activities).

Oppressor's Hammer

When equipped on any hero of non-Human height, the three enlightened dots are not in the correct places.

Oswalt's Epitaph

When acquiring this quest, occasionally it will immediately update to indicate that you have completed the second objective ("Inscribe Elsa's words on the headstone"), but not the first objective.

Paper Wrapped Parcel

If the candles are separated into multiple stacks, Thackeray offers to accept, but is unable to give a Paper Wrapped Parcel. Afterward, he will trade the candles for Sacks of Random Junk, as if he had given the parcel.

Party Beacon

A stack of two or more Party Beacons appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Party Beacon".

Paulus's Holy Symbol

A stack of two or more Paulus's Holy Symbols appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Paulus's Holy Symbol.

Plagueborn Focus

The spikes on the end of the focus sometimes "pierce" through the left leg of the character on certain character types.

Poor Tenant

The bee swarms might get stuck during the quest and stop moving. The easiest way to get around this issue is to lead the bees underneath the bridge just within range of the starburst to achieve quest completion.

Pronged Fan

This focus has clipping issues with most models.

Proof of Legend

If your character completes a mission with a full inventory, a Proof of Legend will not be given, even if there are Proofs of Legend it could stack with. The character will still be eligible to earn a Proof of Legend in that region.

Purified Hunter's Horn

A stack of two or more Purified Hunter's Horns appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Purified Hunter's Horn.

PvP Strength Shield

This shield will give +9 armor if you do not meet the requirement, instead of the usual 8.

Raiyan Spring Water Vial

A stack of two or more Raiyan Spring Water Vials appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Raiyan Spring Water Vial".

Rare Antique Elonian Vase

A stack of two or more Rare Antique Elonian Vases appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Rare Antique Elonian Vase".

Razorclaw Scythe

Razorclaw Scythes have slight clipping issues with the male dervish model.

Red Iris Flower

Four of the above zones sometimes spawn irises in unreachable locations:

  • Lakeside County: the iris near the stage sometimes spawns behind the portal to The Northlands;
  • Lakeside County: more rarely, the Ashford Village iris might spawn inside a rock;
  • Green Hills: an iris infrequently spawns inside a tree or behind The Barradin Estate portal;
  • Wizard's Folly: rarely an iris behind Catacombs portal.
Reversing the Skales

Eventually, Timot will leave Scoundrel's Rise into Gates of Kryta making the quest impossible to finish in the current instance.

Rhythm Wing

Unlike other quest items, this one can be identified once. Yet no visible change will show up.


The +5 Armor vs. Charr mod on the crafted Rinblade does not function.

Royal Gift

The Identification Kits and Salvage Kits generated by this present do not display their merchant value in the tooltips. They can still be sold to NPCs for their standard values, however.

Rune of DOOM

A stack of two or more Runes of DOOM appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Rune of DOOM".

Salvage item

There is an extremely low chance that purple salvage armor items will contain neither a rune nor an insignia.

Silver Zaishen Coin

If you use an Expert or Superior Salvage Kit on a stack of more than one Silver Zaishen Coin, the game will freeze (after salvaging one Silver Zaishen Coin into one Copper Zaishen Coin).

Silverwing Recurve Bow

When using skills, the spikes around the bow do not fade in or out, and the bow does not bend.

Skeleton Face Paint

Has clipping issues with certain heads (bald male Warrior). The mask may also appear off-center on some character faces resulting in a distorted appearance.

The mask appears completely gray on the character selection screen.

Skill tome

On rare occasions, if multiple players are in the party, Locked Chests can drop 2 or 3 elite skill tomes at once, but other party members might then lose their turn in opening that particular chest.

Sparkling Kappa Shell

A stack of two or more Sparkling Kappa Shells appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Sparkling Kappa Shell".

Steelhead Scythe

This scythe seems to have slight clipping issues with the male dervish model.

Storm Bow

After 5 hours logged on your character, the electric animation of the Storm Bow will freeze and no longer animate. Simply restart Guild Wars if this happens or wait 14 hours until the animation returns.

Has a clipping issue with male Ranger Ancient armor.

Summoning stone

Like other allies and miniatures, summons will remain stuck on the other side after the party has passed through a teleporter, e.g. in the Crystal Desert or in the Underworld.

A Spirit of Restoration will resurrect creatures created via summoning stones.

In extremely rare circumstances, drops can be assigned to a summoned creature and cannot be picked up by anyone. However, once the item loses its assignment, anyone will be able to grab it.

In extremely rare circumstances, when using a summoning stone below a bridge, the summoned creature can sometimes spawn above it.

Suntouched Shield

Dye affects only the lower portion of the shield, being seemingly cut off at an arbitrary area in between the two rows of notches on the sides of the shield.

Tapestry Shred

There is a viral bug with this quest: the shred cannot ever be obtained by a character who has exited Ascalon with any character who (a) has received the shred or (b) has been the member of such a group. There are three work-arounds: (1) Do not join a party with any other character until yours has the shred; (2) create a new pre-Searing character to obtain a shred; (3) buy the shred from another player.

A stack of two or more Tapestry Shreds appears singular in its description, e.g. 2 Tapestry Shred.

Tattered Fan

This item has clipping issues on female characters of all professions.

The Flameseeker Prophecies

The Thunderhead Keep page displays a scene from the Iron Mines of Moladune mission.

Tormented Focus

This focus clips through the leg of almost every armor because of the way a character holds it.

Tormented Scythe

If you are logged on for more than 6 hours, the animation will freeze; restarting Guild Wars fixes it.

Tormented Shield

After being logged into the game for six hours, the animation of the Tormented Shield will freeze and not animate. Simply restart Guild Wars if this happens.

This shield has a slight clipping issue when held by a Warrior wearing Monument Armor, Primeval Armor or Dragon Gauntlets.

Turai's Sword

The attack animation of the sword, the white swirl, is broken. When you swing the blade horizontally, the wind animation has a perpendicular vertical motion when your character equips the sword. It only works correctly with the "Turai Ossa" model.

Vabbian Defender

Has clipping issues with dragon gauntlets and some warrior armors.

Voltaic Spear

The Spear has clipping issues with female Mesmers, Monks and Necromancers: the spear appears to be held by the wrist rather than in the hand.

Votive Candle

If the candles are separated into multiple stacks, Thackeray offers to accept, but is unable to give a Paper Wrapped Parcel. Afterward, he will trade the candles for Sacks of Random Junk, as if he had given the parcel.

White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard

There's a chance of Maguuma Warriors spawning and attacking the last group of White Mantle. If they kill any White Mantle before the player, the quest will not update and the player must restart from Quarrel Falls.

Windwalker Insignia

Like Shadow Form, the +5 armor is active for the expected duration of each enchantment, not its actual duration. Refreshing an enchantment before it ends increases the armor bonus by an additional +5.

Woe Spreader

Unlike other unique items, this sells for 34 gold at the merchant rather than 35 gold.

Wreath Crown

If you walk backwards and sideways at the same time while wearing the crown, the flames on the candles will glitch.

Written Testimony

A stack of two or more Written Testimonies appears singular in its description, e.g. "2 Written Testimony".

Wyvern Blade

The attack animation of this sword is broken. When you swing the sword, the wind effect appears in the wrong place.

Xun Rao's Quill

The dagger is positioned incorrectly in the inventory screen; it floats above the forearm, instead of being held in the hand.

Zombie Face Paint

The mask appears completely gray on the character selection screen.


Page Bug description
Abaddon's Mouth

If you let Leah Stone run ahead of you, and out of your compass range, it is possible for her to make it to her resting place unharmed, successfully granting you bonus.

If the western Ether Seal is fighting Dryders and isn't allowed to finish them off, its gate will not open after being killed.

Arachni's Haunt

The spawns including Arachni and the final Spider Matriarch may be significantly delayed after burning the eggs. If the party continues burning eggs during this delay, it can lead to Arachni spawning before the matriarch, though both must still be killed to spawn the chest.

  • Sometimes Danika will get stuck on one of the randomly spawned chests. Have the urn bearer attempt to drag her out of it. You will have to restart if she is permanently stuck.
  • If you leave the central area without waiting for Danika to follow, she will run through the center route on her own. There is a high probability of her dying if you took an alternate route, as she will run through the spawns attempting to get to the end of the mission.
  • Sometimes Danika will get stuck against the wall on the northern route. You will often have to restart as she will return to this position even when dragged past by the urn bearer.
  • The Drinker group that includes Dark Fang sometimes spawns outside of the boundaries of the mission, sometimes still within the Danger Zone and sometimes outside of it.
Arborstone (explorable area)

Kneeling at the statue of Balthazar resurrection shrine at the exit into Altrumm Ruins will sometimes not cause the Champion of Balthazar to appear.

If you reconnect after disconnect, any dead elemental will respawn. They will have to be killed again to count for a vanquish.


There is a bridge near the Jade Flats, where the coral below can strike allies crossing over.

Ascalon Academy

Should Prince Rurik die, the mission will not fail; instead a resurrection notice with a countdown of 3 seconds pops up, with no end effect.

Bejunkan Pier

Lyssa's Muse does not appear after kneeling at the statue of Lyssa and the resurrection shrine does not function. If a wipe occurs, your party will not be resurrected at the shrine.

Bjora Marches

A locked chest will occasionally spawn behind the zone portal leading to Norrhart Domains; there is no way to reach it.

Blacktide Den

It is possible to pass through some of the Kournan Guard barriers before speaking to Captain Besuz. There is no benefit in doing so and requires more time than finishing the mission normally.

Occasionally, General Kahyet and her group will appear, but fail to turn hostile. There is no work-around; you must restart the mission.

Blacktide Den (outpost)

Map travel to this outpost may show a warning about the party size being too large, despite it allowing 8 party members.

Bloodstone Caves

Poison Dart traps shoot faster than indicated, firing up to 15 darts per second.

Bloodstone Fen

The first Druid can get stuck on the first pair of Jungle Guardians, a bad chest spawn, or a boulder. You can attempt to free the Druid from the Guardians by pulling them a short distance to the side, until the Druid can pass.

A Druid can get stuck on one of the spirits summoned by the Guardians. You can kill the spirits without failing the bonus.

The bonus objective can still be completed by talking to the Elder Druid as long as all four Druids have been spawned prior to the death of any Jungle Guardian, despite notification of the bonus objective having been failed.

Bogroot Growths

Sometimes the two hekets near shrine, are invincible. Re-zone to continue the dungeon.

Boreas Seabed (explorable area)

On the bridge leading to the 1,000 Daggers guild hall, there are "blind spots" where allies and foes can become invisible. This error is also seen in Xaquang Skyway.

Boreas Seabed (outpost)

Although skills cannot be used in outposts, Aurora uses Favorable Winds and creates a Spirit of Favorable Winds in the outpost.

Borlis Pass

The gate to Krok's Hollow may not open if any of the four Stone Summit Engineers are killed by a minion or other non-party NPC.

Sometimes if the gate leading to the drake is destroyed with a powder keg while the lever is being used at the same time, the door will appear open but cannot be pass through and the bonus cannot be completed.

Bukdek Byway (Winds of Change)

With Winds of Change active, Sheco does not appear in this area.

Catacombs of Kathandrax

Roaring Ethers sometimes spawn inside a wall and walk through a wall in level 2 and get stuck.

Cathedral of Flames

There are several rare bugs that can prevent the party from completing the dungeon:

  • Level 1: The Keeper (and minions) can spawn behind the door to the next level, making them impossible to kill without enough ranged damage.
  • Level 3: If the Keymaster of Murakai is allowed to travel all the way back to its resting point, the dungeon key may drop over the edge of the lava stream, making it unreachable.

Some foes do not consistently engage the party as expected:

  • Level 1:
    • The group of Charr near the area map may get stuck in the wall.
    • Leaving Faze Magekiller just out of the Danger Zone will leave him friendly and his group will attack him.
    • After The Keeper is defeated, the mobs that subsequently spawn do not attack unless engaged, even if they are inside the aggro bubble.
  • Level 2:
    • Leaving Tyndir Flamecaller just out of the Danger Zone will leave him friendly and his group will attack him.
    • The Master and his minions sometimes spawn behind the door to the third level, making them harder to kill.

There are graphical display errors when standing in certain parts of the room with Murakai.

Central Transfer Chamber

Each time you complete Destruction's Depths, you will receive a "Quest Added" message for A Time for Heroes, whether you had the quest in your log or not. This bug continues until your character completes A Time for Heroes.

Chantry of Secrets

The waterfall freezes if you have been logged on for several hours. The only way to fix this is to restart the game.

Consulate Docks

The first Field Commander may sometimes spawn beyond the closed gate. If you do not have any ranged spell attacks, you may need to restart the mission to get the Master's reward.

Consulate Docks (outpost)

A character may ferry other characters to this outpost way before they should have access to it, while normally when characters that have not fulfilled the requirements to enter would be left out of the party when other players enter it, as happens in Vizunah Square (Local Quarter) without first completing Zen Daijun.

Costume Brawl (outpost)

It is possible to pass through the body blocking guards and access the area beneath the waterfall.

Dejarin Estate

For characters that chose Margrid the Sly over Master of Whispers during the quest Mysterious Message, or who have accepted the quest but not yet begun it, Dehjah and three Water Djinn will always spawn near the northern exit. These NPCs are actually part of the quest Secrets in the Shadow, which can no longer be completed.

After you have killed every soldier in the central fort's garrison, the Commander on the nearby bridge can still call Kournan Siege "to summon siege fire from any nearby garrisons".

Deldrimor Bowl

The resurrection shrines in this area do not always show the light animation of an active resurrection shrine:

  • Upon entry from Anvil Rock, the shrine animation at the Anvil Rock shrine does not work.
  • Upon entry from Beacon's Perch, the shrine animation at the Beacon's Perch shrine does not work.
Deldrimor War Camp

The music in this outpost will cut off upon entering certain spots. These include standing behind the Xunlai chest, the dolyaks, the northwestern siege engine, or entering the northeastern segment of the outpost in general.

Divine Path

While in Divine Path, Mercenary Heroes will look like male Doppelgangers in the Inventory pane.

Sometimes the first Phoenix, which usually spawns near Suun, may spawn behind the closed door. However, it's still possible to tame it.

Divinity Coast

The objectives fail to state that one must talk to Lionguard Minah to complete the bonus.

Sometimes the Eye will disappear if you separate too far from a human companion you're running the mission with.

Dragon's Throat (outpost)

Map travelling from here to Vizunah Square (Local Quarter) and Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter) while in a party will not cause a travel timer to appear.

The signpost for Shadow's Passage is inside a building.

Dunes of Despair

If the Ghostly Hero dies after capturing the shrine but before the party manages to trigger the cutscene, and Goss dies at the same time or shortly after the party is wiped, the cutscene will still trigger. After the cutscene the party and the Hero will be resurrected, but the party leader will have a "return to outpost"-prompt. The party can still continue the mission as long as the prompt is not hit, and even the mission timer will keep counting. The bonus objective can even be completed as normal when using this approach, but once the timer hits zero, the mission itself will not complete. However, a Zaishen Mission will update for both normal and bonus objectives.

The bridge will still fall if you talk to the Ghostly Hero before he uses Claim Resource at the start of the mission.

The third bridge leading to the altar will sometimes not lower even if the Ghostly Hero has used Claim Resource.

Occasionally the Ghostly Hero will become stuck while under attack by the first Siege Wurm, in which case he will not activate Claim Resource to lower the bridge and stops following the player. He won't continue onward until you slay the Siege Wurm on the other side.

Eastern Frontier

Occasionally a group of Grawl might spawn inside a rock on one of the cliff faces between Surmia and Frontier Gate, preventing you from retrieving their drops.

There is a cliff just east of Ruins of Surmia that does not clip correctly, allowing you to slide down.

Eredon Terrace

If your alliance owns the town, there is some missing collision for a cliff on the other side of the bridge, allowing you to explore a large area of land that is otherwise inaccessable.

Fort Aspenwood

Luxons do not win immediately after Master Architect Gunther is killed, there is a slight time delay (usually a few seconds), but Kurzicks win immediately when the progress bar reaches 100%. Because of this, if the timer is close to completion and Gunther is killed, the Kurzicks will occasionally win anyway.

Sometimes when a command point has been taken by the Kurzicks and re-taken by the Luxons, a team of 8 Luxon Warriors will spawn rather than the usual 4.

Sometimes the game will refer to the Refined Amber Mine as the Green Amber Mine, such as when it's capped.

Gods' Vengeance can reach over 100% by giving amber to Gunther right before 100% is reached, allowing Kurzick players to receive more than 4,000 (up to 4,060) Imperial faction for winning.

When the green gate has been broken, Luxon Warriors will occasionally stop moving or attacking if the turtle they are defending has died. This can result in reinforcements being unable to spawn if Kurzick players choose not to kill the Luxon Warriors.

Fort Ranik

If the boss and its mob (that are encountered at point 1B on the map) are not killed, the remaining allied NPCs (Ascalonian Warriors, Master Armin Saberlin, Ascalon Militia, Ascalonian Rangers) will continue to follow the party leader through the entire mission and Master Armin Saberlin will not offer the bonus objective (which is not required to complete the bonus). This makes the mission easier, since the NPCs will continue to fight alongside your party instead of stopping at point 1B.

Sometimes the soldier that is captured with Trooper Deeter Saberlin is stuck in the entry of the prison, preventing you from talking to Deeter Saberlin to complete the bonus.

Fronis Irontoe's Lair

Sometimes the locked chest will spawn inside a wall.

Sometimes Kilroy may get stuck behind the locked chest that has spawned in his way, if you lure a Stone Summit near him he will often get free, otherwise you will have to continue without him.

The first Enslaved Ettin doesn't refresh the duration of Scroll of Rampager's Insight, but works properly with Scroll of Berserker's Insight.

Gate of Madness

Undead Lich occasionally stays an ally.

Lyssa's Muse in the end cinematic says "You must make a choice a mortal can make" While the text reads "Only a mortal can make".

Sometimes, despite having killed the Lich, Shiro and all Margonites in the shrine area, the mission will not end. This forces you to redo the entire mission, despite having completed all requirements. This can happen when sending heroes/henchmen ahead to capture the shrines and aggroing Shiro or the Lich before the dialogue begins. Breaking aggro and waiting for the dialogue may be enough to avoid this. The way to avoid this is to recall all of your heroes/henchmen back to you, outside of the Temple, then run in as a group. Running into the Temple while your heroes/henchmen are already inside will result in the dialogue not triggering, which may result in the bug.

Sometimes, the gates will not open, you will have to restart the mission if this happens.

Golem Tutorial Simulation

Capturing Area One while the Image of Zinn is still explaining the first part of the hero tutorial will cause the tutorial to get stuck as the Image of Zinn does not recognize that the area has already been captured. The quest must then be restarted, as no further progress can be made.

Grand Court of Sebelkeh

Sometimes when playing the mission, The Blasphemy will immediately cast Summon Torment once upon respawning. If this happens it will continue to do so when respawning throughout the mission, making the task of completing it more stressful and potentially much more difficult.

Green Hills County

South of the Barradin Estate, in the middle of the right angle formed by the water channel, there is an invisible barrier that will block movement. This is due to a large rock's collision, which is burried just below the surface.

West from The Barradin Estate (to the right of the Resurrection Shrine), there is a wall section in view, but it doesn't block access to the hill just behind it.

East of the Barradin Estate there is a wall section in view which can be entered. The only means of exit is by using the /stuck command.)

The charmable animals and the Moss Spiders can sometimes wander inside the Barradin Estate, totally bypassing the portal as if it isn't even there.

The music cuts off and restarts upon entering certain spots in the cavern found at the top left corner of the map.

Griffon's Mouth
  • On the southern part of this area, where ice paths can be found, you actually walk through the ice instead of walking on it.
  • There is an invisible wall between the exit from the cave into the forest area, north of the southern resurrection shrine and west across the wall from Whiskar Featherstorm.
Guild hall

Unlike other NPC's, the guild battle henchmen located in every guild hall cannot be interacted with by a single mouse click.

Gunnar's Hold

You cannot auto-walk (double-click on anything or click+space) to any NPC located in closed non-passable pavilions: auto-walking instead takes you on a straight line path to your target, and you stop at any obstacle, even a slanted obstacle that normally allows you to "slide" sideways. Apparently, the pathfinding AI is unable to work correctly in such case.

Gyala Hatchery

Some of the groups at point 6 might fail to spawn when doing the mission via the back way. To prevent this, stay with the turtles and avoid letting them stray too far.

The Young Turtles at the end of the mission sometimes wander off past the Afflicted.

Gyala Hatchery (explorable area)

The northern portal to the Gyala Hatchery's outpost is missing the white hazy barrier usually associated with Factions and Prophecies area transitions.

Hall of Judgment

During Something Wicked This Way Comes and Don't Fear the Reapers you can go in the Hall of Judgment. You can pass through the door.

Heart of Abaddon

Razah appears to say each of his lines twice.

Hell's Precipice

Occasionally, one of the portals does not appear. In this case, closing the other two portals does not help, but should be attempted.

On rare occasions, the seer will be dead before you can trigger the bonus, even if you stayed out of compass distance.

Ice Caves of Sorrow

A little while after the first Stone Summit group the mob of Mursaat passes on the frozen lake, there is a Shiverpeak Chest which the Mursaat sometimes will get stuck on and stop moving. If this happens, you will have to retry the mission or attempt to have an infused player pull them away from it. The Mursaat stops after the stone bridge.

Sometimes Evennia will not follow you; sometimes she may follow Saidra and gets killed by Mursaat; you must restart the mission if this happens.

Sometimes Rornak Stonesledge will not be at his location, making it impossible to claim the bonus without restarting the mission.

Occasionally, a stray barrage from the siege weapons will land near the spawn of Virag Bladestone, harming the party.

Imperial Sanctum

Sometimes there is a malfunction with Shiro's skill: Meditation of the Reaper. He will be able to take damage while in meditation, but the skill won't register any damage taken. It will therefore last the maximum of 30sec.

Sometimes there is a malfunction with Shiro's skill: Echoing Banishment. Heroes sometimes get taken with you when Shiro uses Echoing Banishment.

Iron Mines of Moladune

Sometimes, Markis will get stuck in a chest and will not arrive to the fortress. Players will have to backtrack his route from the original spawning location to find him.

Issnur Isles

For non-Nightfall characters (only), there are several quest-related spawns or triggers that are incorrect. These quests cannot be done by non-Nightfall characters yet they affect the instance.


It is possible to attain an 8-person party in Sunspear Great Hall by completing the Blacktide Den mission with 3 heroes and the 4 henchmen found there. Any henchmen not present in Sunspear Great Hall will be removed from the party.
The same applies for Kamadan after completing the Venta Cemetery mission or talking to Dockmaster Dimedeh in Dajkah Inlet.

Jaya Bluffs

Gull Hookbeak and Yorrt Strongjaw will always spawn for non-Factions characters, despite the fact that non-Factions characters cannot acquire either of the quests that these two NPCs can offer.

Jennur's Horde

On rare occasion, killing both additional Harbingers and their support groups will not progress the bonus objective ("You have defeated [0 or 1] of 2 additional Harbingers."). Players will have to restart the mission to get master's reward. (Let the Bonus Harbingers hit you before you drop the Light and kill them, the bug seems to trigger when they get killed before they have the chance to land a single blow.)

Jokanur Diggings

If the player activates the Trial of Perseverance then runs back and stays in the area of the Trial of Fire, Kahdash will finish placing the Stone Tablet on the pedestal but will die immediately after the cinematic. This counts as a Sunspear Ghost death towards the bonus objective.

Kodonur Crossroads

It is sometimes possible for NPCs to walk through the final gate while it is still closed. This is most likely to happen to the Kournan Priests inside, as they try to heal enemies outside.

Maishang Hills

The resurrection shrine near Eredon Terrace has both the statues of Dwayna and Balthazar overlapping. Only the Champion of Balthazar can appear.

Mehtani Keys

The resurrection shrine that summons Lyssa's Muse in the village on the northernmost island has a statue depicting Balthazar.

Minister Cho's Estate

Master Togo can sometimes get obstructed by a chest spawn. If this happens before the menagerie area, the only way to continue is to restart the mission and try again.

It is possible for the Sickened Guards to kill the infected Minister Cho before you have a chance to. Thus, the mission will become impossible to complete and players will have to resign and retry.

Morostav Trail

Occasionally a foe may become stuck on one of the hedges near the spawn of Konrru, Tainted Stone. Attacks by the foe or party members will be obstructed from any direction, preventing damage from any skill that requires a line of sight. This may prevent an unprepared party from vanquishing the area.

Nolani Academy

If you choose to open the gate at the beginning of the mission, there is a small chance that

  • The nearby Charr will vanish or
  • Some groups of Charr will attempt to invade the academy from the back.
  • Prince Rurik will freeze, forcing you to restart the mission (i.e. if you open the gate before he finishes speaking).

If you choose not to follow Rurik after opening the gate to Rin, he will avoid the Elementals and skip to cinematic 2.

If Bonfaaz Burntfur dies during cinematic 2 (e.g. due to degeneration), the mission will not end and your party will not be taken to Yak's Bend. The mission will register as completed, however (the map icon will update and you will get credit for your storybook). Additionally, if you wipe, you will not receive an option to return to the outpost, you will have to re-zone manually.

Norrhart Domains

If you attack the two Jotun with a longbow and pull them out of the ring, they could follow the party without losing their invulnerability. If you approach the ring and the auto-healing Jotun turn hostile, it will be impossible to vanquish the area.

Nundu Bay

Sometimes the Margonites will stop spawning. This is irrelevant, you may safely exit the village and kill the Harbinger of Nightfall.

Sometimes the Harbinger of Twilight will not spawn after defeating Priest Zein Zuu, and you must restart the mission.

Nundu Bay (outpost)

It is possible to walk through a section of solid rock on the eastern side of Nundu Bay. The rock juts out slightly and can be walked through if you hug the northern wall as you approach it. You must exit the same way you came however as there is a piece of impassable terrain on the other side.

Oola's Lab

Two bugs can force the party to restart the dungeon: (a) On the first level, the gate leading to the middle area sometimes fails to open. (b) The first floor Dungeon Key sometimes fails to appear after killing Xien. There are no work-arounds for either problem.

On the second level, the AI-controlled creatures will attack and kill fire traps. Once they start attacking, you can also cause AoE damage to them.

Panjiang Peninsula

Along the western coast you can see a brown colored area where the map is intended to end. It seems similar to the end of the world in The Great Northern Wall mission.

Pogahn Passage

Sometimes Guard Linko will not show up. In that case you will have to re-do the mission for the bonus.

For some characters the map will not be uncovered during the cinematic, even after moving using the keyboard

Sometimes the mission will fail when encountering the last group of enemies even without Kormir / Shahai dying and with time still available

Polymock Crossing

Often, if you spam or even just hit a skill after the the opponent has just drawn his second piece, but before the countdown has completed, your energy bar will maintain a display of nearly-full, however the game will display the message that you have no energy. This has only been observed when fighting Dune Teardrinker

Raisu Palace

If one of the allies you choose at the beginning of the mission dies near an enemy's Restoration spirit, that ally will be revived when the spirit dies.

Since you need to kill all the Shiro'ken bosses, this can make it impossible to finish the mission should you pick a character such as Cynn.

Raven's Point

The final Destroyers may be friendly, making the dungeon impossible to complete.

Ravenheart Gloom

Sometimes the Greater Darkness does not spawn after completing Deathbringer Company

Regent Valley

The fog in the northwest corner of the map does not uncover for an unknown reason, so it will not look like it is explored on the map; exploring this part will still add to your Cartographer title.

Regent Valley (pre-Searing)

Near the entrance to the Secret Garden, the large rock to the right allows you to walk right through it.

Ring of Fire

When players pick up the Spectral Essence, the quest log will update to say the bonus is complete. However, players will not receive credit for bonus until the party member carrying the Essence takes it to the Ancient Seer.

Rragar's Menagerie

Sometimes the door at first level, is closed. Re-zone to continue the dungeon.

Ruins of Surmia

Prince Rurik can sometimes get obstructed by a chest spawn or get stuck on the stairs before the tar area. If this happens, you'll have to restart the mission and try again.

If you approach the imprisoned Mages before opening the drawbridge, sometimes one of them will run straight through the closed door and follow you around until he is killed or brought within range of an obelisk.

Sometimes a charr can spawn underground near the imprisoned mages gate.

Sometimes Breena doesn't appear at point 2, possibly killed by the Charr boss near her. When this happens, you'll have to restart the mission and try again.

The Flame that the Ember Bearers carry can get stuck on the wall of the tar pit or any minions, the Ember Bearers will carry on but when they get to the gate it doesn't open. However, if you pull them near The Flame and run off it will begin to follow them again.

Sometimes the Ember Bearers will get caught at the gate they enter through and prevent the exit gate from being opened. The bonus is still completable as long as the entrance gate opens, but you will not be able to use the exit gate as a shortcut.

Sacnoth Valley

After extended periods of time, the animation of the fire in the burning forest will freeze and will not resume until you have exited and restarted the game.

Sanctum Cay

When pulled away from the pier in their final location, the White Mantle from the south side of the docks can run off in a straight line away from the pier and get stuck on the first obstacle they run into. These foes will not return to the pier afterwards, but will still attack any opponent that enters their range.

Secret Lair of the Snowmen

If Koris Deeprunner dies at Freezie and does not self-resurrect, the dungeon chest might not spawn. Similarly, if he gets stuck (e.g. on a bridge or locked chest), he will not reach the final room and you will not be able to complete the dungeon. If that happens, flag any heroes or henchmen out of the way and then maneuver around the NPC to guide him around the obstruction and back to the final room.

The Snowmen near the second shrine sometimes spawn inside a wall; they can be ignored or killed using ranged, non-projectile attacks.

Koris Deeprunner can spawn without his bow. However, he will still attack as if he has it, and hit enemies but do 0 damage.

Seitung Harbor (mission 2)

The "waves destroyed" counter does not correctly update for the first four waves, updating when the second-to-last foe is killed instead of when the last one is killed.

Shards of Orr

On very rare occasions, Fendi Nin will not spawn. Unfortunately, there is no work-around; you must restart the dungeon. This happens if you have quests for other dungeons.

There is an interval of approximately 2 seconds during which Fendi respawns and the soul disappears (these two events do not occur simultaneously - Fendi respawns first). If the soul has been killed before its disappearance and after Fendi's respawn, its death will trigger the chest but will not unspawn Fendi and the archers.

Spearhead Peak

Sometimes, a mob spawns beyond the portal to Grenth's Footprint.

Sunjiang District

Both the Spear of Archemorus and the Urn of Saint Viktor are supposed to be destroyed at the end of the mission; however, if a player was holding them (or dropped them just before the defeat of the final boss), both can be seen briefly during the cinematic.

Sunqua Vale

Wulk Cragfist spawns as a hostile for all characters and turns into an ally after being defeated, despite the fact that only Factions characters can take his quest, Revenge of the Yeti.

Sometimes, a Water Buffalo (near the second rabbit cage) will spawn in the middle of two trees and be unable to move.

Inside Zhengjo Temple, two Mantid Hatchlings will attack the Mantid Monitor near to where they spawn.

Tahnnakai Temple

Sometimes the released spirits can get stuck on an object, allied spirit, or minion and therefore cannot reach the door to unlock the next area. NPC allies such as Master Togo and Brother Mhenlo can get in the way too. You have time to wait for your spirits to expire, you can move the party to adjust the minion's position, and (sometimes) moving the party will also distract the spirit past the obstacle. There is no work-around if the spirit is completely stuck on a corner or chest. Should that happen, you must restart the mission.

If a chest spawns in the far corner of Bound Jaizhanju's area, the item from it can drop in an unreachable area inside the pipe.

Talmark Wilderness It has been reported that due to War in Kryta update content, both explorable area icons conflict with each other when vanquished, the World Map will sometimes display it red and others orange. Re-logging resolves this issue.
Talmark Wilderness orange icon
Talus Chute

There is a group which can patrol through the Icedome portal and get stuck there, making vanquishing impossible.

Tasca's Demise

A Shiverpeak Chest (or Locked Chest in hard mode) may sometimes spawn behind the portal to Mineral Springs.

The Black Curtain

A Locked Chest may spawn behind the portal to Talmark Wilderness, making it reachable only by shadow stepping. Be careful of popup spawns behind the portal to avoid unintended zoning.

The Dragon's Lair (outpost)

The sand pit near the eastern-most pillar does not correctly overlap with the ground. This causes players to clip through a small area of the ground.

The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx

Gaze of Fury may sometimes spawn the spirit but leave the Anguished Soul alive.

The Eternal Grove

As the first wave of Luxon approach from the west, the party can intercept these enemies as a large group. Killing the Siege Turtle before it has reached its destination may prevent the mission from continuing onto the Afflicted stage, however.

The Fissure of Woe

On rare occasions, a Shadow Ranger will spawn inside the Tower of Courage, preventing quest completion unless your party can kill it without having a line of sight.

The Jade Quarry

The carriers on both sides will sometimes move in the wrong direction with jade, causing the affected team to be at a disadvantage.

If a carrier meets another carrier and is hit with Carrier Defense the carrier will drop its jade but still continue back to base as if it was still carrying it, therefore wasting a journey.

The Mirror of Lyss

The three patrolling groups of Vabbian Guards around Ahjii do not attack foes and vice-versa, and area of effect damage from foes do not affect the Vabbian Guards.

The Ruptured Heart

After completing the quest Pilgrimage, Allura still continues to spawn at the Bleached Bones. However, right after you trigger her spawn, she will die (or unspawn).

The Underworld

If your party begins the fight with Dhuum before King Frozenwind walks past the gate, he will be stuck outside. About a minute after your party defeats Dhuum, King Frozenwind and the Ice Elementals will spawn inside the Hall of Judgment. Sometimes King Frozenwind will not appear once Dhuum dies and the chest will not appear as a result.

The Wilds

It is possible, that after destroying the first Entangling Roots in the Eastern part of the mission, the ivy gate will vanish but still be impassable and you cannot progress with the mission. It is suspected this happens when the Entangling Root is killed (by other creatures) before you engage it.

It is possible, that after destroying the last Entangling Roots in the Western most part of the mission, the ivy gate will vanish but still be impassable. If you ended up on the Western side of the ivy gate, you will be able to continue for a few steps but then hit an invisible wall. The mission cannot be completed either way.

It is possible, that after killing both Centaur Chieftains, you will not get credit for completion of the bonus objective. The bonus will have to be repeated in this case, although the mission can still be completed as normal.

Thirsty River

In the last round, Lyssha Suss's (Custodian Phebus's) team may be tagged as Defeated without even having been engaged. If this happens, the player can ignore this group and finish the mission by just killing the other two teams.

Sometimes, a chest will spawn at the entrance to Issah Sshay's chamber which the Ghostly Hero may become stuck on. If this happens the team must resign and begin the mission again.

If you pull enemies to the Ghostly Hero before he opens the first gate, he may spend too long fighting them and never open the gate.

Thunderhead Keep

Sometimes King Jalis Ironhammer will get stuck on a hill near the beginning of the mission. If this occurs, you must restart the mission, and try again.

Sometimes if you take the bonus the first boss will stay outside the walls. Even if you kill that mob the spawns will stop. If this occurs, you must restart the mission, and try again.

Tihark Orchard

As with Margrid in "No Me, No Kormir", Morgahn will call you an Istani even if you are a Prophecies or Factions character.

Tomb of the Primeval Kings

The Sigil Trader is missing from International Districts.

Training Arena

Players can enter this arena in a party of up to eight that can consist of players and heroes, thus being able to fight eight versus four.

Tsumei Village (mission 2)

The "waves destroyed" counter doesn't always update when the last enemy in a wave is killed.

Unwaking Waters

In the end cinematic, the gender of the voice of the lead party member is often reversed (e.g. male Assassins will get a female voice). Also, if the lead party member is female, the character model from another (male) character in the group will be used.

Unwaking Waters (explorable area)

Two additional groups of Outcasts will spawn in areas unreachable by foot while Outcasts in the Quarry is active (even though none of the quest objectives take place in Unwaking Waters): one on the path traversed during the mission, the other inside the Kurzick outpost. These can be managed by splitting the party on either side of the peninsula or cliff ledge and using non-projectile spells.

Occasionally characters will resurrect at the portal to the Harvest Temple even after activating the resurrection shrine (via having more unspent faction of their allegiance, killing them or bribing the priest).

Venta Cemetery

If you fail to neutralize a guard post before your position is given away, the map marker will not change color. However, your quest log will still count it as neutralized.

Guard Post Commanders may fail to spawn at guard posts. When all other enemies are slain it still counts as neutralized, but the timer will run out and incoming siege attacks strike the area after a short delay.

Players have reported losing progress towards the Survivor title after dying due to a siege attack (from the fort), even though this type of death is not supposed to count.

Vizunah Square

This mission highlights many deficiencies in the NPC pathfinding AI:

  • It is possible for a henchman-only party to get stuck behind a chest, forcing you to either restart the mission or continue alone. If the henchman party is starting from the Foreign Quarter, this can happen before they reach the first meeting point. It is possible for Togo or Mhenlo to get stuck in the same way.
  • It is possible for Togo to just get stuck for no reason, which causes the last fight to fail to initialize, making the final battle of the mission impossible to complete.
  • If you bring minions, Mhenlo can get distracted in healing them, causing him not to reach his waypoints. A sign that this has happened is Togo standing still some distance behind the party. If this happens, try moving back towards Togo; when Mhenlo gets close enough, the missed waypoint will trigger and Togo will start moving again.
Vloxen Excavations

If Taskmaster Bellok is killed and the key retrieved, then the dungeon is exited or failed, sometimes if the quest is not abandoned, Bellok will not drop the key the next time one attempts the dungeon.

Yatendi Canyons

Kneeling at the statue of Balthazar resurrection shrine at the exit into Chantry of Secrets does not cause the Champion of Balthazar to appear. Also, while the world has Favor of the Gods, this statue of Balthazar is not animated.

Zaishen Elite
  • You can't resign if a Zaishen Fighter henchman is in your party.
  • On some maps, most notably D'Alessio Arena, an NPC of the opposing team will occasionally spawn outside of their team's gate and will rush your team early.
Zehlon Reach

For non-Nightfall characters (only), there are several quest-related spawns or triggers that are incorrect. These quests cannot be done by non-Nightfall characters yet they affect the instance.

Zos Shivros Channel

When the turtles start spawning, they will stop attacking and just walk back and forth near their spawn point, allowing for infinite points and faction without any risk or effort


Page Bug description
Abaddon's Mouth

If you let Leah Stone run ahead of you, and out of your compass range, it is possible for her to make it to her resting place unharmed, successfully granting you bonus.

If the western Ether Seal is fighting Dryders and isn't allowed to finish them off, its gate will not open after being killed.

  • Sometimes Danika will get stuck on one of the randomly spawned chests. Have the urn bearer attempt to drag her out of it. You will have to restart if she is permanently stuck.
  • If you leave the central area without waiting for Danika to follow, she will run through the center route on her own. There is a high probability of her dying if you took an alternate route, as she will run through the spawns attempting to get to the end of the mission.
  • Sometimes Danika will get stuck against the wall on the northern route. You will often have to restart as she will return to this position even when dragged past by the urn bearer.
  • The Drinker group that includes Dark Fang sometimes spawns outside of the boundaries of the mission, sometimes still within the Danger Zone and sometimes outside of it.
Ascalon Academy

Should Prince Rurik die, the mission will not fail; instead a resurrection notice with a countdown of 3 seconds pops up, with no end effect.

Blacktide Den

It is possible to pass through some of the Kournan Guard barriers before speaking to Captain Besuz. There is no benefit in doing so and requires more time than finishing the mission normally.

Occasionally, General Kahyet and her group will appear, but fail to turn hostile. There is no work-around; you must restart the mission.

Bloodstone Fen

The first Druid can get stuck on the first pair of Jungle Guardians, a bad chest spawn, or a boulder. You can attempt to free the Druid from the Guardians by pulling them a short distance to the side, until the Druid can pass.

A Druid can get stuck on one of the spirits summoned by the Guardians. You can kill the spirits without failing the bonus.

The bonus objective can still be completed by talking to the Elder Druid as long as all four Druids have been spawned prior to the death of any Jungle Guardian, despite notification of the bonus objective having been failed.

Borlis Pass

The gate to Krok's Hollow may not open if any of the four Stone Summit Engineers are killed by a minion or other non-party NPC.

Sometimes if the gate leading to the drake is destroyed with a powder keg while the lever is being used at the same time, the door will appear open but cannot be pass through and the bonus cannot be completed.

Consulate Docks

The first Field Commander may sometimes spawn beyond the closed gate. If you do not have any ranged spell attacks, you may need to restart the mission to get the Master's reward.

Divinity Coast

The objectives fail to state that one must talk to Lionguard Minah to complete the bonus.

Sometimes the Eye will disappear if you separate too far from a human companion you're running the mission with.

Dunes of Despair

If the Ghostly Hero dies after capturing the shrine but before the party manages to trigger the cutscene, and Goss dies at the same time or shortly after the party is wiped, the cutscene will still trigger. After the cutscene the party and the Hero will be resurrected, but the party leader will have a "return to outpost"-prompt. The party can still continue the mission as long as the prompt is not hit, and even the mission timer will keep counting. The bonus objective can even be completed as normal when using this approach, but once the timer hits zero, the mission itself will not complete. However, a Zaishen Mission will update for both normal and bonus objectives.

The bridge will still fall if you talk to the Ghostly Hero before he uses Claim Resource at the start of the mission.

The third bridge leading to the altar will sometimes not lower even if the Ghostly Hero has used Claim Resource.

Occasionally the Ghostly Hero will become stuck while under attack by the first Siege Wurm, in which case he will not activate Claim Resource to lower the bridge and stops following the player. He won't continue onward until you slay the Siege Wurm on the other side.

Fort Aspenwood

Luxons do not win immediately after Master Architect Gunther is killed, there is a slight time delay (usually a few seconds), but Kurzicks win immediately when the progress bar reaches 100%. Because of this, if the timer is close to completion and Gunther is killed, the Kurzicks will occasionally win anyway.

Sometimes when a command point has been taken by the Kurzicks and re-taken by the Luxons, a team of 8 Luxon Warriors will spawn rather than the usual 4.

Sometimes the game will refer to the Refined Amber Mine as the Green Amber Mine, such as when it's capped.

Gods' Vengeance can reach over 100% by giving amber to Gunther right before 100% is reached, allowing Kurzick players to receive more than 4,000 (up to 4,060) Imperial faction for winning.

When the green gate has been broken, Luxon Warriors will occasionally stop moving or attacking if the turtle they are defending has died. This can result in reinforcements being unable to spawn if Kurzick players choose not to kill the Luxon Warriors.

Fort Ranik

If the boss and its mob (that are encountered at point 1B on the map) are not killed, the remaining allied NPCs (Ascalonian Warriors, Master Armin Saberlin, Ascalon Militia, Ascalonian Rangers) will continue to follow the party leader through the entire mission and Master Armin Saberlin will not offer the bonus objective (which is not required to complete the bonus). This makes the mission easier, since the NPCs will continue to fight alongside your party instead of stopping at point 1B.

Sometimes the soldier that is captured with Trooper Deeter Saberlin is stuck in the entry of the prison, preventing you from talking to Deeter Saberlin to complete the bonus.

Gate of Madness

Undead Lich occasionally stays an ally.

Lyssa's Muse in the end cinematic says "You must make a choice a mortal can make" While the text reads "Only a mortal can make".

Sometimes, despite having killed the Lich, Shiro and all Margonites in the shrine area, the mission will not end. This forces you to redo the entire mission, despite having completed all requirements. This can happen when sending heroes/henchmen ahead to capture the shrines and aggroing Shiro or the Lich before the dialogue begins. Breaking aggro and waiting for the dialogue may be enough to avoid this. The way to avoid this is to recall all of your heroes/henchmen back to you, outside of the Temple, then run in as a group. Running into the Temple while your heroes/henchmen are already inside will result in the dialogue not triggering, which may result in the bug.

Sometimes, the gates will not open, you will have to restart the mission if this happens.

Grand Court of Sebelkeh

Sometimes when playing the mission, The Blasphemy will immediately cast Summon Torment once upon respawning. If this happens it will continue to do so when respawning throughout the mission, making the task of completing it more stressful and potentially much more difficult.

Gyala Hatchery

Some of the groups at point 6 might fail to spawn when doing the mission via the back way. To prevent this, stay with the turtles and avoid letting them stray too far.

The Young Turtles at the end of the mission sometimes wander off past the Afflicted.

Hell's Precipice

Occasionally, one of the portals does not appear. In this case, closing the other two portals does not help, but should be attempted.

On rare occasions, the seer will be dead before you can trigger the bonus, even if you stayed out of compass distance.

Ice Caves of Sorrow

A little while after the first Stone Summit group the mob of Mursaat passes on the frozen lake, there is a Shiverpeak Chest which the Mursaat sometimes will get stuck on and stop moving. If this happens, you will have to retry the mission or attempt to have an infused player pull them away from it. The Mursaat stops after the stone bridge.

Sometimes Evennia will not follow you; sometimes she may follow Saidra and gets killed by Mursaat; you must restart the mission if this happens.

Sometimes Rornak Stonesledge will not be at his location, making it impossible to claim the bonus without restarting the mission.

Occasionally, a stray barrage from the siege weapons will land near the spawn of Virag Bladestone, harming the party.

Imperial Sanctum

Sometimes there is a malfunction with Shiro's skill: Meditation of the Reaper. He will be able to take damage while in meditation, but the skill won't register any damage taken. It will therefore last the maximum of 30sec.

Sometimes there is a malfunction with Shiro's skill: Echoing Banishment. Heroes sometimes get taken with you when Shiro uses Echoing Banishment.

Iron Mines of Moladune

Sometimes, Markis will get stuck in a chest and will not arrive to the fortress. Players will have to backtrack his route from the original spawning location to find him.

Jennur's Horde

On rare occasion, killing both additional Harbingers and their support groups will not progress the bonus objective ("You have defeated [0 or 1] of 2 additional Harbingers."). Players will have to restart the mission to get master's reward. (Let the Bonus Harbingers hit you before you drop the Light and kill them, the bug seems to trigger when they get killed before they have the chance to land a single blow.)

Jokanur Diggings

If the player activates the Trial of Perseverance then runs back and stays in the area of the Trial of Fire, Kahdash will finish placing the Stone Tablet on the pedestal but will die immediately after the cinematic. This counts as a Sunspear Ghost death towards the bonus objective.

Kodonur Crossroads

It is sometimes possible for NPCs to walk through the final gate while it is still closed. This is most likely to happen to the Kournan Priests inside, as they try to heal enemies outside.

Minister Cho's Estate

Master Togo can sometimes get obstructed by a chest spawn. If this happens before the menagerie area, the only way to continue is to restart the mission and try again.

It is possible for the Sickened Guards to kill the infected Minister Cho before you have a chance to. Thus, the mission will become impossible to complete and players will have to resign and retry.

Nolani Academy

If you choose to open the gate at the beginning of the mission, there is a small chance that

  • The nearby Charr will vanish or
  • Some groups of Charr will attempt to invade the academy from the back.
  • Prince Rurik will freeze, forcing you to restart the mission (i.e. if you open the gate before he finishes speaking).

If you choose not to follow Rurik after opening the gate to Rin, he will avoid the Elementals and skip to cinematic 2.

If Bonfaaz Burntfur dies during cinematic 2 (e.g. due to degeneration), the mission will not end and your party will not be taken to Yak's Bend. The mission will register as completed, however (the map icon will update and you will get credit for your storybook). Additionally, if you wipe, you will not receive an option to return to the outpost, you will have to re-zone manually.

Nundu Bay

Sometimes the Margonites will stop spawning. This is irrelevant, you may safely exit the village and kill the Harbinger of Nightfall.

Sometimes the Harbinger of Twilight will not spawn after defeating Priest Zein Zuu, and you must restart the mission.

Pogahn Passage

Sometimes Guard Linko will not show up. In that case you will have to re-do the mission for the bonus.

For some characters the map will not be uncovered during the cinematic, even after moving using the keyboard

Sometimes the mission will fail when encountering the last group of enemies even without Kormir / Shahai dying and with time still available

Raisu Palace

If one of the allies you choose at the beginning of the mission dies near an enemy's Restoration spirit, that ally will be revived when the spirit dies.

Since you need to kill all the Shiro'ken bosses, this can make it impossible to finish the mission should you pick a character such as Cynn.

Ring of Fire

When players pick up the Spectral Essence, the quest log will update to say the bonus is complete. However, players will not receive credit for bonus until the party member carrying the Essence takes it to the Ancient Seer.

Ruins of Surmia

Prince Rurik can sometimes get obstructed by a chest spawn or get stuck on the stairs before the tar area. If this happens, you'll have to restart the mission and try again.

If you approach the imprisoned Mages before opening the drawbridge, sometimes one of them will run straight through the closed door and follow you around until he is killed or brought within range of an obelisk.

Sometimes a charr can spawn underground near the imprisoned mages gate.

Sometimes Breena doesn't appear at point 2, possibly killed by the Charr boss near her. When this happens, you'll have to restart the mission and try again.

The Flame that the Ember Bearers carry can get stuck on the wall of the tar pit or any minions, the Ember Bearers will carry on but when they get to the gate it doesn't open. However, if you pull them near The Flame and run off it will begin to follow them again.

Sometimes the Ember Bearers will get caught at the gate they enter through and prevent the exit gate from being opened. The bonus is still completable as long as the entrance gate opens, but you will not be able to use the exit gate as a shortcut.

Sanctum Cay

When pulled away from the pier in their final location, the White Mantle from the south side of the docks can run off in a straight line away from the pier and get stuck on the first obstacle they run into. These foes will not return to the pier afterwards, but will still attack any opponent that enters their range.

Seitung Harbor (mission 2)

The "waves destroyed" counter does not correctly update for the first four waves, updating when the second-to-last foe is killed instead of when the last one is killed.

Sunjiang District

Both the Spear of Archemorus and the Urn of Saint Viktor are supposed to be destroyed at the end of the mission; however, if a player was holding them (or dropped them just before the defeat of the final boss), both can be seen briefly during the cinematic.

Tahnnakai Temple

Sometimes the released spirits can get stuck on an object, allied spirit, or minion and therefore cannot reach the door to unlock the next area. NPC allies such as Master Togo and Brother Mhenlo can get in the way too. You have time to wait for your spirits to expire, you can move the party to adjust the minion's position, and (sometimes) moving the party will also distract the spirit past the obstacle. There is no work-around if the spirit is completely stuck on a corner or chest. Should that happen, you must restart the mission.

If a chest spawns in the far corner of Bound Jaizhanju's area, the item from it can drop in an unreachable area inside the pipe.

The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx

Gaze of Fury may sometimes spawn the spirit but leave the Anguished Soul alive.

The Eternal Grove

As the first wave of Luxon approach from the west, the party can intercept these enemies as a large group. Killing the Siege Turtle before it has reached its destination may prevent the mission from continuing onto the Afflicted stage, however.

The Jade Quarry

The carriers on both sides will sometimes move in the wrong direction with jade, causing the affected team to be at a disadvantage.

If a carrier meets another carrier and is hit with Carrier Defense the carrier will drop its jade but still continue back to base as if it was still carrying it, therefore wasting a journey.

The Wilds

It is possible, that after destroying the first Entangling Roots in the Eastern part of the mission, the ivy gate will vanish but still be impassable and you cannot progress with the mission. It is suspected this happens when the Entangling Root is killed (by other creatures) before you engage it.

It is possible, that after destroying the last Entangling Roots in the Western most part of the mission, the ivy gate will vanish but still be impassable. If you ended up on the Western side of the ivy gate, you will be able to continue for a few steps but then hit an invisible wall. The mission cannot be completed either way.

It is possible, that after killing both Centaur Chieftains, you will not get credit for completion of the bonus objective. The bonus will have to be repeated in this case, although the mission can still be completed as normal.

Thirsty River

In the last round, Lyssha Suss's (Custodian Phebus's) team may be tagged as Defeated without even having been engaged. If this happens, the player can ignore this group and finish the mission by just killing the other two teams.

Sometimes, a chest will spawn at the entrance to Issah Sshay's chamber which the Ghostly Hero may become stuck on. If this happens the team must resign and begin the mission again.

If you pull enemies to the Ghostly Hero before he opens the first gate, he may spend too long fighting them and never open the gate.

Thunderhead Keep

Sometimes King Jalis Ironhammer will get stuck on a hill near the beginning of the mission. If this occurs, you must restart the mission, and try again.

Sometimes if you take the bonus the first boss will stay outside the walls. Even if you kill that mob the spawns will stop. If this occurs, you must restart the mission, and try again.

Tihark Orchard

As with Margrid in "No Me, No Kormir", Morgahn will call you an Istani even if you are a Prophecies or Factions character.

Training Arena

Players can enter this arena in a party of up to eight that can consist of players and heroes, thus being able to fight eight versus four.

Tsumei Village (mission 2)

The "waves destroyed" counter doesn't always update when the last enemy in a wave is killed.

Unwaking Waters

In the end cinematic, the gender of the voice of the lead party member is often reversed (e.g. male Assassins will get a female voice). Also, if the lead party member is female, the character model from another (male) character in the group will be used.

Venta Cemetery

If you fail to neutralize a guard post before your position is given away, the map marker will not change color. However, your quest log will still count it as neutralized.

Guard Post Commanders may fail to spawn at guard posts. When all other enemies are slain it still counts as neutralized, but the timer will run out and incoming siege attacks strike the area after a short delay.

Players have reported losing progress towards the Survivor title after dying due to a siege attack (from the fort), even though this type of death is not supposed to count.

Vizunah Square

This mission highlights many deficiencies in the NPC pathfinding AI:

  • It is possible for a henchman-only party to get stuck behind a chest, forcing you to either restart the mission or continue alone. If the henchman party is starting from the Foreign Quarter, this can happen before they reach the first meeting point. It is possible for Togo or Mhenlo to get stuck in the same way.
  • It is possible for Togo to just get stuck for no reason, which causes the last fight to fail to initialize, making the final battle of the mission impossible to complete.
  • If you bring minions, Mhenlo can get distracted in healing them, causing him not to reach his waypoints. A sign that this has happened is Togo standing still some distance behind the party. If this happens, try moving back towards Togo; when Mhenlo gets close enough, the missed waypoint will trigger and Togo will start moving again.
Zaishen Elite
  • You can't resign if a Zaishen Fighter henchman is in your party.
  • On some maps, most notably D'Alessio Arena, an NPC of the opposing team will occasionally spawn outside of their team's gate and will rush your team early.
Zos Shivros Channel

When the turtles start spawning, they will stop attacking and just walk back and forth near their spawn point, allowing for infinite points and faction without any risk or effort


Page Bug description
"By Ural's Hammer!"

This skill will resurrect in the presence of Frozen Soil or Curse of Dhuum.

The duration of this shout is not extended by Vocal Was Sogolon.

Alari Doubleblade

The back of her left knee is not filled in with the model texture as an ally in explorable areas.


Does not use the PvP version of Wounding Strike.


Sometimes he will heal foes (regardless of them being Margonite or not).

Arthur Ayala

The +5 Armor vs. Charr mod on the Rinblade does not function.

Ashlyn Spiderfriend

Her Black Widow does not always update to show that it's a pet.

Balthazar's Pendulum

Doesn't work against Psychic Instability or Tremor.

Bansheh, Gatherer of Branches

Sometimes Bansheh, Gatherer of Branches will not spawn even if the above quests are not active.

Barthimus the Provident

Sometimes, Barthimus and his group will fight with the Peacekeepers nearby.

Beacon of Droknar

On extremely rare occasions, a beacon may spawn with almost no health.

Ben Wolfson

If the current target of Ben Wolfson dies and Ben has dealt damage to the foe, the target foe will not yield a drop.

Black Moa

The Black Moa's name will not change if you attempt to change it while you are still in Ferndale after charming it. It will also not automatically use the name you gave your previous pet (i.e. if you had released a named pet before charming the Black Moa). The next time you appear in an instance with the Black Moa, its name will change to the most recent name you gave it or your previous pet, and its name can now be changed.

Blessed Griffon

Blessed Griffons in Snake Dance occasionally fight alongside lone Stone Summit Heretics.

Blessed Griffons have been observed to attack other Blessed Griffons. Holy Strike is the only skill they appear to use to attack their allies.

Brother Bilshan

Since the introduction of Valkenhien to Lion's Arch, he will sometimes get stuck and cannot follow his normal, predefined path.

Canthan Child

Canthan Children can be killed by the Crimson Skulls during the quest The Siege at Tsumei Village. However, The male versions do not have a death animation, and will simply stand idle until their corpse disappears.

Captain Greywind

Periodically he will not be present as he should at Lion's Arch (War in Kryta).

Captain Sei

His dialogue should list Danika instead of Devona when he states "Devona will pitch in when you reach the fifth room."


In the War in Kryta, Carlotta has a human creature type. (This also results in her leaving human footprints.)

Champion of Dhuum

Sometimes a Champion of Dhuum spawns outside the Hall of Judgment.

Chaos Wurm (actor)

This NPC spawns without a weapon.

Corporal Bane

The fingers on Bane's model are shortened on both hands and the thumb elongated on the right hand when the model holds its weapons, but not when gesturing or casting. Also shared by the player character while disguised as a commando.

Corrupted Zunraa

Occasionally, it will not spawn.

It irregularly spawns with weapons clipping through its hoof.

Cowl Fiercetongue

In Warband of Brothers, Cowl Fiercetongue will not attack nor use skills that target a foe until the party reaches the last level. He will still be targeted by foes.

Custodian Hulgar

Custodian Hulgar is erroneously referred to as Kesskah Shissh in Thirsty River's mission objectives.

Custodian Phebus

Custodian Phebus is erroneously referred to as Lyssha Suss in Thirsty River's mission objectives.

Cyndr the Mountain Heart

Occasionally, removing Cyndr's carapace will have no effect on his immunity throughout the fight. In these cases, the only way to defeat him is with life stealing, health degeneration, or similar effects. If your party hasn't brought any such skills, there is no way to complete the dungeon.


In Divine Path he is shown as Daemen.


After defeating Dhuum, King Frozenwind sometimes fails to teleport you into his chamber, which prevents you from getting the Underworld chest.


This collector is not marked with a collector icon in the mission map for the dungeon.

Ehrgen Windmane

It is impossible to interact with this NPC.

Elder Casta

In the outpost, Elder Casta uses a female skin; however, a male skin is used during the mission. This is similar to Elder Cleo.

Elder Cleo

In the outpost, Elder Cleo uses a female skin; however, a male skin is used during the mission. This is similar to Elder Casta.

Elder Hezron

Occasionally, Elder Hezron will spawn as "Villager." This is most commonly witnessed upon the first time entering Beetletun with a new character.

Elite Ministry Captain

The Elite Ministry Captain often appears named as an Elite Ministry Zealot.

Elite Ministry Enforcer

Elite Ministry Enforcers have much lower armor ratings than other enemies of their level and profession.

Elite Ministry Zealot

The Elite Ministry Zealot often appears named as an Elite Ministry Captain.

Emryd the Tamer

When showing her a pet from a Mercenary Hero her dialog reads "Look at Mercenary Hero #'s pet." using "Mercenary Hero #" instead of the Hero's name.

Enemy Elementalist

Uses Aura of Restoration instead of Aura of Restoration (PvP).

Exuro Flatus
  • Sometimes Exuro Flatus will become passive (stop attacking or casting offensive spells) for short periods of time.
  • Exuro Flatus cannot attack.
Frostmaw Spawn

Although Barrage can be captured from them, Frostmaw Spawns have not been observed using it.

Geckokaru Earthwind

Sometimes when this boss spawns in the north-east it will become stuck inside a wall.

Gorgaan Hatemonger

When doing the quest The Charr Staging Area Gorgaan Hatemonger can spawn in two separate locations in the Breach. Killing either one completes the quest.

Graven Monolith

When knocked down in tablet form, Graven Monoliths sometimes get stuck and stop performing any actions.

Grenth's Aura

If a ranged weapon is swapped for a scythe after the attack was made and before the projectile hit, Grenth's Aura will count this projectile hit as a scythe hit.

Guardsman Pei

Non-Canthans will be permanently stuck on the first response, even if they have access to the local quarters. The Headmaster will have no information for them.

Guild Emblemer

The Emblemer is present in Ascalon City but absent from its International Districts.


The +5 Armor vs. Charr mod on the Rinblade does not function.

Hassin Softskin

Hassin and the group of insects around him don't try to attack you or come towards you if you attack them with a ranged weapon. They will also not attack your pet either if your pet goes and attacks them while you are attacking them with the ranged weapon.

Hassin and the group will not scatter when you use AoE skills, for example Fire Storm, if you are right on the edge of your range and don't attack them with your weapon.

Hound of Balthazar

Like other animated effects, the hounds sometimes fail to display their flames when entering a new area.


Although Jehrono is labeled as a rare material trader, he acts like a normal material trader

Kemal the Deadened

When target calling Kemal, the dialogue may read: 'I'm following' instead of 'I'm attacking' as if he was an ally of the party.

King Adelbern

There are two "King Adelbern" NPCs in pre-Searing's Ascalon City, one by the Ascalonian Scribe and one by the lake.

Korrub, Flame of Dreams

Korrub lacks a boss aura.

Kournan Guard

Sword-wielding Kournan Guards in Marga Coast possess axe attack skills which they cannot use.

Kurzick Army Elementalist

Similar to Kurzick Thunder, Luxon Army Elementalist, and Luxon Storm Caller, he uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).

Similar to Master of Lightning in Isle of the Nameless (PvP) and Luxon Army Elementalist, he does not seem to use Lightning Orb (PvP) nor Lightning Orb since the update that removed Lightning Orb (PvP).

Kurzick Thunder

Similar to Kurzick Army Elementalist, Luxon Army Elementalist, and Luxon Storm Caller, she uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).


Kyuzo does not spawn during or after completion of the Winds of Change quest line. If that is the case, you need to have Memories of Purity active to make him spawn.

Lieutenant Langmar

A character will lose the opportunity to take a quest the next time it appears in the rotation if after accepting the quest reward and before the next time that quest appears in the rotation that character does not change districts, zone, nor log out and log back in. Note that switching characters, or logging out and back in, will not work if you do not return to your pre-searing character before the quest resets.

Little Thom

Little Thom occasionally leaves the party upon entering an outpost, despite being available for hire there. This seems to happen mostly in the Prophecies areas near Lion's Arch, where there are usually 6 slots available in the party formation.

Loremaster Ermenred

He is missing from Lion's Arch during the Halloween event.

Luxon Army Elementalist

Similar to Kurzick Army Elementalist, Kurzick Thunder, and Luxon Storm Caller, she uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).

Similar to Master of Lightning in Isle of the Nameless (PvP) and Kurzick Army Elementalist, she does not seem to use Lightning Orb (PvP) nor Lightning Orb since the update that removed Lightning Orb (PvP).

Luxon Merchant

When purchasing large amounts of items from this merchant like lockpicks, the auto-sum box will give you an incorrect price.

Luxon Soldier

In Gyala Hatchery, the Ranger Luxon Soldiers do not have an animal companion and only uses Heal as One.

Luxon Storm Caller

Similar to Kurzick Army Elementalist, Kurzick Thunder, and Luxon Army Elementalist, he uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).


When taken to the Training Arena, M.O.X.'s appearance is bugged and shows the wireframes for parts of his skin

Master of Lightning

In the Isle of the Nameless (PvP), he uses Aura of Restoration instead of Aura of Restoration (PvP) and does not use Lightning Orb since the update that removed Lightning Orb (PvP) (similar to Luxon Army Elementalist).

Melandru's Assault

The pet does not actually attack nearby foes when this skill is used, but instead deals a flat 5...20 damage to target and nearby foes in a separate packet.

Minister Cho

Minister Cho appears in game as a generic Canthan noble (lower image) rather than using his more colorful design (upper image).

Moa Bird

Striders can sometimes be bugged so that they do not evolve into aggressive/dire as of 2014 and stay unevolved, even when death-leveled.

Moss Spider

Moss Spiders don't have the IMS usually applied to animal companions.

Nicanor Gannel

Sometimes he does not appear even though the collector icon is on the Mission Map. When this happens, Nicholas the Traveler also does not appear (as per Weekly activities).

Nicholas Sandford

On very rare occasions, Nick will offer zero to four gifts (rather than the usual five). Fortunately, the issue will resolve itself on subsequent days. There is no known way to prevent this from happening (since no one has been successful in replicating the issue).

Nicholas the Traveler

Sometimes his greeting and/or reward text is not translated into one or more non-English languages. Please report any issues at the localization bug feedback pages so that they can be quickly resolved.


During the Norn Fighting Tournament, Nika cannot activate Horns of the Ox or Shattering Assault, because she lacks an offhand attack. (Her original offhand, Black Lotus Strike, was turned into a lead attack.)

Nubah Lao

If your inventory is full and attempt to craft fireworks from Nubah, he will take your crafting material without giving you the fireworks or dropping them on the ground.

Ogden Stonehealer

Ogden's portrait at the top of the inventory window extends past the top part of the box


When the panda is viewed through a semi-transparent surface, like water, it disappears.

Phoenix (pet)

The Imperial version of the Phoenix, which is the one you can get on completion of the Factions campaign, sometimes encounters a bug where it will not be able to be added to the Hall of Monuments. To fix this, after leveling the Phoenix to 20 (method of doing so does not determine whether the bug will be present) go to the Zaishen Menagerie and talk to Emryd the Tamer to register your tamed Phoenix. Then, speak to Wynn, tell her you would like to see an animal, the Phoenix will be under "Cantha". Ask to see a level 20 Elder Phoenix and tame one of the ones that spawned. It should now be able to work in your Hall of Monuments.

Queen Aijundu

She will sometimes appear as "Aijunundu" once she is tamed.

Reaper of the Twin Serpent Mountains

Sometimes, this Reaper can be killed from foes popped during the quest Demon Assassin, even after killing the Slayer to complete the quest. This can cause the party to get kicked out from Underworld if the Reaper dies. Usually when a certain quest is completed, the Reaper that gives that certain quest will go invincible. This bug is noticeable only for the Reaper of the Twin Serpent Mountains.

River Skale Brood

On rare occasions, this foe fails to spawn when Domination Magic is active.


Rocius has no dialogue and the PvP unlock panel won't open, making it impossible to spend any Balthazar faction.

Sadie Salvitas

Her target display has "W20" next to her name, but sometimes it appears as "Lvl 20" instead.


Sometimes Sanyi will get stuck behind the tree stump right before the Stone Summit after crossing the bridge. Talk to her and she will move.

Scrying Pool

If you fail to activate a vision before the next one is available, that vision will not show up for that character until they finish the Against the Destroyers. For example, unlocking the Third Vision before viewing the Second Vision means you cannot see the Second Vision until you complete A Time for Heroes. Completion of Eye of the North unlocks all four visions.

When deciding which vision to show you when you look deep into the pool, Against the Destroyers sub-quests for which you have earned but not accepted the reward are counted among those you have completed and so the wrong vision will be shown. For example, if you complete G.O.L.E.M. but do not accept the reward for The Knowledgeable Asura, completing one of the other sub-quests will unlock the Third Vision instead of the Second Vision. Claiming the reward will then cause the Scrying Pool to offer the same vision again.


Sheco does not spawn during or after completion of the Winds of Change quest line. If that is the case, you need to have Memories of Purity active to make him spawn.

Shock Phantom

Holy damage is doubled against Shock Phantoms in Vehtendi Valley; however, it is not doubled against the ones in other areas.

Sigil Trader

After the February 7, 2013 update (which made Celestial Sigils sellable to merchants), she will only pay the merchant value for a Celestial Sigil (i.e. 1Platinum for Celestial Sigils acquired after that update), even though the "last paid" price displays a higher amount. If a Celestial Sigil acquired before that update has been identified, she will pay the identified merchant value of that Celestial Sigil.)

Slaug Firehide

Unlike most other bosses in Tyria, Slaug Firehide does not have Natural Resistance.


Sometimes the Slayer gets stuck on a Locked Chest on the way up the mountain.

Smoke Phantom

Holy damage is doubled against Smoke Phantoms that appear during Halloween quests; however, it is not doubled against the ones in other areas.

Snow Wurm

When killed under the surface, its death will not count towards the Vanquisher kill count and its drop will appear on the surface where you were fighting it.

Solitary Colossus

There is a chance that an Ancient Elonian Chest will spawn on the bridge, but if the Solitary Colossus has yet to be taken down, it can been seen floating in the air.

Spasmo Thunderbolt

Unlike other bosses in Prophecies, Spasmo Thunderbolt does not have Natural Resistance.

Talon Silverwing

In Eye of the North, he can transfer disease to or from humans.

Tanrieo Tu’ro

She has the same dialogue as her daughter.

Taskmaster Bellok

If a player approaches Bellok and his mob, the Stone Summit and the Dredge they are guarding will turn hostile against each other. If the Dredge are killed, Bellok will continue to say his quote.

Taskmaster Durgon

Sometimes Durgon spawns with a shield and axe, while still holding these like a hammer. However, he cannot use his hammer requiring skills.

Thul Boulderrain

Sometimes his death animation is repeated infinitely.


Tigers don't have the IMS usually applied to animal companions.

Verata's Gaze

When casting Verata's Gaze on a masterless minion that was in a well, the effects of that well will persist even after the minion leaves, until the well expires.

The caster actually sacrifices 0% health when using this skill. This is relevant for skills such as Dark Aura.

When used on a Bone Horror immediately after it was created via Malign Intervention, the Bone Horror becomes stuck and will not move until you engage an enemy.

If this is cast on a minion, it will still follow its original owner, not the new owner. If the minion is turned hostile and then has this skill used on it as it is being summoned, it will follow the user of this skill, however if too slow it will follow its original owner again.

Verata's Sacrifice

Heroes take minions of other party members into consideration.

The concise description fails to mention that only the caster's undead servants are affected.


The +5 Armor vs. Charr mod on the Rinblade does not function.


This skill trainer doesn't teach any skills that haven't been unlocked, and does not teach Signet of Capture.


Uses Aura of Restoration instead of Aura of Restoration (PvP).

Voice of Grenth

When you enter the Underworld via the Voice of Grenth, it scrambles your party ordering.

Wanted by the Shining Blade

Accepting the reward for The Battle for Lion's Arch after beginning The War in Kryta but before this stage appears in your quest log can cause issues as it will mark The War in Kryta as complete, preventing you from doing the quests skipped. You can work around this by following the manual walk through, unless you have completed both Ebon Vanguard Allies and Asuran Allies. If you have completed the two quests, you will be unable to trigger the dialogue with Princess Salma that allows you to take the Wanted! quests targeting the three inquisitors (Bauer, Lashona, and Lovisa).

War Captain Womack

War Captain Womack appears to be unaffected by hard mode. His level, skills, and attack speed remain the same as in normal mode.

Warrior Student

If the player manages to kill the Warrior Student with spike damage the Monk Student will resurrect him. In this case the Warrior Student will remain hostile when the quest ends.

White Jingle Moa

Unlike the Jingle Bear, the White Jingle Moa counts as an exotic pet.

Wing, Three Blade

He sometimes gets trapped in the walls, preventing you from reaching any drops once he is killed.

Wintersday Hat Giver

In 2011, although the NPC was giving the correct (2010) hats, the dialogue remained unchanged from the previous year (referencing the 2009 hats).

Wissper Inssani

This boss will occasionally run around in circles at an incredible pace.

Xinrae's Revenge

In Alliance Battles, the same skill on all members of the other two ally parties in the area are also disabled.

Xuwei Diyi

He collects Animal Hides, which never drop, rendering him effectively useless.

Zaishen Bounty

A character will lose the opportunity to take a quest the next time it appears in the cycle if after accepting the quest reward and before the next time that quest appears in the cycle that character does not change districts, zone, nor log out and log back in.

Zaishen Elementalist

Zaishen Elementalists still use the removed Ward Against Melee (PvP) instead of Ward Against Melee.

Zaishen Elementalists use Ward Against Harm instead of Ward Against Harm (PvP).

Zaishen Mage

Uses Aura of Restoration instead of Aura of Restoration (PvP).

Zaishen Mission

After a character has accepted the quest reward, they will lose the opportunity to take the quest the next time it appears in the cycle if they did not do any of the following:

Zaishen Vanquish

A character will lose the opportunity to take a quest the next time it appears in the cycle if after accepting the quest reward and before the next time that quest appears in the cycle that character does not change districts, zone, nor log out and log back in.


In Seitung Harbor, Zunraa's name tag sometimes changes to Kirin, its race's name.


Page Bug description
A Chance Encounter

Sometimes the Spirit of Life summoned by Ministry Purgers appears as an allied target.

A Deal's a Deal

Credit is not given for vanquishing Joko's Domain while this quest is active, even if the party defeats the last foe before triggering the cinematic.

A Favor Returned

If you run to the three students before the initial dialogue is complete, the quest will not trigger properly. You must run about halfway back to him and re-approach the cave.

A Fool's Luck

If a player with at least 5Platinum talking to Ruthless Sevad selects the "Thief! Here's your five platinum..." option but hasn't clicked the following "Here's the money..." option, the player can drop all of their gold on the ground, click the "Here's the money..." option, and pick their gold back up to skip to the reward objective without actually paying the 5Platinum.

A Formal Introduction

Sometimes Master Togo will get stuck on Water Buffalo, and you will need to restart the quest from Shing Jea Monastery. A workaround for this is to activate a point blank area of effect damage skill, such as Ancestors' Rage, while standing next to the buffalo, which causes the buffalo to move.

Also, sometimes Master Togo will exhibit extremely faulty scripting, and pause some distance away from the guard, refusing to move further. You will need to restart.

A Gate Too Far

On the second floor, if you do not take Raven blessing, sometimes you will encounter the default mobs instead of Destroyers. On the third floor, the Destroyers sometimes do not spawn until you reach the final area that has the Asura Gate.

If the rest of your party wipes and Ogden and/or Vekk are in the party, they will resurrect where they died, as soon as the final dialogue begins (as you enter the last room).

A Gift of Griffons

If any Forest Griffon dies after the quest is completed, your party still will be defeated (even if you have done all other quests).

A Humbling Gift
  • Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.
  • You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Frozen Accessory Token in it, even though Frozen Accessory Tokens are stackable.
A Little Help From Above

In Russian, Italian, Spanish and French translations, the number of groups remaining is not posted.

A Little Recon

Some Heroes and Henchmen do not attack when Koss's Elixir is done in the same run, but Jagged Horrors are able to inflict damage and Bleeding Condition when they replace Shambling Horrors.

Occasionally, a nearby group of plants will patrol by the Kournan soldiers. If the Kournan soldiers do not become hostile (if you stay out of range of that quest trigger) the Kournans will peacefully stand by while the plants kill them. The quest can be completed in this fashion with little combat. The Plants will not attack the Kournan Captain.

A Show of Force

As with other triggered spawns, one or more of the shrine-based monoliths will sometimes appear without being able to aggro or respond to attacks. Likewise, heroes will not attack them until the player initiates combat. While in this inactive state, they appear in their fully assembled form.

A Tasty Morsel

If, during your current visit, you have passed near the resurrection shrine where Jirath is, Charen will head directly there (instead of staying with you) and will often get stuck on the way, preventing completion of the quest. If rezoning does not work, you can try abandoning the quest: afterward, return to the Ruptured Heart to pick up the quest again and this time, avoid the shrine until after you speak to Charen.

A Time for Heroes

While A Time for Heroes is in your quest log, you will keep receiving an announcement each time you go the Central Transfer Chamber, "Quest Added: A Time For Heroes". This continues until you complete the quest.

A Very Grentchie Wintersday

Sometimes in Watchtower Coast, when you are picking up the garlic, Necromancer Skorzena is already dead upon arrival. It would seem the Elite Guards protecting her don't react if a group of bog skale next to her attacks before you arrive, thus leaving her helpless. In this case, you simply need to re-zone.

Sometimes a Daltain Guard will run up and attack her, and her Elite Guards will not react, leaving her helpless.

If War in Kryta is active, White Mantle near Necromancer Skorzena can attack and kill her.

Against the Charr

If you enter this mission while riding a Siege Devourer you will not earn credit for completing it.

An Unwelcome Guest

Corrupted Zunraa does not appear sometimes.

Animal companion

If a pet in Heel mode is changed to Attack mode, it will actually go back to Guard mode after its target is killed, despite the pet control panel displaying Heel mode

Sometimes when a pet evolves, its name will not update until it is reset with the /petname (or /namepet) command.

Striders might be bugged so that they do not evolve into aggressive/dire as of 2014 and stay unevolved, even when death-leveled.


The Quest Log says the quest is given in Lion's Arch, instead of Embark Beach.

Annihilator 2: Searing Day

The Quest Log says the quest is given in Lion's Arch, instead of Embark Beach.

The Bandit Firestarters are hostile to each other.

Anything You Can Do

Defeating Remnant of Antiquities may, but does not always, count as defeating Fragment of Antiquities.

Armored Transport

Sometimes the corsairs that run at you while on the plains will run away as soon as they reach your aggro radius, making you run after them until they stop. Then you can kill them. (Example)

After killing the corsairs, Dengo sometimes will not move, forcing you to restart the quest.

Army Life

Old Mac might repeat his dialogue as you approach the portal.

Assault on Beknur Harbor

If you let one of the first few waves inside, the quest will not progress, although the monsters will still come. After you go back and defeat the wave inside, groups of 4 or so creature waves follow for the remainder of the quest.

Asura rank

During certain holiday events some runs will produce Mesmer and Monk tomes instead of assassin. [verification requested]

Attack at the Kodash

Sometimes even after killing all groups that have spawned you still won't complete the quest. This might be caused by one of the Vabbian Commoners being stuck behind a Vabbian Chest.

Attack the Kurzicks!

Even if you already completed this quest, when you re-enter Maishang Hills without accepting the reward, the quest log resets and you will have to complete it again.

Augury Rock (Zaishen quest)

The mission doesn't need to be a success. Defeating the Doppelganger is enough to complete the quest; however, the first bonus is not satisfied if you die before the Doppelganger.

Auspicious Beginnings

Sometimes Gwen endlessly repeats the last dialogue in the Hall of Monuments.

If you fail the mission by swapping out Keiran's Bow too soon, the game incorrectly states you must equip Togo's Staff to play the mission.

Battle in the Sewers

A group of Afflicted Warriors and Assassins (that spawn due to this quest) on the way to Commander Jafai won't move or attack, and use no skills except Endure Pain (used by the Afflicted Warriors).

Sometimes the allied Royal Guards won't spawn when you enter Shenzun Tunnels. Rezoning seems to fix this.

Be Very, Very Quiet...

If Torch Harrowkeeper dies and is resurrected, he will drop a second Charr Intelligence.

It is possible for a chest to spawn in the Sacnoth Valley portal, preventing the Grawl from attending the meeting.

Bear Club for Women

On rare occasions the quest can glitch making the bear un-killable even when the Bear club is equipped the entire fight.

Better You Than Me

Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.

You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Ghoulish Accessory Token in it, even though Ghoulish Accessory Tokens are stackable.

Big News, Small Package

Tahlkora will heal and enchant foes while this quest is active.

Blacktide Den

It is possible to pass through some of the Kournan Guard barriers before speaking to Captain Besuz. There is no benefit in doing so and requires more time than finishing the mission normally.

Occasionally, General Kahyet and her group will appear, but fail to turn hostile. There is no work-around; you must restart the mission.

Bukdek Byway (Zaishen vanquish)

Can still get credit for vanquish if killing less than 25 foes. See Bukdek Byway for details on 0-kill or low-count vanquishes.

Despite the objective description, killing only 25 foes does not complete the quest. A full vanquish is required.

Cantha Courier Crisis

Beyond the square where you encounter Jade Brotherhood mobs appearing in waves, there's a chance that if you trigger hidden mobs when Falken is knocked out, he may stand there and no longer move. If this happens, you are forced to restart the quest.

Capturing the Orrian Tome

Although this is supposed to be a conversation between two bandits, only one of them does any talking. Because of this, it is possible to kill the non-speaking one and continue the quest. However, the quest log will state that the quest fails.

Caravan in Trouble

If NPCs are aggroed, Mhenlo may say his second line before the Caravan Guard's answer.

The initial dialogue plays even for non-Tyrian characters, who cannot accept the quest.


Sometimes after making a PvE character and then logging out to the character selection menu, the character will not appear, although when you try to make a new one, it will come up with an error message. Logging out or playing on a different character will fix this error.

If you re-create a character with the same name as the predeceasing which had unspent attribute points and not clicked the message to spend them, a new message informing you have unspent attribute points will pop up although the new character cannot have any.

Charr at the Gate

Charr can occasionally spawn behind the gate.

Charr-broiled Plans

Sometimes the Charr Demolishers are not accompanied by pets.

Choose Your Secondary Profession (Nightfall quest)

You can abandon this quest after choosing your secondary and before accepting the quest reward and will get a new choice to choose your secondary. However, this will have no effect — your secondary profession has already been locked.

Cleansing Shenzun Tunnels

If Zei Ri fails to resurrect after a death, you will be unable to complete the quest; you must rezone and start over.

The final wave of Afflicted can spawn even if there are foes remaining from previous waves. If this happens, you need only defeat the final group to receive credit for quest completion.

Cleansing the Shrine

Sometimes Brother Sitai will not be hexed from the start, and you will have to re-zone and do it again.

Holy Veil can not be used to remove the hex for some reason, you will have to re-zone and bring a different hex removal

Closer to the Stars

If you kill the Jade Brothers too fast, the quest will not update and thus not be able to be finished.

Coffer of Joko

It has been reported that if the Scriptures of Abaddon is in your inventory, leaving this area before completing the quest will cause the quest objectives to reset in the quest log. The quest can still be completed from where you left off when you re-enter the area.

Command Training

If Area Two and Area Three are captured before capturing Area One, the quest can be finished by capturing Area One last, without the Razorback Skales spawning.

Scared Razorback Skales glitch. If the Razorback Skales enters the player's earshot range, they will attempt to run up and attack. Failing to reach, they then run away and the hero nor the Skales will initiate combat. If the hero leaves the area that the bugged Skales belong to, they will run back to it.

The quest can still be finished if the player teleports down before completing all objectives.

Although it says "Use your hero to capture area one" Mercenary Heroes do not count and will result in failing the quest.

Crossing the Desolation

Palawa Joko sometimes fails to appear when the monument is activated; however, the quest still updates (even though there is no dialogue after Kormir leaves).

Crystal Method

On very rare occasions, the Spectral Crystal does not drop, forcing you to return to the dungeon.

Curse of the Nornbear

Sometimes Volfen Bloodlust will not work and you will be unable to see the location of Svanir.

Sometimes the Nornbear doesn't flee when it's supposed to. In these cases whenever its health reaches 0, it instantly goes back to 25%. To break this bug, flag your heroes/henchmen well away from it.

Deactivating P.O.X.

Sometimes after P.O.X. goes haywire you cannot interact because whenever you click it automatically makes you use your first skill.

Deactivating R.O.X.

During the fight with R.O.X., he will sometimes get caught on a wall, and stop attacking.

The statue of Dwayna often fails to load. When this happens, sending more than one acolyte there will provide no additional blessing.

Death with Honor

It is possible to complete both Death with Honor and The Rite of Valor by entering the area with another player who has not completed either quest.

Defending the Breach

The quest log could update itself as "Completed" after killing the waves of Destroyers but not the Plague of Destruction.

Defense Against Hexes

Lo Sha claims the skills are provided by him, when they are provided by Instructer Ng.

Destruction's Depths

The Vanguard Warriors and monks will often turn hostile when they take damage, in the same way charmable animals do. See the screenshot at right.

When you skip the introduction cinematic, your party may be attacked by a Fire Storm and Incendiary Bonds.


After defeating Dhuum, King Frozenwind sometimes fails to teleport you into his chamber, which prevents you from getting the Underworld chest.

Dissonance (PvP)

This spirit will interrupt even when the target is using a skill like Mantra of Resolve (PvP)[verification requested].

Don't Fear the Reapers

In the German translation, all words are capitalized.

In the French translation, Reaper of the Labyrinth's dialogue does not make sense, speaking about the first step of the quest (using a Transmogrifier Tonic and speaking to the Voice of Grenth).

The door to the inside of the Hall of Judgment is visible but does not collide with other objects. You can walk through it to see the inside. This is useful if you are interested in seeing Dhuum's lair but cannot be bothered with the illimitable prerequisites.

Double Your Pleasure and RUN!

Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.

You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Ghoulish Accessory Token in it, even though Ghoulish Accessory Tokens are stackable.

Dual Strike

Dragon Festival quests will interfere with the completion of this quest.

Duel of the Houses

The duel won't start if you kill Lord Brauer too fast. The duel may start afterwards.

Rarely, the enemy team won't spawn at all and the reward can immediately be collected.

Ebon Vanguard Allies

Sometimes after listening to a dialogue in the Hall of Monuments, only the party leader's quest log is updated for the Ebon Vanguard Allies quest. Party members might see the main quest log updated, but they might still have to return individually to the HoM and the Ice Cliff Chasms to listen to the dialogue again.

Endangered Species

This quest rewards the skill Charm Animal, but you need the skill in order to charm a Melandru's Stalker in the first place.

Escape from the Torment

Sometimes after defeating Abaddon's forces the quest is updated as failed.

Escort of Souls

On rare occasions, the Mindblades do not attack the New Souls, making far easier to complete this quest.

Ever Closer to the Edge (Hard mode)

The Quest Log doesn't display the gold or experience rewards for this quest, though gold and experience are given when the quest is turned in, and are displayed in the initial quest dialogue.

Every Bit Helps

If your character has 99Platinum 1Gold or more, you will only be awarded experience and Trick-or-Treat Bags but not any gold. Usually an NPC will not give a quest reward until your character has enough space for the gold and/or items.

If you have enough filled mobstoppers in your inventory to complete this quest, but less than 3 in the first inventory slot, you will be unable to accept the reward because "your inventory is full".

Evil Residents

The minions that are not spawned by skills and Bone Horrors that are spawned from Minion Apocalypse are masterless, since Verata's Gaze only needs to be used once instead of twice to take control of one of these minions if Verata's Gaze does not fail because of the caster having 0 Death Magic; however, the masterless minions that are not spawned by skills are not hostile to the quest-related foes, while masterless Bone Horrors that are spawned from Minion Apocalypse are hostile to the quest-related foes.

Family Matters

Miyuki will become stuck on NPCs along the way, a simple fix is get her unstuck on any she does so that the quest will update when you head to the location of Natsumi.

Feeding Frenzy

If Toma dies after eating his fill, the game informs you that you have failed the quest, but your quest log indicates that the quest has been completed. It seems the log is accurate, since you can claim the reward even with Toma dead. Simply rezone and accept the reward.

Find the Stolen Presents

Pressing CTRL-Space while having a present selected will produce the following dialog from your character: "I'm using a(n)." The present does not have a title in the target display at the top of the screen either.

Fires in the North

Once the quest is completed, the compass marker will point towards Captain Arne in Ascalon City, instead of Duke Barradin in Piken Square.

Forbidden Fruit

Gharaz the Glutton will be resurrected with the other Charr in the fort even if you poisoned the food, which means that he will still be alive during the following quest if you remain in the zone.

Frontier Gate Fugitives

Footman Tate will continue to spawn in the Eastern Frontier even after you lead him back to the Frontier Gate.

Garfazz Bloodfang (quest)

Sometimes, after you accept the reward from Duke Barradin on completion of The Siege of Piken Square (the prerequisite quest for Garfazz Bloodfang), Viggo won't gain the expected green exclamation point above his head until you click on him.

Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation

Sometimes a G.O.L.E.M. spawns with unlimited health.

There is a delay between when the Bringers spawn and the task to defeat them is added to the quest. A sufficiently powerful group camped on their spawn location can kill them before the task is added, making it impossible to finish the quest.

You can accidentally prevent the game from registering the completion of the mission if you kill the Bringers of Destruction before triggering their protectors. To avoid this, refrain from killing the two bosses until the very last objective (for a total of five objectives) appears in your quest log, i.e. even after you are told to kill the Bringers of Destruction.

Giriff's War

The two amphibians fighting at the very beginning of the dungeon might not die. In order to continue with the dungeon, you may need to rezone.

On the first level, you might have to rezone numerous times because all of the amphibians are dead, thus you can't progress because the door doesn't open. Every time you rezone you MUST re-talk to the quest-giving NPC (Giriff/Tekk) to follow you into the dungeon.

Give Peace a Chance

Sometimes Hayda will get stuck on the resurrection shrine and you will have to restart the quest.

Guide to character creation

Selecting a color for the feet armor piece in character creation can cause a visual bug where the UV Map and new color of the feet armor piece are applied to the legs armor piece instead. This is only temporary:

  • Changing the color of the legs armor will remove the wrong uv map, but the color of the feet armor will not update.
    • This may only work when selecting the new color.
  • Going Back and changing skin color will remove the wrong uv map, remove the wrong color and apply the color correctly to the feet armor. Other appearance options have no effect.
  • The created character will have the color corresponding to the color channel, not the preview.
Gwen's Flute (quest)

If you abandon this quest, Gwen will not give it again.


Despite the description, you can fulfill this quest without Xandra in your party.

Hell's Precipice

Occasionally, one of the portals does not appear. In this case, closing the other two portals does not help, but should be attempted.

On rare occasions, the seer will be dead before you can trigger the bonus, even if you stayed out of compass distance.


Though Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist, and Ritualist henchmen share their positioning priority, not all henchmen of these professions will mimic the party order on the field.

Hog Hunt

This quest will be registered as completed if the player is in a party with another player that has already completed this quest.

If doing this quest with a non-Elonian character in party, Nehdukah will not follow the party.

Holding the Line

Initially heading to the second quest point and defeating all the enemies there will cause the quest to be marked as completed. Enemies will still spawn at the first point if one then proceeds there, although the quest will still be considered complete.

Hopeless Romantic

If the Winds of Change encounter takes place in this area, Hai Len will get stuck by Canthan Peasant and Canthan Guard who discuss the news near the Jei's house. You need to re-enter the area.

Hungry Devourer

Joe sometimes becomes stuck between two small trees


The quest log lists Zudash Dejarin as quest giver.

Imprisoned Spirits

Sometimes, the spirits will not spawn at all, obliging the players to get back to the outpost.

Sometimes, a Locked Chest will spawn blocking the pathway of the Tortured Spirits which will also oblige the players to return to the outpost.

In Grenth's Defense

The Quest Log displays "Rift Warden (The Underworld)", even though this quest is not acquired in The Underworld.

In Memory of Paulus

The wrong objective in the quest log for this quest is displayed. It is the objective for the quest Deliver a Message to My Wife, another quest involving Melka.

In the Army Now (Kurzick)

The quest can sometimes fail after a recruit dies, if the journal fails to update properly to acknowledge the loss — this prevents you from replacing them with one of the alternatives. There is no known work-around.

Insatiable Appetite

After 10 feedings, 20 seconds are added to the count-down clock. However, the total duration of the feeding time does not change, so that it appears that 20 seconds remain when Toma stops accruing additional kills.

Make sure you have room to accept the quest reward: if your inventory is full when speaking to Chuno, you will not be able to receive any branches, despite Chuno's offer to "speak to [him] again, once you have made space."

Insidious Remnants

If you warp out of the area before the fight is over and the quest log is updated, you won't be able to return, because the quest NPCs do not offer the relevant dialogues; in this case, the only way to do the quest is by abandoning and retaking it.

Into the Unknown

Sometimes Mhenlo will continue to follow you and heal your party after you reach the mesa

Aidan's second line, "Impressive. I assume that completing these trials will open the way for us?" should be said by Devona.

Invoking the Saints

In the dialogue used by Count Archeck Brauer, he refers to Saint Perahta, the patron saint of House Brauer, as "the most revered ancestor of House Lutgardis".

Jokanur Diggings (Zaishen quest)

Kahdash is considered a Sunspear Ghost, so the first bonus objective is not completed if he dies. The bonus objective text should instead be Complete the mission with three Sunspear Ghosts left alive.

Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!

If one levels up while knocked down (e.g. because Kilroy kills an enemy) STAND UP! has no effect and you will be kicked out of the dungeon. Unfortunately, this counts as a death towards a Survivor title — be sure to map out of the dungeon if this happens.

As in other areas, locked chests can spawn inside a wall. Should you be able to open the chest but cannot pick up the loot, complete the dungeon and wait 3 minutes for the game to return you to Gunnar's Hold. The item will then appear in the Unclaimed Items window.

Sometimes Kilroy may get stuck on a chest that has spawned in his way, if you lure a Stone Summit near him he will often get free, otherwise you will have to continue without him.

Koss's Elixir

The effect of the elixir often does not end on henchmen, heroes, animal companions and sometimes the player character. However the effect is removed upon zone change or their death.

Once in a while, Slort won't spawn.

Kurzick Army Elementalist

Similar to Kurzick Thunder, Luxon Army Elementalist, and Luxon Storm Caller, he uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).

Similar to Master of Lightning in Isle of the Nameless (PvP) and Luxon Army Elementalist, he does not seem to use Lightning Orb (PvP) nor Lightning Orb since the update that removed Lightning Orb (PvP).

Kurzick Supply Lines

Sometimes the Luxon groups will spawn even if this quest is not in your Quest Log, though once you have completed the quest they will not spawn again.

Lambs to the Slaughter

It can sometimes take several minutes after the first Shadow Blade assassin turns hostile for the rest to follow suit. Backtracking to the Obsidian Flame's rendezvous point may help to resolve this problem when it occurs.

Lost Souls

You may not receive credit in your Dungeon Guide for this quest even after talking to the correct NPCs.

Fendi Nin might not spawn at all, making it impossible to finish the quest and forcing the player to resign and restart.

Lost Treasure

If you run away from Raitahn Nem and kill enemies too early, he will stop moving, making it impossible to complete the quest.

If you stay too long in the explorable area spawn zone (even if you don't click on him) Raitahn Nem will leave you and do the quest himself causing him to die and the mission to fail.

Lost Treasure of King Hundar

Sometimes Koris Deeprunner will get stuck at a locked chest, making the quest impossible to complete.

Luxon Army Elementalist

Similar to Kurzick Army Elementalist, Kurzick Thunder, and Luxon Storm Caller, she uses Lightning Hammer instead of Lightning Hammer (PvP).

Similar to Master of Lightning in Isle of the Nameless (PvP) and Kurzick Army Elementalist, she does not seem to use Lightning Orb (PvP) nor Lightning Orb since the update that removed Lightning Orb (PvP).

Mad Little Pony

The quest does not indicate on the compass or World Map to go to Kamadan for the reward.

Master of Magic

While under the effects of Master of Magic, being weakened with attribute points in elemental ranks will cause elemental ranks to lower by 1. Elemental attributes without attribute points in will not lower by 1.

Masters of Corruption

The last group of Am Fah may get stuck on the bridge to the south east of the battle area. In this case, you have to kill them there to trigger Brother Tosai's final speech.

Mayhem in the Market

Factions characters who have not completed all the objectives may join a character who is completing the quest and enter Vizunah Square (Local Quarter), allowing both characters to complete the quest.

Missing Shipment

Kailona incorrectly suggests that using expert or superior salvage kits always destroys the armor to which they are applied; there is a minimum 50% chance to retain the armor (see salvage for details).

Nicholas Sandford

On very rare occasions, Nick will offer zero to four gifts (rather than the usual five). Fortunately, the issue will resolve itself on subsequent days. There is no known way to prevent this from happening (since no one has been successful in replicating the issue).

Noble Intentions Plan B

Orozar may get caught in a chest on his way to save his brother. Try to pull some enemies to the spot where he is stuck, and if he engages to fight he will then proceed to his brother. If that is not possible, you are forced to restart the quest by zoning out.

Nundu Bay

Sometimes the Margonites will stop spawning. This is irrelevant, you may safely exit the village and kill the Harbinger of Nightfall.

Sometimes the Harbinger of Twilight will not spawn after defeating Priest Zein Zuu, and you must restart the mission.

O Brave New World

If you walk to the first island in Arbor Bay without talking to Erff first, the quest will update and say that you have completed the second objective, even though Erff and the Krewe will remain stationary at the entrance to Vlox Falls. Upon reaching the third location, however, you will not be able to complete the quest without having talked to Erff. If you are concerned about the safety of the Krewe, you can have one player stay at the entrance to Vlox Falls, then once the party is in position on the pyramid, the player who stayed behind can talk to Erff to trigger the destroyer spawn, then rejoin the party.

Sometimes one of the destroyers will be caught in a rock, requiring nonprojectile damaging spells to kill it.

Old Woman River

Even if you finished the quest but left the area before receiving your reward, Yartu will not spawn, making it impossible to get the reward.

Orrian Excavation

Upon collecting 5 Orrian Tablet Shards the quest log will not update to read "Orrian Excavation (Completed)".

Upon completion, Magi Malaquire will take all the shards in your inventory. If you wish to keep any extras, put them in storage first.

Oswalt's Epitaph

When acquiring this quest, occasionally it will immediately update to indicate that you have completed the second objective ("Inscribe Elsa's words on the headstone"), but not the first objective.

Outcasts in the Quarry

While this quest is active, two additional groups of Outcasts will spawn in areas unreachable by foot in Unwaking Waters (even though none of the quest objectives take place there): one on the path traversed during the mission, the other inside the Kurzick outpost.

Plan A

Vael will sometimes get stuck, and not lure the Charr as the quest suggests. If this occurs, simply zone in and out of nearby Sacnoth Valley and try talking to him again.

You may receive a "QUEST FAILED" message upon retrieving the plans. The quest reward can still be collected upon returning them to Captain Langmar

Poor Tenant

The bee swarms might get stuck during the quest and stop moving. The easiest way to get around this issue is to lead the bees underneath the bridge just within range of the starburst to achieve quest completion.

Prenuptial Disagreement (female)

This quest cannot be repeated after an Extreme Makeover Credit (sex change) because the boss will not be there.

Prenuptial Disagreement (male)

This quest cannot be repeated after an Extreme Makeover Credit (sex change) because the boss will not be there.

Purify Soul

This skill's health regeneration and duration is greater than stated in the description.[verification requested]

Quality Steel

Unlike most other quests when you give an item to an NPC, there doesn't appear to be a text notification that Puuba takes his sword.

Raid on Kaineng Center

Sometimes the incoming waves of enemies will not spawn. Instead, only a few waves will spawn in the Main Gate, and no other enemies will spawn afterwards.

Raze the Roost

You can complete the quest without spending any money: with at least 2 platinum in your inventory, speak to Junior Minister Jejiang and follow the dialogue until the "Accept" and "Decline" options appear. Drop all your money and Accept the reward. (Remember to pick up your cash before zoning out.)

Reaping the Naga

Su may become stuck behind a Shing Jea Chest, causing you to have to restart the quest

Replacement Healers

Devona can become stuck on terrain, requiring re-zoning to continue.

Rescue at Minister Cho's Estate

The final dialogue "our work here is done" can be shown and the quest can still fail. This happens when you lure Afflicted far away from the last peasant and kill this group of Afflicted when the peasant is outside the party area.

Reversing the Skales

Eventually, Timot will leave Scoundrel's Rise into Gates of Kryta making the quest impossible to finish in the current instance.

Ring of Fire (Zaishen quest)

Contrary to the quest objective text and the mission bonus, killing the Eidolon is counted as completion, rather than returning the Spectral Essence.

Sanctum Cay

When pulled away from the pier in their final location, the White Mantle from the south side of the docks can run off in a straight line away from the pier and get stuck on the first obstacle they run into. These foes will not return to the pier afterwards, but will still attack any opponent that enters their range.

Scorched Earth (Prophecies quest)

The counter for x/5 Hulking Stone Elementals goes up even if you kill foes that aren't Hulking Stone Elementals.

Securing Champion's Dawn

[Character Name] is missed in the Castellan Puuba's dialogue.

Seek out Brother Tosai

Sometimes this quest does not show in the quest log.

Seeking Shelter

Camp Guard Pongtu is incorrectly identified as Guardsman Pongtu in the quest log.

Seeking a Cure

During the Dragon Festival, taking the quest The Rampaging Yetis stops you from being able to find the Nong Berry Bush and the Tai Ling Vine, and they will not be visible on the map. Complete the offending quest and re-zone to fix this.

Service: Practice, Dummy

Resigning while the timer is up will mark the quest as completed.

Snowball Dominance

The game will report that you have won if all opposing combatants are tagged out before the timer runs out. However, you only receive credit for a win if at least one player survives when the countdown begins.

Brartark and Helga will continue attacking foes after they have been eliminated. You can take advantage of this by pulling opponents to them.

Song and Stone

If you are doing this quest with just heroes and/or henchmen, sometimes your healer NPCs will completely ignore the Stone Singers.

Follow the direction of the above map, doing this quest in reverse the last 3 singers will not appear as objectives on the map and you won't be able to complete all 8 requirements.

Special Ops: Dragon's Gullet

The quest does not mention that the reward can depend on your rank and you will receive the success message even if you are ineligible to receive the reputation reward.

Special Ops: Flame Temple Corridor

The quest does not mention that the reward can depend on your rank and you will receive the success message even if you are ineligible to receive the reputation reward.

Special Ops: Grendich Courthouse

The quest does not mention that the reward can depend on your rank and you will receive the success message even if you are ineligible to receive the reputation reward.

Stale Mate

If you kill any Mantids in range of the Monk Students after completing the quest, they will sometimes resurrect them.

If you kill the hostile Warrior Student with spike damage the Monk Student will resurrect him. The warrior will remain hostile in this case.

Sometimes neither the warriors nor the monk students will appear, so there is nothing to heal. No solution known.

Stemming the Skeletal Tide

If your character has 98Platinum 1Gold or more, you will only be awarded experience and Trick-or-Treat Bags but not any gold. Usually an NPC will not give a quest reward until your character has enough space for the gold and/or items.

Sticks and Stones

As with other quests, if you do not have room when you accept the reward, Awata will take the 10 shards but will not give you the Ancient Artifact.

Stolen Eggs

This dialogue loops indefinitely if Sergeant Rodrik or the Outcasts aren't attacked.

Straight to the Heart

A grentch knocked down after spawning but having not started moving toward their activation point will often not move again. This happens most often from a hidden rock at the first spawn point.

There is a position on the far corner of the bridge to the Area Map that allows snowmen to target grentches but not anyone on or behind the bridge to hit that snowman directly. Indirect attacks and disease from nearby snowmen will still affect it.

Study Buddy

If Yijo accidentally damages an Ox during this quest, he will be able to attack and kill it

Summertime for Bokka

If you do not pay Ola, he incorrectly refers to the play as "Springtime for Varesh" in his second last dialog.

Speaking to Amadi will complete the quest even if you haven't recruited Ola.

Summoning stone

Like other allies and miniatures, summons will remain stuck on the other side after the party has passed through a teleporter, e.g. in the Crystal Desert or in the Underworld.

A Spirit of Restoration will resurrect creatures created via summoning stones.

In extremely rare circumstances, drops can be assigned to a summoned creature and cannot be picked up by anyone. However, once the item loses its assignment, anyone will be able to grab it.

In extremely rare circumstances, when using a summoning stone below a bridge, the summoned creature can sometimes spawn above it.

Taking Back the Palace

The first objective of this quest does not update correctly during the Dragon Festival and Anniversary Celebration, presumably because the decorated version of Kaineng Center is considered a different area. This does not prevent completion by traveling to Raisu Pavilion.

Tendering an Offer

The quest can be completed without having Koss in the party by simply defeating both Caretaker Palmor's group and the group that needs to be "evicted" from the estate. The quest log will continue demanding for Koss' attendance and not update until both groups are dealt with (thus not showing the location of the latter), at which point it will complete.

The Arrowhead

The intermediate dialogue may repeat endlessly when you enter the Hall of Monuments until you complete the quest and leave the Hall.

The Battle for Lion's Arch

Completing this stage of The War in Kryta before this stage appears in your quest log can make it difficult to proceed with the intermediary quests. If this happens, you can work around the issue by either following the manual walkthrough or by completing any of the available wanted quests and waiting to accept its reward until you have completed all the intermediary quests and The Battle for Lion's Arch.

The Battle of Jahai

If you do this mission with a female character and play an emote with gender-specific text, it will ignore that you are playing as Turai Osssa and still use the female form "she/her" instead of "he/him".

The Challenge

If Bakghu's or Chong Poi's gang dies before they turn aggressive (e.g. during Cleansing the Undercity or The Shadow Blades), the quest cannot continue; you will have to return to the outpost and retry.

The Cipher of Melandru

Some characters who have never been to Tarnished Haven have this quest in their logs, but the reason is currently unknown.

The Crop Thieves

This quest will sometimes register as completed before all the thieves have been defeated.

The Dawn of Rebellion

Pyre may not open the gate, or you might find it closed if you take too long to cross it. You may be able to get Pyre to open the gate by clicking on the Charr lock (switch) in front of the gate.
If you find yourself locked outside, rezone and try again.

The Duke's Daughter

Her ghost may spawn inside solid objects, making it impossible to interact with her. Rezone to make her spawn in a different location.

The Egg Hunter

When you attack a devourer that is trapped behind a rock or egg, your attacks can be obstructed. Reposition yourself so that you can attack from a different angle (or bring skills that can do damage without a line-of-sight).

The Elementalist's Path

The Quest Log will update as soon as the Kree Minotaur is dead, but the dropped Kree Minotaur Hide is required for the reward.

The quest will not be marked as completed after obtaining the Kree Minotaur Hide.

The Elusive Golemancer

Occasionally, Worker Golem will fail to pull the lever; it will say "Invalid Command" when spoken to. (This seems to happen if you talk to it after activation but before it reaches the lever.) Should this happen, restart by typing the /resign emote; this returns you to Blimm (outside the dungeon) and allows you to start over without having to travel from Rata Sum.

The Worker Golem can sometimes get stuck and stop moving. When this happens, the Golem Fire Shield will lose sync with the Worker Golem and continue to progress forward. If this happens, follow the shield, not the Golem, and advance like normal. Sometimes the Golem continues and the shield stops; stay with the shield, not the Golem.

The Hero's Handbook lists this mission as Oola's Laboratory.

The Eternal Forgemaster

Clearing the Eternal Forge area before taking the quest, may sometimes result in the Forgemaster not spawning.

The Final Assault

Sometimes Ennis stops following you on the path to Sorrow's Furnace. Once inside, he will not appear and you have to come back to the starting point. To prevent this, click and talk to Ennis just before entering to ensure he is following.

The Final Confrontation

Elite Ministry Captains and Elite Ministry Zealots have their name swapped during this quest.

The Flight North

Sometimes after slowing down the Charr and getting to the gate where you must bring down the cracked pillar, the gate will not open. Doing the Charr chase sequence first, then lighting the torch should cause the gate to open afterwards

If you destroy the Fractured Pillar just as the Devourer Catapult is about to kill you, the cut scene will trigger and the quest will keep going, but your party will have been defeated

If you are attacked by Black Wolves when you first get outside, they will continue attacking you even if you Hide or Feign Death.

The Foundry of Failed Creations (quest)

If you clear the first room before taking the quest and then take the quest the wall will appear again and cannot be removed. This will trap whoever took the quest and anybody else still behind the wall.

The Frost Gate (Zaishen quest)

If you are at the end of the mission and die after activating all 3 of the gear levers and wait a bit the Zaishen quest still updates as if the mission was really completed.

The Great Norn Alemoot

For various reasons, the quest can be completed without finishing all the activities:

  • You automatically succeed once three pigs enter the stables. You can use this to your advantage, by body-blocking the pigs into the pen before starting the timer. It takes longer, as the hogs are harder to control, but you have all the time you need this way. Also:
    • Sometimes three will reach the corral on their own.
    • Sometimes the game server registers three pigs entering, although you see something different on-screen.
  • If you have completed up to the slalom, you can retake the challenge and succeed by heading straight for the pigs, who will now be easier to herd.

If you apply an Extreme Makeover Credit to change gender after taking the quest, but before completion, you will have to finish it an extra time before you can proceed to the subsequent quests.

You can see the edge of the world by running into the next zone.

As with any time-dependent tasks, you can fail this quest due to lag. Consider waiting until your ping is low.

The Hero's Challenge

Despite the initial dialogue and the quest objective, it is possible to complete the quest by starting from Copperhammer Mines, which is closer to Sanyi.

Sometimes Sanyi will get stuck behind the tree stump right before the Stone Summit after crossing the bridge. Talk to her and she will move.

The Hunt

When six wolves have been killed, the quest log reads, "Destroy the Shard Wolves. 1 Shard Wolve remain".

The Jade Arena

Sometimes the enemy party will not turn hostile at all or it may take a substantial amount of time.

If you are killed and returned to the resurrection shrine, the enemies sometimes will not attack, using only healing skills. The monks will still attempt to heal their teammates.

The Last Day Dawns

With this quest, a Charr lord or two might spawn inside one of the cliffs. Such a spawn obstructs weapons, but can still be killed with ranged skills.

The Last Hog

When the path splits into two with the big tree in the middle, try to avoid letting the hog near the tree where it can get stuck when it moves through the tree. If this happens you have to rezone and start over again.

The Lost Princess

The quest marker will not appear on the radar while in explorable areas, except at The Black Curtain.

The Polar Depressed
  • Unlike other quests, this quest is not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log after the objective is completed.
  • You cannot accept the quest reward while your character's inventory is full and the inventory holds another Frozen Accessory Token in it, even though Frozen Accessory Tokens are stackable.
The Rampaging Yetis

As with any festival quest, all characters are able to take this quest after the festival is over, as long as Imperial Guard Hanso remains available. However, as soon as you zone, the quest will disappear from your log.

The Red-Cloaked Deserter

Sometimes, due to lag, when the player reaches Farrah Cappo after finding Little Thom, the quest does not finish. Instead, the quest reverts to finding him again.

The Rite of Valor

It is possible to complete both Death with Honor and The Rite of Valor by entering the area with another player who has not completed either quest.

The Sickened Village

Sometimes only Fawn and Jia have the green mist of sickness around them. Kin can still be "cured" though.

The Stone of the Elements

Ronsu and Kai Ying can bug out when they appear, and instead of fighting will run towards the center of the map before vanishing when they get stuck.

The Strength of Snow

Sometimes a grentch may spawn inside the wall, becoming unreachable. This will not prevent quest completion.

The Quest Log displays "Avatar of Dwayna (Kamadan, Jewel of Istan)" as the quest giver despite this quest being given by the Rift Warden in both Lion's Arch and Kamadan.

The Three Wise Norn

When multiple party members have items to give to the Norn, only the first to do so will be allowed to hand over an item. The quest will update for all other players, but the quest items they hold will become useless and must be deleted.

The Underworld

If your party begins the fight with Dhuum before King Frozenwind walks past the gate, he will be stuck outside. About a minute after your party defeats Dhuum, King Frozenwind and the Ice Elementals will spawn inside the Hall of Judgment. Sometimes King Frozenwind will not appear once Dhuum dies and the chest will not appear as a result.

The Wayward Monk

Mhenlo's apology does not appear in Team Chat.

If you leave the Iron Horse Mine before accepting the reward, Mhenlo will not be there when players return, and they will have to abandon the quest and start it again.

The Worm Problem

Sometimes Pitney will get caught on Devona, and you will have to leave the area and try again.

If you leave the area during this quest, you will have to obtain another egg in order to finish it.

To Tahnnakai Temple

Even if Mhenlo dies — and the quest log says Quest Failed — you might be able to complete the quest: keep moving forward to complete the objectives and you should be able to enter the temple as usual.

Sometimes Nika and Mhenlo will say their dialogue early and out-of-order.

Mhenlo and Togo both may become stuck at various points in this quest: Mhenlo often stops to heal minions; Togo can get body blocked by the Obsidian Flame Assassin and/or Nika after the battle, just before the trek back to the Temple. Brother Mhenlo can get stuck standing by Temple Guard Bai and will not follow you to the next marker. There is no option but to start over.

The quest log will not update once Mhenlo meets up with Master Togo and Nika. This occurs if he takes a path other than the one programmed.

The last group of afflicted at the bottom of the ramp may sometimes get stuck fighting a group of Am Fah and not approach Mhenlo. Seeking out and killing the group still allows progression.

To the Rescue (Factions quest)

The Quest Log displays "Zho (Haiju Lagoon)" even though she gives this quest in Jaya Bluffs and she never spawns in Haiju Lagoon.

To the Rescue!

If you enter the cave where the Warden of Whispers is prior to starting the quest, the waves of torment creatures will attack before you can reach the Warden, making it next to impossible to succeed.

Too High a Price

Sometimes Nakai won't offer the quest after Sunzu has run far enough to normally trigger the offer. Running back to Mitah, then back to Nakai can correct this.

Sometimes Sunzu's helpers only spawn when you run through that area at a later time, even if you handed in the quest in the meanwhile.

Total Corruption

Mirza Veldrunner doesn`t handle the "sacred roots" and there is no need of it.

Tracking the Nornbear

The dialogue for Drakkar Lake will activate at every entrance to Drakkar Lake, should one go near them.

Sometimes the Nornbear doesn't flee when it's supposed to. In these cases whenever its health reaches 0, it instantly goes back to 25%. To break this bug, flag your heroes/henchmen well away from it.

Trading Blows (Hard mode)

The Quest Log doesn't display the gold or experience rewards for this quest, though gold and experience are given when the quest is turned in, and are displayed in the initial quest dialogue.

Trouble in the Woods

Vatlaaw will occasionally become blocked or stuck, and not make his escape.

Vatlaaw automatically casts Favorable Winds on spawn, however does two knockdown animations during the cast even though he is not being knocked down.

Trying Times

The quest will not be marked as completed after obtaining the mossy rock.

Unclaimed Items

The window will always be behind all other windows, and renders between the background and the text/buttons of the chat window.

Undead Defenders

If you kill the center group before they enter the village gates, the other two groups will not become hostile. Thus, the quest cannot be completed.

Unnatural Creatures

The quest will not be marked as completed after obtaining the Storm Rider Tissue Sample.

Unwaking Waters

In the end cinematic, the gender of the voice of the lead party member is often reversed (e.g. male Assassins will get a female voice). Also, if the lead party member is female, the character model from another (male) character in the group will be used.

Vanguard Annihilation: Bandits

When one bandit leader remains, the quest text erroneously ends with 1 remain.

Vanguard Annihilation: Charr

The champion group near Piken Square sometimes spawn inside the terrain.

When one charr champion remains, the quest text erroneously ends with 1 remain.

Vanguard foe

Equipment upgrades that should benefit against Undead or Grawl have no apparent affect against Vanguard foes. The only upgrades that show any benefit are weapon mods that boost armor and/or damage against the Charr. [verification requested]

Vanishing Spirits

Occasionally, Charen will not give the reward for this quest. When this happens, you have to exit to an outpost, abandon the quest and and return to the area to restart

Vassal States

Sometimes the quest marker does not update after you killed 4 groups at the Jade Sea. This might be the case, that the groups got killed by other foes already. To update the quest you just have to head to Scourgewind, Elder Guardian via the path from the water.
Bug Vassal States NM.png

  • Killing groups of Jade Brotherhood or Am Fah before the quest tells you to kill them will not bug the quest. The quest marker will still point you to the direction of the group you've already killed, but simply walking to the location will update the quest and direct you to the next group of Jade Brotherhood or Am Fah to kill.
Violence in the Streets

The quest log fails to mention the experience and gold rewards. However, they are noted in the various dialogues.

Voices in the Night

The Trapped Voices will always spawn, even for non-Nightfall characters, despite the fact that non-Nightfall characters will not be offered this quest.

Wanted by the Shining Blade

Accepting the reward for The Battle for Lion's Arch after beginning The War in Kryta but before this stage appears in your quest log can cause issues as it will mark The War in Kryta as complete, preventing you from doing the quests skipped. You can work around this by following the manual walk through, unless you have completed both Ebon Vanguard Allies and Asuran Allies. If you have completed the two quests, you will be unable to trigger the dialogue with Princess Salma that allows you to take the Wanted! quests targeting the three inquisitors (Bauer, Lashona, and Lovisa).

Wanted: Inquisitor Bauer

Players who started the three required Wanted quests before the 19 November 2010 update might be forced to take the official umbrella quest, which is optional otherwise. If you are unable to move on to Riverside Assassination, speak to Murro in Lion's Arch and add The War in Kryta to your quest log.

Wanted: Inquisitor Lashona

This quest was available again for some characters, after completion of the first two quests of the Thackeray's Missions in Hearts of the North campaign.

This quest refers to Salma as queen before she becomes queen.

Players who started the three required Wanted quests before the 19 November 2010 update might be forced to take the official umbrella quest, which is optional otherwise. If you are unable to move on to Riverside Assassination, speak to Murro in Lion's Arch and add The War in Kryta to your quest log.

Wanted: Inquisitor Lovisa

Players who started the three required Wanted quests before the 19 November 2010 update might be forced to take the official umbrella quest, which is optional otherwise. If you are unable to move on to Riverside Assassination, speak to Murro in Lion's Arch and add The War in Kryta to your quest log.

If a White Mantle Ritualist appears with Lovisa, the spirits it summons will be allied with you but you do not receive any benefits from them, nor can you attack them.

This quest was available again for some characters, after completion of the first three Hearts of the North missions.

Warband of Brothers

Cowl Fiercetongue will not attack nor use skills that target a foe until the party reaches the last level. He will still be targeted by foes.

Warning the Tengu

Talon Silverwing does not appear if you have a festival quest active

Wayward Guide

If any player in the party has completed this quest, neither Kane nor the margonites will appear.

Weird Waters

Occasionally, the Heket will attack each other.

Welcome to Cantha

The Quest Log displays "Dockhand Quangnai (Kaineng Docks)" even though Bejunkan Pier is where Dockhand Quangnai is located and the quest is acquired.

What Waits in Shadow

The Jade Brotherhood Warriors that accompany Lai, Graceful Blade as well as Sheng Pai will not always say their line of dialogue.

White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard

There's a chance of Maguuma Warriors spawning and attacking the last group of White Mantle. If they kill any White Mantle before the player, the quest will not update and the player must restart from Quarrel Falls.

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grenth

The Quest Log displays "Rift Warden (The Underworld)", even though this quest is not acquired in The Underworld.


Page Bug description
"By Ural's Hammer!"

This skill will resurrect in the presence of Frozen Soil or Curse of Dhuum.

The duration of this shout is not extended by Vocal Was Sogolon.

"Can't Touch This!"

"Can't Touch This!" is applied to party members only.

"Find Their Weakness!"

The exact description should be "the next time target ally successfully hits with an attack", as this skill will not be removed and its effects won't be applied if the next attack misses (due to blind), is blocked or if there is no line of sight.

"Finish Him!"

This skill ignores the effects of skills that provide health bonuses, such as Endure Pain, when calculating 50% of the health; the target's health needs to be 50% of what it would be without the bonus.

"I Am Unstoppable!"

Similarly to Illusionary Weaponry and Mantra of Signets, the armor provided by this skill is only applied at the end of the armor calculation. As such, it is not counted in the bonus armor cap of +25 and is not reduced by Armor penetration.

"Make Your Time!"

"Make Your Time!" counts all allies, not just party members.

"Never Give Up!"

Heroes consider party members outside of the actual range.

"Never Surrender!"

Heroes consider party members outside of the actual range (roughly twice of earshot).

"None Shall Pass!"

Because the recharge reduction of "None Shall Pass!" is applied after percentile reductions such as Quickening Zephyr, the recharge can be reduced below 0. The skill will display as 'recharging' indefinitely but actually can be used again after 10 minutes and 55 seconds, which indicates that Guild Wars uses an unsigned 16 bit integer to store the recharge time in hundredths of a second (216−1 cs = 65,535 cs = 10min 55.35s).

"Tango Down!"

The duration is also granted for corpses of allies.

"There's Nothing to Fear!"

When sorting skills by campaign, this is listed under Core although it's a Nightfall skill.

"There's not enough time!!"

Rather than causing skills to activate faster, this causes spells to be cast instantly and has no effect on other skill types.

"Together as One!"

The actual range is in the area.

Abaddon's Chosen

This skill does not prevent life loss caused by life stealing and self-inflicted health loss.

Abaddon's Favor

Although all enemies take the 70 damage, one enemy will take much more than this. The targeted Margonite seems to gain the amount of health the severely damaged enemy takes.

Aggressive Refrain

Similar to Cracked Armor, this skill will not lower your armor rating below 60 or your "core" armor rating, if your "core" armor rating is lower than 60.

If you use a skill or combination of skills and effects that grant +46 or more armor rating, Aggressive Refrain's armor penalty does not function. See also armor calculation.

Air of Disenchantment

Although the description says "150...270...300% faster", the actual behavior is "at 150...270...300% the normal rate", which is only 50...170...200% faster.

Angelic Bond

The skill states it will end on all other allies, however, it will only end on party members of the ally that it triggers on, not all allies.

Anguished Was Lingwah

No hexes are recharged if the user drops the ashes upon death.

Animal companion

If a pet in Heel mode is changed to Attack mode, it will actually go back to Guard mode after its target is killed, despite the pet control panel displaying Heel mode

Sometimes when a pet evolves, its name will not update until it is reset with the /petname (or /namepet) command.

Striders might be bugged so that they do not evolve into aggressive/dire as of 2014 and stay unevolved, even when death-leveled.

Anthem of Flame

In the case of an attack skill that hits several foes, such as Whirlwind Attack, only one will be inflicted with burning, and not necessarily the one targeted by the attack.

Arc Lightning

When this skill's functionality changed, the Polish description was updated incorrectly. It mentions too little additional damage while Overcast:
Spell. Deals 5...33...40 lightning damage. Deals 5...33...40 lightning damage to two nearby foes if you are Overcast. 25% armor penetration.

Archer's Signet

This skill does not increase the amount of time a target is burning from Glyph of Immolation nor Mark of Rodgort.

Asura rank

During certain holiday events some runs will produce Mesmer and Monk tomes instead of assassin. [verification requested]

Asuran Scan

Foes affected by this skill cannot miss.

While target foe is hexed, you cannot miss other foes.

Aura of Displacement

Similar to other enchantments that target a foe, foes affected by Well of the Profane cannot be targeted by this enchantment.

Balthazar's Pendulum

Doesn't work against Psychic Instability or Tremor.


Causes skills such as Xinrae's Weapon and Vengeful Weapon to trigger twice.

Blades of Steel

Melee attacks also contribute to the bonus damage of this skill.

Blessing of the Kirin

Even though the skill range states nearby allies, it actually has compass range.

Blood Rage

This skill can be reused immediately, rather than every 30 seconds as the skill denotes.

Blood Renewal

Contrary to the full description, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Despite causing healing, this skill cannot trigger Scourge Healing.

Blood Ritual

Heroes use this skill on overcast targets that cannot gain any energy.

The concise description omits that this is a touch-range skill.

Blood is Power

Heroes will spam this skill on allies with heavy overcast, regardless of what percentage of energy the ally has.

Blood of the Master

The concise description is wrong regarding only healing your own minions.


The Deep Wound duration is actually approximately 50 seconds.

Boon of Creation

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Burning Breath

Though the skill description lists it to have a 2 second activation time, Burning Breath activation actually lasts 3 seconds.

Celestial Stance

Using this skill while it is still active does not reset the duration.

Celestial Summoning

This skill will not queue properly.

Celestial skill

The Celestial skill recharge gained from Morale Boosts will not take effect if the Celestial skill is hidden by another skill bar, such as that provided by Ursan Blessing.

Chains of Enslavement

Occasionally a Stone Summit Dwarf will not be allied to you with this effect active. Killing such targets will not affect the allied status of other Stone Summit.

Chilling Winds

Both descriptions fail to mention that the target and all adjacent foes also become hexed with Chilling Winds in addition to being struck with cold damage.

Concussion Shot

This skill does not interrupt spells; the application of daze does: if the daze is not applied (i.e. if the target is enchanted by Infuse Condition and has a minion to transfer the daze to), no interrupt will occur.

Convert Hexes

Convert Hexes only grants +10 armor, whether it removes one or more Necromancer hexes.

Crystal Shield

The non-concise description does not mention that the ettin can cast spells but not attack.

Dancing Daggers

The daggers will randomly trigger -2 physical damage mods on shields even though they cause earth damage.

Deadly Paradox

Similar to Migraine, this skill does not decrease the activation time of dagger attack skills. Recharge time of dagger attack skills are affected as the skill describes.

Deny Hexes

The description is misleading: this skill removes a hex for each recharging Divine Favor skill, including itself. However, if Deny Hexes recharges instantly (e.g. using Glyph of Renewal), it will not be included as a recharging skill thus it is possible that no hex will be removed.

Desert Wurm (disguise)

Sometimes heroes and henchmen will leave their Junundu in the Sulfurous Haze, killing themselves and preventing their resurrection through Junundu Wail.

Heroes using a form might not take on the Junundu appearance (the Junundu skill bar will still take place).

Although none of the Junundu's skills are spells, using Junundu Feast without an available corpse gives the message "Invalid spell target."


This spirit deals no damage if the caster (or his corpse) is not in compass range.

Destruction (PvP)

This spirit deals no damage if the caster (or his corpse) is not in compass range.


The spirit will take damage even for attacks blocked by another blocking source.

The duration bar beneath the effects monitor skill icon does not shrink over time like other effects with durations.

Displacement (PvP)

The duration bar beneath the effects monitor skill icon does not shrink over time like other effects with durations.


This spirit will interrupt even when the target is using a skill like Mantra of Resolve.

Dissonance (PvP)

This spirit will interrupt even when the target is using a skill like Mantra of Resolve (PvP)[verification requested].

Divine Intervention

This skill does not prevent damage; rather, it heals the enchanted target to the stated amount when they would die.

Draw Spirit

Contrary to the description, this skill causes the spirit to shadow step rather than teleport.

Dust Trap

The damage dealt is armor-ignoring earth damage.

Ebon Battle Standard of Courage

The armor bonus while fighting Charr is calculated as two sources, the initial +24 armor and then the +24 armor against Charr. The armor bonus is therefore capped at +25 armor due to effect stacking (giving a 35.2% damage reduction bonus).

Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support

Though the Assassin does not count towards the minion cap, summoning one will cause the game to check the players minion control limit, potentially destroying any minions over the limit.

Very rarely, the assassin may survive indefinitely. This can occur if resurrected by an enemy-created Restoration spirit, as by Reborn Irukandji.

Elemental Resistance

Similar to Cracked Armor, this skill will not lower your armor rating below 60 or your "core" armor rating, if your "core" armor rating is lower than 60.

If you use a skill or combination of skills and effects that, after subtraction of the penalty from Elemental Resistance, still grants +26 or more armor rating against physical damage, Elemental Resistance's armor penalty does not function. See also armor calculation.

Eremite's Attack

The full description is incorrect: a Dervish enchantment is removed even if this attack fails to hit.

Eremite's Zeal

Heroes don't use this skill unless enchanted.

Eternal Aura

This enchantment can be cast while under the effects of Frozen Soil.

Ether Feast

Contrary to the concise description, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Ether Phantom

Ether Phantom stacks with itself causing multiple energy loss when removed prematurely

Ether Renewal

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Ether Renewal (PvP)

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Extend Enchantments

The visual indicator of the maximum duration on the skill icon of Vow of Piety and Vow of Revolution in the skill monitor is not full after renewal if they were extended before.

Faithful Intervention

Contrary to the concise description, this skill causes healing and not health gain. It also fails to mention that the healing is an end effect.

Farmer's Scythe

The recharge effect will occur if you attack more than one foe; thus, this skill will recharge even if you miss or are blocked.

Fevered Dreams

Applying or reapplying the hex on a target suffering from one or more condition(s) will trigger the Dazed effect.

The Dazed caused by this hex is always applied to foes in the area, regardless of whether it is a new condition.

If two foes without conditions hexed with Fevered Dreams are in the area of each other, and one of them starts suffering from a new condition, Dazed will be applied for both of them.

Finale of Restoration

Contrary to the concise description, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Finale of Restoration (PvP)

Contrary to the concise description, this skill causes healing and not health gain.


Contrary to the description, the 25% damage reduction only applies to base damage.

Foul Feast

If this skill transfers Disease, it will recharge in 2 seconds regardless of modifiers affecting its recharge such as Diversion.

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Activating this skill while hexed with Soul Bind will damage the user even if no conditions are transferred.

Frozen Soil

Eternal Aura can be cast while under the effects of Frozen Soil.


Contrary to the description, this skill deals damage whenever a target would be interrupted. A target will still take damage even if they are prevented from being interrupted.

Gaze of Fury

If multiple spirits occupy exactly the same spot, using Gaze of Fury on one of them may destroy one of the others instead.

Gelatinous Absorption

The long description omits the fact that incoming damage is converted to healing.

The concise description displays the wrong duration; the correct length is 15 seconds, as noted in the long description.

Gelatinous Corpse Consumption

The concise description omits that this is a touch-range skill.

Ghostmirror Light

Contrary to the concise description, this skill's conditional effect causes healing and not health gain.

Glimmering Mark

The concise description fails to specify the duration of the Blind condition

Glyph of Concentration

It is sometimes possible to be interrupted by a Destroyer of Deeds using Broad Head Arrow in Glint's Challenge or by the environment effect Cathedral Collapse in Arborstone while this glyph is still active.

Glyph of Swiftness

Projectile speed boost only affects first projectile from Lava Arrows, Stone Daggers and Dancing Daggers when only one charge of Glyph of Swiftness remains.

Great Dwarf Armor

The armor bonus while fighting Destroyers is calculated as two sources, the initial +24 armor and then the +24 armor against Destroyers. The armor bonus is therefore capped at +25 armor due to effect stacking (giving a 35.2% damage reduction bonus).

Greater Conflagration

Does not properly convert the physical damage of certain skills (notably: Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support and Veil of Thorns). As a result, the skill chain will not trigger the conditional effects of other skills that depend on fire damage (in particular, for Intensity).

Grenth's Aura

If a ranged weapon is swapped for a scythe after the attack was made and before the projectile hit, Grenth's Aura will count this projectile hit as a scythe hit.

Healing Burst

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing in earshot and not health gain.

Healing Hands

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes health gain and not healing.

Healing Signet

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Healing Spring

Although allied spirits will display this skill's animation effect, they will not be healed (since spirits are never affected by healing).

Heroic Refrain

This skill will not increase attributes which don't have at least one point invested in them.

Hex Eater Signet

The touched target will not necessarily have a hex removed due to how the skill enforces its affected allies cap.

Hidden Caltrops

Crippling modifiers on weapons do not extend the duration of cripple caused by the end effect.

Holy Spear

If the summoned creature Holy Spear is used on turns allied while the projectile is mid-flight, the extra AoE effect will still trigger but the attack will not register on the minion.

Ice Breaker

Any form of damage, such as from Sliver Armor, causes a knock down.

Ice Spear

Similar to other enchantments that target a foe, foes affected by Well of the Profane cannot be targeted by this enchantment.


Although the skill descriptions states that this spell deals cold damage, it inflicts armor-ignoring damage.

Illusion of Weakness

Despite the skill descriptions, this skill heals rather than provide health gain.

Illusionary Weaponry

Similarly to "I Am Unstoppable!" and Mantra of Signets, the armor provided by this skill is only applied at the end of the armor calculation. As such, it is not counted in the bonus armor cap of +25 and is not reduced by Armor penetration.

Impossible Odds

Contrary to the description, this skill causes Shiro to attack twice, rather than causing his attacks to double strike. Shiro, being extremely high level, almost always double strikes anyway, so this skill makes it possible for him to hit his target and nearby foes four times per swing.

Infuriating Heat

Does not double adrenaline gain from all sources as stated, but rather gives one additional strike of adrenaline per attack.

Infuse Condition

This skill does transfer Bleeding, Disease, and Poison to minions, despite them being non-fleshy.


When sorting skills by campaign, this is listed under Core although it's a Nightfall skill.

Invigorating Mist

Even though the skill description says "All adjacent creatures", sometimes the heroes in your party will not receive the benefit.

Iron Mist

The effects of this skill apply to all spells, regardless of target or attribute.

Item spell

If you die while holding ashes, your maximum energy will be treated as if you are still holding them. On very rare occasions, this can also happen after dropping the ashes normally. Both problems can be reset by dying again or rezoning.

Juggernaut Toss

This skill appears to have a range much larger than "touch".

Junundu Bite

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes health gain and not healing.

Keystone Signet

Some non-English descriptions incorrectly expand the area of effect beyond adjacent foes: the French full description adds nearby foes and the German concise description adds the target.

At ranks 0-1 Fast Casting, all signets activated within the duration will deal damage and interrupt foes.

Kournan Siege

This skill is not easily interrupted.

This skill deals 14 damage per hit against 60 armor rating. This suggests that the 40 damage assumes an armor rating of 0 as default.

Land Mine

Despite the description, the damage dealt is physical and not armor-ignoring.

The descriptions omit that the trap lasts for 60 seconds.

Lava Font

Hero AI will use this spell without considering whether there are foes adjacent to them.

Leader's Comfort

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Life Transfer

The concise description fails to mention that the regeneration is gained for each hexed foe.

Lightning Bolt

"Master of My Domain" considers each packet a separate skill.

Magnetic Surge

Similar to other enchantments that target a foe, foes affected by Well of the Profane cannot be targeted by this enchantment.

When Overcast, Magnetic Surge is applied to party members only.

Mandragor's Charge

The full description fails to mention that this is a half range spell.

Mantra of Signets

Similarly to Illusionary Weaponry and "I Am Unstoppable!", the armor provided by this skill is only applied at the end of the armor calculation. As such, it is not counted in the bonus armor cap of +25 and is not reduced by Armor penetration.

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Mantra of Signets (PvP)

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Master of Magic

While under the effects of Master of Magic, being weakened with attribute points in elemental ranks will cause elemental ranks to lower by 1. Elemental attributes without attribute points in will not lower by 1.

Meditation of the Reaper

On rare occasions, Shiro will remain in his "meditation" even after taking more than 500 damage. He will remain that way for the rest of this mission, but will take damage after the initial 500.

Melandru's Assault

The pet does not actually attack nearby foes when this skill is used, but instead deals a flat 5...20 damage to target and nearby foes in a separate packet.


Due to how Guild Wars stores recharge time, this skill recharges in 65,535 centiseconds, (just over 10 minutes and 55 seconds), rather than the stated duration.


Similar to Deadly Paradox, Migraine does not affect attack skill activation times.


If you move away while the Siege Devourer is still casting Mount, you will not get mounted even though the skill does not fail.

Needling Shot

Both descriptions are incorrect in that only bow attack skills are disabled.

Obsidian Flesh

The armor bonus from this skill only applies to physical damage.

Order of Undeath

This skill can not be cast if you are targeting someone under Spell Breaker, Vow of Silence etc. and triggers the spell Mistrust, acting like a target foe spell.


While viewing a skill that costs overcast from a Priest of Balthazar or skill trainer, the popup that appears when you position your cursor over the overcast icon will display "...".

Physical Resistance

Similar to Cracked Armor, this skill will not lower your armor rating below 60 or your "core" armor rating, if your "core" armor rating is lower than 60.

If you use a skill or combination of skills and effects that, after subtraction of the penalty from Physical Resistance, still grants +26 or more armor rating against elemental damage, Physical Resistance's armor penalty does not function. See also armor calculation.

Pious Haste

If your Mysticism is at 0, the skill will still remove an enchantment but only give 25% move speed instead of 50%.

Polymock Savannah Heat

This skill has a bug that will occasionally cause it to continue damaging your character after your opponent's piece dies, possibly killing your piece and resulting in a draw.

Predatory Bond

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Predatory Bond (PvP)

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Psychic Distraction

Contrary to the concise description, the interrupt does not need to succeed for the spell to become disabled.

Purify Soul

This skill's health regeneration and duration is greater than stated in the description.[verification requested]

Radiant Scythe

Despite the phrasing of the full description, the energy gain occurs even if the attack fails to hit (as correctly noted in the concise description).

Rampage as One

The full description omits that this skill needs your pet to be alive to activate.

Ranged attack

Even with a clear line of sight, all spirit (e.g. Anguish), bow, and spear attack skills have a chance of not activating when standing on a bridge or stairway and on some inclines or overpasses

Reap Impurities

The holy damage is dealt to other foes adjacent to yourself, not adjacent to the target.


The French translation of Spirit of Recovery is the same as Spirit of Recuperation but with a lower case "r", which can be misleading.

Reform Carvings

If they are hit with a Knock Down immediately after using this skill, then they will often lock into tablet form.

Rending Touch

The full description fails to mention that this spell has a touch range.


Resurrection skills can fail under a very narrow set of circumstances in which all of the following conditions are met:

  • The party has recently zoned into a new area.
  • Some of the players have not yet appeared due to lag.
  • Those present resign before the absent players appear.
  • Those players attempt to resurrect the team members who had resigned.

The teleportation effect of a hero maintaining Unyielding Aura will work after the party dies due to resignation.


If you somehow manage to maintain Retribution on a foe, it will not deal damage back to you or your allies.

Rollerbeetle Dash

If you encounter any change of speed after activating Rollerbeetle Dash — even by Ram or Water ending — you risk gaining no benefit for the remainder of the duration.

Rollerbeetle Racing

Sometimes after clicking Enter Battle, the battle will load then abort. You will then be sent back to the staging area and given dishonorable points for leaving early. This usually happens when you load into the game after the match has already begun.

The scoreboard lists the top three players in the wrong order at Checkpoint 2 and and again at the bridges after Checkpoint 5, probably due to the game's inability to distinguish vertical distances (see: Z-axis).


If you gain a skill point whilst knocked out (if Kilroy kills an enemy resulting in you gaining experience), you cannot recover and will pass out.(Does not happen always.)

STAND UP! briefly becomes enabled when you kill bosses, even if you are not currently "knocked out". This is due to the game mechanic that "recharges" all skills when you receive a morale boost.


Despite not stated, Verata's Gaze actually has a 0% health sacrifice cost.

Sand Shards

Re-application does not reset the number of hits remaining until the original application would have ended. It appears to count any hits against both applications, and the enchantment will end if the number of hits remaining from the original application reaches 0.

Seed of Life

This skill actually causes health gain.

Shadow Form

The -5 damage reduction is active for the expected duration of each enchantment, not its actual duration. Refreshing an Assassin enchantment before it ends reduces the received damage by an additional -5.

Shadow Refuge

Contrary to the full description, this skill causes healing and not health gain.

Shadow Theft

This skill will not increase attributes which don't have at least one point invested in them.


The non-concise description states that the "spirit dies after 30 second" instead of using the plural "seconds" with Communing rank 0 and 1.

Sharpen Daggers

If a ranged weapon is swapped for daggers after the attack was made and before the projectile hit, Sharpen Dagger will count this projectile hit as a dagger attack

Shattering Assault

This skill replaces your dagger's attack damage with the stated damage, which is non-armor-ignoring damage (unlike other attack skills such as Golden Phoenix Strike, Distracting Shot, and Needling Shot). This damage is affected by Dagger Mastery, critical hits, armor penetration, inscription and inscription-equivalent weapon damage bonuses and the target's armor rating, but does not benefit from the customization damage bonus.

Shield of Judgment

Shield of Judgment will not be listed in the damage monitor if its damage is reduced to 0.

Shroud of Distress

When having less than 50% health, the block chance applies immediately while the health regeneration is delayed. Using any skill or swapping from a vampiric weapon to a non-vampiric one will provide you the proper health regeneration immediately.

Siege Devourer

If you die while in the Siege Devourer, you might find yourself still wearing the model -- but without the stats or skills of the devourer -- upon resurrection.

If a player has the camera zoomed to first person when Mount finishes its activation, the camera will change to a far one like normal, but the Siege Devourer model will not be loaded, and it will look as if the camera was stuck in first person.

Signet of Distraction

Contrary to the concise description, the interrupt does not need to succeed for the spell to become disabled.

Signet of Mystic Speed

The counter does not reset if the signet is recast before the original duration ends.

Smite Condition

The effect area is actually nearby foes.

Snow Flurry

The hex is not applied to the target. It is applied to all foes within range along with each damage pulse.

The effect lasts for 10 seconds, not 5.

The cripple lasts for 5 seconds, not 2.

Soldier's Fury

Similar to Cracked Armor, this skill will not lower your armor rating below 60 or your "core" armor rating, if your "core" armor rating is lower than 60.

If you use a skill or combination of skills and effects that grant +46 or more armor rating, Soldier's Fury's armor penalty does not function. See also armor calculation.

Soul Leech

Enemies in Hard mode, henchmen and heroes only use this skill on martial professions wielding a martial weapon, holding a bundle, or with empty hands. They will not cast it on primary caster professions, or martial professions wielding a staff or wand.

Soul Reaping

Sometimes it's possible to see energy gain on foes.

Spear of Fury

When sorting skills by campaign, this is listed under Core although it's a Factions skill.

Spectral Agony

The skill does not actually cause health loss but Armor-ignoring damage, and is therefore affected by damage modifiers and notably damage reduction:


Heroes in Guard Mode will target non-attacking spirits; both heroes and henchmen will go out of their way to attack spirits.

Spirit Bond

Contrary to the descriptions, Spirit Bond will only end prematurely if it triggers ten times.

Spirit Light Weapon

Contrary to the concise description, this skill's conditional effect causes health gain and not healing.

Star Burst

In the Polish translation, description was not updated when skill functionality changed. It still says: You lose 5 Energy if more than one foe is struck.

Statue's Blessing

When a player is hit by this spell from a trebuchet in the Fort Ranik mission, the player dies, and does not receive the effect stated above. Whether or not it is intended that they are hit by this spell, is unknown.

Stone Striker

This skill does not convert damage but instead forces the damage type of all dealt damage to be earth damage. For example when applying winter on top of stone striker, physical damage is not converted into earth damage, since winter has no effect on it - it still considers the damage to be of physical type. This is irrespective of which damage converting skill is used first.

Stoneflesh Aura

This enchantment does not actually make you immune to critical hits, but prevents extra damage from them. As such, effects that may result from them, such as knock down, or the re-applying effect of Critical Agility and Critical Defenses will still apply. However, the damage-nullified critical hit will not trigger the energy gain of Critical Strikes.

Strike as One

Targeting yourself or an ally will sometimes cause your pet to stop moving. It will unfreeze when an opponent enters your aggro bubble or attacks it. This is exploited to perform the portal jumping technique known as a SaO chain.

Symbiotic Bond

Upon reconnecting from a disconnect when having this skill active it will appear as a maintained enchantment. (See the discussion page for more information and screenshots.)

Taste of Pain

Contrary to the concise description, this skill causes health gain and not healing.

Tongue Whip

Contrary to the full description, this is actually a half range hex spell. The concise description is almost completely incorrect, instead containing the description of Ehzah from Above.

Triple Shot

The base attack damage from this skill is about 12-15% lower than expected from the description.

Turret Arrow

The description doesn't indicate the cripple duration.

Unstable Pulse

The concise description fails to mention that this skill ends when the golem takes elemental damage.

The damage taken when this skill ends only seems to be applied when the golem dies. Since the golem may use this skill several times during the fight, this can result in a large damage spike.

Unyielding Aura

If you are moving when it ends, the resurrected party member will be teleported to where you started running or where you last changed direction, not to your current position.

Ursan Blessing

If you obtain a new skill (as a quest reward) you may equip it in any of the free slots and use it. After turning back to human form, you keep the skill but cannot use it until you swap it with another skill.

Ursan Roar

If you control-click the skill icon in the effects monitor (when Ursan Roar is active on you) it will say "I am empowered by Ursan Roar" without any punctuation.

Vampiric Spirit

Similar to other enchantments that target a foe, foes affected by Well of the Profane cannot be targeted by this enchantment.


The Spirit of Vampirism's attack skill is a monster skill independent of the Sunspear rank. Unlike the progression of other Sunspear skills after the May 17, 2012 update, Vampirism's life stealing continues to follow the progression prior to that update (i.e. maximum effectiveness is reached at Sunspear rank 10 instead of 5) even though the descriptions display 20 life stealing from rank 5 to 9.

Vampirism (attack)

The descriptions do not mention that this attack also heals the creator.

Verata's Gaze

When casting Verata's Gaze on a masterless minion that was in a well, the effects of that well will persist even after the minion leaves, until the well expires.

The caster actually sacrifices 0% health when using this skill. This is relevant for skills such as Dark Aura.

When used on a Bone Horror immediately after it was created via Malign Intervention, the Bone Horror becomes stuck and will not move until you engage an enemy.

If this is cast on a minion, it will still follow its original owner, not the new owner. If the minion is turned hostile and then has this skill used on it as it is being summoned, it will follow the user of this skill, however if too slow it will follow its original owner again.

Verata's Sacrifice

Heroes take minions of other party members into consideration.

The concise description fails to mention that only the caster's undead servants are affected.

Vital Boon

Contrary to the descriptions, this skill causes health gain and not healing.

Volfen Pounce

Has an activation time even though it is a stance.


Volley also removes Glyphs. Hero AI can use Volley right after a glyph, which removes its effect.

Ward Against Harm

This skill does not actually become disabled, as it can be instantly recharged by Glyph of Renewal, and the recharge reduced by Glyph of Swiftness.

Ward of Stability

Similar to Ward of Weakness, this ward spell's recharge time cannot be decreased. For example, activating this ward spell while under the effects of Glyph of Renewal or Glyph of Swiftness will consume the glyph, but the recharge time will not be decreased. However, the recharge time can be increased, e.g., by Glyph of Sacrifice.

Ward of Weakness

Similar to Ward of Stability, this ward spell's recharge time cannot be decreased. E.g. activating this ward spell while under the effects of Glyph of Renewal or Glyph of Swiftness will consume the glyph, but the recharge time will not be decreased. However, the recharge time can be increased, e.g. by Glyph of Sacrifice.

Watchful Spirit

End effect healing is not affected by Unyielding Aura.

Way of Perfection

Contrary to the concise description, this skill's conditional effect causes health gain and not healing.

Weapon of Remedy

If used when taking damage from multiple sources from only one attack, Weapon of Remedy will trigger multiple times. For example, if a foe hexed with Barbs takes physical damage, Weapon of Remedy will trigger both for the physical damage and for the Barbs damage.

Weapon of Shadow

The descriptions do not mention that this weapon spell ends after the affected target ally causes blindness the allotted number of times.

Well of Suffering

Only non-spirit foes experience the health degeneration.

Whirling Defense

The non-concise description is wrong, this skill will deal damage even if the projectile is blocked from another blocking source.


Winds does not appear on the effects monitor.


Contrary to the full description, creatures in range deal +4 damage, not receive. This means that all creatures, including spirits, do take +4 damage.

Zealot's Fire

The concise description is wrong: the energy loss is applied every time the user uses a skill that targets an ally, regardless of any damage dealt.


Page Bug description

M.O.X.'s statue has clipping issues with other hero statues

Under certain circumstances, up to 5 copies of the same statue might be displayed.

The Animal Companion statue has clipping issues with the border of the monument when placed at the center.

"I Will Avenge You" Warriors

In the D'Alessio Arena, if you stand against the back side of the frontmost pillar on the right, this group will not engage you if you have yet to engage them. They will clump together and do nothing, which makes them really easy to take out using an AoE damage spike. For this to work you must enter alone.

"Victory or Death!"

The effect is mislabeled. Rather than increasing the damage players inflict, it actually increases the damage taken. This can be seen by Environment Effects such as Acid Trap and Spiked Coral dealing increased amounts of damage.

Acid Trap

The damage can be reduced with Mantra of Earth; however, using Winter combined with Mantra of Frost does not change the amount of damage taken.

Agent of Balthazar

Both male and female models of this costume have displaying issues in the form of white dots surrounding outfit's edges if the Anti-Aliasing option is enabled within the game's graphical settings.

Ahmtur Arena

There have been reports of people being able to access this arena through Random Arenas and Team Arenas.

Alliance Battles

If the both teams reach 500 points at the same time, the win defaults to the Kurzicks regardless of the final score, because Kurzick points are distributed first. For example, if the score is 499 each and the Kurzicks own 1 flag, but the Luxons own 6, when shrine points are awarded, the Kurzicks will reach 500 first (and win), even though the ending totals will be Kurzick: 500, Luxon: 505.

If your team loses and you go to another town before you are automatically sent out, but the town is full, you will stay in the area until you leave yourself.

If you are holding a resurrection orb and you die due to losing, you will be resurrected and can continue the game until you zone out.

Ancient Coffer

If you have Master of Whispers in your party, the Ancient Coffer will appear in Vehjin Mines whether or not the Coffer of Joko quest is active.


Switching the feet armor piece can cause a visual bug where the UV Map and dye color of the feet armor piece is applied to the legs armor piece instead. This is only temporary, as this does not persist through zoning or logging out.

Aspect of Failure

Characters can use flash enchantment spells while moving, but not while stationary.

Asuran Bodyguard

When you get the Hunt Rank Up bonus while you are dead, you will not get the next rank and the actual rank is removed.


The barbed bow string is bugged; it increases the bleeding duration not by 33%, but by 33% and one bonus second. See example

Bloodstone Fen (cinematics)

In the second cinematic, the White Mantle Savant has the White Mantle Abbot skin.


The area near the East, where the cannon shrine is, does not have correct auto movement. Due to this, you run into the wall and stop if you try to run to it by hitting space.


Bows frequently fail to work properly on bridges, stairs and balustrades. It's possible to use a touch skill on an enemy, then attempt to shoot it with a bow, and get the "obstructed" message.

Bow attack

Even with a clear line of sight, all bow attack skills have a chance of not activating when standing on a bridge or stairway and on some inclines or overpasses

Brawler's Pit

On this map, there are certain locations on the bridges in which you will block every attack against you. This bug is probably caused by a clipping issue.

Character selection screen

Characters wearing a costume will sometimes be displayed without one, even when "Always Show" is turned on.

Charmable animal

On rare occasions, a charmable animal displays the name of a foe within the same zone or a foe might show the pet's name and level. This does not affect gameplay.


NPCs can get stuck on chests (as they can with any interactive object).

On very rare occasions, one player will get two drops from a chest while another in the party will get none.


Occasionally, a female character will use a male's voice (and vice versa).

On a computer with a slow connection it is possible to connect during the cinematic and be able to walk around while the other party members are still viewing it.

After minimizing and restoring the game window, occasionally all the dialogue and voices will play simultaneously.

If an opening cinematic is skipped before someone loads it, they can be separated from their group and will start the mission separately.

Codex Arena

If an elite skill of another profession than your Primary is added to your skill bar in combat (from skills like Arcane Mimicry or Arcane Thievery), it will be locked due to Codex rules. However, the skill is still useable the first second.

Kills during Random Arena bonus weeks award double Balthazar faction and XP in Codex Arena.


In some accounts the bar is still visible even when below rank 1.


Unlike other items, containers cannot be dragged and dropped onto the tab of an item storage of the Xunlai Chest (although drag and drop onto a slot works as normal).

Cracked Armor

Cracked armor will reduce armor ratings as low as that of the target's Core armor, if that value is below 60.

Cracked armor has no effect if you use a skill or combination of skills or effects that boosts your armor by +46 or more.


Dazed will interrupt spells upon application, regardless of the source of the condition.


Occasionally when watching another party member while dead, the camera will lock facing east. The player can right click and move the camera, but it will return to facing east when the button is released.

Sometimes if resurrected quickly, the tinted gray and the rotating view will remain on the screen, making the viewing a bit more difficult. Either adding more delay to the resurrection or zoning will remove them, in these situations.

Degeneration Team

This NPC does not use the PvP versions of skills.


The Divine Halo, along with the effects from Lunatic Court Helm and Demonic Horns, can be seen while in a disguise.

Do Not Touch

Whenever a Do Not Touch is looted, there is a chance that the Elementals protecting the treasure won't spawn at all.

Dragon Festival 2007

Wrathful Storms in the Domain of Fear use the re-enactment Scythe of Chaos / Wrathful Storm model rather than the authentic Scythe of Chaos / Wrathful Storm model.

If a district loses the finale minigame, the Grasps of Insanity will not leave the district at the end of the finale, allowing grasps from multiple finales to accumulate in that district.

Dragon Festival 2010

Some players reported receiving the mask only if they had exactly 250 Victory Tokens in their inventory.

During some finales, the Grasps of Insanity did not show up in all districts.

Dragon Festival/Finale

Grasps of Insanity may become trapped on NPCs, preventing further movement.

Drake Skin

This effect only provides an armor bonus versus physical damage, not versus all armor-respecting damage, as the description implies.


On very rare occasions, one character will get two drops from a chest while another in the party will get none. Most often seen with stackable items, like tomes.


If the party wipes after the three-minute timer starts, the timer will disappear from the screen. However, the party will be teleported on schedule.

Dwayna Costume

When viewing a character on the character selection screen, the diadem will not appear and the regalia will be a different color to how it appears in-game

Ebon Vanguard Assassin

Occasionally, there is a delay between when it spawns and when it starts to attack its target.

If the whole party dies and resurrects out of radar range of the Assassin, it won't shadowstep away.

Edge of Reason

"Halves skill recharge" and Glyph of Renewal do not work at all while under this effect.

Executioner Vekil
Eye of Janthir Form

Using Sparklers, Champagne Poppers, Squash Serum or Bottle Rockets will show no animation if used while in this form, but Disco Ball will.

Festival quest
Fireball (obelisk)

Although the skill description says it deals 80 fire damage to target and adjacent foes, each statue around an Obelisk Flag Stand inflicts one Fireball, which deals 28 fire damage to a randomly selected single target, but not foes adjacent to the target. This happens once or twice every 3 seconds to foes that are in range of the statues, depending on the number of statues that the foe(s) is/are in range of.

Forgotten Shrines

When the game begins, the game rules are listed twice


The Divine Halo, along with the effects from Lunatic Court Helm and Demonic Horns, can be seen while in a form.

Formal Attire

The male version of this costume is heavily affected by the "white snow" displaying issue in the form of blinking white dots appearing around outfit's edges if the Anti-Aliasing option is enabled within the game's graphical settings. Female version is also under the similar flaw's impact, yet to a slighter degree.

Female version has clipping issues; while running and during most emotes that use the legs (/dance, etc.).

Friends List

The mutual Friends list does not always update correctly for accounts with a status of Do not disturb; this can be fixed by toggling the status to Online and back.

Under certain circumstances, the mutual Friends list does not show any location for a mutual friend (as if the friends status was not reciprocal).

Banned accounts cannot be removed from Friends/Ignored lists. Attempting to remove a banned account from the list will trigger the "district full" error sound with no error message.

Game updates:2011
Game updates:May 2011
Going Commando

Contrary to the description, attributes are unaffected.

Gold trim guilds

When 9 guilds or more entered the monthly tournament and only 8 or fewer continued into the elimination rounds (due to a forfeit), the last guild remaining was not awarded a gold trim due to a lack of a finals match.

Golden Gates

Players can shoot projectiles through the doors only when they are closed, and not when they are open.

Grenth Costume

Some hair styles clip through the costume's collar.

When walking, the boots will display clipping through the cape.

Grenth's Visage has some clipping issues with high-collared armor, for example Female Necromancer Norn and Elite Sunspear armor.

The sides of the cape disappear when the point of view is zoomed out.

When viewing a character on the character selection screen, the diadem will not appear and the regalia will be a different color to how it appears in-game

Guide to farming Red Iris Flowers

Irises can spawn outside of reach, e.g. the iris near the stage can appear just past the wall (as if in the Northlands).

Guild registrar

The Guild Registrar is missing in the International Districts of pre- and post-Searing Ascalon City.

Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator

When adding "Animal Companion" to the calculator, it does not add the "Any Pet" point but instead adds 1 to "Any Hero" statue. It still counts in-game correctly, this is purely a calculator visual bug.


In the Polish translation, the Beg and the Mad King Says dialogue sections are partially not translated and some of these sections are swapped with different ones.

Hearts of the North

Some dialogues have not been translated into other languages; some that involve Gwen are repeated.

Illusionary Weaponry Team

They use Illusionary Weaponry instead of Illusionary Weaponry (PvP).

Imperial Guard Ally

The corpses of Imperial Guard summons never disappear.

Imperial Sanctum (cinematics)

As with the cinematic in Nahpui Quarter, Suun appears in the cinematic with a Canthan Peasant appearance.


Most 'scarab' monsters belong to Scarab family; however, a few are mislabeled as "Insects" in the creature files.

Into the North

The fire that Jora sits next to does not render.

Isle of Jade

The Mini-map places the flag stand in the incorrect place.

Isle of Solitude Sometimes when you warp to the Guild Hall, you spawn inside the Xunlai Chest.
Bug Image
Knock down

If a creature is knocked down while their projectile attack is mid-flight, such as a bow projectile attack, the projectile will not hit its destination until that creature would no longer be stunned.

Line of sight

You can appear to have a visible line of sight and fail to hit a target. This is common when the target or the attacker is on a bridge. To work around it, move or wait for the target to move.

You can hit a target even without a visible LoS, because the game mechanics ignore the vertical-axis (sometimes referred to as the Z-axis). For example, a melee attacker standing directly below an enemy behaves as if next to that foe.

Locked Chest

Locked Chests can drop 2 or 3 elite skill tomes at once, but other party members might then lose their turn in opening that particular chest.

Login screen

The text on the two-factor authentication pop-up will not wrap properly until the Guild Wars window is focused. However, this does not impact functionality.

Lunatic Court Finery

If you equip the Lunatic Court Helm while in a disguise or form, the fire effect is shown around the head of the disguise/form.

If there are too many people in a town, such as on a special event, then the fire from the Lunatic Court Helm will stop animating for everyone in the beginning districts of that town.

If you wear the Headless Lunatic Court Finery while wearing the helm, the helm will disappear while the flames remain visible. Both flames and helm will be invisible on a mercenary, however.

Madness Dart

Unlike other hex spells that cause health degeneration, this does not cause the health bar to become purple.

Unlike other hex spells, this can target a spirit. This can deal the 25 damage to a spirit and applies the visual animation around the spirit for the 10 second duration; however, the hex spell is not applied to the spirit (their health bar does not display a purple arrow pointing downwards nor do they suffer from the health degeneration).

Map travel

When you rapidly click on an outpost, you'll either receive an error 007 code or a message which informs you that your network login has expired.

When you try to enter an outpost while you already on the way to said outpost, a message pops up stating that your group already waits to enter the mission.

Margrid the Sly Form

Sometimes when you use a tonic, the emote "no" will be maintained on your character.

Mercenary Hero

Some costumes fail to retain all dyes when a mercenary hero is registered. These costumes will show the first dye color in the registration panel and in-game, and will show the costume in a normally unavailable undyed state in the inventory window.


If you use a tonic while browsing a merchant's inventory, you will not be able to sell or buy anything unless you close and reopen it.


Miasma spreads between the Tengu henchman Talon Silverwing and human characters.


On rare occasions, you will be able to see a miniature's level or party size next to its name. The miniature can also be selectable, like a creature; its name will appear as "Collectors Edition <Miniature name> Doll", "Birthday <Miniature name> Doll", or (for newer miniatures) "Miniature <Miniature name>".


Minions set free before a cinematic will often run free, attacking and possibly killing defenseless ally NPCs and PCs. If controlled they will attack hostile targets who are part of the cinematic or they can block the camera views.

Movement controls

Turning around using the default X method cancels any skill being activated; however, turning around by using A or D does nothing.

Constantly turning around by using A or D right before skill activation causes the character to perform this movement infinitely until keypad movement is used again, even after death.

Norn Hunting Party

If your party is granted a Hunting Party rank increase while you are dead, your own rank is reduced back to 1.

Obelisk Lightning

This spell actually inflicts 42 lightning damage.

Of Mastery

Under unknown circumstances certain skills that should be affected will never trigger the effect.


Changing the audio language during a mission does not change the spoken language of the cutscenes for the remainder of the mission.

Poison Dart

This is actually not a spell, since it can bypass skills that prevent spells from targeting you.


The Poisonous bow string increases the bleeding duration. See example


If you hold down "Targeting: Show Enemies" (default: CTRL) while moving, the names of creatures poised to pop up will flash on the screen briefly as they enter selection range.

Popups can still be attacked by spirits and minions even when they're underground.


The descriptions for these titles omits the fact that the objectives must be completed in Normal Mode.

PvP reward

4 Duplicate of starter PvP armor

5 Duplicate of another Basic reward

Some accounts are able to access weapons from higher tiers without completing the 50-unlocks prerequisites.


If your character does not have an inventory slot for a quest reward item, the NPC will not give the reward and inform you that an empty inventory slot is required. However, the NPC will not take into consideration if your character cannot hold any more gold; i.e. if a quest awards 1Platinum and your character already has 99Platinum 1Gold in inventory, the NPC will give your character the quest's other rewards, but will award 0Gold even though your inventory can receive 999Gold and the chat window displays "You receive 1,000 gold." This is inconsistent with merchants and traders, since they will not complete a transaction if a character cannot receive the full amount of gold when selling an item or a stack of an item.

Raiment of the Lich

When wearing Cowl of the Lich, the top of character's head can sometimes be seen poking through on the character selection screen and inventory screen.

Random Arenas

Leaving after winning a match when the countdown timer is between 3 and 0 seconds will usually result in the team not receiving a new replacement for the next round.

Ravenheart Witchwear

While a character is wearing this costume, its appearance in the character selection screen may or may not reflect this.


Resigning doesn't work during the 1-minute "time to start" countdown of challenge missions, and trying to resign during that countdown also stops the command from working after the countdown ends, until you rezone.

Resurrection Shrine

Some shrines do not show the animation no matter the distance from them your party gets. See each map area's notes.

Sacred Roots

The related quest can be completed without this item.


If you manage to salvage an item while the previous salvage hasn't appeared yet, the game produces a disconnect and error code 007. This will continue to occur every time that kit is used unless that kit is moved to another inventory slot, dropped and picked up off the ground, sold, or destroyed.


PvP Strength Shields offer +9 AR to characters that do not meet the requirements.


Sohothin deals physical damage instead of fire damage as other Fiery Dragon Swords do.

Spear attack

Even with a clear line of sight, all spear attacks have a chance of being obstructed when standing on a bridge or stairway and on some inclines or overpasses.

Special command

The /age command tracks full minutes spent per map, and will truncate any seconds down to the previous minute when zoning or logging out. This also counts for the server instance in towns when you join one, meaning you could gain 1 minute of age, by only being there a few seconds.

The Asura Plan

Duplicates of Mamp and Lork appear in a long shot. Gadd and Oola appear here as well.

The Elixir of Strength

Sometimes the effect isn't removed. It often becomes stuck on pets, as a result of the antidote only being applied to the players. As such, they will not be able to attack until the effect wears off. Its full duration is yet to be determined as it is usually removed by the antidote given at the end of the quest. This effect is removed upon death.

The Underworld (arena)
  • Due to clipping errors on the bridges on this map, it is possible to move to a position along the wall of a bridge where one cannot be hit by attacks. Players at this location may still be hit if attacked by another player below the bridge.
  • The dialogue from the Ghostly Hero only plays if you're on the blue team.
The bear hunters

Some players report that one of the two nearby bears vanishes under rare circumstances. This happens sometime between slaying the first and returning after restarting the timer for the second and there appears to be no way to get it to reappear. Some believe the bug only occurs if the player's inventory is full.

There Can Be Only One

Under certain circumstances, the effect of this flux may trigger when an opponent is not killed. This has been observed to occur when damage would kill a player, but Protective Spirit prevented the kill.


While tonics of the same type will stack, individual tonics may occasionally appear unstackable. Identifying the tonic(s) in question will resolve this issue, and make them stack properly.


Sometimes you will pick up the torch backwards.

Trade Window

If you offer at least one item from the Equipment Pack while the other character offers you in exchange at least one item which cannot be placed in the Equipment Pack, the trade will fail even if you have enough free slots in other inventory bags.

User interface

While your interface is hidden, you cannot use skills that target foes or other allies. Skills that would target an ally target yourself, if able.


Since the Vampiric bonus is applied on hit, if you swap to a Vampiric weapon from a bonus-on-attack ranged weapon (e.g. Fiery) while a projectile is in flight, you can get both bonuses.

Vanguard Patrol

If your party is granted a Vanguard Patrol rank increase while you are dead, your own rank is reduced back to 1.


The hard mode version of the World Map will mark all explorable areas in Tyria as if each is available for vanquishing, even if your character has only started either Prophecies or Eye of the North. The bug also applies to missions and dungeons, but only shows up if your account is linked to both campaigns.

Weapon swap

Sometimes after a swap, weapons do not return to their originally placed inventory slot. This happens frequently when interchanging two-handed sets with sets that include single-handed and/or off-hand weapon. (Developers have said that this is an unintended consequence of other design choices.) You can prevent this from happening with the following one-time work-around:

  1. Enable all the relevant weapon sets.
  2. Place each weapon in its desired slot (e.g. in an Equipment Pack).
  3. Ensure that each set includes an off-hand weapon (even if it uses a two-handed weapon); ideally, choose an off-hand from one of the other sets.
  4. Cycle through the enabled sets, e.g. F1→F2→F3→F4. If an item pops into the wrong slot, stop and move it back.
  5. Repeat until items return to their desired slot.
Weekend events

Neither Balthazar nor Imperial faction in Alliance Battles was doubled.

Weekly bonuses

Despite the login screen announcements of Elonian Support and Northern Support Bonus stating that points are doubled "excluding completed books", turning in completed books during the corresponding bonus will sometimes award double points.

White Mantle Disguise

When wearing this costume, the robes can appear black on the inventory character icon.

Winds of Change

Even if your party includes characters who have yet to start Winds of Change, the explorable areas do not return to their pre-WoC status. This has been confirmed by Zack Nickerson.


From Wintersday 2014 onward, from the start of the first finale (i.e. January 1, 2015, 08:01 UTC) until the end of the event (i.e. January 2, 20:00 UTC), the Frozen Accessory Token-related NPCs (i.e. Brrrnadette, Krunch, Brrrtie, and Krisp) stopped appearing in Lion's Arch and Kamadan districts that were created before the first Winterday finale began (e.g. Lion's Arch America district 1, Kamadan America 1 to 3, and Lion's Arch and Kamadan International 1), but they continued to appear in Lion's Arch and Kamadan districts that were created after the first finale began (e.g. Korean district 1 [probably because that district was empty and was only created when a character map traveled there] and Lion's Arch and Kamadan America 5 and higher).


Occasionally a character may receive gifts cyclically every 10 and 70 seconds, rather than only every 70 seconds

Zaishen Challenge Quest

A character will lose the opportunity to take a quest the next time it appears in the rotation if after accepting the quest reward and before the next time that quest appears in the rotation that character does not change districts, zone. This bug does not affect Zaishen Combat quests.

Unlike other quests:

  • Zaishen Challenge Quests with all objectives completed are not indicated with a "(Completed)" beside the quest name in the Quest Log.
  • The chat window does not display the usual "You receive <number> gold." message after accepting the reward for a Zaishen Challenge Quest.

Trying to auto-run to one of the three signposts may cause you to run between them until you change direction. There's a small bit of space marked as pathable, but which is too small to actually move through.


Since the Zealous bonus is applied on hit, if you swap to a Zealous weapon from a bonus-on-attack ranged weapon (e.g. Fiery) while a projectile is in flight, you can get both bonuses.

See also[edit]